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  • 1 come to the point / get to the point

    Come to the point / get to the point
     перейти к делу
     He has been talking a long time. I wish he would come to the point.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > come to the point / get to the point

  • 2 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) ir al grano
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) llegar el momento
    dejarse de historias expr.
    entrar en materia expr.
    ir al grano expr.

    English-spanish dictionary > come to the point

  • 3 come to the point

    1) дойти до сути дела, до главного

    ‘Come to the point,’ said Miss Sally, ‘And don't talk so much.’ (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’, ch. LI) — - Ближе к делу, - сказала мисс Салли. - Не тратьте лишних слов.

    ‘Almighty God,’ Curtis O'Keefe intoned... ‘We ask thy blessing and thine active help in acquiring this hotel...’ Even when dealing with God, Curtis O'Keefe believed in coming directly to the point. (A. Hailey, ‘Hotel’, ch. 10) — - Всемогущий Боже, - начал Кертис О'Киф... - Мы просим твоего благословения и действенной помощи в приобретении этой гостиницы... Даже обращаясь к Богу, О'Киф переходил к делу без всяких околичностей.

    2) назреть, накалиться; приблизиться к решающему моменту, клониться к развязке

    I'm not quickly moved. I suppose that's why I've never married. I've liked several men, but when it came to the point they didn't move me. (J. Lindsay, ‘A Local Habitation’, ch. 24) — Мое сердце не так-то легко затронуть, поэтому я не вышла до сих пор замуж. Мне нравилось несколько мужчин, но, когда доходило до решающего объяснения, сердце мое становилось спокойным.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > come to the point

  • 4 come to the point

       1) дoйти дo cути дeлa, дo глaвнoгo
        'Come to the point,' said Miss Sally, 'and don't talk so much' (Ch. Dickens). 'Almighty God,' Curtts O'Keefe intoned... 'We ask thy blessing and thine active help in acquiring this hotel...' Even when dealing with God, Curtis O'Keefe believed in coming directly to the point (A. Hailey)
       2) нaзpeть, нaкaлитьcя; пpиблизитьcя к peшaющeму мoмeнту, клoнитьcя к paзвязкe
        I'm not quickly moved. I suppose that's why I've never married. I've liked several men, but when it came to the point they didn't move me (J. Lindsay)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > come to the point

  • 5 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) komme til sagen
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) komme til stykket
    * * *
    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) komme til sagen
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) komme til stykket

    English-Danish dictionary > come to the point

  • 6 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) koma sér að efninu
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) þegar að því kemur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > come to the point

  • 7 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) rátér a tárgyra
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) a kritikus pillanatban...

    English-Hungarian dictionary > come to the point

  • 8 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) chegar ao principal
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) chegar o momento

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come to the point

  • 9 come to the point

    sadede gelmek, meseleye gelmek
    * * *
    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) sadede gelmek
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) zamanı gelmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > come to the point

  • 10 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) priti do bistva
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) priti do odločilnega trenutka

    English-Slovenian dictionary > come to the point

  • 11 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) päästä asiaan
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) tarvittaessa

    English-Finnish dictionary > come to the point

  • 12 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) komme til poenget
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) komme til stykket

    English-Norwegian dictionary > come to the point

  • 13 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) venire al punto/dunque
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) (venire il momento)

    English-Italian dictionary > come to the point

  • 14 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) zur Sache kommen
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) darauf ankommen
    * * *
    zur Sache kommen ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > come to the point

  • 15 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) dojść do sedna
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) dochodzić do decydującego momentu

    English-Polish dictionary > come to the point

  • 16 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) nonākt (runā) pie galvenā
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) sasniegt izšķirošo brīdi

    English-Latvian dictionary > come to the point

  • 17 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) prieiti prie reikalo, svarbiausio dalyko
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) iškyla reikalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > come to the point

  • 18 come to the point

    komma till saken
    * * *
    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) komma till saken
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) komma till kritan

    English-Swedish dictionary > come to the point

  • 19 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) dospět k věci
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) dojít k věci
    * * *
    • dostat se k věci

    English-Czech dictionary > come to the point

  • 20 come to the point

    1) ((also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc: He talked and talked but never came to the point.) a trece la subiect
    2) ((only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done: He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.) a veni momentul

    English-Romanian dictionary > come to the point

См. также в других словарях:

  • come to the point — or[get to the point] {v. phr.} To talk about the important thing; reach the important facts of the matter; reach the central question or fact. * /Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point./ * …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to the point — or[get to the point] {v. phr.} To talk about the important thing; reach the important facts of the matter; reach the central question or fact. * /Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point./ * …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come\ to\ the\ point — • come to the point • get to the point v. phr. To talk about the important thing; reach the important facts of the matter; reach the central question or fact. Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • come to the point — say what is important, get to the point    When you make a speech, come to the point quickly …   English idioms

  • come to the point — get to the main issue, come to the main essence …   English contemporary dictionary

  • come to the point — be direct His speech was interesting but he never really came to the point …   Idioms and examples

  • Come Taste the Band — Studio album by Deep Purple Released October 10, 1975 …   Wikipedia

  • The Point! — Studio album by Harry Nilsson Released 1971 …   Wikipedia

  • The Point of View of My Work as an Author — The Point of View For my Work as an Author (subtitle: A Direct Communication, Report to History) is an autobiographical account of the 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard s use of his pseudonyms. It was written in 1848, published in …   Wikipedia

  • Come from the Shadows — Studio album by Joan Baez Released May 1972 …   Wikipedia

  • the point — ► the meaning or most important part of what is being said or written: »The point is that on weekends and late at night there should always be someone on duty to deal with emergencies. come/get to the point »We haven t got all day, so please get… …   Financial and business terms

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