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  • 1 close

    n. крај, завршок; to bring to a close - се ближи кон крај
    v. затвора;
    2. завршува, заклучува (говор);
    3. се собираат, се приближуваат (трупи)
    adj. близок;
    2. чест, густ;
    3. ограничен, тесен;
    4. збиен (за редови);
    5. подробен, темелен;
    6. затворен, скриен;
    7. воздржлив; adv. блиску; close by - покрај, во близина; close to - непосредно до; close upon - скоро, приближно;
    2. цврсто, збиено; крај; компј. затвори; затворање. Кај апликациите со графички кориснички интерфејс, операција со која го затворате документот, односно прозорецот во кој се наоѓате. Види graphical user interface.; затвора; мазен; затвара; заклучува; тесен, близок close a bank account затвора сметка во банка close an account затвора сметка; account close-loop control затворена контрола

    English-Macedonian dictionary > close

См. также в других словарях:

  • bring to account — index condemn (punish), denounce (condemn), impeach, penalize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bring to account — ► call (or bring) to account require (someone) to explain a mistake or poor performance. Main Entry: ↑account …   English terms dictionary

  • bring to account — phrasal 1. to bring to book 2. reprimand …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bring to account — phrasal 1. : to bring to book 2. : to reprimand especially for negligence or misconduct …   Useful english dictionary

  • call (or bring) to account — require (someone) to explain a mistake or poor performance. → account …   English new terms dictionary

  • account — ► NOUN 1) a description of an event or experience. 2) a record of financial expenditure and receipts. 3) a service through a bank or similar organization by which funds are held on behalf of a client or goods or services are supplied on credit.… …   English terms dictionary

  • bring to book — phrasal : to compel to give an account or make an accounting after years of dishonest activity the man was finally brought to book and jailed * * * bring to book To bring to account • • • Main Entry: ↑book * * * bring (someone) to book chiefly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • account — noun 1》 a description of an event or experience. 2》 a record of financial expenditure and receipts.     ↘chiefly Brit. a bill for goods or services. 3》 a service through a bank or similar organization by which funds are held on behalf of a client …   English new terms dictionary

  • Account planning — is the discipline that brings the consumer into the process of developing advertising. To be truly effective, advertising must be both distinctive and relevant, and planning helps on both counts. Chris CowpeHistoryAccount planning is a job title… …   Wikipedia

  • bring/call someone to account — bring/call (someone) to account : to require (someone) to explain and accept punishment or criticism for bad or wrong behavior He was called to account by his boss for failing to spot the mistake in the company s records. • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bring/call to account — bring/call (someone) to account : to require (someone) to explain and accept punishment or criticism for bad or wrong behavior He was called to account by his boss for failing to spot the mistake in the company s records. • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

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