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См. также в других словарях:

  • bestir oneself — index endeavor, strive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bestir oneself — verb start to be active Get cracking, please! • Syn: ↑get cracking, ↑get going, ↑get moving, ↑get weaving, ↑get started, ↑get rolling • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • bestir oneself — exert or rouse oneself. → bestir …   English new terms dictionary

  • bestir oneself — v. begin to be active, get cracking …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bestir — ► VERB (bestirred, bestirring) (bestir oneself) ▪ exert or rouse oneself …   English terms dictionary

  • bestir — verb (bestirs, bestirring, bestirred) (bestir oneself) exert or rouse oneself …   English new terms dictionary

  • bestir — [bē stʉr′, bistʉr′] vt. bestirred, bestirring [ME bistiren < OE bestyrian: see BE & STIR1] to stir to action; exert or busy (oneself) …   English World dictionary

  • bestir — 1. verb /bɪˈstɜː/ a) To put into brisk or vigorous action; to move with life and vigor. b) To become active; to rouse oneself. 2. adjective /bɪˈstɜː/ …   Wiktionary

  • bestir — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. stir up, rouse, exert, exert oneself; see excite 1 , 2 , incite , try 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • bestir — v 1. stir, move, bustle, hurry, scurry, hasten, hustle, scramble, scurry, scuttle, exert oneself, Inf. get going or moving, get started; elicit, evoke, call forth, summon up; poke, prod, prick, goad, prompt, spur, work up, whip up; encourage,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • bestir — v.refl. (bestirred, bestirring) exert or rouse (oneself) …   Useful english dictionary

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