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  • 1 warmed-over

    1) (warmed up or heated again: warmed-over soup.) felmelegített (étel)
    2) ((of a story, idea etc) that has been heard many times before so that it is no longer interesting or relevant.) agyoncsépelt, unalomig hajtogatott

    English-Hungarian dictionary > warmed-over

  • 2 sun\ has\ warmed\ the\ air

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sun\ has\ warmed\ the\ air

  • 3 warm

    heves, kemény, felhevült, melegedés, melegen érző to warm: nekihevül, megélénkül, felmelegít, felhevít, fűt
    * * *
    [wo:m] 1. adjective
    1) (moderately, or comfortably, hot: Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?; a warm summer's day.) meleg
    2) ((of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold: a warm jumper.) meleg
    3) (welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc: a warm welcome; a warm smile.) szívélyes
    4) (tending to make one hot: This is warm work!) kemény
    5) ((of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright: a warm red; I don't want white walls - I want something warmer.) meleg
    2. verb
    1) (to make moderately hot: He warmed his hands in front of the fire.) melegít
    2) (to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about): She warmed to his charm.) lelkesedni kezd (vmi iránt)
    3. noun
    (an act of warming: Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.) (fel)melegedés
    - warmness
    - warmth
    - warm-blooded
    - warmed-over
    - warmhearted
    - warmheartedness
    - warm up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > warm

См. также в других словарях:

  • warmed-over — adj [usually before noun] AmE 1.) warmed over food has been cooked before and then heated again for eating →↑reheat 2.) warmed over ideas or arguments have been used before and are not interesting or useful any more →look/feel like death warmed… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • warmed-over — warmed o|ver [ ,wɔrmd ouvər ] adjective AMERICAN 1. ) warmed over ideas or arguments are not new or original 2. ) warmed over food had gone cold but has been heated again to make it warm enough to eat …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • warmed-over — warmed′ o′ver adj. 1) (of cooked foods) reheated: warmed over stew[/ex] 2) reworked or repeated without enthusiasm or introduction of new ideas; stale: a warmed over version of an old plot[/ex] • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • warmed-over — ☆ warmed over [wôrmd′ō′vər ] adj. 1. reheated [warmed over hash] 2. presented again, without freshness or significant change [warmed over ideas] …   English World dictionary

  • warmed-o|ver — «WRMD OH vuhr», adjective. 1. warmed again, as food that has become cold; reheated. 2. Figurative: »American televiewers are in for the largest helping of warmed over fare in TV history this summer (Newsweek). SYNONYM(S): old, stale …   Useful english dictionary

  • warmed-up — adj if you are warmed up, you have done a set of gentle exercises to prepare your body for playing a sport, dancing etc …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • warmed-up — [ ,wɔrmd ʌp ] adjective 1. ) ready to do a sport or other activity 2. ) BRITISH WARMED OVER for eating …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • warmed over — warmed on a stove, reheated    For supper we had warmed over waffles. They tasted okay …   English idioms

  • warmed-over — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: warmed (past participle of warm) (II) + over 1. : reheated warmed over cabbage 2. : introduced or examined again without new life or interest : not fresh …   Useful english dictionary

  • Warmed — Warm Warm, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Warmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Warming}.] [AS. wearmian. See {Warm}, a.] [1913 Webster] 1. To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • warmed over — adjective AmE 1 food that is warmed over has been cooked before and then heated again for eating 2 an idea or argument that is warmed over has been used before and is not interesting or useful any more see also: like death warmed up/over death… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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