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  • 1 tired

    1) (wearied; exhausted: She was too tired to continue; a tired child.) þreyttur
    2) ((with of) no longer interested in; bored with: I'm tired of (answering) stupid questions!) leiður á

    English-Icelandic dictionary > tired

  • 2 dog-tired

    adjective (very tired: I'm dog-tired this morning after sitting up all night in the train.) dauðuppgefinn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dog-tired

  • 3 fed up

    (tired; bored and annoyed: I'm fed up with all this work!) hundleiður; búinn að fá sig fullsaddan af

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fed up

  • 4 sick

    [sik] 1. adjective
    1) (vomiting or inclined to vomit: He has been sick several times today; I feel sick; She's inclined to be seasick/airsick/car-sick.) vera óglatt, veikur
    2) ((especially American) ill: He is a sick man; The doctor told me that my husband is very sick and may not live very long.) veikur, sjúkur, lasinn
    3) (very tired (of); wishing to have no more (of): I'm sick of doing this; I'm sick and tired of hearing about it!) hundleiður
    4) (affected by strong, unhappy or unpleasant feelings: I was really sick at making that bad mistake.) vera miður sín
    5) (in bad taste: a sick joke.) ósmekklegur, sjúklegur
    2. noun
    (vomit: The bedclothes were covered with sick.) æla
    - sickening
    - sickeningly
    - sickly
    - sickness
    - sick-leave
    - make someone sick
    - make sick
    - the sick
    - worried sick

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sick

  • 5 tire

    I see tyre II verb
    (to make, or become, physically or mentally in want of rest, because of lack of strength, patience, interest etc; to weary: Walking tired her; She tires easily.) þreyta(st)
    - tiredness
    - tireless
    - tirelessly
    - tirelessness
    - tiresome
    - tiresomely
    - tiresomeness
    - tiring
    - tire out

    English-Icelandic dictionary > tire

  • 6 weary

    ['wiəri] 1. adjective
    (tired; with strength or patience exhausted: a weary sigh; He looks weary; I am weary of his jokes.) þreyttur, þreytulegur
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) become tired: The patient wearies easily; Don't weary the patient.) þreyta(st)
    - weariness
    - wearisome
    - wearisomely

    English-Icelandic dictionary > weary

  • 7 altogether

    1) (completely: I'm not altogether satisfied.) með öllu, gersamlega
    2) (on the whole and considering everything: I'm wet, I'm tired and I'm cold. Altogether I'm not feeling very cheerful.) með tilliti til alls

    English-Icelandic dictionary > altogether

  • 8 beaten

    1) (overcome; defeated: the beaten team; He looked tired and beaten.) yfirbugaður, sigraður; uppgefinn
    2) (mixed thoroughly: beaten egg.) þeyttur, hrærður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > beaten

  • 9 call it a day

    (to bring (something) to an end; to stop (eg working): I'm so tired that I'll have to call it a day.) hætta, segja það gott í dag

    English-Icelandic dictionary > call it a day

  • 10 caprice

    1) (an especially unreasonable sudden change of mind etc; a whim: I'm tired of the old man and his caprices.) duttlungur
    2) (a fanciful and lively piece of music etc.) gletta, fjörlegt tónverk
    - capriciously
    - capriciousness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > caprice

  • 11 dog

    [doɡ] 1. noun
    (a domestic, meat-eating animal related to the wolf and fox.) hundur
    2. adjective
    ((usually of members of the dog family) male: a dog-fox.) hunda-
    3. verb
    (to follow closely as a dog does: She dogged his footsteps.) hundelta; elta á röndum
    - doggedly
    - doggedness
    - dog-biscuit
    - dog collar
    - dog-eared
    - dog-tired
    - a dog's life
    - go to the dogs
    - in the doghouse
    - not a dog's chance

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dog

  • 12 drawn

    1) ((of curtains) pulled together or closed: The curtains were drawn, although it was still daylight.) dreginn fyrir
    2) ((of a game etc) neither won nor lost: a drawn match.) jafntefli
    3) ((of a blade etc) pulled out of its sheath: a drawn sword.) brugðið (sverð)
    4) ((of a person) strained and tired: His face was pale and drawn.) herptur, grettur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > drawn

  • 13 drop off

    1) (to become separated or fall off: The door-handle dropped off; This button dropped off your coat.) detta af
    2) (to fall asleep: I was so tired I dropped off in front of the television.) sofna
    3) (to allow to get off a vehicle: Drop me off at the corner.) hleypa úr/út

    English-Icelandic dictionary > drop off

  • 14 ease

    [i:z] 1. noun
    1) (freedom from pain or from worry or hard work: a lifetime of ease.) vellíðan, þægindi
    2) (freedom from difficulty: He passed his exam with ease.) áreynsluleysi; hægð
    3) (naturalness: ease of manner.) frjálsleg framkoma; hispursleysi
    2. verb
    1) (to free from pain, trouble or anxiety: A hot bath eased his tired limbs.) lina, draga úr
    2) ((often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc: The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town.) draga úr, lina, milda
    3) (to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position: They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.) mjaka
    - easiness
    - easy
    3. interjection
    (a command to go or act gently: Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast.) varlega! rólega
    - easy-going
    - at ease
    - easier said than done
    - go easy on
    - stand at ease
    - take it easy
    - take one's ease

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ease

  • 15 effort

    1) (hard work; energy: Learning a foreign language requires effort; The effort of climbing the hill made the old man very tired.) átak, erfiði
    2) (a trying hard; a struggle: The government's efforts to improve the economy were unsuccessful; Please make every effort to be punctual.) tilraun, viðleitni
    3) (the result of an attempt: Your drawing was a good effort.) tilraun, viðleitni
    - effortlessly

    English-Icelandic dictionary > effort

  • 16 eternal

    1) (without end; lasting for ever; unchanging: God is eternal; eternal life.) eilífur
    2) (never ceasing: I am tired of your eternal complaints.) eilífur
    - eternity

    English-Icelandic dictionary > eternal

  • 17 everlasting

    adjective (endless; continual; unchanging: I'm tired of your everlasting grumbles; everlasting life/flowers.) ævarandi, eilífur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > everlasting

  • 18 exhaust

    [iɡ'zo:st] 1. verb
    1) (to make very tired: She was exhausted by her long walk.) gera örþreyttan
    2) (to use all of; to use completely: We have exhausted our supplies; You're exhausting my patience.) þurrausa, nota upp til agna
    3) (to say all that can be said about (a subject etc): We've exhausted that topic.) gera e-u fullkomin skil
    2. noun
    ((an outlet from the engine of a car, motorcycle etc for) fumes and other waste.) útblástur; útblástursrör
    - exhaustion
    - exhaustive

    English-Icelandic dictionary > exhaust

  • 19 exhausted

    adjective (extremely tired.) dauðuppgefinn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > exhausted

  • 20 expect

    1) (to think of as likely to happen or come: I'm expecting a letter today; We expect her on tomorrow's train.) búast við
    2) (to think or believe (that something will happen): He expects to be home tomorrow; I expect that he will go; `Will she go too?' `I expect so' / `I don't expect so' / `I expect not.') búast við, vænta
    3) (to require: They expect high wages for their professional work; You are expected to tidy your own room.) ætlast til, krefjast
    4) (to suppose or assume: I expect (that) you're tired.) gera ráð fyrir, þykjast vita
    - expectant
    - expectantly
    - expectation

    English-Icelandic dictionary > expect

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tired Of Being Sorry — «Tired Of Being Sorry» Сингл Энрике Иглесиаса c альбома «Insomniac» Выпущен 29 сентября 2007 Формат …   Википедия

  • Tired of Being Sorry — «Tired Of Being Sorry» Сингл Энрике Иглесиаса из альбома Insomniac Выпущен 29 сентября 2007 Формат …   Википедия

  • Tired light — is a class of hypothetical redshift mechanisms that were proposed as an alternative explanation for the redshift distance relationship as alternatives to the Big Bang and the Steady State cosmologies, both of which proposed that Hubble s law was… …   Wikipedia

  • tired — [ taırd ] adjective *** 1. ) needing to rest or sleep: She was too tired to do any more. My mother looked tired and ill. feel tired: He felt too tired to drive home. get tired: Kids can suddenly get very tired after playing for a time. a ) if a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tired — W2S1 [taıəd US taırd] adj 1.) feeling that you want to sleep or rest so tired (that) ▪ I m so tired I could sleep for a week. too tired to do sth ▪ He was too tired to argue. ▪ He looks tired out (=very tired) . ▪ No, Frank said in a tired voice …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tired´ness — tired «tyrd», adjective. 1. weary; wearied; fatigued; exhausted: »The team was tired, but each boy continued to play as hard as he could. Figurative. His suit always looked a bit tired after he had worn it all week. 2. sick (of); …   Useful english dictionary

  • tired´ly — tired «tyrd», adjective. 1. weary; wearied; fatigued; exhausted: »The team was tired, but each boy continued to play as hard as he could. Figurative. His suit always looked a bit tired after he had worn it all week. 2. sick (of); …   Useful english dictionary

  • -tired — «tyrd», adjective. 1. weary; wearied; fatigued; exhausted: »The team was tired, but each boy continued to play as hard as he could. Figurative. His suit always looked a bit tired after he had worn it all week. 2. sick (of); …   Useful english dictionary

  • tired of (doing) something — phrase no longer wanting something or wanting to do something because you are bored with it or annoyed by it We were tired of waiting for him to call. get/​grow tired of doing something: She’s getting tired of going into that office every day.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tired of Waiting for You — «Tired of Waiting for You» Sencillo de The Kinks del álbum Kinda Kinks Lado A Tired of Waiting for You Lado B Come on Now Publicación 15 de enero de 1965 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tired — may refer to: *Fatigue (medical), a feeling of exhaustion * Tired , a song by Rollins Band on Weight (album) from 1994 * Tired , a song by Willa Ford on Willa Was Here from 2001 * Tired , a song by LCD Soundsystem on LCD Soundsystem (album) from… …   Wikipedia

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