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  • 1 through

    [Ɵru:] 1. preposition
    1) (into from one direction and out of in the other: The water flows through a pipe.) διαμέσου, μέσα από
    2) (from side to side or end to end of: He walked (right) through the town.) απ' άκρη σ' άκρη, από τη μια πλευρά στην άλλη
    3) (from the beginning to the end of: She read through the magazine.) από την αρχή έως το τέλος
    4) (because of: He lost his job through his own stupidity.) εξαιτίας, από, λόγω
    5) (by way of: He got the job through a friend.) μέσω, με τη βοήθεια
    6) ((American) from... to (inclusive): I work Monday through Friday.) (από...) μέχρι
    2. adverb
    (into and out of; from one side or end to the other; from beginning to end: He went straight/right through.) απ' άκρη σ' άκρη, πέρα για πέρα / ως το τέλος
    3. adjective
    1) ((of a bus or train) that goes all the way to one's destination, so that one doesn't have to change (buses or trains): There isn't a through train - you'll have to change.) κατευθείαν
    2) (finished: Are you through yet?) τελειωμένος
    4. adverb
    (in every part: The house was furnished throughout.) παντού
    - soaked
    - wet through
    - through and through
    - through with

    English-Greek dictionary > through

  • 2 Through

    P. and V. δι (gen.).
    Owing to: P. and V. δι (acc.).
    With states of feeling: P. and V. πό (gen.).
    All join forces through fear: P. πάντα... ὑπὸ δεοὺς συνίσταται (Thuc. 6, 33).
    Through anger: V. ὀργῆς ὕπο (Eur., I. A. 335).
    Throughout, of place P. and V. δι (gen.), κατ (acc.), ν (acc.) (Thuc. 4, 72, Dem. 1277, but rare P.).
    Of time: P. and V. δι (gen.).
    Right through: V. διαμπερές (gen.), διαμπάξ (gen.).
    Right through: P. and V. διαμπερές (Plat., Phaedo, 111E, Rep. 616E), διαμπάξ (Xen.).
    Thinking there was a way right through to the outside: P. οἰόμενοι... εἶναι... ἀντίκρυς δίοδον εἰς τὸ ἔξω (Thuc. 2, 4).
    Through and through, completely: P. and V. παντελῶς, πάντως, δι τέλους, V. διαμπάξ.
    All through: P. and V. δι τέλους, Ar. and P. δι παντός, P. κατὰ πάντα; see Throughout.
    Fall through, fail: P. and V. κακῶς χωρεῖν, οὐ προχωρεῖν.
    Go through: P. and V. διέρχεσθαι (acc.), Ar. and V. διαπερᾶν (acc.) (rare P.), V. διέρπειν (acc.), διαστείχειν (acc.); see under Go.
    met., see Endure.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Through

  • 3 through and through

    (completely: He was a gentleman through and through.) πέρα ως πέρα, τελείως, με τα όλα του

    English-Greek dictionary > through and through

  • 4 through the (kind) offices of

    (with the help of: I got the job through the kind offices of a friend.) με τη φροντίδα/βοήθεια

    English-Greek dictionary > through the (kind) offices of

  • 5 through the (kind) offices of

    (with the help of: I got the job through the kind offices of a friend.) με τη φροντίδα/βοήθεια

    English-Greek dictionary > through the (kind) offices of

  • 6 through thick and thin

    (whatever happens; in spite of all difficulties: They were friends through thick and thin.) ό,τι κι αν συμβεί, στη χαρά και στη λύπη

    English-Greek dictionary > through thick and thin

  • 7 through with

    (finished with: Are you through with the newspaper yet?) τελειωμένος

    English-Greek dictionary > through with

  • 8 through


    English-Greek new dictionary > through

  • 9 go through

    1) (to search in: I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key.) ψάχνω
    2) (to suffer: You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time.) υποφέρω, περνώ
    3) (to use up: We went through a lot of money on holiday.) ξοδεύω
    4) (to complete: to go through certain formalities.) ολοκληρώνω
    5) (to be completed: After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through.) ολοκληρώνομαι, κλείνω

    English-Greek dictionary > go through

  • 10 get through

    1) (to finish (work etc): We got through a lot of work today.) διεκπεραιώνω
    2) (to pass (an examination).) περνώ
    3) (to arrive, usually with some difficulty: The food got through to the fort despite the enemy's attempts to stop it.) καταφέρνω να φτάσω
    4) (to make oneself understood: I just can't get through to her any more.) γίνομαι κατανοητός

    English-Greek dictionary > get through

  • 11 all through

    1) (from beginning to end of: The baby cried all through the night.) απ' την αρχή έως το τέλος, σ' ολόκληρο
    2) (in every part of: Road conditions are bad all through the country.) παντού, απ' άκρη σ' άκρη, σ' ολόκληρο

    English-Greek dictionary > all through

  • 12 pull through

    (to (help to) survive an illness etc: He is very ill, but he'll pull through; The expert medical treatment pulled him through.) τη σκαπουλάρω/γλιτώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > pull through

  • 13 see through

    1) (to give support to (a person, plan etc) until the end is reached: I'd like to see the job through.) φέρω σε πέρας
    2) (not to be deceived by (a person, trick etc): We soon saw through him and his little plan.) καταλαβαίνω,δεν ξεγελιέμαι

    English-Greek dictionary > see through

  • 14 by/through the agency of

    (by the action of: The meeting was arranged through the agency of a friend.) με τη μεσολάβηση του

    English-Greek dictionary > by/through the agency of

  • 15 drive-through

    adjective (that one may drive through (and do something without getting out of the car): a drivethrough bank/restaurant/zoo.) κατάστημα στο οποίο μπορεί κανείς να εξυπηρετηθεί χωρίς να βγει από το όχημά του

    English-Greek dictionary > drive-through

  • 16 fall through

    ((of plans etc) to fail or come to nothing: Our plans fell through.) ναυαγώ

    English-Greek dictionary > fall through

  • 17 go through with

    (to finish doing: I will go through with this in spite of what you say.) τελειώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > go through with

  • 18 look through

    (to look at or study briefly: I've looked through your notes.) ρίχνω μια ματιά

    English-Greek dictionary > look through

  • 19 put someone etc through his etc paces

    (to make someone etc show what he etc can do: He put his new car through its paces.)

    English-Greek dictionary > put someone etc through his etc paces

  • 20 put through

    1) (to arrange (a deal, agreement etc).) ολοκληρώνω,φέρω σε πέρας
    2) (to connect by telephone: I'm trying to put you through (to London).) συνδέω

    English-Greek dictionary > put through

См. также в других словарях:

  • through — [ θru ] function word *** Through can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): They were riding through a forest. as an adverb (without a following noun): There s a hole in the roof where the rain comes through. as an …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • through — [thro͞o] prep. [ME thurgh, thrugh < OE thurh, akin to Ger durch < IE base * ter , through, beyond > L trans, across, Sans tiráḥ, through] 1. in one side and out the other side of; from end to end of 2. a) in the midst of [flying through… …   English World dictionary

  • Through a Glass Darkly — is an abbreviated form of a much quoted phrase from the Christian New Testament in 1 Corinthians 13. The phrase is interpreted to mean that humans have an imperfect perception of reality [http://www.bartleby.com/59/1/throughaglas.html] . It has… …   Wikipedia

  • Through — Through, prep. [OE. thurgh, [thorn]urh, [thorn]uruh, [thorn]oruh, AS. [thorn]urh; akin to OS. thurh, thuru, OFries. thruch, D. door, OHG. durh, duruh, G. durch, Goth. [thorn]a[ i]rh; cf. Ir. tri, tre, W. trwy. [root]53. Cf. {Nostril}, {Thorough} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through — Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through bolt — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through bridge — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through cold — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • through stane — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through stone — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through ticket — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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