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  • 1 berbintang-bintang

    starry, starry eyed, see the star, shine through
    * * *
    starry; starry-eyed; see the stars; shine through, glitter (esp. from holes in the roof)

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > berbintang-bintang

  • 2 berupa bayangan di mata


    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > berupa bayangan di mata

  • 3 прекраснодушие

    Новый русско-английский словарь > прекраснодушие

  • 4 прекраснодушный

    Новый русско-английский словарь > прекраснодушный

  • 5 прекраснодушный

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > прекраснодушный

  • 6 mající růžové brýle

    Czech-English dictionary > mající růžové brýle

  • 7 ábrándkergetõ


    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > ábrándkergetõ

  • 8 csillagszemû


    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > csillagszemû

  • 9 nagyra törõ

    starry-eyed, ambitious

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > nagyra törõ

  • 10 видящий всё в розовом свете

    General subject: starry-eyed

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > видящий всё в розовом свете

  • 11 с блеском в глазах

    General subject: starry-eyed

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > с блеском в глазах

  • 12 прекраснодушный

    уст., ирон.

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > прекраснодушный

  • 13 idealista

    idealist, idealistic, starry-eyed

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > idealista

  • 14 iluso

    1 naive, guileless, deluded, tender-minded.
    2 illusive.
    dreamer, self-deceiver, utopian, simpleton.
    * * *
    1 naive, gullible
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 naive person, gullible person
    * * *
    iluso, -a
    ADJ (=crédulo) gullible

    ¡pobre iluso! — poor deluded creature!

    ¡iluso de mí! — silly me!

    SM / F (=soñador) dreamer

    ¡iluso! — you're hopeful!

    * * *
    - sa adjetivo naive
    - sa masculino, femenino dreamer

    eres un iluso si crees que va a volveryou're being naive o (colloq) kidding yourself if you think she's going to come back

    * * *
    = starry-eyed, deluded, daydreamer, delusional.
    Ex. It would be starry-eyed to imagine that we the library ever reach into every home.
    Ex. On the one hand, Lynch gradually reveals a deluded, modestly talented, aspiring actress failing to achieve more than a stand-in role in her own life.
    Ex. The qualities inherent to the daydreamer's meandering mind are those that I wish to evoke within my photographs.
    Ex. Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo naive
    - sa masculino, femenino dreamer

    eres un iluso si crees que va a volveryou're being naive o (colloq) kidding yourself if you think she's going to come back

    * * *
    = starry-eyed, deluded, daydreamer, delusional.

    Ex: It would be starry-eyed to imagine that we the library ever reach into every home.

    Ex: On the one hand, Lynch gradually reveals a deluded, modestly talented, aspiring actress failing to achieve more than a stand-in role in her own life.
    Ex: The qualities inherent to the daydreamer's meandering mind are those that I wish to evoke within my photographs.
    Ex: Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.

    * * *
    iluso1 -sa
    ¡no seas tan iluso! don't be so naive!, don't kid yourself! ( colloq), you've got a hope! ( iro)
    iluso2 -sa
    masculine, feminine
    eres un iluso si crees que va a volver you're being naive o living in a dreamworld o ( colloq) kidding yourself if you think she's going to come back
    * * *

    ◊ -sa adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    iluso,-a adjetivo easily deceived, gullible

    ' iluso' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    iluso, -a
    ¡no seas iluso! don't be so naive!
    naive person, dreamer;
    piensa que le van a subir el sueldo, ¡iluso! he's so naive, he thinks he's going to get a pay Br rise o US raise!;
    eres un iluso si crees que vas a conseguir algo así you're dreaming o kidding yourself if you think you can achieve anything like that
    * * *
    I adj gullible
    II m, ilusa f dreamer
    * * *
    iluso, -sa adj
    : naive, gullible
    iluso, -sa n
    soñador: dreamer, visionary

    Spanish-English dictionary > iluso

  • 15 ilusorio

    illusory, chimerical, imaginary, illusive.
    * * *
    1 illusory
    * * *
    ADJ (=irreal) illusory; (=sin valor) empty; (=sin efecto) ineffective
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    a) ( engañoso) < promesa> false; < esperanza> false, illusory
    b) ( imaginario) imaginary
    * * *
    = illusory, starry-eyed, hallucinatory, deceptive, delusional, airy-fairy, fantastical, fantastic.
    Ex. We can permit ourselves to be hypnotized by the gadgetry for access and by illusory cost reductions, or we can use the computer effectively to transform the catalog into a truly responsive instrument.
    Ex. It would be starry-eyed to imagine that we the library ever reach into every home.
    Ex. Subject-matter, portrayed with hallucinatory realism, is largely autobiographical -- mainly people connected with the artist and places associated with them.
    Ex. Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.
    Ex. Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    Ex. Home Secretary David Blunkett says an ' airy fairy, libertarian' view of the world is no good for fighting terrorism.
    Ex. Filled with allegory and allusion, his paintings portray a fantastical universe inhabited by mysterious and fanciful creatures.
    Ex. He builds up a picture of human anguish in the face of the mysteries of existence that is both dreamlike and concrete, fantastic and real at the same time.
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    a) ( engañoso) < promesa> false; < esperanza> false, illusory
    b) ( imaginario) imaginary
    * * *
    = illusory, starry-eyed, hallucinatory, deceptive, delusional, airy-fairy, fantastical, fantastic.

    Ex: We can permit ourselves to be hypnotized by the gadgetry for access and by illusory cost reductions, or we can use the computer effectively to transform the catalog into a truly responsive instrument.

    Ex: It would be starry-eyed to imagine that we the library ever reach into every home.
    Ex: Subject-matter, portrayed with hallucinatory realism, is largely autobiographical -- mainly people connected with the artist and places associated with them.
    Ex: Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.
    Ex: Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests.
    Ex: Home Secretary David Blunkett says an ' airy fairy, libertarian' view of the world is no good for fighting terrorism.
    Ex: Filled with allegory and allusion, his paintings portray a fantastical universe inhabited by mysterious and fanciful creatures.
    Ex: He builds up a picture of human anguish in the face of the mysteries of existence that is both dreamlike and concrete, fantastic and real at the same time.

    * * *
    1 (engañoso) ‹promesa› false, deceptive; ‹esperanza› false, illusory
    2 (imaginario) imaginary
    * * *
    ilusorio, -a adj
    [imaginario] illusory; [promesa] empty
    * * *
    adj illusory
    * * *
    ilusorio, - ria adj
    engañoso: illusory, misleading

    Spanish-English dictionary > ilusorio

  • 16 lírico

    lyrical, lyric.
    lyric poet.
    * * *
    1 lyric, lyrical
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lyric poet
    * * *
    (f. - lírica)
    lyric, lyrical
    * * *
    lírico, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (Literat) lyric(al); (Teat) musical
    2) LAm [persona] full of idealistic plans; [plan, idea] Utopian, fantastic
    SM / F LAm (=soñador) dreamer, Utopian
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Lit) <género/poesía> lyric
    b) (Mús) lyric, lyrical
    c) (Per, RPl fam) < persona> dreamy, starry-eyed (colloq)
    * * *
    Ex. He is famous for his works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Lit) <género/poesía> lyric
    b) (Mús) lyric, lyrical
    c) (Per, RPl fam) < persona> dreamy, starry-eyed (colloq)
    * * *

    Ex: He is famous for his works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.

    * * *
    lírico1 -ca
    1 ( Lit) ‹género/poesía› lyric
    utiliza un lenguaje lírico he uses lyrical language
    2 ( Mús) lyric, lyrical
    3 (Per, RPl fam) ‹persona› dreamy, starry-eyed ( colloq)
    lírico2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    (Per, RPl fam) dreamer
    * * *

    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    a) (Lit, Mús) lyric

    b) (Per, RPl fam) ‹ persona dreamy, starry-eyed (colloq)

    lírico,-a adjetivo lyrical
    ' lírico' also found in these entries:
    - lyrical
    * * *
    lírico, -a adj
    1. Lit lyric, lyrical
    2. [musical] musical
    * * *
    adj lyrical
    * * *
    lírico, -ca adj
    : lyric, lyrical

    Spanish-English dictionary > lírico

  • 17 blauäugig

    Adj. blue-eyed; fig. starry-eyed, dewy-eyed, naive
    * * *
    blue-eyed; (fig) naïve
    * * *
    1. (blaue Augen habend) blue-eyed
    2. (naiv) naïve
    * * *
    2) (naiv) naive
    * * *
    blauäugig adj blue-eyed; fig starry-eyed, dewy-eyed, naive
    * * *
    2) (naiv) naive
    * * *
    blue-eyed adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > blauäugig

  • 18 светнал

    1. lighted/lit up
    (сгрян от слънцето) sun-lit, lit by the sun
    2. прен. (от радост и пр.) beaming, lit up, radiant
    светнали очи glowing eyes
    със светнали очи starry-eyed
    светнало от радост лице a face radiant/beaming with joy
    3. (отслабнал) pinched, peaked
    светнал от глад pinched with hunger
    * * *
    мин. св. деят. прич.
    1. lighted/lit up; ( огрян от слънцето) sun-lit, lit by the sun;
    2. прен. (от радост и пр.) beaming, lit up, radiant; \светнали очи glowing/starry eyes; \светнало от радост лице a face radiant/beaming with joy; със \светнали очи starry-eyed;
    3. ( отслабнал) pinched with hunger;
    4. ( лъскав) shiny.
    * * *
    lighted up ; beaming {`bi;min} (прен.); glowing: светнал eyes - светнали очи
    * * *
    1. (лъскав) shiny 2. (отслабнал) pinched, peaked 3. (сгрян от слънцето) sun-lit, lit by the sun 4. lighted/lit up 5. СВЕТНАЛ от глад pinched with hunger 6. СВЕТНАЛo от радост лице a face radiant/beaming with joy 7. СВЕТНАЛи очи glowing eyes 8. прен. (от радост и пр.) beaming, lit up, radiant 9. със СВЕТНАЛи очи starry-eyed

    Български-английски речник > светнал

  • 19 възторжен

    enthusiastic, enraptured, rapturous, in transports
    (с очи, светнали от възторг) starry-eyed
    възторжен прием a rousing welcome
    * * *
    мин. страд. прич. (и като прил.) enthusiastic, enraptured, entranced, rapturous, rhapsodic(al), in transports; (с очи, светнали от възторг) starry-eyed; \възторжен прием rousing welcome; прекалено \възторжен effusive.
    * * *
    * * *
    1. (с очи, светнали от възторг) starry-eyed 2. enthusiastic, enraptured, rapturous, in transports 3. ВЪЗТoРЖЕН прием a rousing welcome

    Български-английски речник > възторжен

  • 20 горя

    1. непрех. burn, be on fire; be ablaze/alight
    (буйно-за огън, пожар) roar, (без пламък. от огън) glow
    (от срам, негодувание и пр.) tingle
    (имам треска) burn, be feverish
    (за лице, бузи) flush; be flushed
    (за очи) burn be fiery
    (за уши) burn red; tingle
    горя от жажда be consumed/parched with thirst
    горя от желание да burn with desire to, be dying/bursting to, be all agog to
    горя от нетърпение/гняв burn with impatience/anger
    горя от възторг/гняв/негодувание (за очи) glow with enthusiasm/anger/indignation
    с очи, които горят от възторг starry-eyed
    къщата гори the house is on fire
    огънят си гори the fire is burning away merrily
    гориш! (при игра) you are getting warm! горя в работата си put o.'s heart into o.'s work
    2. прен. burn (down)
    горя вар/въглища burn lime/charcoal
    3. прен. (измъчвам, тревожа) consume
    гори ме страст be consumed with passion
    * * *
    гл. непрех. burn, be on fire; be ablaze/alight; ( буйно за огън, пожар) roar, deflagrate; ( без пламък, от огън) glow; (от срам, негодувание и пр.) tingle; glow; ( имам треска) burn, be feverish; (за лице, бузи) flush; be flushed; (за очи) burn/be fiery; (за рана) rankle; (за уши) burn red; tingle; \горя от възторг/гняв/негодуване (за очи) glow with enthusiasm/anger/indignation; \горя от жажда be consumed/parched with thirst; \горя от желание да burn with desire to, be dying/bursting to, be all agog to; \горя от нетърпение burn with impatience, be in a fever of impatience; къщата гори the house is on fire; огънят гори the fire is burning away merrily; с очи, които горят от възторг starry-eyes; • \горя в работата си put o.’s heart into o.’s work.
    гл., мин. св. деят. прич. горѝл 1. прех. burn (down); ( топливо) burn; ( електричество) use; \горя вар/въглища burn lime/charcoal;
    2. прен. ( измъчвам, тревожа) consume; гори ме страст be consumed with passion.
    * * *
    burn (и прен.): горя with desire to - горя от желание да; flame; flare; to be ablaze
    * * *
    1. (буйно - за огън, пожар) roar, (без пламък. от огън) glow 2. (електричество) use 3. (за лице, бузи) flush;be flushed 4. (за очи) burn be fiery 5. (за рана) rankle 6. (за уши} burn red;tingle 7. (имам треска) burn, be feverish 8. (от срам, негодувание и пр.) tingle 9. (топливо) burn 10. 1 непрех. burn, be on fire;be ablaze/alight 11. 2 npex. burn (down) 12. ГОРЯ вар/въглища burn lime/charcoal 13. ГОРЯ от възторг/гняв/негодувание (за очи) glow with enthusiasm/ anger/indignation 14. ГОРЯ от жажда be consumed/ parched with thirst 15. ГОРЯ от желание да burn with desire to, be dying/bursting to, be all agog to 16. ГОРЯ от нетърпение/гняв burn with impatience/anger 17. гори ме страст be consumed with passion 18. гориш! (при игра) you are getting warm! ГОРЯ в работата си put o.'s heart into o.'s work 19. електричеството гори the light is (switched) on 20. къщата гори the house is on fire 21. огънят си гори the fire is burning away merrily 22. прен. (измъчвам, тревожа) consume 23. с очи, които горят от възторг starry-eyed 24. трябва да са ти горели ушите your ears must have tingled

    Български-английски речник > горя

См. также в других словарях:

  • starry-eyed — ☆ starry eyed [stär′ēid΄ ] adj. 1. with the eyes sparkling in a glow of happiness, dreams, wonder, romance, etc. 2. impractical, unrealistic, overly optimistic, etc. [a starry eyed reformer] …   English World dictionary

  • Starry Eyed — is a Michael Holliday song and single that reached the UK number one single in January 29 1960. It was written by Earl Shuman and Mark Garson and produced by Norrie Paramor. It entered the charts on 1 January 1960, and spent 12 weeks there… …   Wikipedia

  • starry-eyed — adj informal happy and hopeful about things in a way that is silly or ↑unrealistic …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • starry-eyed — [adj] unrealistic dreaming, half baked*, hoping, impossible, improbable, ivory tower*, nonrealistic, not sensible, on cloud nine*, optimistic, romantic, silly; concepts 552,560 …   New thesaurus

  • starry-eyed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ naively enthusiastic or idealistic …   English terms dictionary

  • Starry Eyed and Bollock Naked — Infobox Album Name = Starry Eyed and Bollock Naked Type = Album Artist = Carter USM Released = March 1994 Recorded = Genre = Alternative Dance Alternative rock Label = Chrysalis Records Producer = Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|4|5… …   Wikipedia

  • starry-eyed — ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is starry eyed, you mean that they have such a positive or hopeful view of a situation that they do not see what it is really like. I m not starry eyed about Europe. ...a starry eyed young couple …   English dictionary

  • starry-eyed — happy and hopeful about something, in a way which prevents you from thinking about the bad things about it. Starry eyed youngsters may dream of running away to the circus but life on the road is far from romantic. Her accounts of small town… …   New idioms dictionary

  • starry-eyed — adjective unrealistically or naively optimistic a starry eyed reformer starry eyed idealism • Similar to: ↑optimistic …   Useful english dictionary

  • starry-eyed — star|ry eyed [ ,stari aıd ] adjective someone who is starry eyed has a lot of hopes or dreams about success in the future, but does not plan things in a sensible way …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • starry-eyed — /stahr ee uyd /, adj. overly romantic or idealistic: He was a starry eyed dreamer. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

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