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  • 21 stable

    راسِخ \ firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. stable: firm and steady: a man of stable character; stable government.

    Arabic-English glossary > stable

  • 22 متين

    مَتِين \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. The rope was firmly tied. secure: safe: They felt secure inside their castle. Is that shelf secure? (Is it firmly fixed?). stout: strong and dependable: a stout pair of shoes. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind. \ See Also قوي (قَويّ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > متين

  • 23 durable

    مَتِين \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. The rope was firmly tied. secure: safe: They felt secure inside their castle. Is that shelf secure? (Is it firmly fixed?). stout: strong and dependable: a stout pair of shoes. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind. \ See Also قوي (قَويّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > durable

  • 24 secure

    مَتِين \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. The rope was firmly tied. secure: safe: They felt secure inside their castle. Is that shelf secure? (Is it firmly fixed?). stout: strong and dependable: a stout pair of shoes. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind. \ See Also قوي (قَويّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > secure

  • 25 stout

    مَتِين \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. The rope was firmly tied. secure: safe: They felt secure inside their castle. Is that shelf secure? (Is it firmly fixed?). stout: strong and dependable: a stout pair of shoes. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind. \ See Also قوي (قَويّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > stout

  • 26 strong

    مَتِين \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. firm: solid; hard; steady: We were standing on firm ground. The rope was firmly tied. secure: safe: They felt secure inside their castle. Is that shelf secure? (Is it firmly fixed?). stout: strong and dependable: a stout pair of shoes. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind. \ See Also قوي (قَويّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > strong

  • 27 bank

    أوْدَعَ في مَصرف \ bank: to put one’s money in a bank: Most shops bank their money once a week. \ بَنْك \ bank: a place that deals with money and keeps it safe. \ حَدَبٌ (من الأَرض)‏ \ bank: a long sloping piece of ground, often forming a border: The car left the road and rolled down a bank. \ حَدَلَ \ bank: (esp. of an aeroplane) to turn by leaning sideways. \ حَفِظَ في مصرف \ bank: to keep one’s money in a bank: My firm banks with Barclays Bank. \ See Also بنك (بنك)‏ \ ضَفَّة (النهر)‏ \ bank: the raised ground beside a river. \ See Also شَطّ، حافة (حافَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > bank

  • 28 fix

    1. verb
    1) to make firm or steady:

    He fixed his eyes on the door.

    2) to attach; to join:

    He fixed the shelf to the wall.

    يُلْصِق ، يُعَلِّق
    3) to mend or repair:

    He has succeeded in fixing my watch.

    4) to direct (attention, a look etc) at:

    She fixed all her attention on me.

    ، يُرَكِّز، يُوَجِّه
    5) ( often with up) to arrange; to settle:

    We fixed (up) a meeting.

    يُرَتِّب، يُعيِّن، يُحَدِّد
    6) to make (something) permanent by the use of certain chemicals:

    to fix a photgraphic print.

    7) to prepare; to get ready:

    I'll fix dinner tonight.

    يَشْتَري، يُعِدُّ
    2. noun
    trouble; a difficulty:

    I'm in a terrible fix!

    وَرْطَه، صُعوبَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > fix

  • 29 hard

    1. adjective
    1) firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc:

    The ground is too hard to dig.

    2) not easy to do, learn, solve etc:

    Is English a hard language to learn?

    He is a hard man to please.

    3) not feeling or showing kindness:

    a hard master.

    قاسٍ ، لا يُظْهِرُ مشاعر ودِّيَّهً
    4) (of weather) severe:

    a hard winter.

    شَديد، قارِس
    5) having or causing suffering:

    hard times.

    صَعب، ُمسبب للمِعاناة
    6) (of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added:

    The water is hard in this part of the country.

    مليء بالأملاح
    2. adverb
    1) with great effort:

    Think hard.

    بِشِدّه، بِصُعوبَه
    2) with great force; heavily:

    It was raining hard.

    بِقُوَّه، بِقَسْوَه
    3) with great attention:

    He stared hard at the man.

    بانتباهٍ شديد
    4) to the full extent; completely:

    The car turned hard right.


    Arabic-English dictionary > hard

  • 30 ثبت

    ثَبَّتَ \ fasten: to fix firmly: Fasten those buttons. fit: to fix; put into position: I fitted a new handle on (or to) the door. fix: to make firm; fasten: The lamp is fixed to the wall. glue: to keep sth. firmly in one position: His eyes were glued to the window. mount: to fix in position: The guns were mounted on the castle wall. stick: to fasten with some sticky or liquid material: I stuck a stamp on the letter. hold: to put or keep (sth.) in a certain position (with nails, paste, rope or any pressure or support): The rubber ring held him up in the water. A nail held the picture on the wall. \ ثَبَّتَ (أو أَلْصَقَ) بالإسمنت \ cement: to cover or join with cement: Bricks are cemented together to form a wall. \ ثَبَّتَ (أو شَدَّ) بالبراغي \ screw: to fasten or tighten with screws: I screwed a handle on to the door. Please screw up that box. \ ثَبَّتَ (أو شَدَّ) بشريط \ tape: to fasten with tape. \ ثَبَّتَ بإِسفين أو وَتِد \ wedge: to fix tightly with a wedge. \ ثَبَّتَ بالبِرشام \ rivet: to fasten with rivets. \ ثَبَّتَ بالرَّزَّة \ staple: to fix with staples: The electric wires were stapled to the wall. \ ثَبَّتَ بالمسامير \ nail: fasten with metal nails: The cupboard was nailed to the wall. \ ثَبَّتَ بمِسْمَار عَريض \ tack: to fasten with tacks. \ ثَبَّتَ بالمِشْبك \ buckto le: fasten with a buckle. clip: join, hold together or fasten with a clip. \ ثَبَّتَ في مكان \ pin: to hold so tight that movement is impossible: He was pinned to the ground by a fallen tree.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ثبت

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  • (be) on firm ground — be on firm ˈground idiom to be in a strong position in an argument, etc. because you know the facts • Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on firm ground. Main entry: ↑firmidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • be on firm ground — ► be on firm ground be sure of one s facts or secure in one s position. Main Entry: ↑firm …   English terms dictionary

  • firm ground — solid land, hard terrain; solid basis …   English contemporary dictionary

  • firm — Ⅰ. firm [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) having an unyielding surface or structure. 2) solidly in place and stable. 3) having steady power or strength: a firm grip. 4) showing resolute determination. 5) fixed or definite: firm plans …   English terms dictionary

  • ground — ground1 [ground] n. [ME grund < OE, ground, bottom, akin to Ger grund, ON grunnr: for IE base see GRIND] 1. a) Obs. the lowest part, base, or bottom of anything b) the bottom of a body of water 2. the surface of the earth, specif. the solid… …   English World dictionary

  • firm — adj Firm, hard, solid are comparable chiefly as meaning having a texture or consistency that markedly resists deformation by external force. Firm (opposed to loose, flabby) suggests such closeness or compactness of texture or a consistency so… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • be on firm ground — be sure of one s facts or secure in one s position. → firm …   English new terms dictionary

  • on firm ground — on solid ground, secure …   English contemporary dictionary

  • firm´ness — firm1 «furm», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. not yielding easily when pressed; solid; hard: »firm flesh, firm ground. 2. not easily shaken or moved; fixed in place: »a tree firm in the earth. Hope, as an anchor firm and sure, holds fast the Christian… …   Useful english dictionary

  • firm´ly — firm1 «furm», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. not yielding easily when pressed; solid; hard: »firm flesh, firm ground. 2. not easily shaken or moved; fixed in place: »a tree firm in the earth. Hope, as an anchor firm and sure, holds fast the Christian… …   Useful english dictionary

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