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  • 81 route

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > route

  • 82 street

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > street

  • 83 tack

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > tack

  • 84 track

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > track

  • 85 اتجاه

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل \ الاتِّجاه المُعَاكِس \ reverse: (of a machine) going backwards: He put his car into reverse. \ بِاتِّجاه \ on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east. \ بِاتِّجاه الخَلْف \ in reverse gear: going backwards (in the reverse direction). \ بِاتِّجاه الشَّرْق \ east: in or towards the direction in which the sun rises: We flew east for several hours. eastwards: towards the east. \ بِاتِّجاه الشَّمَال \ northward(s): towards the north. \ بِاتِّجاه عقارب الساعة \ clockwise: in the direction taken by the hands of a clock: To open this lock, turn the key clockwise (or in a clockwise direction). \ بِاتِّجاه مجرَى النَّهْر \ downstream: (moving) in the way the water flows, towards the mouth of a river, etc.: I threw a stick into the water and watched it float downstream.

    Arabic-English dictionary > اتجاه

  • 86 approach

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > approach

  • 87 fashion

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > fashion

  • 88 manner

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > manner

  • 89 means

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > means

  • 90 method

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > method

  • 91 style

    طَرِيقَة \ approach: a way (to a place, of doing sth.): Every approach to the town was guarded. This problem requires a different approach. fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. means: the way by which a result may be obtained: There is (or are) no means of finding out where he is. A donkey is a slow means of travel. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). She is in no way (not at all) to blame. \ See Also أسلوب (أسلوب)، نمط (نَمَط)، منهاج (مِنْهَاج)، وسيلة (وَسِيلَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > style

  • 92 شق طريقه

    شَقّ طَرِيقَهُ
    to open one's way, force one's way, push one's way, shoulder one's way, elbow one's way, plow one's way, hustle, thrust (into), pass (through), squeeze (in); to make one's way up, work up, rise, advance, progress, make progress

    Arabic-English new dictionary > شق طريقه

  • 93 أسلوب

    أُسْلُوب \ fashion: manner: It was done in a careless fashion. manner: the way in which sth. is done: It was tied in a very strange manner. method: a way of doing sth.: modern methods of building. process: (in factories, etc.) a way of making or treating sth.: Colour films are printed by a special chemical process. style: a particular way of doing sth.: a writer’s style; a swimmer’s style; the latest style of dress. way: manner: That’s the wrong way to do it. Foreigners don’t understand our ways (our customs). \ أُسْلُوب راسخ \ rut: a fixed way of life that is dull but is hard to change: be in a rut.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أسلوب

  • 94 attitude

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > attitude

  • 95 bearings

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > bearings

  • 96 direction

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > direction

  • 97 line

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > line

  • 98 track

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > track

  • 99 trend

    اِتِّجاه \ attitude: a way of thinking or behaving: What is your attitude to employing female teachers?. bearings: direction, where one is in relation to other places: He lost his bearings in the desert and wandered about helplessly. Let me get my bearings and I’ll find the right road course. direction: the way that sb. or sth. goes: He went in the wrong direction. line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. track: the course that is taken when one is tracking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right track. trend: the general direction of a change: a trend towards greater freedom for women. way: a direction: Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away). Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also ناحية (ناحِيَة)، مثيل (مَثيل)، وجهة (وِجْهَة)، سَبِيل

    Arabic-English glossary > trend

  • 100 شق

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏ \ شَقَّ \ tunnel: to make a tunnel: Rabbits tunnel holes to live in. \ See Also حَفَرَ نَفَقًا \ شَقَّ طريقَهُ بصعوبة \ scrape: to pass with difficulty: The lorry just scraped past us (it almost touched us). I just scraped through the exam (I almost failed it). \ شَقَّ طريقَه \ work one’s way: to make (slow) progress; to go, with much effort: He worked his way up the cliff. \ شَقَّ طريقَهُ بالقُوَّة \ fight one’s way: to use force so as to pass: The police fought their way through the crowd. \ شَقَّ طريقَه مُحدِثًا ضجَّة \ crash: to force one’s way noisily: An animal crashed through the bushes. \ شَقَّ عَصَا الطّاعة \ rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school.

    Arabic-English dictionary > شق

См. также в других словарях:

  • Way — Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way leave — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way of the cross — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way of the rounds — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way pane — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way passenger — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way station — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way train — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Way warden — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • way — or go one s way [wā] n. [ME < OE weg, akin to Ger < IE base * weĝh , to go > L vehere, to carry, ride, Gr ochos, wagon] 1. a means of passing from one place to another, as a road, highway, street or path [the Appian Way] 2. room or space …   English World dictionary

  • way — ► NOUN 1) a method, style, or manner of doing something. 2) the typical manner in which someone behaves or in which something happens. 3) a road, track, path, or street. 4) a route or means taken in order to reach, enter, or leave a place. 5) the …   English terms dictionary

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