Перевод: с английского на македонский

с македонского на английский


  • 1 negotiations

    English-Macedonian dictionary > negotiations

  • 2 negotiations reached a deadlock

    English-Macedonian dictionary > negotiations reached a deadlock

  • 3 join in/enter into negotiations

    влегува во/започнува преговори

    English-Macedonian dictionary > join in/enter into negotiations

  • 4 begin

    започнува, почнува
    * * *
    1.tr почнување; to begin negotiations почнување на преговори; he began working (to work) почна да работи;
    2. tr започнување; to begin a fight (a quarrel) започнување на кавга (тепачка);
    3. intr почнување; the class began (at one o'clock) часот почна (во еден часот); it began to rain почна да врни
    v. (past began; p.p. begun) почнува; почнува

    English-Macedonian dictionary > begin

  • 5 break off

    застој; откинува; прекинува break off negotiations прекинува преговори break one's heart скршува, длабоко ранува; длабоко ранува, скршува

    English-Macedonian dictionary > break off

  • 6 hold out

    phr. v. 1. истрајува, опстојува, издржува: They held out bravely against repeated enemy attacks Тие храбро се држеа и покрај постојаните напади на непријателот
    2. издржува, трае (резерви): Will the water supply hold out through the summer? Дали резервите од вода ќе бидат доволни за цело лето?;
    3. дава, подава (sth to sb нешто некому)
    4. not hold out much hope of sth не влева многу надеж за нешто: Negotiations are no longer holding out much hope for a peaceful settlement Преговорите повеќе не влеваат надежи дека ќе се изнајде мирољубиво решение

    English-Macedonian dictionary > hold out

  • 7 soft-pedal

    v. inf. (brit.: -Н-) 1. минимизира (важност/значење/итност)
    2. минува брзо (преку прашање/проблем)
    3. soft-pedal on reforms/negotiations ги забавува/кочи реформите/преговорите

    English-Macedonian dictionary > soft-pedal

  • 8 towards

    prep. (исто и toward, особено amer.) 1. кон, во правен на: He noticed two policemen coming towards him Забележа како двајца полицајци се приближуваат кон него; We're moving towards a solution Се приближуваме кон решение
    2. со цел (да), за да, кон: They have begun negotiations towards an agreement on... Отпочнаа преговори за да се договорат за;
    3. кон, близу (до), околу-.Towards the end of the day it began to rain Кон крајот на денот почна да врне; prep. укажува на: правец на движење: во, кон, на, во правец на, близу, околу; we travelled towards the south - ние се движевме кон југ;
    2. однос кон некого или нешто: кон, за, заради, со цел, за да; you should be respectful towards your parents - вие морате да се однесувате со почит кон вашите родители;
    3. приближно време; towards morning (noon, evening) - кон утро (околу пладне, кон вечера)

    English-Macedonian dictionary > towards

См. также в других словарях:

  • Negotiations (album) — Negotiations Studio album by Free Agents Released September 10, 2002 …   Wikipedia

  • Negotiations and Love Songs — Greatest hits album by Paul Simon Released October 18, 1988 …   Wikipedia

  • negotiations — index conference Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa — Apartheid in South Africa Events and projects Sharpeville massacre Soweto uprising Treason Trial · Rivonia Trial Church …   Wikipedia

  • negotiations — n. 1) to conduct; enter into negotiations 2) to break off negotiations 3) delicate; direct; fruitless, unsuccessful; high level; marathon, round the clock; successful; top level negotiations 4) diplomatic; peace negotiations 5) negotiations… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Negotiations of Bulgaria with the Central Powers and the Entente — The Negotiations of Bulgaria with the Central Powers and the Entente were attempts of the two belligerents in World War I, the Central Powers and the Entente to involve Bulgaria in the war on their side. They are also called The Bulgarian summer… …   Wikipedia

  • negotiations — A discussion between authorities and a barricaded offender or terrorist to effect hostage release and terrorist surrender. See also antiterrorism …   Military dictionary

  • negotiations — ne·go·ti·a·tion || nɪ‚gəʊʃɪ eɪʃn n. debate between two parties for the purpose of reaching an agreement; haggling, bargaining; act of passing an obstacle; method for connecting two computers or arranging data transfer between them… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • NEGOTIATIONS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • 2008 Zimbabwean political negotiations — The 2008 Zimbabwean political negotiations between the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (led by Morgan Tsvangirai), its small splinter group, the Movement for Democratic Change Mutambara (led by Arthur Mutambara), and the ruling Zimbabwe …   Wikipedia

  • Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians (2010-2011) — Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, George J. Mitchell and Hillary Clinton at the start of direct talks on September 2, 2010. Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority have been taking place since September 2010,… …   Wikipedia

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