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См. также в других словарях:

  • Whirl (Transformers) — Whirl is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers universes.Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Whirl caption =Whirl Box Art affiliation =Autobot subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles Micro Vehicles Wreckers rank = function …   Wikipedia

  • Whirl-Mart — is a culture jamming ritual aimed at retail superstores and described by participants as art and action. An event consists of a group of supposed shoppers who congregate at a large superstore (usually a Wal Mart, Toys R Us, ASDA, or Sainsbury s)… …   Wikipedia

  • Whirl — Whirl, n. [Cf. Dan. hvirvel, Sw. hvirfvel, Icel. hvirfill the crown of the head, G. wirbel whirl, crown of the head, D. wervel. See {Whirl}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. A turning with rapidity or velocity; rapid rotation or circumvolution; quick… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Whirl magazine — is a luxury lifestyle magazine published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since October 2001. The publication is one of two magazines published by WHIRL Publishing, which is run by Jack and Christine Tumpson. The other publication is Edible Allegheny …   Wikipedia

  • whirl — whirl; whirl·er; whirl·ey; whirl·i·cote; whirl·ing·ly; whirl·wig; whirl·i·gig; …   English syllables

  • Whirl — may refer to: * Whirl (Transformers), a Transformers toy * Tilt A Whirl, a type of amusement ride * Atomic whirl, a symbol of atheism * Whirl (programming language) * Whirl magazine, a luxury lifestyle magazine in Pittsburgh, PA …   Wikipedia

  • whirl — ► VERB 1) move rapidly round and round. 2) (of the head or mind) seem to spin round. ► NOUN 1) a rapid movement round and round. 2) frantic activity: the mad social whirl. 3) a sweet or biscuit with a spiral shape. ● …   English terms dictionary

  • whirl|y — «HWUR lee», adjective, whirl|i|er, whirl|i|est, noun, plural whirl|ies. –adj. that can whirl; whirling: »There are some dresses of red and white checked gingham with whirly skirts …   Useful english dictionary

  • whirl — [n1] spin, revolution circle, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, flurry, gyration, gyre, pirouette, reel, roll, rotation, round, surge, swirl, turn, twirl, twist, wheel, whir, whirlpool; concepts 152,738 whirl [n2] commotion, confusion ado*,… …   New thesaurus

  • whirl — [hwʉrl, wʉrl] vi. [ME whirlen < ON hvirfla, akin to hverfa: see WHIR] 1. to move rapidly in a circular manner or as in an orbit; circle swiftly [couples whirling round the dance floor] 2. to rotate or spin fast; gyrate 3. to move, go, drive,… …   English World dictionary

  • Whirl — Whirl, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Whirled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Whirling}.] [OE. whirlen, probably from the Scand.; cf. Icel. & Sw. hvirfla, Dan. hvirvle; akin to D. wervelen, G. wirbeln, freq. of the verb seen in Icel. hverfa to turn. [root]16. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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