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  • 1 ser dudoso

    to be doubtful, to be dubious.
    * * *
    (v.) = be doubtful
    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    * * *

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser dudoso

  • 2 wątpliw|y

    adj. [komplement] dubious, doubtful; [dowód, autentyczność, pochodzenie] doubtful, questionable; [rzut karny, poczucie humoru] dubious, questionable
    - wątpliwy prawnie of dubious a. doubtful legality
    - dzieła wątpliwego autorstwa works of doubtful authorship a. attribution
    - kobieta wątpliwej urody/o wątpliwej reputacji a woman of questionable beauty/dubious a. doubtful reputation
    - produkt wątpliwej jakości a product of dubious quality
    - wątpliwe (jest), by wygrał/czy wygra it is doubtful that/whether he’ll win
    - jego udział w meczu jest wątpliwy he is doubtful for the match
    wątpliwy zaszczyt/wątpliwa przyjemność/wątpliwa korzyść iron. dubious honour/pleasure/benefit

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wątpliw|y

  • 3 estar dudoso

    to be in doubt, to be not sure, to be in two minds, to be of two minds.
    * * *
    (v.) = be doubtful
    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    * * *

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar dudoso

  • 4 tener dudas

    to doubt, to distrust.
    * * *
    (v.) = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious
    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    Ex. Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.
    Ex. Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.
    Ex. Collection development librarians are often met with distrust from faculty colleagues who are often suspicious of their ability to select books.
    * * *
    (v.) = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Ex: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.
    Ex: Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.
    Ex: Collection development librarians are often met with distrust from faculty colleagues who are often suspicious of their ability to select books.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tener dudas

  • 5 В-323

    ВРЯД (НАВРЯД о?//, ЕДВА) ЛИ (Particle) it is dubious: it is doubtful (unlikely, hardly likely) (that...) probably (...) not I doubt it I doubt if (whether)... (in limited contexts) hardly scarcely.
    ...Едва ли и мать воочию видела то бескрайнее небо... (Обухова 1)....It is doubtful that even her mother had seen that endless sky... (1a).
    Мои пращуры любили сначала по праву брачной ночи, потом - за деньги. Едва ли кто-нибудь из них любил своих жен (Федин 1). My forefathers loved at first according to the droit de seigneur, then for money. It is unlikely that any of them loved their wives (1a).
    He знаю, жив ли он сейчас. Вряд ли (Гинзбург 2). I don't know whether he's alive now. It's hardly likely (2a).
    «...B хозяйстве (твой отец) вряд ли смыслит, но он добряк» (Тургенев 2). "...It's hardly likely that he (your father) understands farming, but he is a good-natured man" (2d).
    Ну как, сдадим к празднику объект?» - «Вряд ли» (Войнович 5). "So, how about it, we'll hand over the building by the holiday?" "I doubt it" (5a).
    (Грекова:) Вы так привыкли к разного рода резкостям, что мои слова едва ли будут вам в диковинку... (Чехов 1). (G.:) You're so used to all kinds of rudeness, I doubt if what I say will surprise you at all (1b).
    Количество дохода определить нельзя. При нынешнем беспорядке едва ли вы получите больше трёх тысяч...» (Гончаров 1). "It is impossible to tell you what your income amounts to. In the present rather confused state of affairs you will hardly receive more than three thousand..." (1a).
    ...«Видному лицу» такое высокомерие к новому любимчику вряд ли понравится (Аксенов 7). The Important Personage would scarcely countenance an overbearing attitude towards his new favorite (7a).
    Выздоровеет? Можно надеяться?» - «Едва ли. Умрет девочка...» (Шолохов 2). ( context transl) "Will she get better? Is there hope?" "Very little. She'll probably die..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-323

  • 6 вряд ли

    it is dubious:
    - it is doubtful <unlikely, hardly likely> (that...);
    - probably (...) not;
    - I doubt if < whether>...;
    - [in limited contexts] hardly;
    - scarcely.
         ♦... Едва ли и мать воочию видела то бескрайнее небо... (Обухова 1)....It is doubtful that even her mother had seen that endless sky... (1a).
         ♦ Мои пращуры любили сначала по праву брачной ночи, потом - за деньги. Едва ли кто-нибудь из них любил своих жен (Федин 1). My forefathers loved at first according to the droit de seigneur, then for money. It is unlikely that any of them loved their wives (1a).
         ♦ Не знаю, жив ли он сейчас. Вряд ли (Гинзбург 2). I don't know whether he's alive now. It's hardly likely (2a).
         ♦ "...В хозяйстве [твой отец] вряд ли смыслит, но он добряк" (Тургенев 2). "...It's hardly likely that he [your father] understands farming, but he is a good-natured man" (2d).
         ♦ "Ну как, сдадим к празднику объект?" - "Вряд ли" (Войнович 5). "So, how about it, we'll hand over the building by the holiday?" "I doubt it" (5a).
         ♦ [Грекова:] Вы так привыкли к разного рода резкостям, что мои слова едва ли будут вам в диковинку... (Чехов 1). [G.:] You're so used to all kinds of rudeness, I doubt if what I say will surprise you at all (1b).
         ♦ "Количество дохода определить нельзя. При нынешнем беспорядке едва ли вы получите больше трех тысяч..." (Гончаров 1). "It is impossible to tell you what your income amounts to. In the present rather confused state of affairs you will hardly receive more than three thousand..." (1a).
         ♦..."Видному лицу" такое высокомерие к новому любимчику вряд ли понравится (Аксенов 7). The Important Personage would scarcely countenance an overbearing attitude towards his new favorite (7a).
         ♦ "Выздоровеет? Можно надеяться?" - "Едва ли. Умрет девочка..." (Шолохов 2). [context transl] "Will she get better? Is there hope?" "Very little. She'll probably die..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вряд ли

  • 7 едва ли

    it is dubious:
    - it is doubtful <unlikely, hardly likely> (that...);
    - probably (...) not;
    - I doubt if < whether>...;
    - [in limited contexts] hardly;
    - scarcely.
         ♦...Едва ли и мать воочию видела то бескрайнее небо... (Обухова 1)....It is doubtful that even her mother had seen that endless sky... (1a).
         ♦ Мои пращуры любили сначала по праву брачной ночи, потом - за деньги. Едва ли кто-нибудь из них любил своих жен (Федин 1). My forefathers loved at first according to the droit de seigneur, then for money. It is unlikely that any of them loved their wives (1a).
         ♦ Не знаю, жив ли он сейчас. Вряд ли (Гинзбург 2). I don't know whether he's alive now. It's hardly likely (2a).
         ♦ "...В хозяйстве [твой отец] вряд ли смыслит, но он добряк" (Тургенев 2). "...It's hardly likely that he [your father] understands farming, but he is a good-natured man" (2d).
         ♦ "Ну как, сдадим к празднику объект?" - " Вряд ли" (Войнович 5). "So, how about it, we'll hand over the building by the holiday?" "I doubt it" (5a).
         ♦ [Грекова:] Вы так привыкли к разного рода резкостям, что мои слова едва ли будут вам в диковинку... (Чехов 1). [G.:] You're so used to all kinds of rudeness, I doubt if what I say will surprise you at all (1b).
         ♦ "Количество дохода определить нельзя. При нынешнем беспорядке едва ли вы получите больше трех тысяч..." (Гончаров 1). "It is impossible to tell you what your income amounts to. In the present rather confused state of affairs you will hardly receive more than three thousand..." (1a).
         ♦..."Видному лицу" такое высокомерие к новому любимчику вряд ли понравится (Аксенов 7). The Important Personage would scarcely countenance an overbearing attitude towards his new favorite (7a).
         ♦ "Выздоровеет? Можно надеяться?" - "Едва ли. Умрет девочка..." (Шолохов 2). [context transl] "Will she get better? Is there hope?" "Very little. She'll probably die..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > едва ли

  • 8 навряд ли

    it is dubious:
    - it is doubtful <unlikely, hardly likely> (that...);
    - probably (...) not;
    - I doubt if < whether>...;
    - [in limited contexts] hardly;
    - scarcely.
         ♦... Едва ли и мать воочию видела то бескрайнее небо... (Обухова 1)....It is doubtful that even her mother had seen that endless sky... (1a).
         ♦ Мои пращуры любили сначала по праву брачной ночи, потом - за деньги. Едва ли кто-нибудь из них любил своих жен (Федин 1). My forefathers loved at first according to the droit de seigneur, then for money. It is unlikely that any of them loved their wives (1a).
         ♦ Не знаю, жив ли он сейчас. Вряд ли (Гинзбург 2). I don't know whether he's alive now. It's hardly likely (2a).
         ♦ "...В хозяйстве [твой отец] вряд ли смыслит, но он добряк" (Тургенев 2). "...It's hardly likely that he [your father] understands farming, but he is a good-natured man" (2d).
         ♦ "Ну как, сдадим к празднику объект?" - " Вряд ли" (Войнович 5). "So, how about it, we'll hand over the building by the holiday?" "I doubt it" (5a).
         ♦ [Грекова:] Вы так привыкли к разного рода резкостям, что мои слова едва ли будут вам в диковинку... (Чехов 1). [G.:] You're so used to all kinds of rudeness, I doubt if what I say will surprise you at all (1b).
         ♦ "Количество дохода определить нельзя. При нынешнем беспорядке едва ли вы получите больше трех тысяч..." (Гончаров 1). "It is impossible to tell you what your income amounts to. In the present rather confused state of affairs you will hardly receive more than three thousand..." (1a).
         ♦..."Видному лицу" такое высокомерие к новому любимчику вряд ли понравится (Аксенов 7). The Important Personage would scarcely countenance an overbearing attitude towards his new favorite (7a).
         ♦ "Выздоровеет? Можно надеяться?" - "Едва ли. Умрет девочка..." (Шолохов 2). [context transl] "Will she get better? Is there hope?" "Very little. She'll probably die..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > навряд ли

  • 9 faltar mucho

    1 to have a lot of things left to do, to have still a lot to do, to have yet a lot to do, to be not through yet.
    Nos falta mucho We have much to do.
    2 to be far away yet, to be far off.
    Nos falta mucho [para llegar] We are far away yet.
    * * *
    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    * * *
    faltar mucho (para)
    (v.) = there + be + a long way to go (before), have + a long way to go (before)

    Ex: However, there is a long way to go before such a system can be implemented.

    Ex: The point being that these systems are very much in their infancy and have a long way to go before they reach the comparable sophistication of space probes and reusable rocketry.

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Spanish-English dictionary > faltar mucho

  • 10 сомнительный

    1) недостоверный doubtful, questionable; вызывающий подозрения dubious, questionable, suspicious, fishy coll, shady coll; спорный arguable

    сомни́тельная тео́рия — doubtful/questionable theory

    сомни́тельная сде́лка — questionable/shady business deal

    сомни́тельный тип — dubious/shady character, fishy customer

    сомни́тельно нрч, что он полу́чит э́ту рабо́ту — it is doubtful that/there is some doubt whether he'll get/land this job

    2) двусмысленный dubious, ambiguous, questionable

    сомни́тельное досто́инство — dubious merit

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > сомнительный

  • 11 estar muy lejos

    (v.) = be far off, be a long way off
    Ex. The customer appeal of the conventional journal remains and its demise is far off.
    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    * * *
    (v.) = be far off, be a long way off

    Ex: The customer appeal of the conventional journal remains and its demise is far off.

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar muy lejos

  • 12 solución poco real

    Ex. This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
    * * *

    Ex: This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

    Spanish-English dictionary > solución poco real

  • 13 преимущество

    (см. также достоинство, недостаток) advantage, preference, the benefits of, the advantages of
    ... имеют многочисленные преимущества. - The advantages of... are manifold/numerous/many.
    Важное преимущество (3.7) по отношению (3.3) состоит в том, что... - The important advantage of (3.7) over (3.3) is that...
    Важное преимущество такой переформулировки состоит в том, что... - An important advantage of this reformulation is that...
    Возможно, лишь небольшое преимущество будет достигнуто (путем)... - There is perhaps little advantage to be gained by...
    Главное преимущество данного метода заключается в том, что... - The chief advantage of the method is that...
    Главное преимущество данной процедуры по сравнению с традиционными методами состоит в том, что... - The major advantage of this procedure over the traditional method is that...
    Главное преимущество соотношения (5) состоит в том, что... - The principal advantage of (5) is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода имеется его общность. - The principal advantage of the method is its generality.
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его простота. - The principal virtue of the method is its simplicity.
    Данный метод имеет много важных преимуществ. - The method has many important advantages.
    Как мы увидим, такое обозначение имеет несколько преимуществ, особенно когда... - This notation has several advantages, as we shall see, especially when...
    Каковы преимущества данной процедуры? - What are the advantages of this procedure?
    Метод обладает очевидным преимуществом... - The method possesses the obvious advantage of...
    Мы не видим никаких существенных преимуществ в использовании... - There would seem to be little advantage in using...
    Мы проиллюстрируем преимущества и недостатки (чего-л). - We will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of...
    Наиболее важным преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что... - The primary advantage of this procedure is that...
    Наконец, для некоторых целей могло бы принести преимущества... - Finally, it might be advantageous for some purposes to...
    Находится под вопросом, может ли эта процедура дать какие-либо реальные преимущества. - It is doubtful that this procedure can be used to any real advantage.
    Нет никаких особых преимуществ в использовании... - There is no special merit in using...
    Одним из преимуществ этой процедуры является то, что... - One advantage of this procedure is that...
    Основное преимущество метода состоит в его простоте. - The main advantage of the procedure lies in its simplicity.
    Отличительным преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что... - A distinct advantage of the procedure is that...
    Очевидно, это было бы огромным преимуществом, если... - It would obviously be a great advantage if...
    Первым преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что становится легче... - The first advantage of this procedure is that it is easier to...
    Перед тем, как использовать его (метода) преимущество, мы должны... - Before taking advantage of this, we must...
    Потенциальное преимущество данной процедуры состоит в том, что... - A potential advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that...
    Преимущество этого выбора состоит в том, что... - The advantage of this choice is that...
    Преимущество этого метода заключается в том, что... - The advantage of this method lies in the fact that...
    Преимущество этой процедуры состоит в том, что... - The advantage of this procedure is that...
    Преимущество этой процедуры, следовательно, состоит в том, что она обеспечивает простой... - The advantage of this procedure, therefore, is that it provides a simple...
    Преимуществом уравнения (3) является то, что оно позволяет... - The advantage of (3) is that it permits...
    Преимуществом этого (метода) является то, что... - The advantage of this is...
    Третье практическое преимущество этой формы состоит в том, что... - A third practical advantage of this form lies in the fact that...
    Фундаментальным преимуществом этой процедуры является то, что... - A fundamental advantage of this procedure is that...
    Использование альтернативной формулы (2) часто имеет свои преимущества. - It is often advantageous to use the alternative formula (2).
    Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами данной процедуры, необходимо... - In order to take advantage of this procedure, one must...
    Это имеет то преимущество, что становится вполне понятно, что... - This has the advantage of making it quite clear that...
    Это не обязательно является преимуществом, так как... - This is not necessarily an advantage, since...
    Это соотношение имеет то преимущество, что... - This relation has the advantage that...
    Этот подход имеет то преимущество, что... - This approach has the advantage that...
    Этот подход предлагает существенные математические преимущества, потому что... - This approach offers considerable mathematical advajitages, because...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > преимущество

  • 14 процедура

    (см. также метод, способ) procedure, method
    Альтернативная процедура состоит в том, чтобы использовать... - An alternative procedure is to make use of...
    Все подобные процедуры могут иметь неожиданное воздействие на... - АН such procedures can have unexpected effects on...
    Главным преимуществом данной процедуры по сравнению с традиционным методом является то, что... - The major advantage of this procedure over the traditional method is that...
    Давайте проведем здесь данную процедуру в частном случае... - Let us carry out this procedure here for the special case of...
    Данная процедура имеет следующие достоинства. - The merits of this procedure are as follows.
    Для... можно разработать довольно очевидные численные процедуры. - Straightforward numerical procedures can be devised for...
    Другим недостатком этой процедуры является то, что... - Another disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Другим недостатком этой процедуры является то, что... - The other disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Единственным известным недостатком этой процедуры является то, что... - The only known disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Каков недостаток этой процедуры? - What is the disadvantage of this procedure?
    Каковы преимущества данной процедуры? - What are the advantages of this procedure?
    Можно увидеть недостаток этой процедуры. - One can see the disadvantage of this procedure.
    Мы сомневаемся, будет ли эта процедура работать. - We doubt whether this procedure would work.
    Наиболее важным преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что... - The primary advantage of this procedure is that...
    Все еще открыт вопрос, может ли эта процедура дать какие-либо реальные преимущества. - It is doubtful that this procedure can be used to any real advantage.
    Недостатком данной процедуры является то, что... - A disadvantage of this procedure is the fact that...
    Недостатком данной процедуры является то, что она требует... - The disadvantage of this procedure is that it requires...
    Необходимо/следует избегать подобной процедуры, потому что... - Such a procedure is to be avoided because...
    Одним из преимуществ этой процедуры является то, что... - One advantage of this procedure is that...
    Одно специальное достоинство данной процедуры состоит в том факте, что... - One special merit of the procedure lies in the fact that...
    Описанная выше процедура представляет один строгий метод... - The procedure described above represents a rigorous method of...
    Остается увидеть, действительно ли эта процедура работоспособна. - It remains to be seen whether this procedure is viable.
    Отличительным преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что... - A distinct advantage of the procedure is that...
    Первым преимуществом данной процедуры является то, что становится легче... - The first advantage of this procedure is that it is easier to...
    Пожалуйста, объясните достоинства и недостатки данной процедуры. - Please explain the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.
    Потенциальное преимущество данной процедуры состоит в том, что... - A potential advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that...
    Почему эта процедура лучше всех других? - Why is this procedure better than the others?
    Прежде чем выполнить эту процедуру, заметим, что... - Before carrying out this procedure, note that...
    Преимущество (= достоинство) этой процедуры состоит в том, что... - The advantage of this procedure is that...
    Преимущество этой процедуры, следовательно, состоит в том, что она обеспечивает простой... - The advantage of this procedure, therefore, is that it provides a simple...
    Рабочеспособность этой процедуры все еще находится под вопросом. - The viability of this procedure is still in question; This procedure is still open to question.
    Решающим недостатком этой процедуры является то, что... - The crucial disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Следующим недостатком этой процедуры является то, что... - A further disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Сначала мы описываем процедуру для... - We first give a procedure for...
    Стандартной процедурой является проверка, что... - It is a routine matter to verify that...
    Тем не менее, мы могли бы упростить процедуру, используя... - However, we may simplify matters by using...
    Фундаментальным преимуществом этой процедуры является то, что... - A fundamental advantage of this procedure is that...
    Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами данной процедуры, необходимо... - In order to take advantage of this procedure, one must...
    Эта процедура до сих пор еще полностью не оттестирована. - This procedure has not yet been fully tested.
    Эта процедура имеет следующие недостатки. - The procedure has the following disadvantages.
    Это стандартная процедура, чтобы... - It is standard procedure to...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > процедура

  • 15 Computer Metaphors

       Within the AI community there is a growing dissatisfaction concerning the adequacy of sequential models to simulate the cognitive processes....
       For an example of the dissimilarity between computers and nervous systems, consider that in conventional computers... each piece of data [is] located in its own special space in the memory bank [and] can be retrieved only by a central processor that knows the address in the memory bank for each datum. Human memory appears to be organized along entirely different lines. For one thing, from a partial or a degraded stimulus human memory can "reconstruct" the rest, and there are associative relationships among stored pieces of information based on considerations of context rather than on considerations of location.... t now appears doubtful that individual neurons are so specific that they are tuned to respond to a single item and nothing else. Thus, connectionist models tend to devise and use distributed principles, which means that elements may be selective to a range of stimuli and there are no "grandmother cells."...
       Information storage, it appears, is in some ill-defined sense a function of connectivity among sets of neurons. This implies that there is something fundamentally wrong in understanding the brain's memory on the model of individual symbols stored at unique addresses in a data bank....
       A further source of misgivings about the computer metaphor concerns real-time constraints. Although the signal velocities in nervous systems are quite slow in comparison to those in computers, brains are nonetheless far, far faster than electronic devices in the execution of their complex tasks. For example, human brains are incomparably faster than any computer in word-nonword recognition tasks. (P. S. Churchland, 1986, pp. 458-459)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Computer Metaphors

  • 16 Watt, James

    b. 19 January 1735 Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland
    d. 19 August 1819 Handsworth Heath, Birmingham, England
    Scottish engineer and inventor of the separate condenser for the steam engine.
    The sixth child of James Watt, merchant and general contractor, and Agnes Muirhead, Watt was a weak and sickly child; he was one of only two to survive childhood out of a total of eight, yet, like his father, he was to live to an age of over 80. He was educated at local schools, including Greenock Grammar School where he was an uninspired pupil. At the age of 17 he was sent to live with relatives in Glasgow and then in 1755 to London to become an apprentice to a mathematical instrument maker, John Morgan of Finch Lane, Cornhill. Less than a year later he returned to Greenock and then to Glasgow, where he was appointed mathematical instrument maker to the University and was permitted in 1757 to set up a workshop within the University grounds. In this position he came to know many of the University professors and staff, and it was thus that he became involved in work on the steam engine when in 1764 he was asked to put in working order a defective Newcomen engine model. It did not take Watt long to perceive that the great inefficiency of the Newcomen engine was due to the repeated heating and cooling of the cylinder. His idea was to drive the steam out of the cylinder and to condense it in a separate vessel. The story is told of Watt's flash of inspiration as he was walking across Glasgow Green one Sunday afternoon; the idea formed perfectly in his mind and he became anxious to get back to his workshop to construct the necessary apparatus, but this was the Sabbath and work had to wait until the morrow, so Watt forced himself to wait until the Monday morning.
    Watt designed a condensing engine and was lent money for its development by Joseph Black, the Glasgow University professor who had established the concept of latent heat. In 1768 Watt went into partnership with John Roebuck, who required the steam engine for the drainage of a coal-mine that he was opening up at Bo'ness, West Lothian. In 1769, Watt took out his patent for "A New Invented Method of Lessening the Consumption of Steam and Fuel in Fire Engines". When Roebuck went bankrupt in 1772, Matthew Boulton, proprietor of the Soho Engineering Works near Birmingham, bought Roebuck's share in Watt's patent. Watt had met Boulton four years earlier at the Soho works, where power was obtained at that time by means of a water-wheel and a steam engine to pump the water back up again above the wheel. Watt moved to Birmingham in 1774, and after the patent had been extended by Parliament in 1775 he and Boulton embarked on a highly profitable partnership. While Boulton endeavoured to keep the business supplied with capital, Watt continued to refine his engine, making several improvements over the years; he was also involved frequently in legal proceedings over infringements of his patent.
    In 1794 Watt and Boulton founded the new company of Boulton \& Watt, with a view to their retirement; Watt's son James and Boulton's son Matthew assumed management of the company. Watt retired in 1800, but continued to spend much of his time in the workshop he had set up in the garret of his Heathfield home; principal amongst his work after retirement was the invention of a pantograph sculpturing machine.
    James Watt was hard-working, ingenious and essentially practical, but it is doubtful that he would have succeeded as he did without the business sense of his partner, Matthew Boulton. Watt coined the term "horsepower" for quantifying the output of engines, and the SI unit of power, the watt, is named in his honour.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1785. Honorary LLD, University of Glasgow 1806. Foreign Associate, Académie des Sciences, Paris 1814.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson and R Jenkins, 1927, James Watt and the Steam Engine, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1962, James Watt, London: B.T. Batsford.
    R.Wailes, 1963, James Watt, Instrument Maker (The Great Masters: Engineering Heritage, Vol. 1), London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

    Biographical history of technology > Watt, James

  • 17 за исключением

    All these compounds except the monomethylnaphthalenes are of some commercial importance.

    Linear molecules, other than diatomics, can be treated similarly.

    But for a few substances, the state of the art has not advanced sufficiently to permit...

    These miniatures compare in every way except size with the larger connectors.

    Except for the bubble caps, the plant was constructed entirely of carbon steel.

    These particles are identical except for the sight of their charge.

    Except in a few special cases, very little visible or radar energy is emitted.

    Excepting the test pieces used for the experiment described in Sect. 7, all the specimens were heated at 200°C for 2000 min.

    The total cost of the part, exclusive of (or excluding, or with the exception of) material costs, would be...

    The media used for assay of amino acids contain a complete mixture of pure amino acids, save for the one to be determined.

    With the exception of some one-coat enamels, most porcelain enamels are applied in two or more coats.

    The weight of the press, less the hydraulic equipment, is 37 tons.

    * * *
    За исключением -- except in, except for, with the exception of (that), save for; but
     It is doubtful that the routine use of a finite element approach would prove economically justified, except in a research study.
     This behavior does not normally occur under impact loading except for low strength steels.
     All physical properties of the oil, with the exception of the thermal conductivity, were measured over the temperature range of interest.
     The velocity data for both the isothermal and heated cases are seen to be virtually identical, save for the typical upstream shift of the data.
     Frictional heating causes a significant rise in temperature of all but the most lightly loaded systems.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > за исключением

  • 18 представляется сомнительным

    Представляется сомнительным-- At this time, however, it appears doubtful that this effect can be utilized because of flow-stability problems associated with stopping the flow of helium.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > представляется сомнительным

  • 19 предъявлять финансовые требования к

    Предъявлять финансовые требования к-- It was doubtful that the council was empowered make financial demands of the companies participating in the project without agreement from the federal authorities.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > предъявлять финансовые требования к

  • 20 сомнительно

    Сомнительно-- It is doubtful that the routine use of a finite element approach would prove economically justified, except in a research study or in other special circumstances.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > сомнительно

См. также в других словарях:

  • doubtful — doubtful, dubious 1. The constructions that follow doubtful correspond to the pattern outlined for doubt above, with whether and if still dominant but a that clause now increasingly common: • It is doubtful that in the right to life controversy… …   Modern English usage

  • Doubtful — Doubt ful, a. 1. Not settled in opinion; undetermined; wavering; hesitating in belief; also used, metaphorically, of the body when its action is affected by such a state of mind; as, we are doubtful of a fact, or of the propriety of a measure.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • doubtful — [[t]da͟ʊtfʊl[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft it v link ADJ that/wh If it is doubtful that something will happen, it seems unlikely to happen or you are uncertain whether it will happen. For a time it seemed doubtful that he would move at… …   English dictionary

  • doubtful — adjective 1) I was doubtful about going Syn: irresolute, hesitant, vacillating, dithering, wavering, in doubt, unsure, uncertain, of two minds, shilly shallying, undecided, in a quandary, in a dilemma, blowing hot and cold Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • doubtful — adj. 1) doubtful of 2) doubtful that + inf. (it s doubtful that she will be present) USAGE NOTE: see the Usage Note for doubtI. Thus, to express uncertainty , one can say it is doubtful whether they will finish on time. To express disbelief, one… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • doubtful — doubt|ful [ˈdautfəl] adj 1.) probably not true or not likely to happen ▪ Prospects for a lasting peace remain doubtful. it is doubtful if/whether ▪ It was doubtful whether the patient would survive the operation. it is doubtful that ▪ It is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • doubtful — doubt|ful [ dautfəl ] adjective ** 1. ) not usually before noun not certain or likely to happen or be true: Already the whole project was looking doubtful. it is doubtful (that)/whether/if/how: It is doubtful whether he will survive. a ) MAINLY… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • doubtful */*/ — UK [ˈdaʊtf(ə)l] / US [ˈdaʊtfəl] adjective 1) a) [not usually before noun] not certain or likely to happen or be true Already the whole project was looking doubtful. it is doubtful (that)/whether/if/how: It is doubtful whether he will survive. b)… …   English dictionary

  • doubtful — adjective 1 having doubts about something: The journalist looked doubtful when he heard her story. (+ if/whether): I m still doubtful whether I should accept this job. | doubtful about (doing) sth: At first we were doubtful about employing… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • doubtful — adjective Date: 14th century 1. giving rise to doubt ; open to question < it is doubtful that they ever knew what happened > 2. a. lacking a definite opinion, conviction, or determination < they were doubtful about the ad …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • doubtful — doubtful, dubious, problematic, questionable are comparable when they mean not affording assurance of the worth, soundness, success, or certainty of something or someone. Doubtful and dubious are sometimes used with little distinction. Doubtful,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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