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  • 1 mop

    nyüstbojt, kötélkóc-seprű, törlőrongy, grimasz to mop: súrol, feltöröl, felsúrol, nyüstbojttal tisztogat
    * * *
    [mop] 1. noun
    1) (a pad of sponge, or a bunch of pieces of coarse string or yarn etc, fixed on a handle, for washing floors, dishes etc.) nyeles súrolórongy
    2) (a thick mass of hair: a mop of dark hair.) hajcsomó
    3) (an act of mopping: He gave the floor a quick mop.) felmosás
    2. verb
    1) (to rub or wipe with a mop: She mopped the kitchen floor.) felsúrol
    2) (to wipe or clean (eg a face covered with sweat): He mopped his brow.) megtöröl

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mop

  • 2 break out in

    (to (suddenly) become covered in a rash, in sweat etc: I'm allergic to strawberries. They make me break out in a rash.) kiütések lepik el (az arcát stb.)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > break out in

  • 3 wet

    ivás, nedvesség, esős, vizes, eső to wet: beáztat, megnedvesít, benedvesít
    * * *
    [wet] 1. adjective
    1) (containing, soaked in, or covered with, water or another liquid: We got soaking wet when it began to rain; His shirt was wet through with sweat; wet hair; The car skidded on the wet road.) nedves
    2) (rainy: a wet day; wet weather; It was wet yesterday.) esős
    2. verb
    (to make wet: She wet her hair and put shampoo on it; The baby has wet himself / his nappy / the bed.) be-, megnedvesít, bevizez; bepisil
    3. noun
    1) (moisture: a patch of wet.) nedvesség
    2) (rain: Don't go out in the wet.) eső
    - wet blanket
    - wet-nurse
    - wetsuit
    - wet through

    English-Hungarian dictionary > wet

См. также в других словарях:

  • covered with sweat — spread all over with perspiration …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sweat´i|ness — sweat|y «SWEHT ee», adjective, sweat|i|er, sweat|i|est. 1. covered or wet with sweat; sweating. 2. causing sweat: »the sweaty forge (Matthew Prior) …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweat´i|ly — sweat|y «SWEHT ee», adjective, sweat|i|er, sweat|i|est. 1. covered or wet with sweat; sweating. 2. causing sweat: »the sweaty forge (Matthew Prior) …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweat|y — «SWEHT ee», adjective, sweat|i|er, sweat|i|est. 1. covered or wet with sweat; sweating. 2. causing sweat: »the sweaty forge (Matthew Prior) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sweat lodge — The sweat lodge (also called purification ceremony, sweat house, medicine lodge, medicine house, or simply sweat) is a ceremonial sauna and is an important event in some North American First Nations or Native American cultures. There are several… …   Wikipedia

  • Sweat test — The sweat test measures the concentration of chloride and sodium that is excreted in sweat. It is used to diagnose cystic fibrosis (CF).BackgroundCystic fibrosis is caused by defects in a protein found in many tissues, including the airways and… …   Wikipedia

  • sweat — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy ▪ light ▪ clammy ▪ My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back. ▪ cold …   Collocations dictionary

  • sweat — 01. The [sweat] rolled down his face as he worked in the hot sun. 02. The cook wiped the [sweat] off her face as she bent over the hot stove to stir the soup. 03. The patient had a high fever, and her clothes were soaked with [sweat]. 04. We were …   Grammatical examples in English

  • sweat — I. verb (sweat or sweated; sweating) Etymology: Middle English sweten, from Old English swǣtan, from swāt sweat; akin to Old High German sweiz sweat, Latin sudare to sweat, Greek hidrōs sweat Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bathed in sweat — covered in sweat …   English dictionary

  • sweat lodge — /ˈswɛt lɒdʒ/ (say swet loj) noun (among northern Native American peoples) a rough shelter made traditionally from willow poles lashed together with rawhide and covered with skins of bear or moose (nowadays, heavy canvas sheets), with a pit in the …  

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