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  • 1 consequent

    a., n. 결과의, 결과로서 생기는, 논리상 필연의, 당연한, 당연한(자연스러운)결과, 후건, 단안, 귀결, 후항, 후율

    English-Korean dictionary > consequent

См. также в других словарях:

  • conséquent — conséquent, ente [ kɔ̃sekɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1361; lat. consequens, de consequi « suivre » 1 ♦ Qui agit ou raisonne avec esprit de suite. ⇒ cohérent, 2. logique. Être conséquent avec ses principes, dans ses actions. 2 ♦ Vieilli CONSÉQUENT À... : qui …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • conséquent — conséquent, ente 1. (kon sé kan, kan t ) adj. 1°   Qui suit ou qui se suit, c est à dire qui agit ou raisonne avec suite. Un esprit conséquent signifie un esprit juste qui raisonne bien. •   Tous les esprits sont conséquents, on le dit du moins,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Consequent — Con se*quent, a. [L. consequens, entis, p. pr. of consequi to follow; con + sequi to follow: cf. F. cons[ e]quent. See {Second}, and cf. {Consecution}.] 1. Following as a result, inference, or natural effect. [1913 Webster] The right was… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consequent points — Consequent Con se*quent, a. [L. consequens, entis, p. pr. of consequi to follow; con + sequi to follow: cf. F. cons[ e]quent. See {Second}, and cf. {Consecution}.] 1. Following as a result, inference, or natural effect. [1913 Webster] The right… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consequent poles — Consequent Con se*quent, a. [L. consequens, entis, p. pr. of consequi to follow; con + sequi to follow: cf. F. cons[ e]quent. See {Second}, and cf. {Consecution}.] 1. Following as a result, inference, or natural effect. [1913 Webster] The right… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consequent — consequent, consequential 1. Consequent is used either attributively or with on or upon and means ‘resulting, following in time’, with an element of causation that is not present in the purely temporal word subsequent: • He does not mention the… …   Modern English usage

  • consequent — [kän′sikwent΄, kän′sikwənt] adj. [OFr < L consequens: see CONSEQUENCE] 1. following as a result; resulting 2. proceeding in logical sequence n. 1. anything that follows 2. Logic a) the second term of a conditional proposi …   English World dictionary

  • Consequent — Con se*quent, n. 1. That which follows, or results from, a cause; a result or natural effect. [1913 Webster] They were ill governed, which is always a consequent of ill payment. Sir J. Davies. [1913 Webster] 2. (Logic) That which follows from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consequent — (adj.) late 14c., in various senses now restricted to consequence, from M.Fr. conséquent following, resulting, from L. consequentem (nom. consequens); see CONSEQUENCE (Cf. consequence). Meaning an event which follows another is from 1610s.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Consequent — (v. lat. Consĕquens, folgend), 1) folgerecht; 2) fest in Grundsätzen, s. Consequenz …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Consequent — Consequent, folgerecht; Consequenz, Folgerichtigkeit, die mit den ausgesprochenen Grundsätzen übereinstimmende Handlungsweise; in der Logik ist C. der gezogene Schluß. Consequenzenmacherei, die Sucht, aus den Worten eines anderen mißtrauische… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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