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  • 101 record

    feljegyzés, okirat, hanglemez, előélet, priusz to record: regisztrál, hangfelvételt készít, rögzít
    * * *
    1. ['reko:d, -kəd, ]( American[) -kərd] noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) feljegyzés
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) (hang)lemez
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) rekord, csúcs
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) előélet
    2. [rə'ko:d] verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) feljegyez
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) hangfelvételt készít (vmiről), felvesz vmit
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) mutat (műszer)
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) igazol
    - recording
    - record-player
    - in record time
    - off the record
    - on record

    English-Hungarian dictionary > record

  • 102 reproach

    szemrehányás to reproach: szemrehányást tesz
    * * *
    [rə'prəu ] 1. verb
    (to rebuke or blame but usually with a feeling of sadness and disappointment rather than anger: She reproached me for not telling her about my money troubles; There is no need to reproach yourself - you did the best you could.) szemére vet vkinek vmit
    2. noun
    ((an) act of reproaching: a look of reproach; He didn't deserve that reproach from you.) szemrehányás
    - reproachfully

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reproach

  • 103 root out

    1) (to pull up or tear out by the roots: The gardener began to root out the weeds.) gyökerestül kitép
    2) (to get rid of completely: We must do our best to root out poverty.) kiirt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > root out

  • 104 scramble

    tülekedés, kúszás, mászás to scramble: tülekedik
    * * *
    ['skræmbl] 1. verb
    1) (to crawl or climb quickly, using arms and legs: They scrambled up the slope; He scrambled over the rocks.) négykézláb mászik
    2) (to move hastily: He scrambled to his feet.) igyekszik
    3) ((with for) to rush, or struggle with others, to get: The boys scrambled for the ball.) tülekedik vmiért
    4) (to distort (a telephone message etc) so that it can only be received and understood with a special receiver.) összezavar
    2. noun
    ((sometimes with for) an act of scrambling; a rush or struggle: There was a scramble for the best bargains.) tülekedés
    - scrambled eggs
    - scrambled egg

    English-Hungarian dictionary > scramble

  • 105 second-class

    másodrendű, kettes érdemjegy, másodosztályú
    * * *
    1) (of or in the class next after or below the first; not of the very best quality: a second-class restaurant; He gained a second-class honours degree in French.) másodosztályú
    2) ((for) travelling in a part of a train etc that is not as comfortable or luxurious as some other part: a second-class passenger; His ticket is second-class; ( also adverb) I'll be travelling second-class.) másodosztályú; másodikon (utazik)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > second-class

  • 106 sit tight

    (to keep the same position or be unwilling to move or act: The best thing to do is to sit tight and see if things improve.) lapít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sit tight

  • 107 snake-bite

    noun (the wound resulting from the bite of a snake: What is the best treatment for (a) snake-bite?) kígyómarás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > snake-bite

  • 108 stand for

    1) (to be a candidate for election to: He stood for Parliament.) pályázik (vmire); jelölteti magát
    2) (to be an abbreviation for: HQ stands for Headquarters.) azt jelenti, hogy...
    3) (to represent: I like to think that our school stands for all that is best in education.) képvisel (vmit)
    4) (to tolerate: I won't stand for this sort of behaviour.) tolerál, tűr

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stand for

  • 109 subject

    alattvaló, állampolgár, téma, tantárgy, tárgy to subject: alávet, alávet vkinek, előterjeszt, feltár, leigáz
    * * *
    1. adjective
    ((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) alávetett, függő
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) alattvaló
    2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) téma
    3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) (tan)tárgy
    4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) téma
    5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) alany
    3. [səb'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) leigáz
    2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) kitesz vminek
    - subjective
    - subjectively
    - subject matter
    - change the subject
    - subject to

    English-Hungarian dictionary > subject

  • 110 Sunday

    * * *
    (the first day of the week, the day following Saturday, kept for rest and worship among Christians.) vasárnap
    - Sunday school
    - a month of Sundays

    English-Hungarian dictionary > Sunday

  • 111 superlative

    felsőfok, páratlan, felülmúlhatatlan, felsőfokú
    * * *
    [su'pə:lətiv] 1. adjective
    ((of an adjective or adverb) of the highest degree of comparison: `Biggest' is a superlative adjective.) felsőfokú
    2. noun
    ((an adjective or adverb of) the superlative degree: `Best' and `worst' are the superlatives of `good' and `bad'; She is the prettiest girl in the room; We'll go by different roads to see who will arrive (the) soonest / most quickly.) felsőfok

    English-Hungarian dictionary > superlative

  • 112 swamp

    tőzegtelep, ingovány, posvány, láp to swamp: elönt, elhalmoz, vízzel tölt meg
    * * *
    [swomp] 1. noun
    (an area of) wet, marshy ground: These trees grow best in swamp(s). mocsár
    2. verb
    (to cover or fill with water: A great wave swamped the deck.) eláraszt
    - swampiness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > swamp

  • 113 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə])
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...

    English-Hungarian dictionary > the

  • 114 timing

    ütemezés, időzítés, beütemezés, időmegállapítás
    * * *
    1) (the measuring of the amount of time taken.) időmérés
    2) (the regulating of speech or actions to achieve the best effect: All comedians should have a good sense of timing.) időzítés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > timing

  • 115 to begin with

    1) (at first: I didn't like him to begin with, but now he's one of my best friends.) eleinte
    2) (firstly: There are many reasons why I don't like her - to begin with, she doesn't tell the truth.) először is

    English-Hungarian dictionary > to begin with

  • 116 to date

    (up to the present time: This is the best entry we've received to date.) eddig

    English-Hungarian dictionary > to date

  • 117 uncertain

    vitás, habozó
    * * *
    1) ((of a person) not sure; not definitely knowing: I'm uncertain of my future plans; The government is uncertain what is the best thing to do.) bizonytalan, habozó
    2) (not definitely known or settled: My plans are still uncertain; The uncertain weather delayed our departure.) bizonytalan

    English-Hungarian dictionary > uncertain

  • 118 upset the apple cart

    (to bring into disorder: The football team were doing very well when their best player upset the apple cart by breaking his leg.) keresztülhúzza vkinek a számításait

    English-Hungarian dictionary > upset the apple cart

  • 119 walk off with

    1) (to win easily: He walked off with all the prizes at the school sports.) könnyen nyer
    2) (to steal: The thieves have walked off with my best silver and china.) vmivel meglép

    English-Hungarian dictionary > walk off with

  • 120 weapon

    * * *
    (any instrument or means which is used for one's own defence or for attacking others: Rifles, arrows, atom bombs and tanks are all weapons; The police are looking for the murder weapon; Surprise is our best weapon.) fegyver

    English-Hungarian dictionary > weapon

См. также в других словарях:

  • BEST — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adolfo Best Maugard (1891–1964), mexikanischer Künstler Ben Best, US amerikanischer Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler Charles Best (1899–1978), US amerikanischer Physiologe und Biochemiker Clyde Best (* 1951) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Best Thing I Never Had — Single par Beyoncé Knowles extrait de l’album 4 Sortie 1er juin 2011 Enregistrement MSR Studio, KMA Studio (New York, États Unis) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • BEST Robotics — BEST, Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology , is a national 6 week robotics competition in the United States held each fall, designed to help interest middle school and high school students in possible engineering careers.HistoryWhile… …   Wikipedia

  • Best (surname) — Best is a surname, and may refer to* Ahmed Best * Alan Best * Alan Best (sculptor) * Alfred M. Best * Andy Best British footballer * Ben Best * Calum Best * Carlisle Best * Charles Herbert Best (1899 1978) American/Canadian Physiologist * Clyde… …   Wikipedia

  • Best — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adolfo Best Maugard (1891–1964), mexikanischer Künstler Ahmed Best (* 1973), US amerikanischer Synchronsprecher, Schauspieler und Musiker Ben Best, US amerikanischer Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler Benjamin …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Best-sellers — Best seller Littérature Par catégories …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Best seller — Littérature Par catégories …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Best practice — is an idea that asserts that there is a , method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and …   Wikipedia

  • Best Student Council — 極上生徒会 (Gokujō Seitokai) Genre Comedy, Slice of life story …   Wikipedia

  • Best value — is government policy in the United Kingdom affecting the provision of public services in England and Wales. In Wales, Best Value is known as the Wales Programme for Improvement. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Effects of Best Value 3 History of Best… …   Wikipedia

  • Best Buy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Best Buy Co., Inc. Eslogan You, Happier.(E.U.A.), Inovaciones que mejoran tu vida (México). Tipo pública (NYSE: BBY) Fundació …   Wikipedia Español

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