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  • 1 issue

    1. विवादास्पद\issueविषय
    The issue could be settled by public education for everyone.
    2. प्रकाशित\issueवस्तु
    She found an old issue of the magazine in her cupboard.
    3. संतति
    The king died without an issue.
    4. बहाव
    Thalakaveri is the point of issue for the Kaveri river.
    1. आदेश\issueजारी\issueकरना
    The court issued an order.
    2. देना
    The school issued a new uniform to the children.
    3. प्रकाशित\issueकरना

    English-Hindi dictionary > issue

  • 2 issue

    निकास, बाहर आना, बहाव; जनना, सन्तान, वंश; फल, परिणाम; प्रकाशन, आवृत्ति; विवादास्पद विषय, तनकीह, बीज
    v. tr. & intr.
    निकालना, प्रकाशित करना, प्रचलित करना, चलाना, बरतना, देना; निकलना, बहना, बढ चलना, फूटना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > issue

  • 3 side-issue

    1. गौण-विषय
    We should not waste time on side-issues.

    English-Hindi dictionary > side-issue

  • 4 float

    1. तैरने वाला पदार्थ
    Do not forget to attach a float to the fishing line to prevent its sinking.
    2. झाँकी
    There were many interesting floats in the Republic Day parade.
    3. रेज़गारी
    Bus conducters do not keep float with them to avoid giving change to passengers.
    1. बहना
    The dead body was found floating on the river.
    2. तैरना
    She kept on floating in the pool to relax.
    The water in the pond was so low that the boat could not float.
    3. राय देना
    He floated a few ideas on the new product.
    4. ज़ारी\floatकरना
    This company has floated its first public issue now.
    This company is floating a fresh issue of shares and debentures.
    5. मुद्रा का संतुलन रखना
    Countries normally float their currency against the US Dollar.

    English-Hindi dictionary > float

  • 5 abstention

    1. तटस्थता
    Two countries were in absention in the UN poll on the Kashmir issue.

    English-Hindi dictionary > abstention

  • 6 agenda

    1. करने\agendaवाली\agendaकार्यवाही
    The environment issue is high on the political agenda at the moment.

    English-Hindi dictionary > agenda

  • 7 attention

    1. ध्यान
    The issue came to his attention by the media reports.
    He gave her a lot of attention.
    2. सावधान
    The soldiers were commanded to stand in attention.

    English-Hindi dictionary > attention

  • 8 avert

    1. घुमा\avertदेना
    She averted her thoughts from his memories.
    2. टाल\avertदेना
    Ram always averted the issue of getting married.
    राम विवाह को टाल देना चाहता था.

    English-Hindi dictionary > avert

  • 9 beard

    1. दाढ़ी
    My father has a long beard.
    मेरे पिता की लम्बी डाढ़ी है.
    1. ललकारना
    He was brave enough to beard his senior on this issue.
    वह इतना बहादुर था कि अपने वरिष्ठ (अधिकारी) को इस विषय पर ललकार सका.

    English-Hindi dictionary > beard

  • 10 burke

    1. गला\burkeघोंट\burkeकर\burkeमारना
    Burke an issue

    English-Hindi dictionary > burke

  • 11 centrality

    1. केन्द्रीयता
    The centrality of the issue should not be marginalized.

    English-Hindi dictionary > centrality

  • 12 contribution

    1. योगदान/भाग
    I am proud of my contribution to the team's success.
    2. हिस्सा\{दिया\contributionहुआ\}
    He expected his contribution to be repaid with interest.
    3. अनिवार्य\contributionभुगतान
    I have paid a monthly contribution of Rupees hundred.
    4. लेख
    The editor has received extra contributions for the next issue.

    English-Hindi dictionary > contribution

  • 13 controversial

    1. विवादास्पद
    The issue of the death penalty is highly controversial.

    English-Hindi dictionary > controversial

  • 14 dead

    1. मृत
    The nerve is dead
    Mars is a dead planet
    Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range
    2. सधा\deadहुआ
    A dead shot
    3. निश्चेष्ट
    Dead silence
    Passersby were dead to our plea for help
    His gums were dead from the novocain
    Dead capital
    Dead air
    A dead telephone line
    4. निर्जीव
    Latin is a dead language
    A dead tennis ball
    A dead law
    A dead issue
    A dead battery
    The party being dead we left early
    This is a dead town; nothing ever happens here
    1. मृतक
    They buried the dead
    2. जिस\deadसमय\deadसुनसान\deadहो
    The dead of winter

    English-Hindi dictionary > dead

  • 15 deliberate

    1. सुविचारित
    The deliberate killing of trible people in BIHAR.
    बिहार में आदिवासी लोगों की सुविचारित हत्या.
    He made a deliberate attempt to kill his wife.
    2. ध्यानपूर्वक
    His way of talking is very soft and delibrate.
    1. विचार\deliberateकरना
    They deleberated over the issue for full two hours.
    Just deliberate before you take an action.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deliberate

  • 16 deliberately

    1. जानबूझ\deliberatelyकर
    They deleberately avoided the issue.
    वे जानबूझ\deliberatelyकर इस विषय से बचते रहे.
    He has harmed her deliberately.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deliberately

  • 17 diplomacy

    1. देशों\diplomacyके\diplomacyबीच\diplomacyराजनीतिक\diplomacyसंबन्ध
    The Kashmir issue should be settled by diplomacy not war.
    2. व्यवहार\diplomacyकुशलता
    He is not educated but gets his work done by diplomacy.

    English-Hindi dictionary > diplomacy

  • 18 disorder

    1. अव्यवस्था
    The Lok Sabha was in utter disorder over the issue of Women's Bill.
    2. विकार/रोग
    He is suffering from mental disorder.

    English-Hindi dictionary > disorder

  • 19 dispute

    1. विवाद
    The workers' union is in dispute with the management.
    1. विवाद\disputeकरना
    The workers' union disputed with the management on the issue of bonus.

    English-Hindi dictionary > dispute

  • 20 dodge

    1. कतराना
    He dodged the issue

    English-Hindi dictionary > dodge

См. также в других словарях:

  • issue — [ isy ] n. f. • XIIe; de issu 1 ♦ Vx Action de sortir. 2 ♦ Mod. Ouverture, passage offrant la possibilité de sortir. ⇒ dégagement, 1. porte, sortie. Chercher une issue. Une issue de secours. « Toutes les issues de ma chambre étaient fortement… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • issue — is·sue 1 / i ˌshü, ˌsyü/ n 1 pl: proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate) rents, issue s, and profits 2: one or more lineal descendants died without issue compare …   Law dictionary

  • Issue management — in Business = In business, Issue Management refers to the discipline and process of managing business issues and usually implies using technology to electronically automate the process. Electronic issue management has gathered steam as a business …   Wikipedia

  • Issue — Is sue ([i^]sh [ u]), n. [OF. issue, eissue, F. issue, fr. OF. issir, eissir, to go out, L. exire; ex out of, from + ire to go, akin to Gr. ie nai, Skr. i, Goth. iddja went, used as prefect of gaggan to go. Cf. {Ambition}, {Count} a nobleman,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Issue pea — Issue Is sue ([i^]sh [ u]), n. [OF. issue, eissue, F. issue, fr. OF. issir, eissir, to go out, L. exire; ex out of, from + ire to go, akin to Gr. ie nai, Skr. i, Goth. iddja went, used as prefect of gaggan to go. Cf. {Ambition}, {Count} a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Issue network — Issue networks are an alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a single issue in government policy. Issue networks can be either domestic or international in scope, and many are active solely within the… …   Wikipedia

  • issue — [ish′o͞o; ] chiefly Brit [ is′yo͞o] n. [OFr pp. of issir, to go out < L exire < ex , out + ire, to go: see YEAR] 1. an outgoing; outflow; passing out 2. Archaic a way out; exit; outlet 3. a result; consequence; upshot 4. offspring; a child… …   English World dictionary

  • issue — ► NOUN 1) an important topic for debate or resolution. 2) the action of issuing. 3) each of a regular series of publications. 4) formal or Law children of one s own. ► VERB (issues, issued …   English terms dictionary

  • issue preclusion — n: estoppel by judgment at estoppel 2a Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • issue — [n1] point in question affair, argument, concern, contention, controversy, matter, matter of contention, point, point of departure, problem, puzzle, question, subject, topic; concepts 278,532 issue [n2] result causatum, conclusion, consequence,… …   New thesaurus

  • Issue — may refer to:* Issue (legal), a legal term * Issue (comics), a monthly Korean comics anthology magazine * Issues (album), an album by Korn * Issue (computers), a unit of work to accomplish an improvement in a data system * Issue tracking system,… …   Wikipedia

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