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  • 1 as good as gold

    (very well-behaved.) πολύ καλός, `χρυσός` άνθρωπος

    English-Greek dictionary > as good as gold

  • 2 gold

    1) (an element, a precious yellow metal used for making jewellery etc: This watch is made of gold; ( also adjective) a gold watch.) χρυσάφι, χρυσός
    2) (coins, jewellery etc made of gold.) χρυσαφικά
    3) (the colour of the metal: the shades of brown and gold of autumn leaves; ( also adjective) a gold carpet.) χρυσάφι, χρυσός, χρυσαφένιος, χρυσαφής
    - goldfish
    - gold-leaf
    - gold medal
    - gold-mine
    - gold-rush
    - goldsmith
    - as good as gold
    - golden opportunity

    English-Greek dictionary > gold

  • 3 prospect

    1. ['prospekt] noun
    1) (an outlook for the future; a view of what one may expect to happen: He didn't like the prospect of going abroad; a job with good prospects.) προοπτική
    2) (a view or scene: a fine prospect.) θέα
    2. [prə'spekt, ]( American[) 'prospekt] verb
    (to make a search (for gold etc): He is prospecting for gold.) ψάχνω(για χρυσάφι,πετρέλαιο κλπ.)
    - prospectus

    English-Greek dictionary > prospect

  • 4 turn

    [tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) γυρίζω / περιστρέφω/-ομαι
    2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) κάνω μεταβολή, στρίβω, στρέφομαι
    3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) στρίβω
    4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) στρέφω
    5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) στρίβω
    6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) γίνομαι, μεταβάλλω/-ομαι, μετατρέπω/-ομαι
    7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) αλλάζω χρώμα
    2. noun
    1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) στροφή, στρίψιμο, περιστροφή
    2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) γύρα, βόλτα
    3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) στροφή
    4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) σειρά
    5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) νούμερο σε παράσταση
    - turnover
    - turnstile
    - turntable
    - turn-up
    - by turns
    - do someone a good turn
    - do a good turn
    - in turn
    - by turns
    - out of turn
    - speak out of turn
    - take a turn for the better
    - worse
    - take turns
    - turn a blind eye
    - turn against
    - turn away
    - turn back
    - turn down
    - turn in
    - turn loose
    - turn off
    - turn on
    - turn out
    - turn over
    - turn up

    English-Greek dictionary > turn

  • 5 reward

    [rə'wo:d] 1. noun
    1) (something given in return for or got from work done, good behaviour etc: He was given a gold watch as a reward for his services to the firm; Apart from the salary, teaching children has its own particular rewards.) επιβράβευση, ανταμοιβή
    2) (a sum of money offered for finding a criminal, lost or stolen property etc: A reward of $100 has been offered to the person who finds the diamond brooch.) αμοιβή
    2. verb
    (to give a reward to someone for something: He was rewarded for his services; His services were rewarded.)

    English-Greek dictionary > reward

  • 6 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) τοποθετώ,βάζω,αφήνω
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) στρώνω(τραπέζι)
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) ορίζω
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) αναθέτω/δίνω
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) προκαλώ,βάζω,κάνω
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) δύω,βασιλεύω
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?) πήζω,δένω
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) ρυθμίζω
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) φιξάρω
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) δένω
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) ανατάσσω,βάζω στη θέση του
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) καθορισμένος,σταθερός
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) αποφασισμένος
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) εσκεμμένος
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) σταθερός,μόνιμος
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) στερεότυπος,αμετακίνητος
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) δεμένος,διακοσμημένος
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) σύνολο,σειρά
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) δέκτης,συσκευή
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) κύκλος
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) χτένισμα,φιξάρισμα
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) σκηνικό/χώρος γυρίσματος
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) παρτίδα,σετ
    - setback
    - set phrase
    - set-square
    - setting-lotion
    - set-to
    - set-up
    - all set
    - set about
    - set someone against someone
    - set against someone
    - set someone against
    - set against
    - set aside
    - set back
    - set down
    - set in
    - set off
    - set something or someone on someone
    - set on someone
    - set something or someone on
    - set on
    - set out
    - set to
    - set up
    - set up camp
    - set up house
    - set up shop
    - set upon

    English-Greek dictionary > set

  • 7 solid

    ['solid] 1. adjective
    1) (not easily changing shape; not in the form of liquid or gas: Water becomes solid when it freezes; solid substances.) στερεός
    2) (not hollow: The tyres of the earliest cars were solid.) συμπαγής
    3) (firm and strongly made (and therefore sound and reliable): That's a solid piece of furniture; His argument is based on good solid facts/reasoning.) στερεός,ακλόνητος,σταθερός
    4) (completely made of one substance: This bracelet is made of solid gold; We dug till we reached solid rock.) συμπαγής
    5) (without breaks, gaps or flaws: The policemen formed themselves into a solid line; They are solid in their determination to strike.) ενιαίος, συμπαγής, αδιάσπαστος
    6) (having height, breadth and width: A cube is a solid figure.) στερεός
    7) (consecutive; without a pause: I've been working for six solid hours.) συνεχής
    2. adverb
    (without interruption; continuously: She was working for six hours solid.) συνεχώς
    3. noun
    1) (a substance that is solid: Butter is a solid but milk is a liquid.) στερεό
    2) (a shape that has length, breadth and height.) στερεό σώμα
    - solidify
    - solidification
    - solidity
    - solidness
    - solidly
    - solid fuel

    English-Greek dictionary > solid

  • 8 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) δουλειά, εργασία
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) δουλειά
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) δουλειά
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) έργο (τέχνης, μουσικής κλπ)
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) δουλειά, προϊόν εργασίας
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) δουλειά
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) δουλεύω, εργάζομαι / βάζω (κάποιον) να δουλεύει
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) δουλεύω, έχω δουλειά
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) δουλεύω, λειτουργώ / χειρίζομαι
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) πετυχαίνω
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) προχωρώ με δυσκολία
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) γίνομαι με τη χρήση
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) δουλεύω, επεξεργάζομαι, κατεργάζομαι
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) μηχανισμός
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) πράξεις
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders

    English-Greek dictionary > work

См. также в других словарях:

  • good as gold — If children are as good as gold, they behave very well …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Good as Gold (LP) — Infobox Album | Name = Good As Gold Type = Album Artist = Red Rockers Released = 1983 Label = Columbia/415 Producer = David Kahne Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|3|5 [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg sql=10:axfoxqy5ldse link] Last album =… …   Wikipedia

  • good as gold — (as) good as gold (esp. of a child) extremely well behaved * * * (as) good as gold : very good The children were as good as gold this morning. His word is as good as gold. [=you can always trust him t …   Useful english dictionary

  • Good as Gold — Infobox Book | name = Good As Gold title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = Joseph Heller cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Comedy novel publisher = Simon and Schuster release …   Wikipedia

  • Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud) — Single infobox Name = Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud) Type = Single Artist = The Beautiful South from Album =Miaow Released = 1994 (UK) Recorded = 1994 Genre = Rock Length = Label = GO! Discs Producer = Mike Hedges, The Beautiful South Last single …   Wikipedia

  • Good as Gold (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Good as Gold Type = Album Artist = Eddie Money Released = 1996 Recorded = Genre = Rock / Pop Length = Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = Love and Money (1995) This album = Good as Gold (1996) Next album = Super Hits… …   Wikipedia

  • good as gold — I Australian Slang great II Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) a good job well done; not a problem; an affirmative answer as in Q: Do you mind if I pay for this later ? Good as gold mate, good as gold . From John Dahms …   English dialects glossary

  • good as gold — a good job well done; not a problem; an affirmative answer as in Q: Do you mind if I pay for this later ? Good as gold mate, good as gold . From John Dahms …   Kiwi (New Zealand slang)

  • good as gold — adjective a) Of enduring value. But to be sure baby was as good as gold, a perfect little dote in his new fancy bib. b) Very well behaved …   Wiktionary

  • good as gold —  Extremely good …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • as good as gold — phrasal 1. : of the highest worth or reliability his promise is as good as gold 2. : exemplary in deportment : well behaved the child was as good as gold * * * as good as gold Behaving in an exemplary manner (usu of children) • • • …   Useful english dictionary

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