Перевод: с языка маори на английский

с английского на язык маори


  • 1 Nga Manu Nature Reserve

    About 50km north of Wellington near Waikanae, and about 5km west of State Highway 1. Gently-graded walkways give wheelchair access to 15 hectares of lowland swamp forest with mature specimens of kahikatea, pukatea, rimu, tawa, swamp maire and many native shrubs and ferns. Native birds that may be seen include kaka, kea, kakariki, blue duck, paradise shelduck, shoveller, scaup, grey teal, grey duck, tui, kereru, kingfisher and many more. There is a nocturnal house for kiwi and owls together with special enclosures for tuatara, skinks and geckos (lizards). www.ngamanu.co.nz

    Maori-English dictionary > Nga Manu Nature Reserve

  • 2 pēheatia

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēheatia

  • 3 pēwhea

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēwhea

  • 4 pēwheatia

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēwheatia

  • 5 pēheatia

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēheatia

  • 6 pēwhea

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēwhea

  • 7 pēwheatia

    how about; what about

    Maori-English wordlist > pēwheatia


    Commercially important fish. Grows to about 35cm.
    <TARAKIHI 2.jpg">
    Habitat: Exposed sand, silt; 5 - 400 m depth
    Distribution: WA to Qld and around Tasmania (also NZ, Africa and South America)
    Maximum size: Length to 700 mm
    Diet: Small fish, invertebrates
    Silver body with black crescent shaped marking at the back of the head. Usually occurs in water deeper than 50 m. Important commercially, about 1000 tonnes per year are trawled in southeastern Australia. Some fish in New Zealand have been aged at more than 50 years.

    Maori-English dictionary > TARAKIHI

  • 9 whakatauki

    Maori for proverb, aphorism
    See for example E kore te patiki
    @whakatauki 1
    He manga wai koia kia kore e whitikia
    (if difficulties are made light of, they will disappear)
    @whakatauki 10
    Pikipiki motumotu, ka hokia he whanaunga.
    He is constantly returning whenever the fire is lit to make his claim as a relative.
    Used of a troublesome relative who frequently comes to share the food, but is not prepared to help in the work of cultivating it. (begging)
    @whakatauki 11
    Ko Tane horo
    It is Tane the speedy.
    (The birds are the children of Tane, and the proverb makes reference to their power of flight.)
    @whakatauki 12
    He kahawai ki te wai, he wahine ki uta
    A fish in the water, a woman on land
    (Kahawai are particular about their bait; as a woman is particular about choosing a husband!)
    @whakatauki 13
    He pai rangi tahi
    (Good looks are ephemeral) (warning against shallowness of character)
    @whakatauki 14
    Aroha mai, aroha atu
    @whakatauki 15
    E moe i tangata ringa raupa
    (He must be a hard worker)
    @whakatauki 16
    He pakuru a waka e taea te raupine mai
    (An elderly body cannot be restored to youth and beauty)
    @whakatauki 17
    Ka to he ra, ka rere he ra
    A sun sets, a day is born
    Ka mate he tete, ka tupu he tete
    As one frond dies, another takes its place
    (No-one is indispensable)
    @whakatauki 18
    He manako te koura i kore ai
    (Actions speek louder than words)
    @whakatauki 19
    Ko te kai rapu, ko ia te kite
    @whakatauki 2
    He toa piki rakau he kai na te pakiaka
    @whakatauki 20
    Mate a moa
    (dead as the Dodo)
    @whakatauki 21
    He ora te whakapiri, he mate te whakatakariri
    There is strength in unity, defeat in anger
    @whakatauki 22
    Tungia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke
    @whakatauki 3
    He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu
    A human bond cannot be severed; unlike a canoe rope, it cannot be severed
    (cf. blood is thicker than water)
    @whakatauki 4
    Tama tu, tama ora, tama moe, tama mate
    He who stands, lives, he who sleeps, dies
    @whakatauki 5
    No te mea ra ia, he rakau tawhito, e mau ana te taitea I waho ra, e tu te kohiwi
    In a very old tree you may be certain that the sapwood is on the outside, while the heartwood is in the middle
    @whakatauki 6
    He rei nga niho, he paraoa nga kauae
    (a metaphor for people being suitably qualified for particular enterprises)
    @whakatauki 7
    He wahine ke te kainga, he kaka ki te ngahere
    @whakatauki 8
    Ka ruha te kupenga, ka pae kei te akau
    When a net is worn out, it is thrown away on the shore
    @whakatauki 9
    He manu kai kakano e mau, tena he manu kai rakau e kore e mau
    A bird which eats berries can be caught, but not a bird that eats wood

    Maori-English dictionary > whakatauki

  • 10 hāereere

    stroll about

    Maori-English wordlist > hāereere

  • 11 kārangaranga

    spoken about

    Maori-English wordlist > kārangaranga

  • 12

    for; about; for the use of

    Maori-English wordlist >

  • 13 ruke

    throw about

    Maori-English wordlist > ruke

  • 14 rukeruke

    throw about

    Maori-English wordlist > rukeruke

  • 15 takaru

    splash about (flounder)

    Maori-English wordlist > takaru

  • 16 tipiwhenua

    roam about

    Maori-English wordlist > tipiwhenua

  • 17 whakawai

    drill; weapon practise; practise; (training)
    draw (in rugby)
    distraction; tempt; wave about; flapping wings

    Maori-English wordlist > whakawai

  • 18 ānewanewa

    [adj., v.i]
    muck about; loaf; linger

    Maori-English wordlist > ānewanewa

  • 19 hāereere

    stroll about

    Maori-English wordlist > hāereere

  • 20 kārangaranga

    spoken about

    Maori-English wordlist > kārangaranga

См. также в других словарях:

  • about URI scheme — about:blank redirects here. For the spyware variant aboutblank , see CoolWebSearch#Variants. About: redirects here. For other uses, see about; for the Wikipedia about page, see Wikipedia:about. about is an internal URI scheme (also known as a URL …   Wikipedia

  • About: — About: About: (« à propos de » en anglais) est un préfixe utilisé dans une série de navigateurs pour accéder, via l interface même du navigateur (par la barre d adresses), à des pages très particulières. Les URIs saisies affichent donc… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • About: — about: Saltar a navegación, búsqueda about: es un esquema interno URI (también conocido como régimen URL o, erróneamente, protocolo ) en distintos navegadores web para mostrar ciertas funciones incorporadas. No es un sistema oficialmente… …   Wikipedia Español

  • About: URI — about: схема внешних уникальных идентификаторов ресурсов (URI), указывающая на псевдопротокол в различных веб браузерах, предназначенный для отображения определённой информации о встроенных функциях, интерфейсов для настройки, и пасхальных яиц.… …   Википедия

  • about: — about: es un esquema interno URI (también conocido como régimen URL o, erróneamente, protocolo ) en distintos navegadores web para mostrar ciertas funciones incorporadas. No es un sistema oficialmente registrado, y no tiene la sintaxis estándar.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • about: — about: (« à propos de » en anglais) est un schéma d URI utilisé dans une série de navigateurs pour accéder, via l interface même du navigateur (par la barre d adresses), à des pages très particulières. Les URIs saisies affichent donc –… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • about: URI — about:  схема внешних уникальных идентификаторов ресурсов (URI), указывающая на псевдопротокол в различных веб браузерах, предназначенный для отображения определённой информации о встроенных функциях, интерфейсов для настройки, и пасхальных… …   Википедия

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  • About a Girl — «About a Girl» Sencillo de Nirvana del álbum MTV Unplugged in New York Formato CD Grabación 1993 Género(s) Rock alternativo Duración 3:37 …   Wikipedia Español

  • About You Know — About You Now About You Now Single par Sugababes extrait de l’album Change Face A About You Now Face B In Recline Rocks Sortie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • about — 1. as a preposition. In the meaning ‘roughly, approximately’ (eg. It took about ten minutes, about is the usual BrE word; around is also used, and is much more common in AmE. Round about is more informal, and is largely confined to BrE. 2.… …   Modern English usage

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