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  • 1 soft

    1) (not hard or firm; easily changing shape when pressed: a soft cushion.) moale
    2) (pleasantly smooth to the touch: The dog has a soft, silky coat.) moale, mătăsos
    3) (not loud: a soft voice.) blând
    4) ((of colour) not bright or harsh: a soft pink.) moale
    5) (not strict (enough): You are too soft with him.) indul­gent
    6) ((of a drink) not alcoholic: At the party they were serving soft drinks as well as wine and spirits.) nealcoolic
    7) (childishly weak, timid or silly: Don't be so soft - the dog won't hurt you.) tâmpit, idiot
    - softness
    - soften
    - soft-boiled
    - soft-hearted
    - soft-spoken
    - software
    - softwood
    - have a soft spot for

    English-Romanian dictionary > soft

  • 2 dab

    [dæb] 1. past tense, past participle - dabbed; verb
    (to touch gently with something soft or moist: He dabbed the wound gently with cottonwool.)
    2. noun
    1) (a small lump of anything soft or moist: a dab of butter.) un strat (de)
    2) (a gentle touch: a dab with a wet cloth.) tam­ponare uşoară

    English-Romanian dictionary > dab

  • 3 feathery

    1) (of, like, or covered in, a feather or feathers: a feathery hat.) cu pene; ca pana
    2) (soft and light: a feathery touch.) uşor

    English-Romanian dictionary > feathery

См. также в других словарях:

  • soft touch — {n.} A person with a sympathetic disposition from whom it is easy to get help, primarily money. * /My Uncle Herb is a soft touch; whenever I m in need I ask him for a quick twenty bucks./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • soft touch — {n.} A person with a sympathetic disposition from whom it is easy to get help, primarily money. * /My Uncle Herb is a soft touch; whenever I m in need I ask him for a quick twenty bucks./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • soft touch (also easy touch) — informal a person who is easily persuaded or imposed upon. → soft …   English new terms dictionary

  • soft touch — soft′ touch′ n. 1) inf a person who readily gives or lends money 2) inf a person who is easily duped or imposed upon • Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • soft touch — ☆ soft touch n. Slang a person who is easily persuaded, esp. to give or lend money …   English World dictionary

  • soft touch — noun a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of • Syn: ↑chump, ↑fool, ↑gull, ↑mark, ↑patsy, ↑fall guy, ↑sucker, ↑mug • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • soft touch — 1. n. a gentle way of handling someone or something. □ Bess has a soft touch and can bring both sides together. □ Kelly lacks the kind of soft touch needed for this kind of negotiation. 2. n. a gullible person; a likely victim of a scheme. □ John …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • soft touch — Informal. 1. a person who is easily convinced, esp. to give or lend money: a soft touch for charities. 2. a person who is easily influenced, duped, or imposed upon: a soft touch for anybody with a sob story. 3. a person, team, etc., that is… …   Universalium

  • soft touch — noun a) A person or group which is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one which loans or readily gives money to another. But Fred Heimach, who batted for Quinn in the Brooklyn half and fanned, proved a… …   Wiktionary

  • soft\ touch — noun A person with a sympathetic disposition from whom it is easy to get help, primarily money. My Uncle Herb is a soft touch; whenever I m in need I ask him for a quick twenty bucks …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Mr. Soft Touch — Directed by Gordon Douglas Henry Levin Produced by Milton Holmes Written by Orin Jannings Milton Holmes (story) Starring …   Wikipedia

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