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  • 1 argue

    v. tartışmak, görüşmek, itiraz etmek, karşı gelmek, iddia etmek, münakaşa etmek, savunmak, ikna etmek, belli etmek, göstergesi olmak, ispatı olmak; kandırmak
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    1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) tartışmak, münakaşa etmek
    2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) (lehinde/aleyhinde) tartışmak
    3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) ikna etmek
    4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) savunmak
    - argument
    - argumentative

    English-Turkish dictionary > argue

  • 2 dispute

    n. tartışma, ihtilaf, münakaşa, kavga
    v. tartışmak, çekişmek, münakaşa etmek; karşı koymak, itiraz etmek, reddetmek; şüphe etmek
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    1. tartış (v.) 2. tartışma (n.)
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    [di'spju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to argue against or deny: I'm not disputing what you say.) karşı çıkmak
    2) (to argue (about): They disputed the ownership of the land for years.) tartışmak
    2. noun
    ((an) argument or quarrel: a dispute over wages.) uyuşmazlık, çatışma
    - disputation

    English-Turkish dictionary > dispute

  • 3 haggle

    v. pazarlık etmek, sıkı pazarlık etmek
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    1. pazarlık et (v.) 2. pazarlık (n.)
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    (to argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement.) sıkı pazarlık etmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > haggle

  • 4 bargain

    n. pazarlık, uyuşma, anlaşma; kelepir; sudan ucuz şey, yok pahasına satılan şey; işlem (borsa)
    v. pazarlık etmek, anlaşmak, değiş tokuş etmek; teklif [pol.], karşılık [pol.]
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    1. pazarlık et (v.) 2. pazarlık (n.)
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    1. noun
    1) (something bought cheaply and giving good value for money: This carpet was a real bargain.) kelepir, ucuz şey
    2) (an agreement made between people: I'll make a bargain with you.) pazarlık, anlaşma
    2. verb
    (to argue about or discuss a price etc: I bargained with him and finally got the price down.) pazarlık etmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > bargain

  • 5 have a bone to pick with (someone)

    (to have something to argue about with (a person).) anlaşmazlık ve tartışma nedeni olmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > have a bone to pick with (someone)

  • 6 have a bone to pick with (someone)

    (to have something to argue about with (a person).) anlaşmazlık ve tartışma nedeni olmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > have a bone to pick with (someone)

См. также в других словарях:

  • argue the toss — see under ↑toss • • • Main Entry: ↑argue argue the toss To dispute a decision • • • Main Entry: ↑toss * * * argue the toss british phrase to continue to argue about something that has already been decided and is not important …   Useful english dictionary

  • argue the toss — (UK) If you argue the toss, you refuse to accept a decision and argue about it …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • argue — verb 1 DISAGREE (I) to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way: Did you hear the couple next door arguing last night? (+ with): I m not going to argue with you, but I think you re wrong. (+ about): They were arguing about how to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • argue — ar|gue W1S1 [ˈa:gju: US ˈa:r ] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: arguer, from Latin arguere to make clear ] 1.) to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way ▪ We could hear the neighbours arguing. argue with ▪ Gallacher… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • argue — v. 1) to argue calmly, logically, plausibly, sensibly; heatedly, passionately, strenuously, vehemently 2) (D; intr.) to argue about, over; with (we argued with them about the new law) 3) (d; intr.) to argue against; for (to argue against the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • argue */*/*/ — UK [ˈɑː(r)ɡju] / US [ˈɑrˌɡju] verb Word forms argue : present tense I/you/we/they argue he/she/it argues present participle arguing past tense argued past participle argued 1) a) [intransitive] if people argue, they speak to each other in an… …   English dictionary

  • argue — ar|gue [ ar,gju ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive if people argue, they speak to each other in an angry way because they disagree: QUARREL: Those girls are always arguing! argue with: Don t argue with me you know I m right. argue about/over: We used… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • argue*/*/*/ — [ˈɑːgjuː] verb 1) to discuss something that you disagree about, usually in an angry way Syn: quarrel Those girls are always arguing![/ex] Don t argue with me – you know I m right.[/ex] We used to argue about who should drive.[/ex] 2) [I/T] to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • argue — verb (argued; arguing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French arguer to reprove, argue & Latin arguere to demonstrate, prove; Anglo French arguer, from Latin argutare to prate, frequentative of arguere; akin to Hittite arkuwai to plead,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • argue — ar•gue [[t]ˈɑr gyu[/t]] v. gued, gu•ing 1) to present reasons for or against a thing: to argue in favor of capital punishment[/ex] 2) to contend in oral disagreement; dispute: to argue with a colleague; to argue about the new tax bill[/ex] 3) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • argue the toss — (UK)    If you argue the toss, you refuse to accept a decision and argue about it.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If you argue the toss, you dispute a decision or choice which has already been made.     The final choice was made… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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