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  • 1 appease

    transitive verb
    1) (make calm) besänftigen; (Polit.) beschwichtigen
    2) (soothe) lindern [Leid, Schmerz, Not]; mildern [Beunruhigung, Erregung]; stillen [Hunger, Durst]
    * * *
    (to calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed: She appeased his curiosity by explaining the situation to him.) beschwichtigen
    - academic.ru/3200/appeasement">appeasement
    * * *
    vt ( form)
    1. (pacify)
    to \appease sb jdn beruhigen [o besänftigen]
    to \appease a conflict einen Konflikt beilegen [o schlichten
    2. (relieve)
    to \appease one's appetite/hunger seinen Appetit/Hunger stillen; (suppress) seinen Appetit/Hunger zügeln
    to \appease sb's anger/curiosity jds Zorn beschwichtigen geh/Neugier befriedigen
    * * *
    (= calm) person, anger beschwichtigen, besänftigen; (POL) (durch Zugeständnisse) beschwichtigen; (= satisfy) hunger, thirst stillen; curiosity stillen, befriedigen
    * * *
    appease [əˈpiːz] v/t
    1. jemanden, jemandes Zorn etc besänftigen, beschwichtigen
    2. einen Streit schlichten, beilegen
    3. Leiden mildern
    4. den Durst etc stillen, seine Neugier befriedigen
    5. POL (durch Zugeständnisse oder Nachgiebigkeit) beschwichtigen
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (make calm) besänftigen; (Polit.) beschwichtigen
    2) (soothe) lindern [Leid, Schmerz, Not]; mildern [Beunruhigung, Erregung]; stillen [Hunger, Durst]
    * * *
    abwiegeln v.
    beruhigen v.
    beschwichtigen v.

    English-german dictionary > appease

  • 2 appease

    ap·pease [əʼpi:z] vt
    ( form)
    1) ( pacify)
    to \appease sb jdn beruhigen [o besänftigen];
    to \appease a conflict einen Konflikt beilegen [o schlichten];
    2) ( relieve)
    to \appease one's appetite/ hunger seinen Appetit/Hunger stillen;
    ( suppress) seinen Appetit/Hunger zügeln;
    to \appease sb's anger/ curiosity jds Zorn beschwichtigen ( geh) /Neugier befriedigen

    English-German students dictionary > appease

  • 3 appeasement

    see academic.ru/3199/appease">appease: Besänftigung, die; Beschwichtigung, die; Linderung, die; Milderung, die; Stillen, das
    * * *
    noun die Beschwichtigung
    * * *
    1. (conciliation) Versöhnung f; of one's critics Besänftigung f
    2. (relief) of anger Beschwichtigung f geh; of hunger Stillen nt
    * * *
    (of person, anger) Beschwichtigung f, Besänftigung f; (POL) Beschwichtigung f (durch Zugeständnisse); (of curiosity) Befriedigung f
    * * *
    1. Besänftigung f, Beschwichtigung f
    2. Schlichtung f, Beilegung f
    3. Milderung f
    4. Stillung f, Befriedigung f
    5. POL Beschwichtigung f:
    (policy of) appeasement Beschwichtigungspolitik f
    * * *
    see appease: Besänftigung, die; Beschwichtigung, die; Linderung, die; Milderung, die; Stillen, das
    * * *
    Befriedung f.
    Beschwichtigungspolitik f.

    English-german dictionary > appeasement

См. также в других словарях:

  • Appease — Ap*pease , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appeasing}.] [OE. apesen, apaisen, OF. apaisier, apaissier, F. apaiser, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. pais peace, F. paix, fr. L. pax, pacis. See {Peace}.] To make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hunger — I n. 1) (formal) to allay, alleviate, appease one s hunger 2) to satisfy one s hunger; to gratify one s hunger (fig.) 3) ravenous hunger 4) hunger for (hunger for knowledge) 5) of hunger (to die of hunger) II v. (D; intr.) to hunger after, for *… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • appease — appeasable, adj. appeasableness, n. appeasably, adv. appeasement, n. appeaser, n. appeasingly, adv. /euh peez /, v.t., appeased, appeasing. 1. to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pa …   Universalium

  • appease — ap•pease [[t]əˈpiz[/t]] v. t. peased, peas•ing 1) to bring to a state of calm; pacify: to appease an angry king[/ex] 2) to satisfy; relieve: The fruit appeased his hunger[/ex] 3) gov to yield to the demands of in a conciliatory effort, sometimes… …   From formal English to slang

  • appease — /əˈpiz / (say uh peez) verb (t) (appeased, appeasing) 1. to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, or content: to appease an angry king. 2. to satisfy: to appease one s hunger. 3. to accede to the belligerent demands of (a country, government,… …  

  • appease one's hunger — satisfy one s hunger, eat …   English contemporary dictionary

  • appease — transitive verb (appeased; appeasing) Etymology: Middle English appesen, from Anglo French apeser, apaiser, from a (from Latin ad ) + pais peace more at peace Date: 14th century 1. to bring to a state of peace or quiet ; calm …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force — This article is about the television series. For the film, see Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters. Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1 Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1 title card. Also known as …   Wikipedia

  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force (season 1) — Aqua Teen Hunger Force Season 1 Volume One DVD cover, which features episodes 1 16 from season one Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Appealed — Appease Ap*pease , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appeasing}.] [OE. apesen, apaisen, OF. apaisier, apaissier, F. apaiser, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. pais peace, F. paix, fr. L. pax, pacis. See {Peace}.] To make quiet; to calm; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Appeasing — Appease Ap*pease , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appeasing}.] [OE. apesen, apaisen, OF. apaisier, apaissier, F. apaiser, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. pais peace, F. paix, fr. L. pax, pacis. See {Peace}.] To make quiet; to calm; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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