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  • 1 admit

    past tense, past participle - admitted; verb
    1) (to allow to enter: This ticket admits one person.) leisti įeiti
    2) (to say that one accepts as true: He admitted (that) he was wrong.) pri(si)pažinti
    - admission
    - admittance
    - admittedly

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > admit

  • 2 acknowledge

    1) (to admit as being fact: He acknowledged defeat; He acknowledged that I was right.) pri(si)pažinti
    2) (to say (usually in writing) that one has received (something): He acknowledged the letter.) patvirtinti, pranešti (ką nors) gavus
    3) (to give thanks for: He acknowledged their help.) išreikšti padėką
    4) (to greet someone: He acknowledged her by waving.) pasveikinti
    - acknowledgement
    - acknowledgment

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > acknowledge

  • 3 admission

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > admission

  • 4 admitted

    past tense, past participle; see admit

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > admitted

  • 5 ashamed

    (feeling shame: He was ashamed of his bad work, ashamed to admit his mistake, ashamed of himself.) susigėdęs, sugėdintas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ashamed

  • 6 concede

    1) (to admit: He conceded that he had been wrong.) pripažinti
    2) (to grant (eg a right).) pripažinti, atiduoti, perleisti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > concede

  • 7 confess

    (to make known that one is guilty, wrong etc; to admit: He confessed (to the crime); He confessed that he had broken the vase; It was stupid of me, I confess.) prisipažinti
    - confessional
    - confessor

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > confess

  • 8 confirm

    1) (to establish or make quite certain: They confirmed their hotel booking by letter.) patvirtinti
    2) (to admit to full membership of certain Christian churches.) konfirmuoti
    - confirmand
    - confirmed

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > confirm

  • 9 decency

    noun ((the general idea of) what is proper, fitting, moral etc; the quality or act of being decent: In the interests of decency, we have banned nude bathing; He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.) padorumas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > decency

  • 10 eat one's words

    (to admit humbly that one was mistaken in saying something: I'll make him eat his words!) atsiimti savo žodžius

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > eat one's words

  • 11 enough

    1. adjective
    (in the number or quantity etc needed: Have you enough money to pay for the books?; food enough for everyone.) pakankamas
    2. pronoun
    (the amount needed: He has had enough to eat; I've had enough of her rudeness.) pakankamai
    3. adverb
    1) (to the degree needed: Is it hot enough?; He swam well enough to pass the test.) pakankamai
    2) (one must admit; you must agree: She's pretty enough, but not beautiful; Oddly enough, it isn't raining.) gana

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > enough

  • 12 freely

    1) (in a free manner: to give freely to charity; to speak freely.) laisvai
    2) (willingly; readily: I freely admit it was my fault.) atvirai((also freephone; American toll-free number) a telephone number of a business or an organization that can be used free of charge by their customers etc; the system giving this service.) nemokamas numeris

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > freely

  • 13 give in

    1) (to stop fighting and admit defeat; to yield: The soldiers were outnumbered and gave in to the enemy.) pasiduoti
    2) (to hand or bring (something) to someone (often a person in authority): Do we have to give in our books at the end of the lesson?) atiduoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > give in

  • 14 grant

    1. verb
    1) (to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.) (ati)duoti
    2) (to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.) pripažinti, sutikti su
    2. noun
    (money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.) dotacija, stipendija
    - granting
    - take for granted

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > grant

  • 15 in justice to

    (if one must be fair (to him, her etc): To do her justice, I must admit that she was only trying to help when she broke the cup.) reikia pripaþinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > in justice to

  • 16 might have

    1) (used to suggest that something would have been possible if something else had been the case: You might have caught the bus if you had run.) būčiau/būtum galėjęs
    2) (used to suggest that a person has not done what he should: You might have told me!) galėjai, galėjo...
    3) (used to show that something was a possible action etc but was in fact not carried out or done: I might have gone, but I decided not to.) galėjau, galėjai...
    4) (used when a person does not want to admit to having done something: `Have you seen this man?' `I might have.') galbūt

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > might have

  • 17 own

    [əun] 1. verb
    1) (to have as a possession: I own a car.) turėti, valdyti
    2) (to admit that something is true: I own that I have not been working very hard.) pri(si)pažinti
    2. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to (the person stated): The house is my own; I saw it with my own eyes.) savas, nuosavas; savo, paties
    - ownership
    - get one's own back
    - own up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > own

  • 18 own up

    ( often with to) (to admit that one has done something: He owned up to having broken the window.) prisipažinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > own up

  • 19 pain

    [pein] 1. noun
    (hurt or suffering of the body or mind: a pain in the chest.) skausmas, kančia
    2. verb
    (to cause suffering or upset to (someone): It pained her to admit that she was wrong.) skaudinti, skaudėti
    - painful
    - painfully
    - painless
    - painlessly
    - painkiller
    - painstaking
    - a pain in the neck
    - take pains

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pain

  • 20 recognise

    1) (to see, hear etc (a person, thing etc) and know who or what that person, thing etc is, because one has seen or heard him, it etc before: I recognized his voice/handwriting; I recognized him by his voice.) atpažinti
    2) (to admit, acknowledge: Everyone recognized his skill.) pripažinti
    3) (to be willing to have political relations with: Many countries were unwilling to recognize the new republic.) pripažinti
    4) (to accept as valid, well-qualified etc: I don't recognize the authority of this court.) pripažinti
    - recognisable
    - recognizably
    - recognisably
    - recognition

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > recognise

См. также в других словарях:

  • admit — ad‧mit [ədˈmɪt] verb admitted PTandPPX admitting PRESPARTX [transitive] 1. to allow someone to enter a place or become a member of a group, organization, school etc: admit somebody/​something to something • Both republics are now hoping to be… …   Financial and business terms

  • admit — ad·mit vb ad·mit·ted, ad·mit·ting vt 1: to concede as true or valid: make an admission of 2: to allow to be entered or offered admitted the document into evidence admit a will to probate vi: to make acknowledgment …   Law dictionary

  • admit — 1. Admit of is now only used in the meaning ‘to allow as possible, leave room for’ (always with an abstract object: The circumstances will not admit of delay / It seems to admit of so many interpretations), and even here the construction seems… …   Modern English usage

  • Admit — Ad*mit , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Admitted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Admitting}.] [OE. amitten, L. admittere, admissum; ad + mittere to send: cf. F. admettre, OF. admettre, OF. ametre. See {Missile}.] 1. To suffer to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • admit to — ● bail * * * admit to [phrasal verb] admit to (something) : to admit (something) : to acknowledge the truth or existence of (something) He reluctantly admitted to knowing her. [=he admitted knowing her] He admitted to his guilt. = He admitted to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • admit liability — (for sth) ► LAW to admit that you are legally responsible for something that has harmed someone: »As part of the agreement, the chairman and his affiliates do not admit any liability or wrongdoing. Main Entry: ↑admit …   Financial and business terms

  • admit liability for sth — admit liability (for sth) ► LAW to admit that you are legally responsible for something that has harmed someone: »As part of the agreement, the chairman and his affiliates do not admit any liability or wrongdoing. Main Entry: ↑admit …   Financial and business terms

  • admit evidence — ► LAW if a court of law admits evidence or admits something as evidence, it allows something to be used to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime: »Prosecutors asked the court to admit the recordings as evidence. Main Entry: ↑admit …   Financial and business terms

  • admit defeat — phrase to accept that you cannot succeed in doing something and stop trying to do it After months of protests, the government was forced to admit defeat and abandon the policy. Thesaurus: to stop doing somethingsynonym to kill a person or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • admit as satisfactory — index accept (admit as sufficient) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • admit — [v1] allow entry or use accept, be big on*, bless, buy, concede, enter, entertain, give access, give the nod*, give thumbs up*, grant, harbor, house, initiate, introduce, let, let in, lodge, okay, permit, receive, shelter, sign*, sign off on*,… …   New thesaurus

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