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  • 1 to address a meeting

    to address a meeting
    fazer uso da palavra numa reunião.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to address a meeting

  • 2 address

    1. [ə'dres] verb
    1) (to put a name and address on (an envelope etc): Address the parcel clearly.) endereçar
    2) (to speak or write to: I shall address my remarks to you only.) dirigir(-se a)
    2. ( American[) 'ædres] noun
    1) (the name of the house, street, town etc where a person lives: His address is 30 Main St, Edinburgh.) endereço
    2) (a speech: He made a long and boring address.) discurso
    * * *
    [ədr'es; 'ædrəs] n 1 discurso. 2 sede (de uma firma), residência, local. 3 endereço. what’s your home/business address? / qual o seu endereço residencial/comercial? 4 trato, atitude, maneiras. 5 pl addresses corte, atenções. • [ədr'es] vt 1 discursar, dirigir-se a (oralmente ou por escrito). 2 tratar, intitular. 3 chamar a atenção. 4 falar ou recorrer a. 5 endereçar, indicar o destinatário. 6 devotar(-se), dedicar(-se). to address a meeting fazer uso da palavra numa reunião. to adress oneself to dirigir-se a, interessar-se por. to give an adress fazer um discurso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > address

  • 3 honour

    ['onə] 1. noun
    1) (respect for truth, honesty etc: a man of honour.) honra
    2) ((the keeping or increasing of) a person's, country's etc good reputation: We must fight for the honour of our country.) honra
    3) (fame; glory: He won honour on the field of battle.) fama
    4) (respect: This ceremony is being held in honour of those who died in the war.) honra
    5) (something which a person feels to be a reason for pride etc: It is a great honour to be asked to address this meeting.) honra
    6) (a title, degree etc given to a person as a mark of respect for his services, work, ability etc: He has received many honours for his research into cancer.) honraria
    7) ((with capital: with His, Your etc) a title of respect used when talking to or about judges, mayors etc: My client wishes to plead guilty, Your Honour.) Excelência
    2. verb
    1) (to show great respect to (a person, thing etc): We should honour the Queen.) honrar
    2) (to do, say etc something which is a reason for pride, satisfaction etc to: Will you honour us with your presence at the meeting?) dar a honra
    3) (to give (someone) a title, degree etc as a mark of respect for his ability etc: He was honoured for his work with the mentally handicapped.) distinguir
    4) (to fulfil (a promise etc): We'll honour our agreement.) cumprir
    - honourable
    - honours
    - in honour bound
    - honour bound
    - on one's honour
    - word of honour
    * * *
    ['ɔnə] n Brit 1 honra, honradez, dignidade, brio. a man of honour / um homem de honra, um homem de bem. 2 reputação, fama, glória. 3 lealdade, nobreza. 4 estimação, respeito. 5 título ou cargo honorífico, distinção. 6 figura (no jogo de cartas). 7 decoro, pudor, castidade, virtude. 8 reverência, continência. 9 distinção (colegial ou universitária). • vt 1 honrar, respeitar, reverenciar, glorificar. 2 elevar (no cargo), exaltar. 3 aceitar, pagar. 4 favorecer. affair of honour questão de honra. code of honour código de honra. guest of honour convidado de honra. His Honour Sua Reverência. I have the honour of, it is my honour to tenho o prazer de, o privilégio de. in his honour em honra dele. maid of honour dama de honra. point of honour questão de honra. sense of honour sentimento de honra. to be bound in honour ser obrigado pela honra. to do someone the honour honrar alguém. to do the honours fazer as honras da casa. to gain honour by ganhar fama com. Your Honour Vossa Senhoria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > honour

  • 4 honour

    ['onə] 1. noun
    1) (respect for truth, honesty etc: a man of honour.) honra
    2) ((the keeping or increasing of) a person's, country's etc good reputation: We must fight for the honour of our country.) honra
    3) (fame; glory: He won honour on the field of battle.) glória
    4) (respect: This ceremony is being held in honour of those who died in the war.) honra
    5) (something which a person feels to be a reason for pride etc: It is a great honour to be asked to address this meeting.) honra
    6) (a title, degree etc given to a person as a mark of respect for his services, work, ability etc: He has received many honours for his research into cancer.) honraria
    7) ((with capital: with His, Your etc) a title of respect used when talking to or about judges, mayors etc: My client wishes to plead guilty, Your Honour.) Excelência, meritíssimo
    2. verb
    1) (to show great respect to (a person, thing etc): We should honour the Queen.) honrar
    2) (to do, say etc something which is a reason for pride, satisfaction etc to: Will you honour us with your presence at the meeting?) dar a honra
    3) (to give (someone) a title, degree etc as a mark of respect for his ability etc: He was honoured for his work with the mentally handicapped.) conferir honraria
    4) (to fulfil (a promise etc): We'll honour our agreement.) honrar
    - honourable - honours - in honour bound - honour bound - on one's honour - word of honour

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > honour

См. также в других словарях:

  • address the meeting — speak directly to a gathering of people …   English contemporary dictionary

  • address — ▪ I. address ad‧dress 1 [əˈdres ǁ əˈdres, ˈædres] noun [countable] the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: • I wrote the wrong address on the …   Financial and business terms

  • address — 1 noun 1 (C) the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. | change of address: Please notify us of any… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • address — ad|dress1 W2S2 [əˈdres US əˈdres, ˈædres] n 1.) the details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc ▪ Please write your name and address on a postcard. ▪ What s your new address? ▪ I can give you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • address — ad|dress1 [ ə dres, ædres ] noun count *** 1. ) the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town. It may also include a set of numbers, called a zip code in American… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • address — I UK [əˈdres] / US / US [ˈædres] noun [countable] Word forms address : singular address plural addresses *** 1) the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town. It may… …   English dictionary

  • meeting — / mi:tɪŋ/ noun an event at which a group of people come together in order to discuss matters of common interest to them ♦ to hold a meeting to organise a meeting of a group of people ● The meeting will be held in the committee room. ♦ to open a… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • address*/*/*/ — [əˈdres] noun [C] I 1) the exact name of the place where you live or work I ll need your name and address.[/ex] My address is 125 Carter Street.[/ex] 2) a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that you use to find a particular WEBSITE on the… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • meeting — noun 1) he stood up to address the meeting Syn: gathering, assembly, conference, congregation, convention, summit, rally; informal get together 2) she demanded a meeting with the minister Syn: consultation, audience …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • meeting — noun 1) he stood up to address the meeting Syn: gathering, assembly, conference, congregation, convention, summit, forum, convocation, conclave, council, rally, caucus; informal get together 2) she demanded a meeting with the councilman …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • meeting — n. 1 in senses of MEET(1). 2 an assembly of people, esp. the members of a society, committee, etc., for discussion or entertainment. 3 = race meeting. 4 an assembly (esp. of Quakers) for worship. 5 the persons assembled (address the meeting).… …   Useful english dictionary

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