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  • 1 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) sjónarhorn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > point of view

  • 2 view

    [vju:] 1. noun
    1) ((an outlook on to, or picture of) a scene: Your house has a fine view of the hills; He painted a view of the harbour.) sÿn, sjón; útsÿni; (landslags)mynd
    2) (an opinion: Tell me your view/views on the subject.) skoðun
    3) (an act of seeing or inspecting: We were given a private view of the exhibition before it was opened to the public.) skoðun
    2. verb
    (to look at, or regard (something): She viewed the scene with astonishment.) horfa á, virða fyrir sér, skoða
    - viewpoint
    - in view of
    - on view
    - point of view

    English-Icelandic dictionary > view

  • 3 movement

    1) ((an act of) changing position or going from one point to another: The animal turned sideways with a swift movement.) hreyfing
    2) (activity: In this play there is a lot of discussion but not much movement.) hreyfing, tilfærsla
    3) (the art of moving gracefully or expressively: She teaches movement and drama.) hreyfing
    4) (an organization or association: the Scout movement.) hreyfing
    5) (the moving parts of a watch, clock etc.) gangverk
    6) (a section of a large-scale piece of music: the third movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.) þáttur
    7) (a general tendency towards a habit, point of view etc: There's a movement towards simple designs in clothing these days.) tilhneiging

    English-Icelandic dictionary > movement

  • 4 angle

    I ['æŋɡl] noun
    1) (the (amount of) space between two straight lines or surfaces that meet: an angle of 90°.) horn
    2) (a point of view: from a journalist's angle.) sjónarhorn
    3) (a corner.) horn
    - angularity II ['æŋɡl] verb
    (to use a rod and line to try to catch fish: angling for trout.) veiða á stöng
    - angling

    English-Icelandic dictionary > angle

  • 5 bigot

    (a person who constantly and stubbornly holds a particular point of view etc: a religious bigot.) þröngsÿnismaður
    - bigotry

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bigot

  • 6 hypothesis

    plural - hypotheses; noun
    (an unproved theory or point of view put forward, eg for the sake of argument.) tilgáta
    - hypothetically

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hypothesis

  • 7 maintenance

    1) (the process of keeping something in good condition: car maintenance.) viðhald
    2) (the act of maintaining (a point of view etc).) viðhald; staðhæfing

    English-Icelandic dictionary > maintenance

  • 8 position

    [ə'ziʃən] 1. noun
    1) (a way of standing, sitting etc: He lay in an uncomfortable position.) staða
    2) (a place or situation: The house is in a beautiful position.) staður
    3) (a job; a post: He has a good position with a local bank.) starf, embætti
    4) (a point of view: Let me explain my position on employment.) afstaða
    2. verb
    (to put or place: He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table.) staðsetja, koma fyrir
    - out of position

    English-Icelandic dictionary > position

  • 9 reverse

    [rə'və:s] 1. verb
    1) (to move backwards or in the opposite direction to normal: He reversed (the car) into the garage; He reversed the film through the projector.) snúa við; bakka
    2) (to put into the opposite position, state, order etc: This jacket can be reversed (= worn inside out).) snúa við
    3) (to change (a decision, policy etc) to the exact opposite: The man was found guilty, but the judges in the appeal court reversed the decision.) ógilda, hnekkja
    2. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (the) opposite: `Are you hungry?' `Quite the reverse - I've eaten far too much!'; I take the reverse point of view.) hið gagnstæða
    2) (a defeat; a piece of bad luck.) hnekkir; áfall
    3) ((a mechanism eg one of the gears of a car etc which makes something move in) a backwards direction or a direction opposite to normal: He put the car into reverse; ( also adjective) a reverse gear.) bakgír
    4) (( also adjective) (of) the back of a coin, medal etc: the reverse (side) of a coin.) bakhlið
    - reversed
    - reversible
    - reverse the charges

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reverse

  • 10 see the light

    1) (to be born, discovered, produced etc: After many problems his invention finally saw the light (of day).) sjá dagsins ljós
    2) (to be converted to someone else's point of view etc.) skilja loks

    English-Icelandic dictionary > see the light

  • 11 side

    1. noun
    1) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) hlið; hinum megin; sömu megin
    2) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) hlið
    3) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) hlið
    4) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) hlið; (blað)síða
    5) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) síða
    6) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) hluti
    7) (a slope (of a hill): a mountain-side.) hlíð, brekka
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) hlið
    9) (a party, team etc which is opposing another: Whose side are you on?; Which side is winning?) lið, flokkur
    2. adjective
    (additional, but less important: a side issue.) auka-
    - - side
    - - sided
    - sidelong
    - sideways
    - sideburns
    - side effect
    - sidelight
    - sideline
    - sidelines
    - side road
    - sidestep
    - side-street
    - sidetrack
    - sidewalk
    - from all sides
    - on all sides
    - side by side
    - side with
    - take sides

    English-Icelandic dictionary > side

  • 12 sidelines

    noun plural (the position or point of view of a person not actually taking part in a sport, argument etc: He threw in the occasional suggestion from the sidelines.) vera hlutlaus áhorfandi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sidelines

  • 13 standpoint

    (a point of view: From my standpoint, 3.00 p.m. would be a suitable time.) sjónarhóll/DP-mið

    English-Icelandic dictionary > standpoint

  • 14 starboard

    (the right side of a ship or aircraft, from the point of view of a person looking towards the bow or front.) stjórnborð

    English-Icelandic dictionary > starboard

  • 15 version

    ['və:ʃən, ]( American[) -ʒən]
    (an account from one point of view: The boy gave his version of what had occurred.) útgáfa, gerð

    English-Icelandic dictionary > version

  • 16 viewpoint

    noun (a point of view: I am looking at the matter from a different viewpoint.) sjónarhorn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > viewpoint

См. также в других словарях:

  • view - opinion - point of view — ◊ point of view When you are considering one aspect of a situation, you can say that you are considering it from a particular point of view. From a practical point of view it is quite irrelevant. From the commercial point of view they have little …   Useful english dictionary

  • Point of View, Inc. — Point of View, Inc. Тип …   Википедия

  • point of view - view - opinion — ◊ point of view When you are considering one aspect of a situation, you can say that you are considering it from a particular point of view. From a practical point of view it is quite irrelevant. From the commercial point of view they have little …   Useful english dictionary

  • point of view — (plural ,points of view) noun count ** a way of judging a situation based on a particular aspect: from a scientific/political/religious etc. point of view: Looking at it from a scientific point of view, the discovery is extremely important. from… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • point of view — point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, angle, slant denote the position or attitude that determines which aspect of an object of contemplation is seen or presented. Point of view, viewpoint, and standpoint are often interchangeable, but point of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • point of view — plural points of view n 1.) a particular way of thinking about or judging a situation scientific/technical/business etc point of view ▪ From an economic point of view , the new development will benefit the town greatly. 2.) someone s own personal …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Point of View (computer hardware company) — Point of View, POV is a computer hardware company that produces gaming graphics cards. It was established in the year 2000. Most of its sales are in Europe, as it serves more than 30 European countries. POV is based in the Netherlands. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Point of View (sculpture) — Point of View is a landmark public sculpture in bronze by James A. West; it sits in a parklet named for the work of art, Point of View Park, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The piece depicts George Washington and the Seneca leader Guyasuta,… …   Wikipedia

  • Point of View — Graphics Logo de Point of View Graphics Création 2000 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Point of view — Graphics Logo de Point of View Graphics Création 2000 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Point of view graphics — Logo de Point of View Graphics Création 2000 …   Wikipédia en Français

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