1 cease-fire
nпрекращение военных действий, прекращение огня; перемириеto enforce the UN demand for a cease-fire — обеспечивать выполнение требования ООН о прекращении огня
to extend a cease-fire indefinitely — продлевать на неопределенный срок соглашение о прекращении огня
to monitor a cease-fire — наблюдать / следить за соблюдением соглашения о прекращении огня
to offer cease-fire to smb — предлагать кому-л. заключить соглашение о прекращении огня
to oversee a cease-fire — наблюдать / следить за соблюдением соглашения о прекращении огня
to prolong a cease-fire indefinitely — продлевать на неопределенный срок соглашение о прекращении огня
to reach a cease-fire with a country — достигать соглашения о прекращении огня с какой-л. страной
to reject a cease-fire proposed by smb — отклонять чье-л. предложение о прекращении огня
- brief cease-fireto supervise a cease-fire — наблюдать / следить за соблюдением соглашения о прекращении огня
- call for an immediate cease-fire
- cease-fire has crumbled
- cease-fire has gone into force
- cease-fire holds up
- cease-fire in place
- cease-fire sticks
- collapse of a cease-fire
- complete cease-fire
- conditional cease-fire
- de facto cease-fire
- effort to bring about a cease-fire
- extension of the cease-fire
- failed cease-fire
- fragile cease-fire
- fragility of the cease-fire
- indefinite cease-fire
- modalities of a cease-fire
- month-long cease-fire
- offer to a cease-fire
- Russia-brokered cease-fire
- temporary cease-fire
- terms of a cease-fire
- total cease-fire
- unilateral cease-fire
- United Nations-supervised cease-fire
- UN-sponsored cease-fire -
2 agreement
n1) соглашение, договор; контракт2) согласие; договоренность•to abide by the terms of an agreement — соблюдать / выполнять условия соглашения, придерживаться условий соглашения
to adhere to an agreement — выполнять / соблюдать соглашение, придерживаться условий соглашения
to announce a measure of agreement with smb — объявлять о достижении определенной степени согласия / договоренности с кем-л.
to arrive at / to attain an agreement — приходить к соглашению, достигать соглашения
to be in agreement with smb about smth — соглашаться с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.; быть единого мнения с кем-л. о чем-л.
to be in contravention of an agreement — противоречить соглашению / условиям соглашения
to breach / to break an agreement — нарушать соглашение
to enter into an agreement — заключать соглашение / договор
to extend an agreement — продлевать срок действия соглашения, пролонгировать соглашение
to find oneself in full agreement about smth — обнаруживать полное единство взглядов по какому-л. вопросу
to go back on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, отказываться от выполнения соглашения
to leave the agreement in tatters — перен. не оставить камня на камне от соглашения
to observe an agreement — соблюдать соглашение; выполнять условия соглашения
to obstruct progress towards an agreement — препятствовать достижению соглашения; затруднять достижение соглашения
to pave the way towards further agreements — открывать путь к заключению / достижению новых соглашений
to reach agreement on smth — достигать согласия / договариваться по какому-л. вопросу
to renege on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, уклоняться от выполнения соглашения
to repudiate an agreement — отвергать соглашение, отказываться от ранее заключенного соглашения
to review / to revoke an agreement — пересматривать соглашение
to sabotage an agreement — срывать / саботировать выполнение соглашения
to secure an agreement — добиваться соглашения, обеспечивать заключение соглашения
to seek an agreement — 1) добиваться заключения соглашения 2) добиваться согласия / договоренности
to stipulate smth by an agreement — обуславливать что-л. соглашением
to submit an agreement to the government for endorsement — предоставлять текст соглашения на утверждение правительства
to thwart / to torpedo an agreement — срывать выполнение соглашения
- agreement fell flatto wreck an agreement — срывать соглашение, мешать заключению соглашения
- agreement has broken down
- agreement has come into operation
- agreement in force
- agreement in principle
- agreement is effective
- agreement is in danger of collapse
- agreement is in force
- agreement is subject to approval by the General Assembly
- agreement is to come into effect on August 20
- agreement is unlikely to stock
- agreement is up for renewal
- agreement on a framework of withdrawal
- agreement on a partial pullout of troops
- agreement on all points
- agreement on limiting nuclear weapons
- agreement under negotiation
- agreement will hold
- agreement worth $...
- agreements of wages, hours and working conditions
- allied agreements
- arbitration agreement
- architect of an agreement
- armistice agreement
- arms agreement
- arms control agreement
- as a precursor to any kind of an agreement
- as part of the agreement
- avoidance of an agreement
- back-to-work agreement
- barter agreement
- basic agreement
- behind-the-scenes agreement
- bilateral agreement
- binding agreement
- branch agreements
- breach of the peace agreement
- broad agreement
- by mutual agreement
- cartel agreement
- cease-fire agreement
- clearing agreement
- collective agreement
- commercial agreement
- commodity agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement on all major items
- comprehensive agreement
- compromise agreement
- conclusion of an agreement
- consensus agreement
- consular agreement
- contractual agreement
- conventional arms agreement
- cooperation agreement
- credit agreements
- cultural exchange agreement
- currency-credit agreements
- current agreement
- disarmament agreement
- disengagement agreement
- draft agreement
- durable agreement
- duration of an agreement
- economic agreement
- enslaving agreement
- enthralling agreement
- entry of an agreement into force
- equal party to the agreement
- equitable agreement
- executive agreement
- expiration of an agreement
- face-saving agreement
- far-reaching agreement
- fettering agreement
- final agreement
- final print of an agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign investment agreement
- formal agreement
- Four-Power Agreement on West Berlin
- framework agreement
- free trade agreement
- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- general agreement
- Geneva Agreements
- gentleman's agreement
- historic agreement
- immigration agreement
- impediment to an agreement
- in accordance with the agreement achieved
- in circumvention of the agreement
- in conformity with the terms of agreements
- in contravention of the agreement
- in line with the agreement
- in the absence of a special agreement
- in the wake of the agreement
- inconsistent with the agreement
- indemnification agreement
- inequitable agreement
- INF Agreement
- informal agreement
- initial agreement
- installment agreement
- instalment agreement
- interagency agreement
- interdepartmental agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- interim agreement
- interlocking set of agreements
- Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement
- international agreement
- international fisheries agreement
- interstate agreement
- labor agreement
- landmark agreement
- large measure of agreement between...
- last-in-first-out redundancy agreement
- last-minute agreement
- lend-lease agreement
- license agreement
- licensing agreement
- long-awaited agreement
- long-term agreement
- major agreement
- marketing agreement
- market-sharing agreement
- measure of agreement between smb
- military agreement
- military-political agreement
- model agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- multipartite agreement
- multipurpose international agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- nonaggression agreement
- nonattack agreement
- nonbelligerency agreement
- noncompliance with the agreement
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- no-strike agreement
- observance of the agreement
- on the brink of an agreement
- on the verge of an agreement
- onerous agreement
- on-site monitoring agreement
- outline agreement
- overall agreement
- package agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- peace agreement
- pending the coming into force of the agreement
- permanent agreement
- personal training agreement
- political agreement
- power-sharing agreement
- preliminary agreement
- procedural agreement
- progress toward a concerted agreement
- progress toward mutually acceptable agreement
- prolongation of an agreement
- prospect of an agreement
- provided by the agreement
- provision of an agreement
- provisional agreement
- quadripartite agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- regional agreement
- repatriation agreement
- safeguards agreement
- scientific and technical cooperation agreement
- search for a generally acceptable agreement
- secret agreement
- separate agreement
- short-term agreement
- show-piece of an agreement
- signs for agreement
- solid agreement
- solvent feature of the agreement
- special agreement
- special service agreement
- specific agreement
- standstill agreement
- starting-point of an agreement
- stipulated by the following article of the agreement
- strike-free agreement
- subject of an agreement
- subject to agreement
- subsidiary agreement
- substantive agreement
- superpower agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- technical agreement
- tentative agreement
- termination of agreement - trade and credit agreement
- trade and economic agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- tripartite agreement
- troop-withdrawal agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- umbrella agreement
- under the agreement
- unequal agreement
- unratified agreement
- unspoken agreement
- UN-sponsored agreement
- unwritten agreement
- verbal agreement
- verifiable agreement
- viable agreement
- voluntary price restraint agreement
- wide-ranging agreements
- working agreement
- written agreement
- zero-zero agreement -
3 plan
nплан, программа; проектto acquiesce in / to a plan — молча или неохотно соглашаться с планом
to effect a plan — выполнять / осуществлять план
to embark on a development plan — вступать на путь развития (экономики и т.п.)
to formulate a plan — вырабатывать / составлять / формулировать план
to give new impetus to a peace plan — давать новый толчок осуществлению плана мирного урегулирования
to go ahead with one's plan — продолжать осуществлять свой план
to hand down a plan to smb — спускать план кому-л.
to implement a plan — выполнять / осуществлять план
to mastermind a plan — руководить ( часто тайно) осуществлением плана
to propose a plan — выдвигать / предлагать план
to push through one's plan — проталкивать свой план
to scrap a plan — забраковывать план; отказываться от плана
to scuttle a plan — уклоняться от принятия плана; срывать план
- adoption of a planto thwart / to torpedo / to undermine a plan — расстраивать / срывать план
- adventurous plan
- aggressive plan
- American-mediated peace plan
- annexations plan
- annual plan
- architect of a plan
- austerity plan
- balanced plan
- California plan
- cancellation of a plan
- carefully orchestrated plan
- cease-fire plan
- clarification of a plan
- comprehensive plan
- compromise plan
- constructive plan
- contingence plan
- control figures of the plan
- controversial plan
- coordination of plans
- counter plan
- curtailed plan
- cuts plans
- daily plan
- deficiencies in a plan
- deficit-reduction plan
- deregulation plan
- detailed plan
- development plan
- disclosure of a plan
- drawing up of a plan
- ecological survival plan
- economic plan
- efficiency plan
- elaborate plan
- essentials of a plan
- execution of a plan
- expansionist plans
- extremist plans
- financing plan
- fulfilment of a plan
- game plan
- general manager plan
- general plan
- green plan
- ideal plan
- implementation of a plan
- imposition of a plan
- impracticable plan
- in compliance with a plan
- independence plan
- indicative plan
- individual national development plans
- installment plan
- integrated plan
- intermediate plan
- intervention plans
- linkage plan
- local plan
- lofty plan
- long-range plan
- long-term plan
- management plan
- Marshall Plan
- master plan
- matching of plans
- medium-term plan
- minute-by-minute podium plan
- Missouri plan
- monthly plan
- national plan
- national reconciliation plan
- operating plan
- operation plan
- opposition to a plan
- overall plan
- package plan
- pay-as-you-go plan
- peace plan
- perspective plan
- phased plan
- plan for development
- plan of action
- plan remains on the table
- plans are bogged down
- plans for increased autonomy
- plans for sanctions
- practicable plan
- preliminary plan
- principal items of the plan
- production plan
- provisions of a plan
- realistic plan
- regional peace plan
- regional plan
- research plan
- resettlement plan
- retirement plan
- security plan
- short-range plan
- short-term plan
- single plan
- state plan
- strategic plan
- strong-mayor plan
- target figures of the plan
- technical development plan
- UN-brokered peace plan
- under the plan
- unified plan
- work plan -
4 talk
1. nразговор, беседа; pl переговорыmore peace talks are going to take place / getting underway / lie ahead — переговоры о мирном урегулировании будут продолжены
to be more flexible in the talks — проявлять бо́льшую гибкость на переговорах
to begin (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to bring a country into the talks between smb — вовлекать / подключать какую-л. страну к переговорам между кем-л.
to come to the talks empty-handed — приходить на переговоры с пустыми руками ( без новых предложений)
to complete / to conclude talks — завершать переговоры
to damage the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to demand a prompt resumption of peace talks — требовать скорейшего возобновления переговоров о мире
to derail / to disrupt the talks — срывать переговоры
to dominate the two days of talks — быть главным вопросом на переговорах, которые продлятся два дня
to extend talks amid reports of smth — продлевать переговоры, в то время как поступают сообщения о чем-л.
to hamper the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to have / to hold further / more talks with smb — проводить дальнейшие переговоры / продолжать переговоры с кем-л.
to hold talks at the request of smb — проводить переговоры по чьей-л. просьбе
to hold talks in an exceptionally warm atmosphere — вести переговоры в исключительно теплой атмосфере
to iron out difficulties in the talks — устранять трудности, возникшие в ходе переговоров
to maintain one's talks for 10 days — продолжать переговоры еще 10 дней
to make good / substantial progress at / in the talks — добиваться значительного / существенного успеха на переговорах
to make smb more flexible in the talks — заставлять кого-л. занять более гибкую позицию на переговорах
to obstruct the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to offer unconditional talks to smb — предлагать кому-л. провести переговоры, не сопровождаемые никакими условиями
to open (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to push forward the talks — активизировать переговоры; давать толчок переговорам
to put the proposals to arms reduction talks — ставить предложения на рассмотрение участников переговоров о сокращении вооружений
to re-launch / to reopen talks — возобновлять переговоры
to restart / to resume talks — возобновлять переговоры
to resume talks after a lapse of 18 months — возобновлять переговоры после полуторагодового перерыва
to schedule talks — намечать / планировать переговоры
to start (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to steer a diplomatic course in one's talks — проводить дипломатическую линию на переговорах
to stymie the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to torpedo the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
- accession talksto walk out of / to withdraw from talks — уходить с переговоров, отказываться от продолжения переговоров
- after a full day of talks
- ambassadorial talks
- ambassadorial-level talks
- another round of talks gets under way today
- arduous talks
- arms control talks
- arms talks
- backstage talks
- barren talks
- beneficial talks
- bilateral talks
- bittersweet talk
- border talks
- breakdown in talks
- breakdown of talks - businesslike talks
- by means of talks
- by talks
- call for fresh talks
- carefully prepared talks
- cease-fire talks
- CFE talks
- coalition talks
- collapsed talks
- completion of talks
- conduct of talks
- confidential talks
- confrontational talks
- constructive talks
- conventional arms control talks
- conventional forces in Europe talks
- conventional stability talks
- conventional talks
- conventional-force talk
- cordial talks
- crux of the talks
- current round of talks
- deadlocked talks
- delay in the talks
- detailed talks
- direct talks
- disarmament talks
- discreet talks
- disruption of talks
- divisive talks
- early talks
- election talk
- emergency talks
- equal talks
- Europe-wide talks
- exhaustive talks
- exploratory talks
- extensive talks
- face-to-face talks
- failure at the talks
- failure of the talks
- familiarization talks
- farewell talks
- final round of talks
- follow -up talks
- follow-on talks
- force-reduction talks
- formal talks
- forthcoming talks
- four-way talks
- frank talks
- fresh round of talks
- fresh talks
- friendly atmosphere in the talks
- friendly talks
- frosty talks
- fruitful talks
- fruitless talks
- full talks
- full-scale talks
- further talks
- get-to-know-you talks
- good-faith talks
- hard-going talks
- highest-level talks
- high-level talks
- in a follow-up to one's talks
- in the course of talks
- in the last round of the talks
- in the latest round of the talks
- in the talks
- inconclusive talks
- indirect talks
- industrial promotion talks
- informal talks
- intensive talks
- intercommunal talks
- interesting talks
- interparty talks
- last-ditch talks
- last-minute talks
- lengthy talks
- low-level talks
- make-or-break talks
- man-to-man talks
- marathon talks
- MBFR talks
- meaningful talks
- mediator in the talks
- membership talks
- ministerial talks
- more talks
- multilateral talks
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction talks
- news lockout during the talks
- no further talks are scheduled
- non-stop talks
- normalization talks
- nuclear and space arms talks
- observer at the talks
- offer of talks
- on-and-off talks
- Open Skies Talk
- open talks
- outcome of the talks
- pace of the talks
- participant in the talks
- parties at the talks
- pay talks
- peace talks
- pep talk
- political talks
- positive talks
- preliminary talks
- preparatory talks
- present at the talks are...
- pre-summit talks
- pre-talks
- prime-ministerial talks
- private talks
- productive talks
- profound talks
- programmatic talk
- proposed talks
- proximity talks
- rapid progress in talks
- rapprochement talks
- realistic talks
- renewal of talks
- resumed talks
- resumption of talks
- reunification talks - sales talks
- scheduled talks
- secret talks
- security talks
- sensible talks
- separate talks
- serious talks
- session of the talks
- setback in the talks
- sincere talks
- stage-by-stage talks
- stormy talks
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
- Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
- substantial talks
- substantive talks
- successful progress of the talks
- summit talks
- talk was conducted in an atmosphere
- talk was held in an atmosphere
- talk will be dominated by the row which...
- talks about talk
- talks are alarmingly behind schedule
- talks are at a standstill
- talks are critical
- talks are deadlocked
- talks are due to resume
- talks are getting nowhere
- talks are going ahead
- talks are going well
- talks are heading for deadlock
- talks are in doubt
- talks are in high gear
- talks are in jeopardy
- talks are into their final day
- talks are not going fast enough
- talks are only a start
- talks are progressing at a snail's pace
- talks are progressing smoothly
- talks are progressing well
- talks are set to fail
- talks are stalemated
- talks are still on track
- talks are taking place in a constructive atmosphere
- talks are underway
- talks at a ministerial level
- talks at the highest level
- talks at the level of deputy foreign ministers
- talks between smb have run into last-minute difficulties
- talks between the two sides
- talks bogged down on smth
- talks broke down
- talks came to a standstill
- talks center on smth
- talks collapsed
- talks come at a time when...
- talks concentrate on
- talks dragged on for years
- talks ended in agreement
- talks ended in failure
- talks ended inconclusively
- talks ended without agreement
- talks failed to make any progress
- talks faltered on smth
- talks foundered on smth
- talks get underway
- talks go into a second day
- talks go on
- talks had a successful start
- talks had been momentous
- talks hang by a thread
- talks hang in the balance
- talks have been constructive and businesslike
- talks have broken up in failure
- talks have ended on an optimistic note
- talks have ended with little sign of agreement
- talks have ended with little sign of program
- talks have fallen through
- talks have got off to a friendly start
- talks have got off to a successful start
- talks have made little progress towards peace
- talks have never been closer to an agreement
- talks have reached deadlock
- talks have reopened
- talks have run into difficulties
- talks have run into trouble
- talks inch forward
- talks is burgeoning again about...
- talks made progress
- talks may continue into tomorrow
- talks may not get off the ground
- talks now under way
- talks of peace
- talks of procedural nature
- talks on a range of issues
- talks on conventional stability
- talks open
- talks overran by half an hour
- talks overshadowed by smth
- talks produced no results
- talks reconvene
- talks remain deadlocked
- talks restart
- talks resume
- talks stalled over the issue
- talks under the auspices of smb
- talks went into the small hours of the morning
- talks went late into the night
- talks went on late into the night
- talks went smoothly
- talks were due to start a month ago
- talks were not conclusive
- talks were suspended
- talks were warm, friendly and cordial
- talks will cover smth
- talks will focus on smth
- talks will go ahead
- talks will take place at the undersecretaries of foreign affairs level
- talks will yield an agreement
- talks with smb are not acceptable
- talks with the mediation of smb
- talks without preconditions
- talks would make little headway
- the agreement was signed at the end of 5 days of talks
- the area affected in the talks
- the outcome of the talks is not easy to predict
- the pace of the talks is slow
- the progress of the talks
- there was a sense of achievement at the end of the talks
- this problem will be at the heart of the talks
- those in the talks
- three days of talks have failed to make any tangible progress
- three-sided talks
- three-way talks
- too much talks and not enough action
- top-level talks
- touchstone of progress in the talks
- trade talks
- trilateral talks
- tripartite talks
- two-way talks
- umbrella peace talks
- unconditional talks
- United Nations-mediated talks
- United Nations-sponsored talks
- unity talks
- unofficial talk
- unproductive talks
- unscheduled talks
- useful talks
- walkout from the talks
- weighty talks
- wide range of talks
- wide-ranging talks
- workmanlike talks 2. vвести беседу, разговариватьto talk about smth — вести переговоры о чем-л.
to talk to smb direct — вести с кем-л. прямые переговоры
to talk to smb through a third party — вести переговоры с кем-л. через посредника
to talk tough — вести беседу / говорить резко
См. также в других словарях:
2008 South Ossetia war — Part of Georgian–Ossetian conflict and Georgian–Abkhazian conflict Locat … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… … Universalium
UNITED NATIONS (UN) — UNITED NATIONS (UN), a worldwide organization of states established in 1945, in the wake of World War II, with a view, primarily, to maintain international peace and security and also bring about cooperation among nations in the economic, social … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Calendar of 1996 — ▪ 1997 JANUARY JANUARY 1 King Fahd cedes power Still experiencing the effects of a stroke suffered in November 1995, Saudi Arabia s King Fahd, who also held the post of prime minister, ceded temporary power to Crown Prince Abdullah,… … Universalium
Georgia — /jawr jeuh/, n. 1. a state in the SE United States. 5,464,265; 58,876 sq. mi. (152,489 sq. km). Cap.: Atlanta. Abbr.: GA (for use with zip code), Ga. 2. Also called Georgian Republic. a republic in Transcaucasia, bordering on the Black Sea, N of… … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
History of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict — The article discusses the history of the Israeli Palestinian conflict from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day. See also history of Jews and Arabs in the area for the history before the conflict. See also Israeli Palestinian… … Wikipedia