1 recall shares
Экономика: изымать акции -
2 to recall shares
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to recall shares
3 to recall shares
4 to recall shares
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > to recall shares
5 share
1.1) делить, разделять, участвовать в чем-либо2) иметь долю, быть пайщиком2.1) доля; часть; пай; паевой взнос2) акция•- "A" sharesThe index of B-shares – stocks denominated in foreign currency and reserved, in theory, for overseas investors, as opposed to A-shares designed for local buyers, has risen more than a third in the past two weeks. — За последние две недели индекс акций «Б» — акций, деноминированных в иностранной валюте и зарезервированных, теоретически, для иностранных инвесторов, в противоположность акциям «А», предназначенным для местных покупателей, — увеличился более чем на треть.
6 share
• -
7 share
1. n1) доля; часть; пай; паевой взнос2) акция
- A shares
- agreed share
- allocated shares
- allotted shares
- assented shares
- B shares
- bank shares
- bearer share
- below par shares
- bogus share
- bonification shares
- bonus share
- budget shares
- callable share
- capital share
- commercial shares
- controlling share
- convertible preference shares
- co-op share
- cumulative shares
- cumulative preference shares
- deferred shares
- deferred ordinary share
- diluted shares
- directors' share
- directors' qualification share
- distributive share
- dominant share
- employee share
- encumbered share
- equal share
- equity shares
- excess shares
- factor share
- forfeited shares
- founders' share
- fractional share
- fully paid shares
- fully paid-up shares
- gold shares
- golden share
- growth share
- high-priced shares
- incentive shares
- income shares
- industrial shares
- inscribed share
- investment trust shares
- irredeemable preference shares
- legended share
- listed shares
- loan share
- low-priced shares
- market share
- maximum share
- minimum share
- mutual fund share
- new shares
- noncumulative shares
- nonparticipating shares
- nonredeemable preferred shares
- nontradable shares
- nonvoting shares
- no-par-value shares
- ordinary shares
- ordinary shares with a voting right
- original shares
- outstanding shares
- own shares
- paid-up shares
- paired shares
- participating shares
- participating preference shares
- partly paid shares
- partnership share
- par value shares
- perpetual preference shares
- personal share
- preference shares
- preferred shares
- priority shares
- promoters' shares
- promoting shares
- proportional share
- proportionate share
- pro rata share
- pro-rated share
- qualification shares
- qualifying shares
- quality shares
- quota share
- quoted shares
- railway shares
- redeemable preference shares
- redeemable preferred shares
- registered shares
- single share
- small share
- speculative shares
- split share
- staff shares
- stamped shares
- subscription shares
- sufficient share
- surplus share
- term shares
- tracking shares
- transferable shares
- treasury share
- twin shares
- underpriced shares
- unissued share
- unquoted shares
- voteless shares
- voting shares
- voting right shares
- wage share
- share in the authorized fund
- share in a business
- share in capital
- share in deliveries
- share in expenses
- share in the loss
- share in ownership
- share in profits
- share in property
- share of commission
- share of corporate stock
- share of partnership income
- share of profits
- share of public spending
- share of revenues
- share of services
- share of stock
- share of supplies
- share of the world market
- share of the world oil trade
- share to bearer
- shares without par value
- in equal shares
- allot shares
- apply for shares
- buyback shares
- convert shares
- delist shares
- determine a share
- disperse shares
- dispose of shares
- encumber a share
- establish a share
- exchange shares
- flog shares
- float shares
- go shares
- gobble up a share
- have a share in smth
- hold shares
- issue shares
- list shares
- pay off shares
- pay up shares
- place shares
- pledge a share
- put shares on the market
- recall shares
- redeem shares
- release shares at the rate of
- release shares on the market
- sell shares piecemeal
- snap up shares
- split shares
- subscribe for shares
- surrender shares
- suspend shares
- take up shares
- tout shares
- trade shares
- transfer shares
- unload shares2. attr.3. v1) делить, разделять, участвовать в чем-л.2) иметь долю -
8 cost
1. n1) цена; стоимость; себестоимость2) обыкн. pl расходы, издержки, затраты3) pl судебные издержки, судебные расходы
- absorbed costs
- accident costs
- acquisition cost
- actual cost
- actual costs
- actual manufacturing cost
- added cost
- additional cost
- adjusted historical cost
- administration costs
- administrative costs
- administrative and management costs
- administrative and operational services costs
- advertising costs
- after costs
- after-shipment costs
- aggregate costs
- agreed cost
- airfreight cost
- allocable costs
- allowable costs
- alternative costs
- amortization costs
- amortized cost
- ancillary costs
- annual costs
- anticipated costs
- applied cost
- arbitration costs
- assembly costs
- assessed cost
- average cost
- average costs
- average cost per unit
- average variable costs
- avoidable costs
- back-order costs
- basic cost
- billed cost
- book cost
- borrowing cost
- breakage cost
- break-even costs
- budget costs
- budgeted cost
- budgeted costs
- budgeted operating costs
- building costs
- burden costs
- calculated costs
- capacity costs
- capital costs
- capital floatation costs
- carriage costs
- carrying cost
- carrying costs
- centrally-managed costs
- changeover costs
- cleaning costs
- clerical costs
- closing costs
- collection costs
- combined cost
- commercial cost
- commercial costs
- committed costs
- common staff costs
- comparative costs
- competitive costs
- competitive marginal costs
- complaint costs
- conditional cost
- consequential costs
- considerable costs
- constant cost
- constant costs
- construction costs
- contract cost
- contractual costs
- controllable costs
- court costs
- crane costs
- credit costs
- cumulative costs
- current cost
- current costs
- current outlay costs
- current standard cost
- cycle inventory costs
- debt-servicing costs
- declining costs
- decorating costs
- decreasing costs
- defect costs
- defence costs
- deferred costs
- deficiency costs
- degressive costs
- delivery costs
- departmental costs
- depleted cost
- depreciable cost
- depreciated cost
- depreciated replacement cost
- depreciation costs
- designing costs
- deterioration costs
- development costs
- differential costs
- direct costs
- direct labour costs
- direct operating costs
- direct payroll costs
- discretionary fixed costs
- dismantling costs
- distribution costs
- distribution marketing cost
- domestic resource costs
- double-weighted borrowing cost
- downtime costs
- economic costs
- eligible costs
- engineering costs
- entry cost
- environmental costs
- equipment capital costs
- erection costs
- escalating costs
- escapable costs
- estimated cost
- estimated costs
- evaluation cost
- excess cost
- excess costs
- excessive costs
- exhibition costs
- exploration costs
- extra costs
- extra and extraordinary costs
- extraordinary costs
- fabrication cost
- factor cost
- factor costs
- factory cost
- factory costs
- factory overhead costs
- failure costs
- farm production costs
- farmer's cost
- farming costs
- feed costs
- fertilizing costs
- final cost
- financial costs
- financing costs
- first cost
- fixed costs
- fixed capital replacement costs
- flat cost
- floatation costs
- food costs
- foreign housing costs
- formation costs
- freight costs
- fuel costs
- full cost
- full costs
- funding cost
- general costs
- general running costs
- government-controlled production costs
- guarantee costs
- harvesting costs
- haul costs
- haulage costs
- heavy costs
- hedging cost
- hidden costs
- high cost
- hiring costs
- historical cost
- hospitality costs
- hotel costs
- hourly costs
- idle capacity costs
- idle time costs
- implicit costs
- implied interest costs
- imputed costs
- incidental costs
- increasing costs
- incremental costs
- incremental cost of capital
- incremental costs of circulation
- incremental costs of service
- incurred costs
- indirect costs
- indirect labour costs
- indirect manufacturing costs
- indirect payroll costs
- indirect production costs
- individual costs
- industrial costs
- industry-average costs
- initial cost
- inland freight cost
- inspection costs
- installation costs
- insurance costs
- insured cost
- intangible costs
- integrated cost
- interest costs
- inventoriable costs
- inventory cost
- inventory costs
- inventory acquisition costs
- inventory possession costs
- investigation costs
- investment costs
- invoiced cost
- issuing cost
- joint cost
- labour costs
- landed cost
- launching cost
- launching costs
- layoff costs
- legal costs
- legitimate costs
- life cycle costs
- life repair cost
- liquidation cost
- litigation costs
- living costs
- loading costs
- loan cost
- long-run average costs
- long-run marginal costs
- low costs
- low operating costs
- lump-sum costs
- machining cost
- maintenance costs
- maintenance-and-repair costs
- management costs
- man-power cost
- man-power costs
- manufacturing cost
- manufacturing costs
- manufacturing overhead costs
- marginal costs
- marginal-factor costs
- maritime costs
- marketing costs
- material costs
- material handling costs
- merchandising costs
- miscellaneous costs
- mixed cost
- mounting costs
- net cost
- nominal cost
- nonmanufacturing costs
- obsolescence costs
- offering cost
- one-off costs
- one-off costs of acquiring land, buildings and equipment
- one-shot costs
- operating costs
- operation costs
- operational costs
- opportunity costs
- order cost
- ordering cost
- order initiation cost
- ordinary costs
- organization costs
- organizational costs
- original cost
- original cost of the assets
- original cost of capital
- out-of-pocket costs
- overall cost
- overall costs
- overhead costs
- overtime costs
- own costs
- owning costs
- packaging cost
- packing cost
- past costs
- past sunk costs
- payroll cost
- payroll costs
- penalty cost
- penalty costs
- period costs
- permissible costs
- personnel costs
- piece costs
- planned costs
- postponable costs
- predetermined costs
- prepaid costs
- preproduction costs
- prime cost
- processing costs
- procurement costs
- product cost
- production cost
- production costs
- product unit cost
- progress-generating costs
- progressive costs
- prohibitive costs
- project costs
- project development cost
- projected costs
- promotional costs
- protected costs
- publicity costs
- purchase costs
- purchasing costs
- pure costs of circulation
- quality costs
- quality-inspection costs
- real cost
- real costs
- recall costs
- reconstruction cost
- recoverable cost
- recurring costs
- reduction costs
- reimbursable cost
- relative cost
- relevant costs
- removal costs
- renewal cost
- reoperating costs
- reoperation costs
- reorder cost
- repair cost
- repair costs
- replacement cost
- replacement costs
- replacement cost at market rates
- replacement cost of borrowing
- replacement cost of capital assets
- replacement cost of equipment
- replacement depreciation cost
- replenishment cost
- reproduction cost
- reproduction costs
- research costs
- research and development costs
- reservation costs
- rework costs
- rising costs
- road maintenance costs
- running costs
- run-on costs
- salvage cost
- salvage costs
- scheduled costs
- scrap cost
- selling costs
- semi-variable costs
- service costs
- servicing costs
- setting-up costs
- set-up costs
- shadow costs
- shelter costs
- shipping costs
- shortage costs
- single cost
- social costs
- social marginal costs
- social overhead costs
- sorting costs
- special costs
- specification costs
- spoilage costs
- staff costs
- stand costs
- standard cost
- standard costs
- standard direct labour costs
- standard direct materials cost
- standard factory overhead cost
- standing costs
- start-up costs
- stepped costs
- stocking cost
- stockout costs
- storage costs
- sunk costs
- supervision costs
- supplementary costs
- supplementary costs of circulation
- tangible costs
- target cost
- target costs
- taxable cost of shares
- tentative cost
- time-related cost
- total cost
- training cost
- training costs
- transaction costs
- transfer costs
- transhipment costs
- transport costs
- transportation costs
- travel costs
- travelling costs
- trim costs
- true cost
- true costs
- trust cost
- unamortized cost
- unavoidable costs
- underwriting cost
- unexpired costs
- unit cost
- unit costs
- unloading costs
- unrecovered cost
- unscheduled costs
- upkeep costs
- upward costs
- utility's costs
- variable costs
- variable capital costs
- wage costs
- war costs
- warehouse costs
- warehousing costs
- weighted average cost
- welfare costs
- wintering costs
- working cost
- working costs
- costs for bunker
- costs for storing
- costs of administration
- cost of appraisal
- cost of arbitration
- cost of borrowing
- cost of boxing
- cost of bunker
- cost of capital
- cost of capital deeping
- cost of carriage
- cost of carry
- cost of carrying inventory
- costs of circulation
- cost of civil engineering work
- cost of construction
- cost of a contract
- cost of credit
- cost of delivery
- cost of demonstration
- cost of discounting
- cost of disposal
- cost of education
- cost of equipment
- cost of equity capital
- cost of filing
- cost of financing
- cost of fixed capital
- cost of funds
- cost of goods
- cost of haulage
- cost of hotel accommodation
- costs of housing
- costs of idleness
- cost of installation
- cost of insurance
- costs of inventory
- cost of issue
- cost of labour
- cost of a licence
- cost of living
- cost of manpower
- cost of manufacture
- cost of manufactured goods
- cost of manufacturing
- costs of material
- costs of material inputs
- cost of money
- cost of obtaining funds
- costs of operations
- cost of an order
- cost of packaging
- cost of packing
- cost of postage
- costs of production
- cost of product sold
- cost of a project
- cost of publication
- cost of putting goods into a saleable condition
- cost of reclamation
- cost of reinsurance
- costs of reliability
- cost of renting
- cost of renting a trading post
- cost of repairs
- costs of routine maintenance
- cost of sales
- costs of sales
- cost of scrap
- cost of service
- cost of servicing
- costs of shipping
- cost of storage
- cost of a suit
- costs of supervision
- cost of tare
- costs of trackage
- costs of transportation
- cost of work
- cost per inquiry
- costs per unit
- above cost
- at cost
- at the cost of
- at extra cost
- below cost
- less costs
- minus costs
- next to cost
- under cost
- with costs
- without regard to cost
- exclusive of costs
- free of cost
- cost of market, whichever is lower
- cost plus percentage of cost
- absorb costs
- allocate costs
- assess the cost
- assess costs
- assume costs
- award costs against smb.
- bear costs
- calculate costs
- charge cost
- compute the cost
- cover the cost
- cover costs
- curb costs
- curtail costs
- cut down on costs
- cut production costs
- decrease the cost
- defray the costs
- determine the cost
- disregard costs
- distort the cost
- distribute costs
- entail costs
- estimate costs
- exceed the cost
- impose costs
- increase cost
- incur costs
- inflict economic and social costs
- involve costs
- itemize costs
- keep down costs
- meet the cost
- meet costs
- offset the cost
- offset the costs
- offset high interest costs
- overestimate production costs
- pay costs
- prune away costs
- push up costs
- recompense the cost
- recoup the cost
- recover costs
- reduce costs
- refund the cost
- revise the cost
- save costs
- sell at a cost
- share the cost
- slash costs
- split up the cost
- trim costs
- write off costs
- write off costs against revenues
- write off capital costs2. v1) стоить -
9 loan
1. nзаем; ссуда; кредит
- accommodation loan
- active loan
- adjustable mortgage loan
- advance loan
- agency loan
- agricultural loan
- amortization loan
- asset-based loan
- back-to-back loan
- bad loan
- balloon loan
- bank loan
- banking sector's nonperforming loans
- bank-to-bank loan
- below-market loan
- big loan
- bilateral loan
- blank loan
- borrowed-pledge security loan
- bottomry loan
- bridge loan
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- building loan
- bullet loan
- business loan
- call loan
- callable loan
- capped floating rate loan
- cash loan
- character loan
- cheap loan
- clearance loan
- collared floating rate loan
- collateral loan
- collateralized loan
- commercial loan
- committed loan
- commodity loan
- compulsory loan
- concessionary loan
- consolidated loan
- consumption loan
- corporate loan
- Crown loan
- currency loan
- customer's loan
- daily loan
- day loan
- day-to-day loan
- dead loan
- dealer loan
- defaulted loan
- delinquent loan
- demand loan
- development loan
- direct loan
- disbursed loan
- discount loan
- discount interest loan
- distressed loan
- dollar loan
- domestic loan
- downstream loan
- droplock loan
- dud loan
- emergency loan
- emergency reconstruction loan
- Eurocurrency loan
- Eurosyndicated loans
- excess loan
- export adjustment loan
- external loan
- farm loan
- federal loan
- fiduciary loan
- fixed loan
- fixed-date loan
- fixed-interest loan
- fixed rate loan
- floated loan
- floating-rate loan
- forced loan
- foreign loan
- free-limit loan
- frozen loan
- funded loan
- funding loan
- gold loan
- government loan
- hard loan
- hedged loan
- high-interest loan
- home loan
- home finance loan
- home improvement loan
- housing construction loan
- hybrid loan
- indexed loan
- industrial loan
- industrial and trade policy adjustment loan
- installment loan
- interbank loan
- intercompany loan
- interest bearing loan
- interest-free loan
- interim loan
- intermediate loan
- internal loan
- inventory loan
- investment loan
- jeopardy loan
- jumbo loan
- large loan
- limited recourse loan
- local loan
- lombard loan
- long loan
- long-dated loan
- long-period loan
- long-sighted loan
- long-term loan
- long-term mortgage loan
- low-interest loan
- low-interest-rate mortgage loan
- lucrative loan
- margin loan
- market loan
- medium-term loan
- money loan
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- multicurrency loan
- multilateral loan
- municipal loan
- national loan
- negative amortization loan
- net loans
- nonperforming loan
- on call loan
- one-off purpose-oriented loan
- outstanding loan
- overage loan
- overdue loan
- overnight loan
- package loan
- parallel loan
- participating loan
- participation loan
- past-due loan
- performing loan
- permanent loan
- permanent government loan
- perpetual loan
- personal loan
- pledge loan
- poorly performing loan
- precarious loan
- prematured loan
- prime-rate loan
- problem loan
- programme loan
- public loan
- purpose loan
- real estate loan
- receivable loan
- reconstruction loan
- recourse loan
- redeemable loan
- redemption loan
- rehabilitation import loan
- reimbursable loan
- renegotiated loan
- repaid loan
- replacement loan
- resetter loan
- seasonal loan
- seasoned loan
- sector loan
- sector adjustment loan
- sector investment and maintenance loan
- secured loan
- securities loan
- securitized loan
- self-liquidating loan
- self-liquidation loan
- senior loan
- short loan
- short-dated loan
- short-sighted loan
- short-term floating rate loan
- short-time loan
- sight loan
- signature loan
- simple-interest loan
- single loan
- sinking-fund loan
- small business loan
- soft loan
- sovereign loan
- sovereign-risk loan
- stabilization loan
- stand-by loan
- state loan
- sterling loan
- stock exchange loan
- straight loan
- street loan
- subsidiary loan
- swing loan
- syndicate loan
- tax-exempt loan
- technical assistance loan
- term loan
- tied loan
- time loan
- time-slice loan
- underperforming loan
- undersubscribed loan
- underwater loan
- undisbursed loan
- unlimited loan
- unrecoverable loan
- unsecured loan
- upstream loan
- utilized loan
- variable rate loan
- viable loan
- watch loan
- weekly loan
- loan against borrower's note
- loan against goods
- loan against a guarantee
- loan against hypothecation of goods
- loan against payment documents
- loan against pledged bills
- loan against pledge of goods
- loan against a promissory note
- loan against securities
- loan against shares
- loan at call
- loan at interest
- loan at notice
- loan for a period of
- loan in sterling
- loan of money
- loan on bills of exchange
- loan on call
- loan on collateral
- loan on debentures
- loan on easy terms
- loan on favourable terms
- loan on goods
- loan on interest
- loan on landed property
- loan on merchandise
- loan on mortgage
- loan on pawn
- loan on policy
- loan on securities
- loan on the security of bills
- loan on short notice
- loans to customers
- loan without interest
- loan without security
- loan with participations
- loan with strings attached
- loan bearing no interest
- loan payable on request of the creditor
- accelerate a loan
- accommodate with a loan
- advance a loan
- allow a loan
- apply for a loan
- assess delinquent loans
- back a loan
- book loans
- call in a loan
- cancel a call loan
- complete a loan
- contract a loan
- cover a loan
- default on a loan
- disburse a loan
- downgrade a loan
- extend a loan
- finance a loan
- float a loan
- forfeit a loan
- get a loan
- give a loan
- grant a loan
- guarantee a loan
- issue a loan
- launch a loan
- liquidate a loan
- make a loan
- meet a loan
- monitor a loan
- negotiate a loan
- obtain a loan
- offer a loan
- pay back a loan
- pay down a loan
- pay off a loan
- place a loan
- provide a loan
- put out on loan
- qualify for a loan
- raise a loan
- recall a loan
- redeem a loan
- renew a loan
- repay a loan
- request a loan
- retire a loan
- retrieve a loan
- secure a loan
- secure a new loan
- service a loan
- sink a loan
- slash loans
- subscribe to a loan
- support a loan
- take up a loan
- warrant a loan
- write off bad loans2. v -
10 right
n1) право2) pl порядок3) право владельца акций на участие в новых выпусках акций этой компании на льготных условиях
- absolute rights
- agent's rights
- application right
- appropriative right
- basic rights
- bonus right
- buyer's right
- carrier's right
- civil right
- claimant's right
- commercial right
- constitutional rights
- conversion rights
- distribution right
- dividend right
- drawing rights
- equal rights
- exclusive right
- exclusive right of sale
- exclusive right to use
- exclusivity right
- franchising right
- full right of use
- fundamental rights
- grand rights
- human rights
- inalienable right
- incorporeal right
- industrial right
- industrial property right
- infringed right
- inherent right
- innovative rights
- in-rem right
- intellectual property rights
- inventor's right
- licensed right
- lawful right
- legal right
- legitimate right
- manufacturing right
- material right
- mercantile right
- mineral rights
- Miranda rights
- monopoly right
- natural rights
- nonexclusive right to sell
- nonproperty right
- option right
- ownership right
- participating right
- patent right
- patentee's right
- patent sales right
- precarious right
- pre-emption right
- pre-emptive right
- preferential right
- prescriptive right
- prior right
- priority right
- procedural right
- property right
- property right to buildings
- property right to land
- property right to an enterprise
- proprietary right
- protective right
- purchase right
- qualified voting right
- reciprocal right
- sales right
- security right
- seller's right
- selling right
- semi-exclusive right
- simple right
- sole right to sell
- sole voting right
- Special Drawing Rights
- statutory rights
- stock right
- stock redemption right
- subrogation rights
- subscription right
- taxing rights
- tenant right
- third-party rights
- trading right
- underlying right
- unqualified rights
- vested right
- veto right
- voting right
- right in rem
- right in property
- right of action
- rights of an agent
- right of appeal
- right of authorship
- right of cancellation
- right of a carrier
- right of a charterer
- right of claim
- right of continued use
- right of concurrent use
- right of confiscation
- right of defence
- right of demand
- right of disposal
- right of domicile
- right of early delivery
- right of eminent domain
- right of entry
- right of establishment
- right of first refusal
- right of inspection
- right of issuing notes
- right of joint use
- right of movement
- right of offset
- right of option
- right of owner
- right of ownership
- right of passage
- right of possession
- right of pre-emption
- rights of the principal
- right of priority
- right of priority of creditors
- right of prior use
- right of property
- right of protection
- right of protest
- right of publication
- right of readdressing
- right of recourse
- right of redemption
- right of reexport
- right of regress
- right of reproduction
- right of repurchase
- right of resale
- right of rescission
- right of retention
- right of return
- right of routing
- right of sales
- right of signature
- right of stoppage in transit
- right of sublease
- right of substitution
- right of suit
- right of survivorship
- right of veto
- right of way
- right to assign
- right to benefits
- right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
- right to be reimbursed
- right to cargo
- right to a claim
- right to claim damages
- right to compensation
- right to contribution in general average
- right to dispose
- right to distribute
- right to indemnity
- right to an industrial design
- right to issue
- right to manufacture
- right to a part of the assets upon liquidation
- right to pass through
- right to a patent
- right to a pension
- right to a proportion of the net profits
- right to recall
- right to recover damages
- right to remuneration
- right to sell
- right to subscribe to new shares
- right to substitution
- right to tax income
- right to terminate a contract
- right to use
- right to vote
- all rights reserved
- rights and liabilities
- cum rights
- ex rights
- with rights
- without the right of recourse
- without any prejudice to the right
- abandon a right
- abridge rights
- acquire a right
- affect the rights
- ascertain rights
- assert one's rights
- assign a right
- assume a right
- buy TV rights for sports events
- cede a right
- contest a right
- convey a right
- curtail rights
- define rights
- deny a right
- deprive of a right
- determine rights
- disclaim a right
- encroach on rights
- enjoy a right
- establish a right
- exercise a right
- forfeit a right
- forgo a right
- give the right to
- grant the right to
- have a right
- impair a right
- infringe on a right
- introduce a pre-emptive right
- invoke a right
- lose a right
- prejudice a right
- protect rights
- recognize rights
- relinquish one's right
- renounce a right
- reserve a right
- resign a right
- respect rights
- restore smb to his rights
- restrict rights
- retain a right
- secure a right
- surrender a right
- transfer a right
- uphold a right
- use a right
- vest with rights
- vindicate one's rights
- violate a right
- waive a right -
11 stock
n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) ассортимент (товаров)3) инвентарь, имущество4) сырье5) капитал; акционерный капитал6) амер. акция, акции7) ценные бумаги; облигации8) пай; денежный фонд9) оборотный капитал торговой фирмы 10. парк (автомобилей, вагонов)
- accounting stock
- accumulated stocks
- accumulative stocks
- active stock
- adjustable rate preferred stock
- air pocket stock
- assented stock
- authorized stock
- authorized capital stock
- bank stock
- barometer stock
- basic stock
- bearer stock
- bellweather stocks
- below par stock
- blue chip stock
- bonification stock
- bonus stock
- buffer stock
- cabinet stock
- callable preferred stock
- capital stock
- carry-over stocks
- cash stock
- certificated stocks
- certified stocks
- classified stocks
- closed stock
- closing stock
- commodity stocks
- common stock
- consignment stock
- consolidated stocks
- consumable stock
- consumed stock
- contingency stock
- control stock
- conversion stocks
- convertible stocks
- convertible loan stocks
- corporation stock
- credit stock
- cumulative stock
- cumulative preferred stock
- curb stock
- cushion stock
- cyclical stocks
- dated stock
- dead stock
- debenture stock
- defensive stock
- deferred stock
- deliverable stocks
- diluted stock
- distributed stocks
- distributing stock
- distribution stock
- dividend-paying stock
- dollar stock
- donated stock
- emergency stock
- equity stock
- excess stock
- excessive stock
- exhausted stock
- existing stocks
- extra stock
- factory stock
- fancy stocks
- farm stock
- feed stock
- final stock
- finished stock
- firm stock
- fixed capital stock
- floating stock
- fluctuation stock
- food stocks
- foreign stock
- founders' stock
- free stock
- fully paid-up stock
- general stock
- gilt-edged stock
- glamour stock
- go-go stock
- gold stock
- gold reserve stock
- government stocks
- gross stock
- growth stock
- guaranteed stock
- half stock
- hauling stock
- heavy stock
- high-flying stocks
- high technology stocks
- high-yielding stocks
- hot stocks
- inactive stock
- incoming stocks
- industrial stock
- initial stock
- inscribed stock
- insurance companies' stock
- intangible capital stock
- international stocks
- interprocess stock
- investment stock
- irredeemable stock
- issued stock
- joint stock
- junior stock
- landed stocks
- large stock
- legended stock
- letter stock
- leveraged stock
- limited-life preferred stock
- listed stock
- loan stock
- loaned stock
- long stock
- low stocks
- low-par stock
- major stocks
- management stock
- mining stock
- model stock
- monetary stock
- money stock
- municipal stock
- national stocks
- nationalization stock
- newly created stock
- newly issued stock
- nonassented stock
- nonclearing-house stock
- noncumulative stock
- noncumulative preferred stock
- nondistributed stocks
- nonparticipating preferred stock
- nonvoting stock
- no-par stock
- no-par value stock
- old stocks
- open stock
- opening stock
- option stocks
- ordinary stock
- original stock
- outstanding stock
- over-norm stocks
- over-the-counter stock
- paid-up stock
- participating preferred stock
- partly paid stock
- part-paid stock
- par-value stock
- penny stock
- performance stock
- permanent stock
- physical stock
- planned stock
- pool stock
- potential stock
- preference stock
- preferred stock
- preferred ordinary stock
- preferred redeemable stock
- prior preferred stock
- privatization stock
- promoters' protection stock
- protective stock
- public stocks
- quarter stock
- railroad stock
- registered stock
- remaining stocks
- remnant stock
- reserve stock
- residual stock
- residue stock
- restricted stock
- retailers' stock
- rolling stock
- safety stock
- security stocks
- select blue chip stocks
- semiprocessed stock
- shelf stocks
- silver stock
- slow-moving stock
- small stocks
- speculative stock
- standard stocks
- standard inventory stock
- stapled stock
- strategic stock
- street-name stock
- subscribed capital stock
- substantial stocks
- surplus stock
- take-over stock
- tangible capital stock
- tap stocks
- total stock
- trading stock
- transferable stock
- transit stock
- Treasury stocks
- treasury stock
- trust stocks
- uncertified stock
- undated stocks
- underlying stock
- underpriced privatization stock
- undervalued stock
- unissued stock
- unlisted stock
- unregistered stock
- unregulated stock
- unsalable stock
- unsecured stock
- unsecured loan stock
- unvalued stock
- value stocks
- vast stocks
- volatile stock
- voting stock
- watered stock
- working stock
- world food stock
- stock in the bank
- stocks in the till
- stock in transit
- stock of bills of exchange
- stock of capital goods
- stock of commodities
- stock of equipment
- stock of gold
- stock of goods
- stock of material
- stock of merchandise
- stock of orders
- stock of products
- stock of raw materials
- stock of spare parts
- stock of tangible assets
- stock of wealth
- stock on hand
- stock on order
- stocks with an arbitrary low value
- stocks with low multiples
- from stock
- absorb stocks
- acquire stock
- accumulate stocks
- alienate stocks
- allot stocks
- bear the stocks
- be in stock
- be long of stock
- be out of stock
- bond a stock
- breed stock
- build up stocks
- carry in stock
- clear the stocks
- deplete stocks
- dispose of stocks
- draw on stocks
- float stocks
- have stocks
- have in stock
- hold a stock
- hold in stock
- increase the capital stock
- issue stocks
- keep a stock
- keep goods in stock
- keep stocks in trust
- lay in stock
- order from stock
- pay off stocks
- raise stock
- recall stocks
- renew stocks
- replenish stocks
- run down stocks
- sell from stock
- speculate in stocks and shares
- split stocks
- subscribe for stocks
- supply from stock
- surrender the stocks
- take stock
- take in stock
- tout the stock
- trade stocks
- water down the stock
- withdraw stocks -
12 loan
13 stock
1) запас, резерв, фонд2) капитал; амер. акционерный капитал3) амер. акция, акции4) ценные бумаги; облигации5) пай; денежный фонд7) имущество; инвентарь• -
14 stock
См. также в других словарях:
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