1 pick
I 1. [pik] verb1) (to choose or select: Pick the one you like best.) izbrati2) (to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand: The little girl sat on the grass and picked flowers.) nabirati3) (to lift (someone or something): He picked up the child.) dvigniti4) (to unlock (a lock) with a tool other than a key: When she found that she had lost her key, she picked the lock with a hair-pin.) odpreti2. noun1) (whatever or whichever a person wants or chooses: Take your pick of these prizes.) izbira2) (the best one(s) from or the best part of something: These grapes are the pick of the bunch.) najboljši del•- pick-up
- pick and choose
- pick at
- pick someone's brains
- pick holes in
- pick off
- pick on
- pick out
- pick someone's pocket
- pick a quarrel/fight with someone
- pick a quarrel/fight with
- pick up
- pick up speed
- pick one's way II [pik] noun((also (British) pickaxe, (American) pickax - plural pickaxes) a tool with a heavy metal head pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking hard surfaces eg walls, roads, rocks etc.) kramp* * *I [pik]nouncepin, kramp, šilo, križna sekira, rovača; printing madež na knjigi, razmazana črkaII [pik]nounizbira, najboljši del; zbodljaj; agronomy economy pobrana letinaIII [pik]1.transitive verbkopati, izkopati (luknjo), prekopati; pobrati (s prsti, kljunom), zobati, kljuvati (ptiči), počasi jesti (ljudje); trgati, nabirati (cvetice, jagode); prebirati, čistiti (zelenjavo); skubsti, skubiti (perutnino); pukati, puliti, česati (volno); čistiti, trebiti (zobe); (o)glodati (kosti); prebirati, odbirati (rudo); spraskati (z nohti); vrtati, drezati (v) kaj; krasti, vlomiti (ključavnico); iz trte izviti, izvati (prepir); figuratively skrbno izbrati, izbirati; strgati, scefrati (tudi figuratively); American music brenkati;2.intransitive verbkrasti; jesti po malem; popraviti se (up)to give s.o. a bone to pick — zapreti komu ustato pick s.o.'s brains — ukrasti komu idejofiguratively to pick holes in — najti šibko točko, skritiziratito pick s.o.'s pocket — izprazniti komu žep (žepar)to pick to pieces — skritizirati; figuratively koga do kosti obratito pick a quarrel with s.o. — izzvati prepir -
2 pick up
1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) naučiti se mimogrede2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) pobrati3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) naleteti na4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) pobrati se5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) dvigniti6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) uloviti7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) odkriti; prijeti* * *1.transitive verbrazkopati, odkopati (s krampom); vzdigniti, pobrati; vzeti v roke, poprijeti, na novo začeti, lotiti se česa; vzeti koga v avto, pobrati koga s ceste, priti po koga (z avtom); colloquially mimogrede spoznati koga; American slang prijeti koga, aretirati; odkriti (sled); uloviti, najti, prisluškovati (radijski oddaji); zagledati, naleteti na, najti (npr. staro sliko); slučajno izvedeti, slišati ali zagledati, mimogrede se naučiti, pobrati (npr. par tujih besed); nazaj dobiti (moč, zdravje); American pospešiti; American colloquially vzeti (račun) nase in plačati;2.intransitive verb economypostaviti se zopet na noge, opomoči si; popraviti se; seznaniti se, spoprijateljiti se ( with); povečati brzino; figuratively priti k moči -
3 pick on
1) (to choose (someone) to do a usually difficult or unpleasant job: Why do they always pick on me to do the washing-up?) izbrati2) (to speak to or treat (a person) angrily or critically: Don't pick on me - it wasn't my fault.) gnjaviti* * *intransitive verb colloquially American gnjaviti, zbadati, sekirati; kritizirati; izbrati, odločiti se za -
4 pick out
1) (to choose or select: She picked out one dress that she particularly liked.) izbrati2) (to see or recognize (a person, thing etc): He must be among those people getting off the train, but I can't pick him out.) prepoznati3) (to play (a piece of music), especially slowly and with difficulty, especially by ear, without music in front of one: I don't really play the piano, but I can pick out a tune on one with one finger.) zadeti* * *transitive verb izbrati; razločiti, razbrati, razumeti (smisel, besedilo itd.); hitro izslediti, spoznati (tatu); igrati po posluhu; poudariti, podčrtati (z barvnimi kontrasti) -
5 pick a quarrel/fight with (someone)
(to start a quarrel, argument or fight with (someone) on purpose: He was angry because I beat him in the race, and he tried to pick a fight with me afterwards.) izzvati prepirEnglish-Slovenian dictionary > pick a quarrel/fight with (someone)
6 pick a quarrel/fight with (someone)
(to start a quarrel, argument or fight with (someone) on purpose: He was angry because I beat him in the race, and he tried to pick a fight with me afterwards.) izzvati prepirEnglish-Slovenian dictionary > pick a quarrel/fight with (someone)
7 pick and choose
(to select or choose very carefully: When I'm buying apples, I like to pick and choose (the ones I want).) odbrati -
8 pick holes in
(to criticize or find faults in (an argument, theory etc): He sounded very convincing, but I'm sure one could pick holes in what he said.) najti šibke točke -
9 pick someone's brains
(to ask (a person) questions in order to get ideas, information etc from him which one can use oneself: You might be able to help me with this problem - can I come and pick your brains for a minute!) sposoditi si pamet -
10 pick at
(to eat very little of (something): He was not very hungry, and just picked at the food on his plate.) pojesti nekaj malega* * *intransitive verb počasi jesti; American colloquially gnjaviti, sekirati -
11 pick off
(to shoot (especially people in a group) one by one: He picked off the enemy soldiers.) postreliti drugega za drugim* * *transitive verb odtrgati, obrati, oskubsti; military postreliti drugega za drugim -
12 pick over
transitive verb colloquially pregledati in pripraviti za uporabo -
13 pick-a-back
[píkəbæk]adverb štuporamo -
14 pick-hammer
[píkhæmə]nountechnical lomnik, zidarsko kladivo; cepin, kramp -
15 pick-me-up
[píkmiʌp]nounpoživilo, okrepčilo, "kozarček" dobre pijače -
16 pick-thank
[píkmæŋk]nounarchaic lizun -
17 pick one's way
(to walk carefully (around or between something one wishes to avoid touching etc): She picked her way between the puddles.) previdno stopati -
18 pick someone's pocket
(to steal something from a person's pocket: My wallet has gone - someone has picked my pocket!) izprazniti komu žep -
19 pick up speed
(to go faster; to accelerate: The car picked up speed as it ran down the hill.) pospešiti -
20 pick-up
1) (a type of small lorry or van.) majhen dostavni tovornjak2) (the part of a record-player that holds the stylus.) gramofonska glava
См. также в других словарях:
Pick operating system — Company / developer Don Nelson, Dick Pick, TRW Programmed in Assembly language Initial release 1965 (GIRLS), 1973 (Reality Operating System) Marketing target Business data processing Available … Wikipedia
Pick — steht für: Pick (Werkzeug), ein beim Lockpicking verwendetes Werkzeug Pick (Betriebssystem), ein Betriebssystem Pick (Wurstfabrik), gegründet 1869 von Márk Pick Pick (Logistik), eine logistische Tätigkeit bzw. Zähleinheit Pick Motor Company,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pick (informatique) — Pick (système d exploitation) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pick. Le système d exploitation Pick (du nom de son inventeur, Dick Pick) est un système d exploitation multiutilisateur, en temps partagé et à mémoire virtuelle basé sur un système… … Wikipédia en Français
Pick (systeme d'exploitation) — Pick (système d exploitation) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pick. Le système d exploitation Pick (du nom de son inventeur, Dick Pick) est un système d exploitation multiutilisateur, en temps partagé et à mémoire virtuelle basé sur un système… … Wikipédia en Français
pick-up — [ pikɶp ] n. m. inv. • 1928; mot angl. (1867), de to pick up « ramasser, recueillir » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Techn. Dispositif servant à recueillir et transformer en courant variable des vibrations sonores enregistrées sur disques. ⇒ lecteur. Cour. Bras,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pick — Ⅰ. pick [1] ► VERB 1) (often pick up) take hold of and move. 2) remove (a flower or fruit) from where it is growing. 3) choose from a number of alternatives. 4) remove unwanted matter from (one s nose or teeth) with a finger or a pointed… … English terms dictionary
Pick and roll — oder screen roll (dt. „Blocken und abrollen“) ist ein oft verwendeter Standard Spielzug im Basketball, in dem zwei Angreifer den Ball führen und zwei Verteidigern gegenüberstehen. Bei dieser Taktik blockt der nicht ballführende Angreifer den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pick — (p[i^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Picked} (p[i^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Picking}.] [OE. picken, pikken, to prick, peck; akin to Icel. pikka, Sw. picka, Dan. pikke, D. pikken, G. picken, F. piquer, W. pigo. Cf. {Peck}, v., {Pike}, {Pitch} to throw.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pick-by-Light — Fachanzeigen Pick by Light (zu Deutsch etwa „Kommissionieren nach Licht ) gehört zu den sogenannten „beleglosen“ Kommissionierverfahren. Anstelle einer Kommissionier oder Pickliste werden dem Kommissionierer die zu pickenden Artikel und Mengen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pick — pick1 [pik] vt. [ME pykken, var. of picchen, to PITCH2] Weaving to throw (a shuttle) n. 1. one passage or throw of the shuttle of a loom 2. one of the weft threads, or filling yarns pick2 [pik] n. [ … English World dictionary
Pick Pay — war ein Schweizer Unternehmen im Detailhandel. Das 1968 von Bruno Gideon in Rümlang als Discounter gegründete Unternehmen wurde in den 1990er Jahren mehrfach umstrukturiert und nach Volketswil verlegt, wo es Teil der Bon appétit Group und später… … Deutsch Wikipedia