1 быть себе на уме
1) General subject: be up to a thing or two, know beans, know black from the white, know black from white, know how many beans make five, know on which side bread is buttered, know the time of day, know what one is about, know which side ( one's) bread is buttered, to be up to a thing or two, to be up-stroke a thing or two, have up sleeve, know what one is doing2) Colloquial: know what's what3) Literal: know the time of the day4) Makarov: know on which side (one's) bread is buttered5) Saying: know on which side bread is buttered6) Idiomatic expression: know which side one’s bread is buttered, have an eye on the main chance -
2 знать свою выгоду
1) General subject: know on which side bread is buttered, know which side one's bread is buttered on2) Makarov: know on which side (one's) bread is buttered -
3 губа не дура, знает, что сладко
1) General subject: know on which side bread is buttered2) Makarov: know on which side (one's) bread is butteredУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > губа не дура, знает, что сладко
4 знать, что к чему
1) General subject: know how many beans make five, have one's priorities right, know the ropes, know way around2) Jargon: know what's what3) Set phrase: know on which side one's bread is buttered (дословно: Знать, с какой стороны твой хлеб маслом намазан) -
5 ум
муж.mind; brains мн. ч.; разг.; ( разум) wit, intellectчеловек большого ума — man of great intellect; very clever man, person of keen intellect
спятить, свихнуться, своротить, сбрендить с ума — разг. to go out of one's mind/head
держать в уме — to keep smth. in one's head
перебирать в уме — to turn smth. over in one's mind
доходить до чего-л. своим умом — to work smth. by oneself, to come to smth. on one's own
раскидывать умом — разг. to think smth. over
жить своим умом — to think for oneself, to live his own way
считать в уме — to count in one's head; to do mental arithmetic
у него что на уме, то и на языке разг. — he wears his heart on his sleep
у него другое на уме разг. — he has something at/in the back of his mind, he's thinking of something else
у него что-то на уме — he has smth. on his mind
у него свое на уме — he has smth. up his sleeve
ум хорошо, а два лучше — two heads are better than one; four eyes see more than two
сколько голов - столько умов — many men, many minds
выживший из ума — шотланд. doited
браться за ум — разг. to come to one's senses, to become/grow reasonable
война умов — battle of wits, war of wits
выживать из ума — to lose one's mind, to have one's mind gone
гибкий ум, живой ум — nimble mind, quick mind, lively wit/mind
лишаться ума — to go mad/crazy, to lose one's mind
набираться ума — to learn sense; to grow wise; to get some sense into one's head
наставлять на ум — to teach smb. some sense
с умом — sensibly, intelligently
сводить с ума — (кого-л.) to drive smb. mad
сходить с ума — to go mad, to go off one's head; (от чего-л.) to go crazy (with)
••быть без ума от кого-л. — to be crazy/wild about smb.
в своем уме — in one's senses, in one's right mind
ему пришло на ум — it occured to him; it crossed his mind
научить уму-разуму — to teach smb. some good sense
научиться уму-разуму — to learn sense, to grow wise
не в своем уме — not right in the head, out of one's sense
у него ума палата — разг. he is big/long on brains
ум за разум заходит разг. — be crazy
ум короток разг. — be dull or dense
ума не приложу разг. — I am at a loss, I am at my wit's end, I have no idea
- доводить до умаэто у него из ума нейдет разг. — he cannot get it out of his head/mind
6 ум
м.человек большого ума — man* of great intellect; very clever man*
в своём, в здравом уме — in one's senses, in one's right mindне в своём уме — not right in the head, out of one's senses
сходить с ума — go* mad, go* off one's head
сводить с ума (вн.) — drive* mad (d.)
ума не приложу разг. — I am at a loss, I am at my wit's end
сколько голов — столько умов погов. — many men, many minds
ум хорошо, а два лучше посл. — two heads are better than one; four eyes see more than two
у него другое на уме разг. — he has something at / in the back of his mind, he's thinking of something else
браться за ум разг. — come* to one's senses, become* / grow* reasonable
ему пришло на ум — it occurred to him; it crossed his mind
это у него из ума нейдёт разг. — he cannot get it out of his head / mind
считать в уме — count in one's head; do mental arithmetic
1, 2 и т. д. в уме ( при сложении и умножении) — carry one, two, etc.
быть себе на уме разг. — know* on which side one's bread is buttered
быть без ума от кого-л., чего-л. — be crazy / wild about smb., smth.
у него что на уме, то и на языке разг. — he wears his heart on his sleeve
научиться уму-разуму — learn* sense, grow* wise
7 ум
м.1) ( мыслительные способности) mind; ( разум) wit, intellectчелове́к большо́го ума́ — man of great intellect; very clever ['kle-] man
2) чаще мн. (умный человек, мыслитель) intellectвели́кие умы́ эпо́хи — the intellect(s) of the age
••"Го́ре от ума́" (пьеса А.С. Грибоедова) — "Wit Works Woe" (verse drama by A. Griboyedov)
быть без ума́ (от) — be crazy / wild (about)
в здра́вом уме́ — in one's right mind
находя́сь в здра́вом уме́ и твёрдой па́мяти юр. — being of sound mind and memory
доводи́ть до ума́ (вн.) — get (d) into shape
доходи́ть свои́м умо́м (до) — work (d) out all by oneself
жить свои́м умо́м — think for oneself
жить чужи́м умо́м — let others think for oneself; live as others tell one
на уме́ у кого́-л — on smb's mind; ( о хитром замысле) in the back of smb's mind; up smb's sleeve
у него́ друго́е на уме́ — he has something else at / in the back of his mind
у него́ то́лько развлече́ния на уме́ — he thinks of nothing but pleasure
у него́
что на уме́, то и на языке́ разг. — ≈ he wears his heart on his sleeveчто у тре́звого на уме́, то у пья́ного на языке́ — см. трезвый
быть себе́ на уме́ разг. — ≈ know on which side one's bread is buttered
не в своём уме́ — not right in the head, out of one's senses
ничего́ не дава́ть / говори́ть ни уму́ ни се́рдцу — have neither appeal nor substance
от большо́го ума́ ирон. — in one's infinite wisdom
па́рень с умо́м — the guy has his wits about him
своди́ть с ума́ (вн.) — drive (d) mad
сходи́ть с ума́ — go mad, go off one's head
вы с ума́ сошли́! — are you out of your mind / senses?
ума́ не приложу́ разг. — I am at a loss, I am at my wit's end
ка́ждый по-сво́ему с ума́ схо́дит погов. — everyone is crazy in his own way
ско́лько голо́в - сто́лько умо́в погов. — many men, many minds
ум хорошо́, а два лу́чше посл. — two heads are better than one; ≈ four eyes see more than two
бра́ться за ум разг. — come to one's senses, become / grow reasonable
пришло́ на ум — it occurred to him; it crossed his mindэ́то не его́ ума́ де́ло разг. — it is none of his business
э́то у него́
из ума́ нейдёт разг. — he cannot get it out of his head / mindсчёт в уме́ — mental arithmetic
счита́ть в уме́ — count in one's head; do mental arithmetic
оди́н [два]
в уме́ (при сложении и умножении) — carry one [two]два пи́шем, три в уме́ у кого́-л — smb says one thing and does another, smb's words are not to be trusted
8 не класть охулки на руку
уст., прост.cf. know on which side one's bread is buttered; know what's what; be no fool; be on the make; be not very particular about other people's propertyНо он и сам охулки на руку не клал: прихватывали его в степи с чужими копнами - это смолоду... (М. Шолохов, Поднятая целина) — But he was not very particular about other people's property either. He had been caught carting other people's stacks in the steppe even when he was young.
- Ихние шофера, товарищ майор, тоже охулки на руку не кладут. (П. Павленко, Счастье) — Their chauffeurs are also always on the make, Comrade Major.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не класть охулки на руку
9 знать в редьке вкус
Set phrase: know on which side one's bread is buttered (дословно: Знать, с какой стороны твой хлеб маслом намазан)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > знать в редьке вкус
10 знать, с какой стороны ветер дует
Set phrase: know on which side one's bread is buttered (дословно: Знать, с какой стороны твой хлеб маслом намазан)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > знать, с какой стороны ветер дует
11 губа не дура
идиом. to know on which side one's bread is butteredДополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > губа не дура
12 знать свою выгоду
идиом. to know on which side one's bread is butteredДополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > знать свою выгоду
13 быть себе на уме
know the time of day словосочетание:know black from white (быть себе на уме, понимать что к чему)know beans (быть себе на уме, знать что к чему)know how many beans make five (быть себе на уме, знать что к чему)know what one is about (быть себе на уме, действовать разумно) -
14 Р-72
ЗНАТЬ, ГДЕ РАКИ ЗИМУЮТ coll VP, subj: human pres or past only знать conjugates fixed WOto be clever, sometimes sly, and know how to act to one's own advantageX знает, где раки зимуют — X knows the score (whatfs what, his way around)X knows how to look out for himself (for number one) X knows on which side his bread is buttered. -
15 знать, где раки зимуют
• ЗНАТЬ, ГДЕ РАКИ ЗИМУЮТ coll[VP; subj: human; pres or past; only знать conjugates; fixed WO]=====⇒ to be clever, sometimes sly, and know how to act to one's own advantage:- X знает, где раки зимуют ≈ X knows the score (what's what, his way around);- X knows on which side his bread is buttered.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > знать, где раки зимуют
См. также в других словарях:
know which side one's bread is buttered on — {v. phr.} To know who can help you and try to please him; know what is for your own gain. * /Dick was always polite to the boss; he knew which side his bread was buttered on./ … Dictionary of American idioms
know which side one's bread is buttered on — {v. phr.} To know who can help you and try to please him; know what is for your own gain. * /Dick was always polite to the boss; he knew which side his bread was buttered on./ … Dictionary of American idioms
know which side one's bread is buttered on — To know how to act for one s own best interests • • • Main Entry: ↑bread know which side one s bread is buttered on To be looking after one s own interests • • • Main Entry: ↑know … Useful english dictionary
know which side one's bread is buttered on — If you know which side one s bread is buttered on, you know where your interests lie and will act accordingly to protect or further them … The small dictionary of idiomes
know which side one's bread is buttered — ► know which side one s bread is buttered informal know where one s advantage lies. Main Entry: ↑bread … English terms dictionary
know which side one's bread is buttered — (on) informal know where one s advantage lies … Useful english dictionary
know which side one's bread is buttered on — If you know which side one s bread is buttered on, you know where your interests lie and will act accordingly to protect or further them. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you know which side your bread is buttered, you know where… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Know which side one's bread is buttered on — If you know which side one s bread is buttered on, you know where your interests lie and will act accordingly to protect or further them … Dictionary of English idioms
know which side one's bread is buttered on — know who can help one and try to please him, know what is good for oneself He is careful not to make his boss angry. He knows which side his bread is buttered on … Idioms and examples
know which side one's bread is buttered — verb To be aware of ones ability to take advantage of a situation. They are all stupid when they are not crafty, and very few of them are crafty. The only wise Republicans are the millionnaires and their conscious henchmen. They know which side… … Wiktionary
know\ which\ side\ one's\ bread\ is\ buttered\ on — v. phr. To know who can help you and try to please him; know what is for your own gain. Dick was always polite to the boss; he knew which side his bread was buttered on … Словарь американских идиом