1 keep in check
■ Keep the opposing team under control so that it cannot create an opportunity to score a goal.■ Stören des gegnerischen Spiels, sodass die gegnerische Mannschaft zu keiner Torchance kommt. -
2 Keep-alive-Timer
Keep-alive-Timer m keepalive timer (Mechanismus zur Feststellung von Verbindungsabbrüchen, z. B. bei TCP)Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > Keep-alive-Timer
3 Keep
Keep f =, -en мор. кип -
4 Keep-smiling
Keep-smiling (англ.) n = показно́й оптими́зм -
5 Keep-smiling
Keep-smíling [ki:p'smXlIN] n =показно́й оптими́зм -
6 Keep-smiling
7 Keep
f =, -en мор. -
8 Keep-smiling
англ. n = -
9 Keep
10 Keep-smiling
сущ.общ. показной оптимизм -
11 Keep(e)
f мор. -
12 Keep(e)
f мор. -
13 Keep
кип -
14 keep smiling!
[ki:p smaehrj] клише сохраняй (те) улыбку, будь(те) оптимистом. Кеер smiling, Junge, auch wenn mal was schiefgeht!Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch der umgangssprachlichen und saloppen > keep smiling!
15 keep
behalten, bewahrenDeutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Redewendungen mit Adjektiven und Partizipien > keep
16 keep cool
bleib locker, bewahr die RuheDeutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Redewendungen mit Adjektiven und Partizipien > keep cool
17 keep smiling
Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Redewendungen mit Adjektiven und Partizipien > keep smiling
18 keep smiling
['ki: p|'smailɪŋ]англ букв сохраняй улыбку (пожелание демонстрировать оптимизм вне зависимости от истинного настроения) -
19 Keep
f кип м. мор. -
20 Betreten des Rasens verboten!
Keep off the grass!* * *ausdr.Keep off the grass! expr.
См. также в других словарях:
Keep — (k[=e]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kept} (k[e^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Keeping}.] [OE. k[=e]pen, AS. c[=e]pan to keep, regard, desire, await, take, betake; cf. AS. copenere lover, OE. copnien to desire.] 1. To care; to desire. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Keep on Jumpin' — is the name of a popular 1970s Disco song and 1990s Dance classic that was written by musician Patrick Adams and Ken Morris. This track has been remade, remixed, and sampled numerous times, but only the 1978 original by Adams s group Musique and… … Wikipedia
Keep On Loving You (album) — Keep On Loving You Studio album by Reba Released August 18, 2009 … Wikipedia
Keep It Together — «Keep it Together» Сингл Мадонны … Википедия
keep — [kiːp] verb kept PTandPP [kept] 1. [transitive] to store something that will be useful: • The Credit Reference Agency keeps files on individuals debt records. • You should keep a supply of forms. 2 … Financial and business terms
Keep Austin Weird — is the slogan adopted by the Austin Independent Business Alliance to promote small businesses in Austin, Texas. The phrase arose from an offhand remark by Red Wassenich (a librarian at Austin Community College) in a phone call to a local radio… … Wikipedia
Keep the Faith — Studioalbum von Bon Jovi Veröffentlichung 30. Oktober 1992 Aufnahme Dezember 1991 August 1992 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Keep — Keep, v. i. 1. To remain in any position or state; to continue; to abide; to stay; as, to keep at a distance; to keep aloft; to keep near; to keep in the house; to keep before or behind; to keep in favor; to keep out of company, or out reach.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Keep of Kalessin — Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Keep the Faith — Студийный альбом Bon Jovi Дата выпуска 3 ноября 1992 года Записан … Википедия
keep — vb 1 Keep, observe, celebrate, solemnize, commemorate are comparable when they mean to pay proper attention or honor to something prescribed, obligatory, or demanded (as by one s nationality, religion, or rank), but they vary widely in their… … New Dictionary of Synonyms