1 hover
hover ['hɒvə(r)](a) (in air → smoke) stagner; (→ balloon, scent) flotter; (→ insects) voltiger; (→ helicopter, hummingbird) faire du surplace;∎ bees hovered around the roses des abeilles voltigeaient autour des roses∎ a waitress was hovering near our table une serveuse tournait autour de notre table;∎ I don't like him hovering over me je n'aime pas qu'il soit sur mon dos;∎ it's no use hovering over the phone like that ce n'est pas la peine de guetter la sonnerie du téléphone comme ça;∎ she was hovering between life and death elle restait suspendue entre la vie et la mort;∎ don't just hover in the background ne reste pas dans ton coin(c) (hesitate) hésiter;∎ his finger hovered over the button son doigt hésita à appuyer sur le bouton;∎ I'm hovering between the two possible options j'hésite entre les deux options possibles;∎ he seemed to be hovering on the brink of saying something il semblait hésiter à dire quelque chose2 nounaéroglisseur m∎ (move about near) to hover around sb errer ou rôder autour de qn;∎ prices are hovering around the £3.50 mark les prix oscillent autour de 3 livres 50(move about nearby) tourner -
2 hover
hover vi1 lit [small bird, insect] voleter (over, above au-dessus de) ; [bird of prey] planer (over, above au-dessus de) ; [helicopter] faire du surplace (over, above au-dessus de) ; fig [smile] errer (on sur) ; [danger, suspicion etc] planer (over, above au-dessus de) ; [price, costs etc] tourner (around autour de) ; to hover around sb/sth tourner autour de qn/qch ; a question hovered on her lips elle avait une question au bord des lèvres ;2 ( vacillate) vaciller (between entre) ; country hovering on the brink of war pays au bord de la guerre ; to be hovering between life and death rester suspendu entre la vie et la mort. -
3 hover
4 hover
1) ((of a bird, insect etc) to remain in the air without moving in any direction.) voltiger, planer2) (to move around while still remaining near a person etc: I wish she'd stop hovering round me and go away.) rôder autour de3) ((with between) to be undecided: She hovered between leaving and staying.) hésiter• -
5 hang
hang [hæŋ](preterite, past participle hung)a. [+ lamp, curtains, decorations, painting] accrocher ; [+ wallpaper] posera. [rope, dangling object] pendre (on, from à)b. ( = hover) fog hung over the valley un brouillard planait sur la valléec. [criminal] être pendu3. noun4. compounds► hang about, hang around( = loiter) traîner ; ( = wait) attendre• she hung back from suggesting this elle hésitait à le proposer► hang down intransitive verb pendre• hang in there, Bill, you're going to make it accroche-toi, Bill, tu vas y arriver► hang on• hang on, I didn't say that! attends un peu, ce n'est pas ce que j'ai dit !b. ( = hold out) tenir bonb. ( = depend on) dépendre de► hang outa. [tongue] pendre• let it all hang out! (inf!) défoulez-vous ![+ washing] étendre (dehors)[argument, story] se tenir ; [statements] s'accorder► hang up[+ hat, picture] accrocher (on à, sur)* * *[hæŋ] 1.1) ( of garment) tombant m2) (colloq) ( knack)2.to get the hang of something (colloq)/of doing (colloq) — piger (colloq) quelque chose/comment faire
transitive verb (prét, pp hung)1) ( suspend) (from projection, hook, coat-hanger) accrocher ( from à; by par; on à); (from string, rope) suspendre ( from à); ( drape over) étendre, mettre ( over sur); ( peg up) étendre [washing] (on sur)2) (also hang down) ( let dangle) suspendre [rope, line etc] ( out of par); laisser pendre [arm, leg]3) ( decorate with)to be hung with — être orné de [flags, tapestries]; être décoré de [garlands]
4) ( interior decorating) poser [wallpaper]5) Construction, Technology poser [door, gate]6) (prét, pp hanged) pendre [criminal, victim]3.intransitive verb (prét, pp hung)1) ( be suspended) ( on hook) être accroché; ( from height) être suspendu; ( on washing line) être étendu; [arm, leg] pendre2) ( drape) [curtain, garment] tomber3) ( float) [fog, cloud, smoke, smell] flotter4.reflexive verb (prét, pp hanged)Phrasal Verbs:- hang on- hang out- hang up••hang the expense! — (colloq) au diable la dépense!
hanged if I know! — (colloq) je n'en sais fichtre rien! (colloq)
to let it all hang out — (colloq) être relax (colloq); sheep
См. также в других словарях:
hover — v. 1) (d; intr.) to hover around (we hovered around our guide) 2) (d; intr.) to hover between (to hover between life and death) 3) (d; intr.) to hover over (the fear of a new war hovered over us) * * * [ hɒvə] (d; intr.) to hover over (the fear… … Combinatory dictionary
hover — hov|er [ˈhɔvə US ˈhʌvər, ˈha: ] v [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: hove [i] to float in the air or on water (13 17 centuries)] 1.) if a bird, insect, or ↑helicopter hovers, it stays in one place in the air hover over/above ▪ flies hovering above the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hover */ — UK [ˈhɒvə(r)] / US [ˈhɑvər] verb [intransitive] Word forms hover : present tense I/you/we/they hover he/she/it hovers present participle hovering past tense hovered past participle hovered 1) if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself … English dictionary
hover — hov|er [ havər ] verb intransitive * 1. ) if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air: An army helicopter hovered overhead. 2. ) to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do something or because you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hover — verb 1》 remain in one place in the air. 2》 linger near to someone or something in an uncertain manner. ↘remain near a particular level or between two states: inflation will hover around the 4 per cent mark. noun an act of hovering.… … English new terms dictionary
Hover-Track-540 (полугусеничный транспортёр) — Hover Track 540 … Википедия
Hover ad — Hover ads are a special type of pop up ads created using Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and similar web browser technologies. Because they do not scroll with the web page, they appear to hover over the page, usually obscuring the content. Background… … Wikipedia
Høver M.F. 11 — infobox Aircraft name = Høver M.F. 11 type = Maritime reconnaissance manufacturer = Marinens FlyvebaatfabrikkKjæraas 2003: 3] caption = M.F.11 F.322 in RNNAS service designer = Captain J.E. Høver first flight = 29 September, 1931 introduced =… … Wikipedia
hover — [[t]hɒ̱və(r), AM hʌ̱v [/t]] hovers, hovering, hovered 1) VERB To hover means to stay in the same position in the air without moving forwards or backwards. Many birds and insects can hover by moving their wings very quickly. Beautiful butterflies… … English dictionary
hover — verb ADVERB ▪ nearby ▪ anxiously ▪ He was hovering anxiously outside. ▪ uncertainly ▪ She hovered uncertainly near the front door … Collocations dictionary
hover — intransitive verb (hovered; hovering) Etymology: Middle English hoveren, frequentative of hoven to hover Date: 15th century 1. a. to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing b. to remain suspended over a place or object 2. a. to move to and fro… … New Collegiate Dictionary