1 смотреть на вещи с лучшей стороны, быть оптимистом (I'm an optimist - I see the glass as half full and think we'll come through this difficult time OK)
General subject: see the glass (as) half fullУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > смотреть на вещи с лучшей стороны, быть оптимистом (I'm an optimist - I see the glass as half full and think we'll come through this difficult time OK)
2 Often an inadvertant side effect of giving a blowjob: which causes a high pressure blast of semen to come out through the nose.
Taboo: nosejobУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Often an inadvertant side effect of giving a blowjob: which causes a high pressure blast of semen to come out through the nose.
3 насквозь
through; throughout; through and throughпромочил насквозь; промоченный насквозь — wetted through
промокший насквозь — wet to the skin, wet through
проникать, проходить насквозь — come through
4 проходить внутрь
come through глагол: -
5 проходить насквозь
come through глагол:Русско-английский синонимический словарь > проходить насквозь
6 забел
7 Пройти сквозь игрока
Come through a player В поте из трех (и более) участников, когда игрок, у которого первое слово, делает ставку, он проходит сквозь соседнего игрока -
8 выйти сухим из воды
come through unscathed; get off the hookАмериканизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > выйти сухим из воды
9 выпутаться из неприятного положения
Русско-английский синонимический словарь > выпутаться из неприятного положения
10 быть счастливчиком, которому все удаётся
Jargon: come throughУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > быть счастливчиком, которому все удаётся
11 сделать намеченное
American: come throughУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать намеченное
12 сделать необходимое
American: come throughУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать необходимое
13 сделать необходимое или намеченное
American: come throughУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать необходимое или намеченное
14 сознаться в вине
Makarov: come through -
15 проникать
1) General subject: (the boy came running into the room - мальчик вбежал в комнату come, come (the boy came running into the room - мальчик вбежал в комнату; the moonshine came streaming in through the open window - в открытое окно лился лунный свет), come through, elbow (in, into), enter, filter, filter (тж. перен.), find one's way, get, infilter, infiltrate (тж.перен.), insinuate, interfuse, leak (о жидкости, газе и т.п.), leak in (о жидкости, газе), needle, penetrate, perforate (into, through), perforate into, perforate through, permeate, pervade, pierce (в тайны и т. п.; through, into), plumb (в тайну и т. п.), search, seep out, sink, spread, strike, work, work in, worm, get into a place (куда-л.), (куда-либо) pierced2) Biology: inpour (напр. в организм), (постепенно) insinuate, permeate (сквозь)4) Military: infiltrate (о расположение противника)5) Rare: transpierce6) Chemistry: take7) Mathematics: obtain an understanding of, permeate (through)8) Railway term: sink into9) Literature: come in10) Oil: dive, make through (в породу) -
16 проходить
1) General subject: blow over, come in, cover, elapse (о времени), get by, get by (осмотр), get over (расстояние), get through (о законопроекте), go, go away, go by (о времени), lapse (об интересе и т. п.), overgo, overpass, pass, pass along, pass off (об ощущениях и т. п.), pass on, penetrate, penetrate into, penetrate through, penetrate to, percolate, pervade (по, через), pierce, reeve, roll, roll by (о времени и т. п.), roll on (о времени и т. п.), sink, skirt, slip by (о времени), spread, take course, transit, traverse, undergo, wear off (the effect of the medicine will wear off in a few hours - лекарство перестанет действовать через несколько часов), wear on, get through, get under, sweep past, pass away (о времени), (о болезни-не столько в результате лечения, сколько само собой) run its course (пример: The doctor said I just had to stay in and rest until bronchitis ran it’s course), live through, (о болезни, инфекции) clear up, already tried2) Computers: route4) Naval: run in6) Engineering: cross, learn, move, pass through, propagate (о сигнале), raise, traverse through7) Rare: pervade (через что-л.), underrun9) Mathematics: assume, be in progress, become, go through, run across, run from (...) into (...), take on, take place11) Mining: hole (выработку), put down, sink (шахтный ствол), thirl, win (выработку)12) Diplomatic term: proceed (о визите и т.п.)14) Jargon: fly16) Oil: drive (горизонтальную выработку), penetrate (при бурении)17) Astronautics: run18) Mechanic engineering: advance19) Makarov: be under way, come through, develop, draw (напр. штрек), get in, intervene (о времени), pass over, progress, run (о времени), sift (о пыли, снеге и т.п.), silt, transmit, trickle (тж. back, out, through) -
17 пройти огонь и воду
пройти < сквозь> огонь и воду < и медные трубы> разг., тж. пройти огни и воды, медные трубы и чёртовы зубы прост.lit. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes; cf. have been (go) through fire and water (flood) < and hell upon earth>; have been through the mill; have been through very hellЗобов поворачивает ко мне лицо, лениво цедит: - Я прошёл огни и воды, медные трубы и чёртовы зубы - остался цел и невредим. (А. Новиков-Прибой, Подводники) — Zobov turned his face towards me and drawled: 'I've been through fire and water and hell upon earth - and have come through safe and sound.'
"Ну, вот тебе и не нюхал пороху... А он, видимо, прошёл огонь и воду и медные трубы. Поспешил, братец мой, с выводом", - упрекнул себя Нестеров. (Г. Марков, Завещание) — 'Here was me thinking he'd never smelled gunpowder, and he's been through very hell,' thought Nesterov shamefacedly. T mustn't make such snap judgements!'
Рыцарь - он не устрашался обязанностей, прошёл на этом пути огонь и воду... (С. Залыгин, Мой поэт) — A true knight, obligations held no terror for him, he had been through the mill...
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду
18 поступить
1) General subject: act, behave, come to hand, do ill (с кем-л.), join (на военную службу), play, play the man, proceed, serve, deal with cruelly, do ill, enter (на работу), (о визе) come through (Your visa has come through), win admission (to) (в учебное заведение)2) Computers: come4) Makarov: come to hand (о письме и т. п.) -
19 проходить
1. travel2. elapse3. pass offвидеть, как кто-то проходит — to see pass
4. elapsed5. go throughпроникать, проходить насквозь — come through
6. move on7. pass away8. pass through9. passed10. passing11. stepped12. stepping13. walk14. walked15. walking16. pass; go; spread17. go18. go byне проходит и месяца, чтобы он не написал нам — never a month goes by that he does not write to us
19. traverseСинонимический ряд:1. изучает (глаг.) изучает; овладевает; одолевает; осваивает; постигает; превосходит; усваивает; учит; штудирует2. минует (глаг.) минует; отходит3. прекращается (глаг.) кончается; перестает; прекращается4. проникает (глаг.) пробивается; проникает5. протекает (глаг.) идет; пролегает; протекает; течет -
20 добиться успеха
1) General subject: achieve success, arrive (an actor who has arrived - актёр, который добился успеха, прославился), blossom forth, blossom out, come off with flying colours, come through with flying colours (в чем-л.), get anywhere, get off, get there, get to the top of the tree, make a hand, make the running, passed flying colors, put over, (особенно очень быстро, неожиданно) shoot to stardom, (неожиданно) get a break, (преодолеть трудности и) make the grade, come off with flying colors, go great guns, have cake baked, make good, make mark, score a knockout, strike oil, make the grade (в жизни), hit pay dirt, strike pay dirt, find success, ride high, hit a home run (в чем-либо), win out, pull something off / pull it off, succeed, succeed in, (добиваться) bring off2) Colloquial: bring home the bacon, make a go of it, make the grade, bring off3) Military: make progress, obtain gains, obtain headway, obtain success4) Australian slang: pull off5) Psychology: develop (develop some skills in - добиться некоторого успеха в)6) Jargon: go into orbit, make good (особенно в бизнесе), make jack, make it7) Advertising: score a success8) Makarov: climb to success, come off well, come to the top, cut the mustard, come off with flying colours (в чем-л.)9) Phraseological unit: make the big time10) Idiomatic expression: reach for the stars
См. также в других словарях:
come through — {v.}, {informal} To be equal to a demand; meet trouble or a sudden need with success; satisfy a need. * /When the baseball team needed a hit, Willie came through with a double./ * /John needed money for college and his father came through./ … Dictionary of American idioms
come through — {v.}, {informal} To be equal to a demand; meet trouble or a sudden need with success; satisfy a need. * /When the baseball team needed a hit, Willie came through with a double./ * /John needed money for college and his father came through./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Come Through For You — Studio album by Javier Colon Released November 21, 2011 Recorded 2011 Genre R B, po … Wikipedia
come through — [v1] accomplish goal achieve, be successful, be victorious, carry out, chip in, contribute, kick in, pitch in, prevail, score, succeed, triumph, win; concept 706 Ant. fail come through [v2] survive bad situation endure, live through, persist,… … New thesaurus
come through something — ˌcome ˈthrough (sth) derived to get better after a serious illness or to avoid serious injury Syn: ↑survive • With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the operation. Main entry: ↑comederived … Useful english dictionary
come through with something — ˌcome ˈthrough (with sth) derived to successfully do or complete sth that you have promised to do • We were worried she wouldn t be able to handle it, but she came through in the end. • The bank finally came through with the money. Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
come\ through\ with\ flying\ colors — • come off with flying colors • come through with flying colors v. phr. To succeed; triumph. John came off with flying colors in his final exams at college … Словарь американских идиом
come through for — To be a source of help for • • • Main Entry: ↑come … Useful english dictionary
come through with flying colours — come through/pass with flying colours British & Australian, American & Australian to pass an examination with a very high score or to complete a difficult activity very successfully. She took her university entrance exam in December and passed… … New idioms dictionary
come through — index succeed (attain) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
come through — Synonyms and related words: achieve success, advance, arrive, be a success, be glimpsed, be safe, be so, be such, beat the game, beat the system, break through, bring about, bring off, bring to effect, bring to pass, carry into effect, carry into … Moby Thesaurus