1 charge a price
2 charge a price
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > charge a price
3 charge a price
назначить (высокую) ценуАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > charge a price
4 charge a price
1) Общая лексика: назначить цену2) Макаров: назначать цену -
5 charge a price
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > charge a price
6 to charge a price
to charge a price (to assign/to fix/to quote) назначить (просить) какую-либо цену -
7 to charge heavy price
to charge heavy (double, extravagantly, unscrupulously, exorbitantly) price взимать/запрашивать/назначать высокую/большую (двойную, чрезмерную, бессовестно высокую, баснословную) плату/ценуEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to charge heavy price
8 to charge a price
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > to charge a price
9 to charge a price
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to charge a price
10 to charge a price
11 to charge a price
назначать цену; взимать цену -
12 charge
1. n нагрузка, загрузка2. n зарядstatic charge — электростатический заряд; статический заряд
3. n сигарета с марихуаной4. n приятное волнение, возбуждение; наслаждение, удовольствие5. n запись о выдаче книг, абонементная записьto take in charge — арестовать, взять под стражу
6. n геральд. фигура7. n тех. шихта8. n метал. колоша9. n тех. горючая смесь10. n горн. заряд шпура11. v нагружать, загружать12. v обременять13. v насыщать; наполнять; пропитывать, пронизывать14. v наполнять15. v заряжать16. v поручать, вверять; вменять в обязанность; возлагать ответственностьtook charge of — взял ответственность; брал ответственность
17. v предписывать, приказывать; требовать; предлагатьthe watchmen were charged to remain at their posts — караульным было приказано оставаться на своих постах
18. v юр. обвинять; выдвигать или предъявлять обвинениеthe crimes charged against them — преступления, в которых они обвинялись
19. v вменять в вину; возлагать ответственность; приписывать20. v назначать, запрашивать цену, плату; взиматьcharge these goods to me — запишите эту покупку на мой счёт; счёт за покупку пришлите мне
21. v воен. атаковать22. v нападать, атаковать, набрасываться; напирать, наседать23. v газироватьзаписывать выдачу книг, делать абонементную запись
24. v наводить, нацеливать25. v юр. напутствовать присяжных заседателей26. v геральд. изображать на щитеСинонимический ряд:1. accusation (noun) accusation; allegation; complaint; crimination; denouncement; denunciation; imputation; incrimination; indictment; reproach2. assault (noun) assault; attack; encounter; invasion; onset; onslaught; outbreak; rush3. cost (noun) amount; assessment; cost; encumbrance; expense; fee; liability; price; price tag; rate; tab; tariff; toll4. duty (noun) commission; commitment; committal; devoir; duty; employment; imperative; must; need; obligation; office; ought; part; responsibility5. fee (noun) exaction; fee; toll6. instruction (noun) admonition; behest; bidding; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; exhortation; injunction; instruction; mandate; order; requirement; word7. load (noun) burden; cargo; deadweight; freight; load; millstone; onus; payload; task; tax; weight8. oversight (noun) care; conduct; control; custody; guardianship; handling; intendance; keeping; management; oversight; running; superintendence; superintendency; supervision; surveillance; trust9. ward (noun) dependant; dependent; subject; ward10. accuse (verb) accuse; arraign; blame; censure; cite; criminate; denounce; denunciate; impeach; incriminate; inculpate; indict11. appoint (verb) appoint; authorize; commission; delegate12. ascribe (verb) accredit; ascribe; assign; attribute; credit; impute; lay; refer13. attack (verb) assail; assault; attack; dash; invade; lunge; set on; storm14. bind (verb) bind; commit; obligate; pledge15. burden (verb) arm; burden; choke; clog; cram; cumber; encumber; fill; freight; heap; lade; load; lumber; pack; pile; saddle; task; tax; weigh; weigh down; weight16. command (verb) bid; command; demand; dictate; direct; enjoin; exhort; instruct; order; require; tell; warn17. permeate (verb) compenetrate; impenetrate; impregnate; interfuse; interpenetrate; penetrate; percolate; permeate; pervade; saturate; suffuse; transfuse18. rush (verb) boil; bolt; chase; fling; lash; race; rush; shoot; tear19. sell for (verb) assess; debit; exact; figure; impose; levy; price; sell for20. trust (verb) entrust; trustАнтонимический ряд:acquittal; exonerate; retreat; withdraw -
13 charge
I [tʃaːdʒ] n1) плата, цена (за деньги), сбор, расход, расходы, надбавка, оплата- extra charge
- trifling charge
- port charges
- gas charge
- forwarding charges
- charge on customs duties
- charge for delivery
- charge for admission
- fixed charge for smth
- free of charge
- at no extra charge
- with a prepaid charge
- at a minimum extra charge
- be subject to the usual charge
- lower postal charges for...
- lower the postal charge
- pay postal charge
- strike off the charge
- take some extra charge
- take a charge for smth2) кредит- charge account
- charge card
- place the purchase to smb's charge
- take the purchases on charge- be in charge of smb, smth4) обвинениеHe was arrested on a charge of murder. — Его арестовали по обвинению в убийстве.
They trumped up various charges against her. — Они сфабриковали против нее целый ворох обвинений.
- frivolous chargeThe judge dismissed all charges. — Судья снял все обвинения.
- charge of murder
- bring a charge
- bring charges of forgery against smb
- concoct up a charge
- prove a charge
- face a charge
- lay to smb's charge
- dismiss a charge
- drop a charge
- deny a charge
- be arrested on various charges•CHOICE OF WORDS:Русское значение суммы денег, нужной для оплаты чего-либо, передается в английском языке целым рядом слов: charge, price, fee, rent, fare, toll, rental. Эти существительные различаются по характеру оплачиваемого объекта и по ситуации, в которой они используются: (а.) charge - плата, цена - деньги, запрашиваемые за предметы торговли или нужные для оплаты любых услуг общего характера, какой-либо работы или установленная плата за пользование чем-либо: gas/water charge, storage (postal) charge, charges for services (for cleaning), extra/additional charge, to be charge of charge; (b) price - цена, плата, стоимость - наиболее нейтральное слово в данном ряду, обозначает назначенную сумму денег, нужную для приобретения/купли чего-либо; price может быть высокой и низкой (high, low), установленной или свободной (fixed/stable or free); prices for things могут повышаться и понижаться (rise, fall); (c) fare - плата за проезд в транспорте: bus (train, air) fare, the railway company announced fare increase of over 5% компания объявила о 5% повышении цен на билеты; (d) toll - плата за проезд по мосту и некоторым дорогам: in many European cities you have to pay tolls on many of the major roads and on some bridges во многих европейских городах за проезд по некоторым мостам и основным дорогам взимается плата; (e) fee - плата за профессиональные услуги, гонорар: school (legal, medical) fees медицинское обслуживание, образование, плата юристу; (f) rent - плата за снимаемое помещение (комнату, квартиру, дом); rent обычно регулярно оплачивается в оговоренные сроки: a rent rise повышение квартирной (арендной) платы; to put up the rent повысить квартирную плату, the recent rent rises have forced many small businesses out of the city недавнее повышение арендной платы заставило многие мелкие фирмы выехать за город; (g) rental - плата за пользование взятыми на прокат вещами (машиной, инструментами): the rental on the TV includes maintenance and repairs плата за прокат телевизора включает обслуживание и ремонтII [tʃaːdʒ] v1) заряжать- charge a battery- battery needs charging2) назначать цену, назначать плату, запрашивать цену, запрашивать плату, брать какую-либо плату, взимать какую-либо платуHe was charged only for his travelling expenses. — Он должен был оплатить только дорожные расходы.
- charge heavy price- charge 5% commission
- charge very little
- charge a dollar a piece
- charge by weight
- charge by the hour
- charge for services
- charge expenses to the firm
- charge one's purchases3) обвинять, предъявлять обвинение -
14 charge
1) плата; сбор; тариф; начисление; расход || требовать оплату; взыскивать2) цена || назначать цену; требовать цену3) долговое обязательство; дебет || записывать на дебет, дебетовать; относить на счёт (напр. покупателя)4) pl издержки; затраты5) обязанность; ответственность6) обвинение7) начислять издержки -
15 charge up
phr v завышать цену, запрашивать -
16 price
1. сущ.1) эк. цена (денежное выражение стоимости товара, т. е. количество денежных единиц, которое должно быть уплачено за единицу товара; термин также может относиться к количеству другого товара, которое необходимо отдать в обмен на данный товар)ATTRIBUTES: actual 1. 1), adjustable 1. 2), adjusted 1. 1), administered 1. 1), 1. 2), arm's length, base 3. 2), base period, basic 3. 5), best 2. 5), budget 3. 2), n1&g1n1а clean 1. 1), comparable, competitive 1. 1), &2а current 1. 2), depressed 1. 2), а dirty 1. 1), discount 1. 1), а domestic 1. 2) а), dutiable, duty-paid, fair 2. 5), n1 final 1. 2), firm II 1. 1) б), fixed II 1. 4) б), flat 2. 5), n2&g2n4 flexible 1. 2), б full 1. 2), going, graduated 1. 2), gross II 1. 3) а), internal II 1. 2) а), negotiable 1. 2), negotiated, net 3. 2), n1а nominal II 1. 3) а), original 2. 5), n1 pegged 1. 2), planned, premium 2. 5), n2&g1n3б present I 2. 2) а), published, quoted I 2. 2) а), I 2. 3) а), I 2. 4) а), reasonable 1. 2), regular 1. 1), set 2. 5), n1 special I 1. 6) а), standard 2. 5), n2 stated 1. 1), target 3. 2), threshold, total 2. 5), n4 usual, variable II 1. 2) а), advertise 1. 1), discount 2. 5), n1 suggest 1. 1)
aggregate price — совокупная [суммарная, общая, итоговая\] цена
Option is the right to buy or sell a specified quantity of a security at an agreed price. — Опцион — это право купить или продать определенное количество ценных бумаг по согласованной цене.
consumer-friendly [customer-friendly, user-friendly\] price — цена, приемлемая для потребителя [клиента, пользователя\]*; цена, дружественная к потребителю [клиенту, пользователю\]*
estimated price — ориентировочная [предполагаемая\] цена
The price was fabulous and so was the room and continental breakfast. — Цена была просто сказочной, так же как и комната, и континентальный завтрак.
famine prices — недоступные цены; дороговизна ( как при товарном голоде)
give-away price — бросовая цена, крайне низкая цена
honest price — честная цена, справедливая цена
prevailing price — преобладающая [господствующая\] цена
reduced price — сниженная [пониженная\] цена
remunerative price — выгодная [прибыльная\] цена; цена, дающая [обеспечивающая\] прибыль; цена, обеспечивающая получение прибыли
stable [steady, stationary\] prices — стабильные цены
top price — высшая [максимальная, потолочная\] цена
Prices are exclusive of VAT. — Цены не включают НДС.
VAT inclusive price, price inclusive of VAT — цена с НДС, цена с учетом НДС; цена, включая НДС
Prices shown are VAT inclusive. — Указанные цены включают НДС.
GST inclusive price, price inclusive of GST — австр., новозел. цена, включая налог на товары и услуги*; цена с учетом налога на товары и услуги*; цена с налогом на товары и услуги*
dollar price, price in dollars — цена в долларах
The real price in silver is only $0.229 a gallon. — Реальная цена в серебре составляет всего лишь $0.229 за галлон.
crude oil price ( COP) — цена на сырую нефть
Farmland prices are continuing to rise, but it's not so much due to farmers trying to outbid one another. — Цены на сельскохозяйственную землю продолжают расти, но это не так уж зависит от фермеров, старающихся перебить цены друг друга.
member price — цена для членов/участников
price decline, reduction in price(s), fall in price(s), decline in price(s), price decrease, decrease in price(s), downturn in price(s), price downturn, drop in price(s), drop of price(s), dip in price(s) — снижение [падение\] цен(ы)
jump [bounce\] in prices — скачок цен, резкое повышение цен
agricultural product prices, farm product prices — цены на сельскохозяйственную продукцию
price per gallon, per gallon price — цена за галлон
at a price of $1 per copy — по цене (в) 1 долл. за экземпляр
price per person — цена на (одного) человека, цена с человека
for half price — за половинную цену, за полцены
at current [present, going\] prices — по текущим ценам
at a greatly reduced price — по значительно сниженной цене, с большой скидкой
to sell (smth.) at a discount price — продавать (что-л.) со скидкой [с дисконтом\]
to sell at a sacrifice price — продавать по убыточной цене, продавать себе в убыток
to buy (smth.) at a premium price — покупать (что-л.) с премией [с надбавкой, по более высокой цене\]
at a price below $55 — по цене ниже $55
U.S. companies with a stock price above $500 — американские компании с ценами акций, превышающими $500
The base price under the contract is $21 per unit. — Базовая цена по контракту [в соответствии с контрактом\] составляет $21 за единицу.
Price before discount is $32.95. — Цена до скидки составляет $32.95.
The purchase price after discount is $51000. — Покупная цена после скидки — $51000.
to put a price on smth. — назначать цену за что-л., оценить что-л.
to make a price — объявлять цену, назначать цену
to arrive at a price — устанавливать цену, определять цену; договариваться о цене
to bargain on [about\] a price — торговаться о цене, торговаться из-за цены
to knock $1 off price — сбавлять [снижать\] цену на $1, делать скидку с цены на $1
to bring down [to cut, to lower, to reduce, to slash, to roll back, to shave, to undercut, to scale down, to force down, to put down, to send down, to squeeze down, to mark down\] prices, to send prices down, to put prices down, to ease prices — понижать [снижать, срезать\] цены
to hike [to increase, to mark up, to raise, to enhance, to bump up, to boost\] prices; to bid up prices, to push up prices, to force up prices, to send prices up, to send up prices — повышать цены; вздувать [взвинчивать\] цены
Natural gas, in particular, has increased in price during the past year. — В частности, за прошлый год подорожал природный газ.
to go down in price, to decrease in price, to fall in price, to decline in price, to sink in price, to drop in price — понижаться в цене, дешеветь
to keep to the price — придерживаться (какой-л.) цены
We will do our very best to keep the price as low as possible. — Мы приложим все усилия, чтобы сохранить цену на как можно более низком уровне.
to keep down prices, to keep prices down — не допускать повышения цен
to gripe about prices — выражать недовольство по поводу (высоких) цен, жаловаться на (высокие) цены
to administer prices, to regulate prices — регулировать цены
to control prices — регулировать [контролировать\] цены
prices eased [dropped, dipped\] — цены снизились [упали\]
prices tend downward(s)/upward(s) — цены имеют тенденцию к понижению/повышению
Prices closed firm yesterday. — Вчера цены окрепли к закрытию.
Gold prices closed down $3.80 to $554.60/oz. — Цены золота закрылись с понижением на $3,80, сократившись до уровня в $554,60 за унцию.
The price works out to [at\] $29. — Цена составляет 29 долларов.
See:absolute price, accounting price, acquisition price, actual price, adjustable price, adjusted price, administered price, admission price, advertised price, advertising price, after-hours price, agricultural price, all-in price, all-inclusive price, arbitrage price, arbitrage-free price, arm's length price, ask price, asked price, asking price, auction price, bargain price, bargain sale price, bargained price, base period price, base price, base-point price, basic price, basing-point price, basis price, best price, bid price, bond price, book price, border price, bride price, brideprice, budget price, budget-conscious price, budget-friendly price, budget-pleasing price, buy price, buyback price, buyer's price, buying price, C&F price, call price, cancellation price, cartel price, cash price, catalogue price, ceiling price, CFR price, CIF price, CIP price, clean price, close price, closing price, comparable prices, competitive price, consumer price, contract price, conversion price, cost and freight price, cost price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, 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insurance, freight price 1. 3) а), cost, insurance, freight price 1. 1) а), cost, insurance, freight price 1. 3) а), а cost, insurance, freight price 1. 1) а), а cost, insurance, freight price 1. 1) а), б cost, insurance, freight price 1. 3) а) cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price 2., cost, insurance, freight price 2., cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price, cost, insurance, freight price 2., cost, insurance, freight price2) общ. цена, жертва, платаATTRIBUTES:
at any price — любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало
not at any price — ни за что; ни при каких обстоятельствах
to pay the price — расплачиваться, уплатить цену
These individuals are often willing to pay the price for success by investing time, energy, and even money into developing their success. — Эти люди часто готовы платить за успех, вкладывая свое время, силы и даже деньги в достижение этого успеха.
We all have to pay a high price for freedom. — Мы все вынуждены дорого платить за свободу.
The price of progress was paid with the blood of the American Indian. — За прогресс было заплачено кровью американских индейцев.
Syn:worth 1. 2), value 1. 2)3) общ. ценностьabove [beyond, without\] price — бесценный
See:unpriced 2)2. гл.1) эк. назначать цену, оценивать (определять, по какой цене должен продаваться данный товар или услуга); указывать цену ( на товаре)the seller priced the house at $359000 — продавец оценил дом в $359000
to be priced at $10 — быть оцененным в $10
The book is priced at $30.00 plus shipping and handling of $5.00. — Книга оценена в 30 долл. плюс затраты на погрузку и перевозку в размере 5 долл.
See:misprice, overprice 1., preprice, price out 1., price-conscious, priced, pricer, pricing, reprice, underprice 1., unpriced2) эк. узнавать цену, прицениватьсяyou can price the different models and compare features — вы можете прицениться к разным моделям и сравнить характеристики
I did make the usual trip to the local home improvement store and priced the different models. — Я все-таки посетил местный магазин бытовых товаров и приценился к различным моделям.
* * *
abbrev.: PX price цена; стоимость; курс.* * *• /vt/ оценивать• 1) цена; 2) /stock exchange/ курс; 3) ценовой* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *сумма, которую следует уплатить при приобретении товара или услуги; обычно имеет денежное выражение-----денежное выражение обязательства произвести платеж за проданную продукцию, выполненные работы или оказанные услуги -
17 price
1. n1) цена
- acceptable price
- accounting price
- accurate price
- acquisition price
- actual price
- adjustable prices
- adjusted price
- administered price
- advanced price
- advertized price
- after price
- after hours price
- agreed price
- agreed-upon price
- aggregate price
- agricultural product prices
- all-in price
- all-round price
- American Selling Price
- anticipated price
- applicable price
- approximate price
- arm's length price
- asked price
- asking price
- attractive price
- average price
- bargain price
- base price
- basic price
- basic point price
- basis price
- bedrock price
- benchmmark price
- best price
- best-performing share prices
- bid price
- black market price
- blanket price
- bona fide selling price
- bond price
- book price
- boom price
- bottom price
- B-share prices
- budget price
- buy-back price
- buyers' price
- buying price
- calculative price
- call price
- carry-over price
- cash price
- catalogue price
- ceiling price
- cheap price
- clearing price
- close prices
- closing price
- closing share price
- coming out price
- commodity price
- common price
- comparable prices
- comparative prices
- competitive price
- competitor's price
- constant price
- consumer prices
- contracted price
- cost price
- cutthroat price
- daily settlement price
- dealer price
- decontrolled prices
- delivered price
- demand price
- derived target price
- determined price
- differential prices
- dirt cheap price
- disbursing price
- discounted price
- distress price
- domestic price
- dropping prices
- dual price
- entry-preventing price
- equation price
- equilibrium price
- equitable price
- equity price
- escalating prices
- escalation prices
- escalator prices
- established price
- estimated price
- estimated total price
- euro price
- exact price
- exceptional price
- excessive price
- exchange price
- exclusive price
- exercise price
- exhaust price
- existing price
- exorbitant price
- external prices
- extra price
- factor price
- factory price
- factory gate price
- factory list price
- fair price
- falling prices
- fancy price
- farm prices
- farm commodity prices
- farm produce prices
- favourable price
- final price
- firm price
- first price
- fixed price
- flat price
- flexible prices
- floor price
- fluctuating price
- foreign price
- forward price
- free market price
- full-cost price
- gilt prices
- global price
- going price
- going market price
- gross price
- grower's price
- guaranteed price
- guideline price
- guiding price
- half price
- hard prices
- heavy price
- high price
- highest price
- hire price
- hire purchase price
- home price
- home market price
- House price
- huge price
- identical price
- implicit price
- import price
- inbound price
- increased price
- individual price
- individual price of production
- individual cost price
- inflated prices
- initial price
- inside price
- internal price
- intervention price
- invoiced price
- irregular prices
- issue price
- item price
- itemized price
- job prices
- just price
- keen price
- kerb prices
- knockdown price
- knockout price
- laid-down price
- land price
- landed price
- last price
- leading price
- limit price
- limited price
- listed price
- live market price
- livestock price
- loaded price
- local price
- local market price
- loco price
- low price
- lowest price
- lump-sum price
- making-up price
- manufacturer's price
- manufacturing price
- marginal price
- markdown price
- marked price
- market price
- market-determined price
- marrying price
- maximum price
- mean price
- median price
- median home prices
- medium price
- mercantile price
- middle price
- minimum price
- moderate price
- monopoly price
- national price
- natural price
- negotiable price
- negotiated price
- net price
- new prices
- nominal price
- nonflexible price
- normal price
- normalized price
- notional price
- offered price
- offering price
- offer of issue price
- official price
- open price
- opening price
- option price
- option price of shares
- original price
- output price
- outside price
- overestimated price
- overhead price
- package price
- packing price
- parity price
- peak price
- pegged price
- piece price
- popular prices
- posted price
- preferential price
- pre-increase price
- preliminary price
- premium price
- present price
- prevailing prices
- probate price
- procurement price
- producer's price
- prohibitive price
- public offering price
- published price
- purchase price
- purchasing price
- put price
- put-and-call price
- quantity price
- quoted price
- raw material price
- real price
- realization price
- reasonable price
- receding prices
- receiving price
- recent prices
- recommended price
- redemption price
- reduced price
- reference price
- regular price
- relative prices
- remunerative price
- rent price
- replacement price
- resale price
- reservation price
- reserve price
- reserved price
- retail price
- revised price
- rising prices
- rock-bottom price
- ruinous price
- ruling price
- sale price
- seasonal price
- sagging price
- saleable price
- secondhand price
- security price
- sellers' price
- selling price
- sensitive prices
- set price
- setting price
- settlement price
- shadow price
- share price
- sinking price
- skyrocketing price
- sliding price
- sliding-scale price
- sluice gate price
- soaring price
- special price
- specific price
- split prices
- spot price
- stable price
- standard price
- standard list price
- standard unit price
- starting price
- state price
- stated price
- state-set price
- stationary price
- steady prices
- sticker price
- stiff price
- stipulated price
- stock price
- stock exchange price
- stopout price
- store prices
- street price
- strictly net price
- strike price
- striking price
- strong price
- subscription price
- suggested price
- supply price
- support price
- surging share prices
- tape prices
- target price
- target asset price
- tariff price
- tax-inclusive prices
- tender price
- threshold price
- top price
- total price
- trade price
- trading price
- transaction price
- transfer price
- trigger price
- two-tier price
- typical price
- uncontrollable prices
- underestimated price
- underselling price
- uniform price
- unit price
- unrealistic price
- unreasonable price
- unsettled price
- unstable price
- upset price
- variable prices
- wholesale price
- wide prices
- world bond price
- world market price
- zone price
- price after hours
- price at the current exchange rate
- price ex store
- price ex warehouse
- price for the account
- price for cash
- price for a quantity unit
- price for the settlement
- price in foreign currency
- price in gold
- prices in the open market
- price in a price list
- price in the quotation
- prices in the region of %
- price of call
- price of currency
- price of day
- price of delivery
- prices of farm products
- price of freight
- price of gold
- prices of industrial goods
- price of labour power
- price of land
- price of money
- price of option
- price of production
- price of services
- prices on the quotation
- prices on the world market
- price per metric ton
- price per piece
- price per set
- price per unit
- at the price
- at bargain prices
- at a firesale price
- at a high price
- at a low price
- at all prices
- in comparable prices
- price current
- price excluding
- price exclusive
- price less discount
- price plus markup
- price subject to change without notice
- price subject to final confirmation
- accept a price
- adjust prices
- advance a price
- advance in price
- alter a price
- amend a price
- arrive at a price
- ask the price
- ask for the price
- bargain over a price
- base a price
- beat down prices
- bolster the price of crude oil
- boost prices
- break down prices
- bring the price back down to earth
- bring prices in line with the cost
- bring the average price
- bring down prices
- bring low prices
- buoy prices
- calculate prices
- change a price
- charge a price
- command a high price
- control prices
- correct a price
- cut prices
- decrease prices
- deduct from a price
- depress prices
- deregulate prices
- determine a price
- differ in prices
- drop in price
- enjoy high prices
- establish a price
- estimate a price
- exceed a price
- fall in price
- fetch a high price
- finalize a price
- fix a price
- force down prices
- force up prices
- freeze prices
- fuel prices
- give a firm price
- go down in price
- go up in price
- guarantee a price
- hold in price
- hold out for a higher price
- hold up prices
- increase prices
- increase in price
- keep prices down
- keep prices up
- kick against high prices
- level prices down
- level prices up
- lift prices
- lift prices from their low
- list prices
- maintain prices
- make a price
- manipulate stock prices
- mark a price
- mark down the price
- match the price
- meet the price
- modify a price
- negotiate a price
- offer a price
- outbid the prices
- pay the price
- prop up prices
- push up prices
- publish prices
- put down prices
- put downward pressure on prices
- put up prices
- quote a price
- raise prices
- ramp up share prices
- realize a price
- recalculate prices
- recover the price
- reduce prices
- refund the price
- revise prices downwards
- revise prices upwards
- rise in price
- retrieve the price
- scale down prices
- save on prices
- sell at a high price
- sell below price
- sell under price
- send prices up
- set a price
- settle a price
- shore up prices
- show prices in dollars
- squeeze prices down
- stabilize prices
- suggest a price
- support prices
- take off the price
- tender a price
- trigger prices
- undercut prices2. vназначать цену; оценивать
- reasonably priced -
18 price
19 price
1. n(for / of) цена (на что-л.), цена (чего-л.)to charge a price — запрашивать / назначать цену
to deregulate prices — вводить свободные цены; отпускать цены
to eliminate the wide fluctuations in commodity prices — устранять значительные колебания цен на сырьевые товары
to fix a price — назначать / устанавливать цену
to free prices — либерализировать / отпускать цены
to maintain prices — поддерживать / сохранять цены на одном уровне
to pay a price for smth — расплачиваться / поплатиться за что-л.
to pay a high price — тж перен. дорого заплатить
to pay a human price — заплатить за что-л. человеческими жизнями
to place a price on smb's head — назначать награду за поимку или уничтожение кого-л.
to put a price on smth — назначать цену на что-л.
to quote a price — бирж. назначать, котировать цену
to regulate prices — регулировать / упорядочивать цены
to roll back / to scale down a price — снижать цену
to secure remunerative, equitable and stable prices — обеспечивать выгодные, справедливые и устойчивые цены
to send prices skyrocketing / soaring — приводить к резкому росту цен
- actual priceto set a price — назначать / устанавливать цену
- advanced price
- agricultural prices
- asking price
- at a certain price
- at cost price
- at current prices
- at reduced prices
- at the price of the day
- attractive price
- bargain price
- basic price
- below cost price
- blue-chip prices
- bottom price
- buying price
- ceiling price
- closing price
- collapse in prices
- collapse of prices
- commodity prices
- common price
- comparable prices
- competitive price - cost price
- current price
- cut in prices
- decline in prices
- decontrolled prices
- difference in prices
- discount price
- discriminatory prices
- drop in prices
- dumping price
- effective price
- equitable price
- escalating prices
- exorbitant price
- export price
- fair price
- fall in prices
- fall of prices
- farm produce prices
- firm price
- fixed price
- fluctuating price - freeze of prices
- going price
- grain price
- guaranteed price
- heavy price
- high price
- highest price
- import price
- in comparable prices
- increase in prices
- inflated price
- inflationary soaring of prices
- international prices
- jump in prices
- knock-down price
- level of prices
- list price
- long price
- low price
- lowest price
- maintenance of prices
- market price
- market-determined price
- maximum price
- minimum price
- moderate price
- monopoly prices
- net price
- offer price
- oil price
- oil prices touched $... a barrel
- peak price
- pegged price
- plunge in prices
- popular price
- pre-determined price
- preferential price
- prices are on the downward slide
- prices collapse
- prices decline
- prices drop
- prices fall
- prices fluctuate
- prices go down
- prices go up
- prices increase
- prices plummet
- prices plunged to their lowest
- prices push up
- prices rally
- prices react
- prices rebound
- prices remain unstable
- prices rise
- prices rocket
- prices shoot up
- prices showed their second major gain
- prices skyrocket
- prices slip back
- prices slump
- prices spiral downwards
- prices surge ahead - purchase price
- reasonable price
- reduced price
- reduction of prices
- regular price
- remunerative price
- resale price
- reserve price
- retail price
- rise in prices
- rising prices
- rock-bottom price
- sale price
- selling price
- settlement price
- shaky prices
- share prices are showing big losses
- share prices were slightly weaker
- share prices
- slide in share prices
- slump in prices
- soaring of the price
- speculative price
- stabilization of prices
- stable prices
- state-set price
- state-subsidized price
- steep price
- stiff price
- stock prices
- support price
- surge in prices
- target price
- trade price
- uniform prices
- unit price
- unstable prices
- uplift in prices
- upset price
- variable price
- volatility in share prices
- volume price
- wholesale price
- world market price
- world price
- worldwide fall in share prices 2. vназначать цену, оценивать -
20 price
[praɪs]nThe goods bring a much smaller price (hit the lowest price). — Товар идет по значительно заниженной (минимальной) цене.
The price covers air fare (delivery cost). — Цена включает перелет (доставку).
Prices rule high. — Цены держатся высоко.
Prices show a tendency to rise (to decline). — Цены проявляют тенденцию к росту (к падению).
Prices are frozen. — Цены заморожены.
Prices vary according to the quality of goods. — Цены колеблются в зависимости от качества товара.
The goods have realized poor prices. — Товары были проданы за бесценок.
- printer's priceGood advice is beyond price. — ◊ Доброму совету цены нет
- prewar price
- fabulous prices
- asking price
- going price
- actual prices
- actual selling price
- home market price
- exchange market price
- inflated prices
- tempting prices
- market prices
- unified prices
- final price
- easy price
- world's market prices
- sky-rocketing prices
- subscription price
- prevailing price
- consumer prices
- ceiling prices
- reduced price
- growing prices
- real estate prices
- home market prices
- price-list prices
- mailing price
- all-round prices
- non-profit prices
- purchase price - price list
- price reduction
- price scissors
- price risk
- price level
- price control
- prices on some items
- price of smth
- price for smth
- prices for food products
- maximum retail prices for cars
- discount off the price
- ups and downs of prices
- decline in prices
- quotation of approximate prices
- formation of prices
- change of prices
- full refund of purchase price
- at a high price
- at prices strictly moderate
- with prices shooting up
- at a popular price
- not at any price
- accept the price named
- affect the price
- agree on prices
- ask an exorbitant price- arrange with buyers about the price- be a price leader
- be in good price
- beat down the price
- be worth its price
- bid a price
- bid against smb
- boost the prices
- buy smth at this price- calculate the price- cause a rise in prices
- charge a price
- do smth at any price
- fetch a high price
- figure out the price
- find the price unacceptable
- fix prices at the lowest possible level
- force prices higher
- force back the prices
- get a good price of the market
- get a refund of the price
- haggle over the price
- hold down prices
- keep down prices
- keep up the price
- lessen the price
- make a concession in the price
- name the price
- negotiate the price
- offer a price
- offer double price for smth
- pay the price named
- pay a high price for smth
- protect home market prices
- put a price on goods
- quote prices for smth
- raise the price from... to...
- regulate prices
- revise prices
- sacrifice the quality of goods to reach a lower price
- sell at cost price
- sell at considerable price
- sell at a sacrifice price
- sell at a lower ready money price
- sell with a discount off the original price
- set prices
- slash the price
- stabilize prices
- price to be negotiated
- prices keep up
- prices have gone down
- prices stabilized
- prices are going up
См. также в других словарях:
charge — [n1] accusation allegation, beef*, complaint, gripe, imputation, indictment, plaint, stink*; concepts 44,317 Ant. exculpation, exoneration, freeing charge [n2] attack assault, blitz, blitzkrieg, invasion, mugging, onset, onslaught, outbreak, push … New thesaurus
charge — vb 1 *burden, encumber, cumber, weigh, weight, load, lade, tax, saddle 2 direct, instruct, bid, enjoin, *command, order Analogous words: request, solicit, *ask: adjure (see BEG) 3 * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
charge — The document evidencing mortgage security required by Crown Law (law derived from English law). A Fixed Charge refers to a defined set of assets and is usually registered. A Floating Charge refers to other assets which change from time to time (… … Financial and business terms
charge — I n. accusation 1) to bring, level, make a charge; to prefer, press charges 2) to concoct, cook up, fabricate, trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her) 3) to prove, substantiate a charge 4) to face a charge 5) to dismiss,… … Combinatory dictionary
price — Synonyms and related words: amends, amount, appraisal, appraise, asking price, assay, assess, atonement, bank rate, bearish prices, bid price, blood money, bonus, book value, bounty, bullish prices, call price, charge, closing price, compensation … Moby Thesaurus
charge — 1 n 1 a: something required: obligation b: personal management or supervision put the child in his charge c: a person or thing placed under the care of another 2: an authoritative instr … Law dictionary
price — n Price, charge, cost, expense can mean what is given or asked in payment for a thing or for its use, or for services. Price and charge in their ordinary nontechnical use commonly designate what is asked or demanded in the case of price,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Price discrimination — or price differentiation[1] exists when sales of identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the same provider.[2] In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or… … Wikipedia
price — I noun amount, appraisal, appraisement, charge, compensation, cost, disbursement, due, estimate, estimation, exaction, exchange value, expenditure, expense, fare, fee, figure, outlay, payment, premium, pretium, purchase money, quotation, rate,… … Law dictionary
price-fixing — ˈprice ˌfixing noun [uncountable] 1. COMMERCE LAW when companies in an industry agree on the prices they will charge for something. This form of price fixing is done so that companies avoid competing with each other, and is normally illegal: •… … Financial and business terms
Charge — Charge, n. [F. charge, fr. charger to load. See {Charge}, v. t., and cf. {Cargo}, {Caricature}.] 1. A load or burder laid upon a person or thing. [1913 Webster] 2. A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English