1 to bind smb's hands behind his back
to bind/to tie smb's hands/arms behind his/her back связать кому-либо руки за спинойEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to bind smb's hands behind his back
2 back
I [bæk] n1) спинаHe has pain in the back. — У него боли в спине.
It will make your back ache. — От этого у тебя будет болеть спина.
Why din't you get off my back ans let me do my work! — Отстано от меня, дай мне работать.
A true friend will not say unpleasant things about behind your back. — Настоящий друг не станет говорить про тебя гадости за глаза.
Stand back-to-back and we'll see which of you is taller. — Встаньте спиной к спине, и мы посмотрим, кто из нас выше.
He must learn to look after himself, he will not always have his father at his back. — Он должен научиться самостоятельности, не всегда же отец будет стоять у него за спиной.
He had the enemies at his back. — Враги гнались за ним по пятам.
- hunched back- straight back
- bend back
- hump on the back
- blow in the back
- pain in the back
- with one's back to the door
- on the back of an elephant
- back-to-back
- behind smb's back
- accuse smb behind his back
- be at the back of smb
- bend one's back
- bind smb's hands behind his back
- break one's back
- carry smth on one's back
- climb on smb's back
- cling to smb's back
- drive a knife into smb's back
- fall on one's back
- get off smb's back
- give a back for smb
- gossip behind his back
- have smb at one's back
- have smb on one's back
- hide behind smb's back
- hit smb on the back
- hurt one's back
- injureone's back
- keep off smb's back
- keep one's back straight
- lean one's back against the wall
- lie on the back
- pat smb on his back
- put smth on smb's back
- put smb on one's back
- put one's hands behind one's back
- rub one's back
- put into a job
- ride a child on one's back
- roll over on one's back
- rub smb's back with alcohol
- scratch one's back
- sit with one's back to smb, smth
- sit with one's back to the engine
- stab smb in the back
- stand back-to-back
- straighten one's back
- take smth off one's back
- turn one's back to smb, smth
- turn over on one's back
- turn one's back to one's guests
- turn one's back on smb
- wear one's hair down on one's back
- wipe one's back
- take a trunk on one's back
- put one's back up
- put smb's back up
- strain one's small of his back
- smb has a broken back a facture in the back
- one's back ackes2) поясница, крестецHe has pain in the small of his back. — У него боли в пояснице.
- small of the back- sharp pain in the small of his back3) оборотная сторона, тыльная сторона, задняя сторона, спинкаYou are at the back of all our difficulties. — Ты истинная причина всех наших трудностей. /Все трудности из-за тебя.
The back of the house looks out onto the river. — Задняя часть дома выходит на реку.
There is another good song on the back of this record. — На этой стороне пластинки еще одна хорошая песня. /На обороте пластинки еще одна хорошая песня.
What's at the back of it all? — Что за всем этим кроется/стоит?
The dress buttons at the back. — Платье застёгивается сзади;
. The coat is torn at the back. — Пальто разорвалось сзади.
- back door- back seat
- back driver
- back of the chair
- back of one's hand
- back of the spoon
- back of a knife
- back of the house
- back of an arch
- back of a carpet
- back of the leaf
- back of the record
- back of the book
- back of the village
- back of the coat
- back of the car
- back of the ship
- back of the head
- back of the tongue
- back of the foot
- back of the throat
- back of the door
- chair with a carved back
- row of back-to-back houses
- at the back of the bed
- with a high back
- at the back of the door
- with its back to the wall
- go round to the back of the house
- stand at the back
- sign at the back
- tie at the back
- be at the back of smth
- get to the back of the matter
- garage is at the back of the house
- back of the house looks out into the river4) дальний конец (чего-либо), отдалённая частьHe has lived here all his life and knows the city like the back of his hand. — Он прожил здесь всю жизнь и знает город вдоль и поперек.
His name is at the back of my tongue. — Его имя вертится у меня на языке.
If we start early, we can break the back of the journey before it gets hot. — Если мы выйдем очень рано, то мы сумеем пройти большую часть пути до жары.
Three people can sit in the back of the car. — На заднем сидении могут сидеть три человека. /Сзади могут сидеть три человека.
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. — ◊ Последняя капля переполняет чашу терпения.
Stretch my back and I'll scratch yours. — ◊ Рука руку моет. /Свой своего не выдает.
Excuse my back, please. — ◊ Простите, что я стою (сижу) к вам спиной.
To talk through the back of one's neck. — ◊ Молоть чепуху
- back of a wood- back of the wave
- room in the back of the house
- at the back of the classroom
- at the back of the house
- at the back of the book
- at the back of a drawer
- at the back of the theatre
- at the back of the aircraft
- have smth at the back of one's mind II [bæk] adjHe got in through the back door. — Он проник в дом через черный ход
- back elevation- back wages
- back number of a magazine
- in the back rows
- in the back seat
- in the back street
- take a back seat III [bæk] advна задворках, обратно, назадI'll go there and back. — Я пойду туда и сразу обратно.
One cannot put back the clock. — ◊ Колесо истории нельзя повернуть вспять. /Время не воротишь. /Что было, то сплыло.
- bring smth back- have smth back
- be back
- be just back from town -
3 bind
1. Iclay (mud, etc.) binds глина и т. д. затвердевает /высыхает/; snow binds снег слеживается2. IIbind in some manner bind quickly (easily, etc.) затвердевать /густеть/ быстро и т. д.; this flour mixture is not wet enough to bind properly в этой мучной смеси недостаточно влаги, чтобы она, как следует загустела3. III1) bind smb., smth. bind the prisoner (the watchman, smb.'s legs, smb.'s hands, etc.) связывать заключенного и т.д.; bind sheaves (grain, etc.) вязать снопы и т. д.2) bind smth. bind a wound (an artery, a cut, etc.) перевязывать рану и т. д.; bind this finger before it gets infected завяжи /перевяжи/ палец, пока ты не занес инфекцию3) bind smth. frost binds the earth (the ground, the streams, etc.) мороз сковывает землю и т. д.4) bind smth. bind a book (a magazine a volume, these papers, etc.) переплетать книгу и т. д.4. IV1) bind smb., smth. in some manner bind smb. tightly крепко связать кого-л; bind smb. hand and foot связать кого-л. по рукам и ногам2) bind smth. in some manner bind books (magazines, etc.) handsomely (elegantly, tastefully, richly.etc.) красиво и т. д. переплетать книги и т. д.5. VIIbind smb. to do smth. they bound him to keep him silent они связали его, чтобы он не кричал /молчал/6. XI1) be bound in some тачает be bound tightly (hand and foot, etc.) быть крепко и т. д. связанным; be bound to /with/ smth. he was bound to a chair (to a bed, to a tree, etc.) его привязали к стулу и т. д.; til? books were bound with a string книги были связаны бечевкой2) be found In some manner the books were handsomely (richly. elegantly, etc.) bound книги были красиво и т. д. переплетены /в красивых и т. д. переплетах/; the edges of the floor mat are coming undone because they have not been properly bound края половичка расходятся /обтрепываются/, так как они были плохо заделаны; be bound in smth. be bound in leather (in paper, etc.) быть в кожаных переплетах и т. д.3) be (feel) bound to do smth. he is bound to believe all these stories (to obey the laws, to pay the debt, to come, to win, etc.) он обязательно /непременно/ поверит всем этим россказням и т. д.: it is bound to rain tomorrow завтра наверняка будет дождь; it is bound to happen это безусловно /бесспорно/ произойдет; I am in duty bound to help him чувство долга обязывает меня помочь ему. I am bound to say, that... должен сказать, что...; I feel bound to warn you считаю своим долгом предупредить вас4) be bound by smth. be bound by one's word (by an oath, by strict rules, by tradition, etc.) быть связанным сливом и т. д; they were bound by a close friendship (by mutual affection, etc.) их связывала тесная дружба и т. д.; be bound in smth. they were bound in marriage их связывали узы брака5) have smth. bound have the carpet (tile blanket, etc.) bound обшивать /оторачивать/ ковер и т. д.6) be bound in smth. the lake (the river) is bound in ice Озеро (реку) сковало льдом7. XXI11) bind smth., smb. with smth. bind smb.'s hands with a rope (smb.'s ankles with a piece of wire, the man with his own belt, etc.) связывать кому-л. руки веревкой и т. д.; bind smb. with chains надеть на кого-л. кандалы; bind smth. at (in, behind, etc.) some place bind smth. at both ends (one's arms behind one's back, the parcel in the middle, etc.) связывать /завязывать, перевязывать/ что-л. с двух концов и т. д.; bind smth. in (to) smth. bind twigs in (to) faggots (books into bundles, etc.) вязать /связывать/ ветки в пучки и т. д., bind smb., smth. to smth. bind him to the chair (the poor traveller to the tree, his hands to his sides, cane thing to another, etc.) привязать его к креслу и т. д. || bind smb. in irons заковать кого-л. в кандалы2) bind smth. with smth. bind a wound with a bandage (the cut with a piece of cloth, the scratch with a handkerchief, the finger with smth. clean, ale.) перевязывать /забинтовывать/ рану бинтом и т.д.; bind one's head with a headpiece повязать голову косынкой: bind snub's head with a wreath надеть кому-л на голову венок; bind smth. about /around/ smth. bind a belt about /around/ one's waist завязать /надеть, повязать/ пояс3) bind smth. with smth. bind stones with cement (sand with mortar, gravel with tar, etc.) связывать /скреплять/ камни цементом и т. д.4) bind smb. by smth. them by a promise (by an agreement, etc.) связывать их обещанием и т. д.; I don't want to bind myself by a contract я не хочу связывать себя контрактом; bind smb. to smth. bind smb. to secrecy (to silence, etc.) обязать кого-л. хранить тайну и т.д.; bind smb. to obedience заставить кого-л. повиноваться5) bind smth. in smth. bind books in leather (in paper, in cloth, in morocco, etc.) переплетать книги в кожу /кожаный переплет/ и т. д.; bind smth. into smth. bind all these papers into one volume переплетите все эти документы в один том
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