1 to belittle smb's strength
to belittle (to undervalue, to undermine, to reduce, to double) smb's strength умалять (недооценивать, подрывать, ослаблять, удваивать) чью-либо силу/властьEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to belittle smb's strength
2 to belittle smb.'s strength
преуменьшать чьи-л. силыEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to belittle smb.'s strength
3 strength
[streŋθˌ strenθ]n1) сила, поддержка, власть, сильная сторона, прочность, мощностьIt is beyond my strength/it is too much for my strength. — Это мне не по силам.
Our strength lies in our unity. — Наша сила в единстве.
He was restored to health and strength. — Он восстановил себе здоровье и силу.
- necessary strengthto be under below strength — ◊ быть не в полном составе
- unusual strength
- inner strength
- financial strength
- one's mental strength
- tensile strength
- compressive strength
- strength of an engine
- strength of a rope
- strength of acid
- strength of tea
- strength of the current
- strength of colours
- strength of the pulse
- strength of mind
- strength of an argument
- strength of grasp
- real strength and backbone of the country
- strength of an ordinary man
- show of strength
- man of great physical strength
- question of sheer strength
- test of strength
- battalion in full strength
- with all one's strength
- beyond human strength
- by sheer strength
- by virtue as their united strength
- on the strength of his promise
- acquire strength
- add to smb's strength
- add strength to his arguments
- belittle smb's strength
- borrow strength from theit friendship
- bring all one's strength into play
- concentrate one's strength on smth
- develop the strength of one's fingers
- do smth by one's own strength
- equal smb in strength
- exceed one's strength
- feel smb's strength
- find strength- gain in strength- gather strength
- not to have strength to raise one's head from the pillow
- have no strength left
- lose strength
- join one's phisical strength with that of the mind
- match one's strength against smb's
- pick up regain strength
- build up strength
- save one's strength
- summon strength
- unite smb's strength
- use one's strength2) численность, сила (войск)The police force is 200 men below strength. — Полиции не хватает двухсот сотрудников.
This party had little strength. — Эта партия пользовалась поддержкой небольшого числа народа.
- military strength- main strength
- army strength
- fleet's combat strength
- numerical strength
- peace strength of 4000 men
- nation's strength at sea
- armed strength of the country
- troops in sufficient strength
- bring the regiment to its normal strength
- build up one's strength
- increase the strength of the army•CHOICE OF WORDS: -
4 strength
n1) сила, мощь- belittle smb.'s strength2) воен. численность, численный состав3) прочность; стабильность; устойчивость (рынка); эффективность• -
5 belittle
vумалять, преуменьшать; принижать- belittle smb.'s strength
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