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to beg for food

  • 1 to beg for food

    to beg for food (for money) просить пищи (денег)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to beg for food

  • 2 beg

    1) просить, умолять

    I beg your pardon! — Прошу прощения/извинения.

    I would be ashamed to beg from my neighbours. — Я бы сгорел от стыда, если бы мне пришлось просить денег у соседей.

    I beg of you, don't mention her name again. — Прошу вас, не повторяйте больше ее имя.

    - beg for help
    - beg for food
    - beg smb to do smth
    - beg leave
    - beg pardon
    2) нищенствовать, просить подаяние

    The old woman went from house to house, begging for bread. — Старуха ходила по домам и просила хлеба

    - beg in the streets
    - go begging

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > beg

  • 3 beg

    1. I
    go begging нищенствовать, попрошайничать, побираться; make a living by begging зарабатывать на жизнь /жить/ попрошайничеством; he was too proud to beg гордость не позволяла ему просить милостыню
    2. II
    beg in some manner beg piteously (appealingly, impudently, from door to door, etc.) жалобным тоном и т. д. просить милостыню /подаяние/
    3. III
    beg smth. beg money (a few pence, a meal, food, etc.) просить /выпрашивать, клянчить/ деньги и т. д.; beg one's bread просить на кусок хлеба; beg a favour проекта /умолять/ об одолжении id I beg your pardon извините /простите/ [пожалуйста]; I beg your pardon? простоте [я не расслышал./, что вы сказали/]?; I beg your pardon! нет, уж, простите
    4. VII
    beg smb. to do smth. beg him to go (the guest to stay, her to help the children, the teacher to punish them, father to forgive her, etc.) просить /умолять, упрашивать/ его уйти и т. д; he urgently begged me not to tell them anything он настойчиво просил меня ничего им не говорить; may I beg you to shut the door? могу я попросить, вас закрыть зверь?
    5. XVI
    beg for smth. beg for water (for food, for money, for alms, for shelter, etc.) просить воды и т. д; beg for a living зарабатывать на жизнь попрошайничеством; beg for mercy (for one's life, for help, for forgiveness, for peace, etc.) умолять /молить/ о милосердии и т. д.
    6. XXI1
    || beg one's way to the city добираться до города, питаясь подаянием
    7. XXV
    beg that... book. beg that smth. may be done (that you will do it, that no one hears of it, etc.) умолять /молить/, чтобы что-л. было сделано и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > beg

  • 4 scrounge

    1. v сл. стянуть, стибрить; добыть
    2. v сл. клянчить, выпрашивать, попрошайничать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. borrower (noun) borrower; bum; freeloader; leech
    2. beg (verb) beg; mooch; sponge
    3. search for food (verb) forage; foray; hunt; overrun; plunder; raid; rummage; scavenge; search; search for food

    English-Russian base dictionary > scrounge

  • 5 life

    (pl lives [laɪvz])
    1) жизнь, существование, деятельность

    Is there any life on that planet? — На той планете есть какая-либо жизнь? /На той планете есть какие-либо живые существа?

    The average life of a dog is ten years. — Собаки в среднем живут десять лет.

    The streets are full of life. — Жизнь на улицах бьет ключом.

    The drooping plant came to life in water. — Поникшее растение в воде ожило.

    - physical life
    - low life
    - busy life
    - adult life
    - this life
    - other life
    - all one's life
    - one's own life
    - somebody else's life
    - working life
    - life force
    - life science
    - life span
    - life boat
    - life jacket
    - life scientist
    - life giving rain
    - life of the people
    - life cycle of a frog
    - life of a battery
    - life for life
    - life of pleasure
    - matter of life and death
    - happiest days of smb's life
    - original of life
    - fight struggle for one's life
    - charities of life
    - necessities of life
    - people from all sections of public life
    - speed and the noise of city life
    - threat to smb's life
    - thread of life
    - average span of life
    - books true to life
    - appointment for life
    - post for life
    - pension for life
    - love of life
    - way of life
    - end of smb's life
    - meaning of one's life
    - art of leading one's life
    - her last hours of life
    - water swarms with life
    - in after life
    - in the course of smb's life
    - at the cost
    - in the prime of life
    - for the rest of one's life
    - at my time of life
    - for dear life
    - have enough food to sustain life
    - bring smb, smth to life
    - come to life
    - go forth into the highways and by ways of life
    - have power over life and death
    - preserve life
    - be sould of the party
    - beat smb within an inch of his life
    - beg for one's life
    - cling to life
    - enjoy one's life
    - value one's life
    - fill up one's life with useful work
    - get as much fun out of life as possible
    - get the fright of one's life
    - give one's life to science
    - give new life to smb, smth
    - guide smb's life
    - have a double life
    - hold a post for life
    - lay down one's life for one's country
    - lead a dog's life
    - lead smb a dog's life
    - live a happy life
    - live an easy life
    - live a simple life
    - live one's own life
    - make a new life for oneself
    - make one's own life
    - make life easy
    - make an attempt on smb's life
    - make smb's life miserable
    - quit this life
    - risk one's life
    - run for dear life
    - run for one's life
    - save one's own life
    - sell one's life dearly
    - sentence smb to hard labour for life
    - spare smb's life
    - spend one's life in smth
    - start life as an messenger
    - take smb's life
    - take one's life
    - take one's life in one's hands
    - trust one's life to doctors
    - everything that has life
    - smb's last hours of life
    2) жизнь, образ жизни

    Sport has always been a part of university life. — Спорт всегда был частью университетской жизни.

    TV has become part of our everyday life. — Телевидение прочно вошло в наш быт.

    - private life
    - city life
    - human life
    - miserable life
    - everyday life
    - quiet life
    - American life
    - fashionable life
    - high life
    - social life
    - college life
    - fascinating life
    - married life
    - retired lie
    - life of the capital
    - life of crime
    - chose a political life
    - enter a political life
    - lead an active life
    3) реальность, действительность

    He has had a successful life. — У него была успешная карьера.

    The life of the Roman Empire was long. — Римская Империя существовала долго.

    There he stands, as large as life. — Вон он стоит собственной персоной.

    There he is as big as life. — Вот он, во всей своей красе.

    It is a larger than life version of our present society. — Это преувеличенная картина современного общества.

    - life portrait
    - life of the contract
    - realities of life
    - portrait from life
    - in real life
    - during the life of the last Labour Government
    - as big as life
    - face life
    - learn something of life
    - mould life
    - paint from life
    - paint smb, smth to the life
    - see something of life
    - see life
    - take life easy
    - take one's subjects from life
    - characters taken from life
    4) (часто в отрицательных предложениях) жизнь, энергия

    There was no life in her movements. — Она вяло двигалась.

    Will you put more life into the matter. — Займись, пожалуйста, данным вопросом с бо́льшим воодушевлением.

    - actors put no life in their performance
    - there was no life in her voice
    - there was no life in her eyes

    I have seen something of life. — я знаю настоящую жизнь.

    The portrait is my uncle to the life. — Портрет - точная копия моего дядюшки.

    Do you think I'm going to trust a person like him? Not on your life! — И ты думаешь, что я буду доверять такому человеку, как он? Ни в коем случае!

    There is life in the old dog yet. — Есть еще порох в пороховницах.

    While there is life there is hope. — Пока жив человек, жива и надежда

    - how is life?

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > life

См. также в других словарях:

  • beg for — phr verb Beg for is used with these nouns as the object: ↑food, ↑forgiveness, ↑help, ↑mercy …   Collocations dictionary

  • beg — verb 1 ask sb for food, money, etc. VERB + BEG ▪ be forced to, have to PREPOSITION ▪ for ▪ They were forced to beg for food. ▪ from …   Collocations dictionary

  • beg — [beg] v past tense and past participle begged present participle begging ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(ask)¦ 2¦(money/food)¦ 3¦(animal)¦ 4 I beg your pardon 5 I beg to differ 6 beg the question 7 be going begging 8 beg, borrow, or steal ▬▬▬▬▬ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • beg — [ beg ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to ask for help, an opportunity, etc. in a way that shows you want it very much: Don t go! he begged. beg someone (not) to do something: She had written a letter begging him to come back. We begged… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • beg — ► VERB (begged, begging) 1) ask earnestly or humbly for something. 2) ask for food or money as charity. 3) (of a dog) sit up with the front paws raised in the hope of a reward. ● beg off Cf. ↑beg off …   English terms dictionary

  • beg */*/ — UK [beɡ] / US verb Word forms beg : present tense I/you/we/they beg he/she/it begs present participle begging past tense begged past participle begged 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to ask for help, an opportunity etc in a way that shows you… …   English dictionary

  • beg — verb 1 I beg your pardon spoken a) used to say sorry when you have made a mistake, or said something wrong or embarrassing: Oh, I beg your pardon. I thought you meant next Tuesday. b) used to show that you strongly disagree with something that… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • beg — v. (begged, begging) 1 a intr. (usu. foll. by for) ask for (esp. food, money, etc.) (begged for alms). b tr. ask for (food, money, etc.) as a gift. c intr. live by begging. 2 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) ask earnestly or humbly …   Useful english dictionary

  • food — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ delicious, excellent, good, great, superb, tasty, wonderful ▪ favourite/favorite ▪ decent …   Collocations dictionary

  • beg — [[t]be̱g[/t]] begs, begging, begged 1) VERB If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously or eagerly to do it. [V n to inf] I begged him to come back to England with me... [V to inf passive] I begged to be allowed to leave... [V …   English dictionary

  • beg — 01. I don t like it when a dog comes and [begs] for food at the table. 02. The children [begged] us to take them to Disneyland for a holiday. 03. The old man was able to make a few dollars a day [begging] on the street. 04. Ian [begged] his wife… …   Grammatical examples in English

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