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с русского на английский

to become fat

См. также в других словарях:

  • fat — [fat] adj. fatter, fattest [ME < OE fætt, pp. of fætan, to fatten, akin to Ger feist, plump < OHG feizzen, to make fat < IE * poid < base * pi , to be fat, distended > Gr pimelē, lard, Sans pīná , fat] 1. a) containing or full of… …   English World dictionary

  • fat´ten|er — fat|ten «FAT uhn», transitive verb. 1. Also, fatten up. to make fat; feed (animals) for market: »The farmer fattened his pigs for market. 2. to make productive; enrich (soil). 3. Figurative. to fill or build u …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat|ten — «FAT uhn», transitive verb. 1. Also, fatten up. to make fat; feed (animals) for market: »The farmer fattened his pigs for market. 2. to make productive; enrich (soil). 3. Figurative. to fill or build u …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat-wit|ted — «FAT WIHT ihd», adjective. dull; stupid: »If they are endowed, professors become fat witted (Sydney Smith) …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat — fatless, adj. fatlike, adj. /fat/, adj., fatter, fattest, n., v., fatted, fatting. adj. 1. having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese: a fat person. 2. plump; well fed: a good, fat chicken. 3. consisting of or containing fat; greasy; oily:… …   Universalium

  • fat — fat1 W3S2 [fæt] adj comparative fatter superlative fattest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(flesh)¦ 2¦(object)¦ 3¦(money)¦ 4 fat chance 5 (a) fat lot of good/use 6 fat cat 7 in fat city 8 grow fat on something …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fat — 1 adjective 1 FLESH having a lot of flesh on your body, especially too much flesh: You ll get fat if you eat all that chocolate. | That big fat opera singer what s his name? opposite thin 1 (2) 2 THICK OR WIDE thick or wide: Dobbs was smoking a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fat — [[t]fæt[/t]] n. adj. fat•ter, fat•test, v., fat•ted, fat•ting 1) anat. any of several oily solids or semisolids that are water insoluble esters of glycerol with fatty acids and are the chief component of animal adipose tissue and many plant seeds …   From formal English to slang

  • fat — /fæt / (say fat) adjective (fatter, fattest) 1. having much flesh other than muscle; fleshy; corpulent; obese. 2. having much edible flesh; well fattened: to kill a fat lamb. 3. consisting of, resembling, or containing fat. 4. having a large… …  

  • fat — n., adj., & v. n. 1 a natural oily or greasy substance occurring esp. in animal bodies. 2 the part of anything containing this. 3 excessive presence of fat in a person or animal; corpulence. 4 Chem. any of a group of natural esters of glycerol… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat — noun 1》 a natural oily substance in animal bodies, especially when deposited under the skin or around certain organs.     ↘such a substance, or a similar one made from plants, used in cooking. 2》 the presence of excess fat in a person or animal:… …   English new terms dictionary

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