1 to be liable to forfeit
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to be liable to forfeit
2 to be liable to forfeit
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to be liable to forfeit
3 be liable to forfeit
Экономика: подлежать конфискации -
4 forfeit
1. n1) штраф2) конфискация; лишение права3) потеря права
- be liable to forfeit2. adj3. vлишаться права на что-л.
- forfeit one's payEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > forfeit
5 forfeit
6 вещь
1) thing;
object это вещь! (выражает одобрение) ≈ that's quite something! смотреть на вещи ≈ to see/view the matter/situation конфискованная вещь ≈ forfeit парная вещь ≈ doublet уцененная вещь ≈ closeout
2) (о произведении искусства) work, piece, play антикварная вещь ≈ rarity, curio, curiosity, antique
3) (мн. вещи;
имущество) belonging, luggage, things, belongings, goods, stuff;
baggage амер. теплые вещи ≈ warm things, warm clothes со всеми вещами ≈ with one's luggage;
with bag and baggage идиом.;
разг. домашние вещи ≈ household things ∙ вещь в себе ≈ thing-in-itself, closed book называть вещи своими именами ≈ to call a spade a spadeвещ|ь - ж.
1. thing;
2. мн. (имущество и т. п.) things, belongings;
личные ~и personal items;
~и, облагаемые пошлиной things liable to duty;
~и, ограниченные для ввоза и вывоза things to be declared;
из всех ~ей я привёз только... the only thing I brought was...;
3. (о пьесе, книге и т. п.) piece, thing;
чья это ~? who is it by?;
это его лучшая ~ it`s the best thing he ever did, wrote etc. ;
4. (факт, дело) thing, matter, affair;
хочу сказать вам одну ~ I have something to tell you;
~ в себе филос. thing in itself. -
7 fine
1. n штраф; пеня2. v штрафовать, налагать штраф, пенюcivil fine — штраф, налагаемый в гражданском порядке
3. a ясный, хороший, сухойnow wet, now fine — то дождь, то ясно
4. a здоровый, хороший5. a прекрасный, превосходный; славный6. a тонкий7. a с тонким концом, острый8. a мелкий9. a чистый, очищенный, высококачественный10. a утончённый, изящный; тонкий, деликатныйfine compliments — изысканные комплименты; тонкая лесть
fine arts — изящные искусства; изобразительные искусства
11. a крупный; внушительный12. a нарядный, блестящий13. a претенциозный; жеманныйshe is too much of a fine lady for me — она слишком жеманна; она строит из себя аристократку
fine writing — претенциозно-изысканный стиль; стилистические большой; крайний
you make a fine mistake if you think that — вы глубоко заблуждаетесь, если так думаете
14. a хорошая, ясная погода15. adv разг. тонко; прекрасно16. adv шотл. конечно, определённоhe never misses his trains but he cuts it fine — он никогда не опаздывает на поезд, но всегда приходит в последнюю минуту
17. v очищать, делать прозрачным18. v очищаться, становиться прозрачным, ясным19. v делать мельче, тоньше20. v становиться меньше, мельче, тоньше21. v заострять, делать острееfine doings these! — хорошенькие дела, нечего сказать!
22. n ирландский клан23. n муз. конецСинонимический ряд:1. accomplished (adj.) accomplished; brilliant; skilled2. acute (adj.) acute; keen; precise; sharp3. average (adj.) average; mediocre4. delicate (adj.) admirable; choice; consummate; dainty; delicate; elegant; expensive; exquisite; finespun; gossamer; hairline; hairsplitting; nice; rare; refined; silky5. dusty (adj.) dusty; powdery; pulverous6. excellent (adj.) A1; bang-up; banner; blue-ribbon; bully; capital; champion; classic; classical; excellent; famous; first-class; first-rate; first-string; five-star; front-rank; Grade A; great; number one; par excellence; prime; quality; royal; select; skookum; sovereign; splendid; stunning; superb; superior; tiptop; top; topflight; top-notch; top-quality; whiz-bang7. fair (adj.) clarion; clear; cloudless; fair; pleasant; rainless; sunny; sunshine; sunshining; sunshiny; unclouded; undarkened8. fancy (adj.) affected; fancy; ornamented; ornate9. fragile (adj.) fragile; narrow; slender; thin10. little (adj.) granular; impalpable; little; minute; powdered; pulverized; small11. nice (adj.) nice; refined; subtle12. assessment (noun) amercement; assessment; charge; damage; fee; forfeit; mulct; penalty; punishment13. penalize (verb) amerce; charge; confiscate; exact; levy; mulct; penalise; penalize; sconce; seize; taxАнтонимический ряд:amends; awkward; bad; bluff; blunt; brutish; categorical; clumsy; coarse; compensation; crude; dull; gross; heavy; illiberal; inferior; obvious; terrible; thick
См. также в других словарях:
forfeit — for·feit 1 / fȯr fət/ n [Anglo French, from Middle French forfait, past participle of forfaire to commit a crime, from fors outside + faire to do]: something forfeited or subject to being forfeited forfeit 2 vt 1: to lose or lose the right to by … Law dictionary
Forfeit — For feit, a. [F. forfait, p. p. of forfaire. See {Forfeit}, n.] Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure. [1913 Webster] Thy wealth being forfeit to the state. Shak. [1913 Webster] To tread the forfeit paradise. Emerson … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Forfeit — For feit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Forfeited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Forfeiting}.] [OE. forfeten. See {Forfeit}, n.] To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; to render one s self by misdeed liable to be deprived of; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
forfeit — 1. verb latecomers will forfeit their places Syn: lose, be deprived of, surrender, relinquish, sacrifice, give up, yield, renounce, forgo; informal pass up, lose out on Ant: retain 2. noun they are liable to a forfeit Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
forfeit — forfeitable, adj. forfeiter, n. /fawr fit/, n. 1. a fine; penalty. 2. an act of forfeiting; forfeiture. 3. something to which the right is lost, as for commission of a crime or misdeed, neglect of duty, or violation of a contract. 4. an article… … Universalium
forfeit — for•feit [[t]ˈfɔr fɪt[/t]] n. 1) a fine; penalty 2) an act of forfeiting; forfeiture 3) something to which the right is lost, as for commission of a crime or violation of a contract 4) gam an article deposited in a game because of a mistake and… … From formal English to slang
forfeit — /ˈfɔfət / (say fawfuht) noun 1. a fine; a penalty. 2. the act of forfeiting; forfeiture. 3. something to which the right is lost by the commission of a crime or misdeed, the neglect of a duty, a breach of contract, etc. 4. an article deposited in …
forfeit — /forfat/ To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; or to subject, as property, to forfeiture or confiscation. To lose, in consequence of breach of contract, neglect of duty, or offense, some right, privilege, or… … Black's law dictionary
forfeit — /forfat/ To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; or to subject, as property, to forfeiture or confiscation. To lose, in consequence of breach of contract, neglect of duty, or offense, some right, privilege, or… … Black's law dictionary
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