1 to be fully covered
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to be fully covered
2 to be fully covered
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to be fully covered
3 cover
1. n1) уплата (по счету), покрытие2) страхование; страховка5) деньги, выделяемые из дохода на покрытие безнадежных долгов и убытков6) крышка, обертка; чехол7) конверт
- additional cover
- adequate cover
- air-tight cover
- assets cover
- canvas cover
- cash cover
- commodity cover of a bill
- dividend cover
- extended cover
- financial cover
- foreign exchange cover
- forest cover
- forward cover
- full cover
- gold cover
- grass cover
- inadequate cover
- insurance cover
- interest cover
- liabilities cover
- life cover
- nonmarine cover
- open cover
- option cover
- patent cover
- provisional cover
- registered cover
- requisite cover
- rouble cover
- tarpaulin cover
- watertight cover
- cover against theft
- cover for a debt
- cover in roubles
- cover of assurance
- cover of credit
- cover of a letter of credit
- cover of money
- cover of notes
- cover of payments
- cover on risks
- as cover
- in cover of
- ask for additional cover
- furnish cover
- operate without adequate cover
- produce the cover
- provide with cover2. v1) покрывать, обеспечивать денежное покрытие2) страховать3) покрывать, накрывать
- cover payment
- cover for a bill
- covered by
- under separate cover
- be fully covered
- be held covered -
4 cover
1.1) покрывать, обеспечивать денежное покрытие2) страховать3) покрывать, накрывать•2.1) уплата, покрытие2) обеспечение, гарантирующее заем или будущие покупки3) страхование; страховка4) форвардный контракт (заключаемый с целью защиты от снижения обменного курса)5) средства, выделяемые из дохода для покрытия возможных неоплаченных долгов или убытков• -
5 wire
1) проволока || скреплять [связывать\] проволокой2) трос4) монтировать ( (электро) проводку или провода); прокладывать провода5) эл., вчт. шина6) проволочное соединение; проводное соединение || соединять [монтировать\] проволокой7) формировать (меж)соединения; выполнять разводку ( межсоединений)9) связь передавать по проводам•wire in coils — проволока в бухтах-
active wires
address wire
aerial contact wire
aerial wire
aluminum wire
aluminum-clad wire
alumoweld wire
ampere wires
anchor wire
annealed wire
antenna wire
armature binding wire
armoring wire
baling wire
barbed wire
bare wire
bead wire
bell wire
bethanized wire
bimetallic wire
binding wire
bit wire
black-drawn wire
black wire
bond wire
bonding wire
bracing wire
braided wire
brazing wire
bright wire
broken wire
bundle wires
busbar wire
carrying wire
catenary wire
ceramic wire
clad wire
clipped wire
coarse wire
coated wire
coils wire
cold-drawn wire
common wire
composite ground wire with optical fibers
composite wire
connecting wire
contact wire
control wire
copper wire
copper-clad wire
copper-coated wire
coppered wire
core wire
cotton-covered wire
cotton-enamel covered wire
covered wire
current-carrying wire
dead wire
dead-drawn wire
diamond impregnated wire
diamond wire
drawn wire
drop wire
dumet wire
duplex wire
earth wire
electrode wire
enameled wire
equipment wire
exploding wire
fastening wire
fiber-optic cored shield wire
field wire
filamentary wire
filler wire
finer wire
fishing wire
fixture wire
flameproof wire
flat wire
flexible shafting wire
flexible wire
flux-cored wire
fly wire
four-draft wire
fully galvanized wire
fuse wire
galvanized iron wire
galvanized wire
glazed wire
ground wire
guy wire
hard-drawn wire
heavy-gage wire
heavy wire
hookup wire
hot wire
idle wires
igniting wire
indented wire
inhibit wire
inlet wire
insulated ground wire
insulated wire
interconnecting wire
ionizer wire
iron-conduit wire
jumper wire
killed wire
knitting needle wire
lashing wire
latch guard wire
lead wire
lead-covered wire
lead-in wire
line wire
litzendraht wire
litz wire
live wire
magnet wire
magnetic wire
merchant wire
messenger wire
metallizing wire
metal-shielded wire
multifilament wire
nail wire
neutral wire
nichrome wire
nickeline wire
office wire
open wire
order wire
overhead wire
pan wire
paper-insulated wire
parallel wires
piano wire
pilot wire
plain wire
plow steel wire
plug wire
point wire
presser foot wire
prestressed concrete wire
printed wire
profiled wire
protective earth wire
pulling wire
radio wire
rectangular wire
reinforcing wire
relay wire
resistance wire
retrieving wire
return wire
rivet wire
rolled wire
rope wire
route wire
rubber-covered wire
screen wire
screened wire
screw wire
section wire
sheathed wire
shielded wire
shield wire
short-circuiting wire
signal wire
silicone wire
silk-covered wire
sky wire
slide wire
slow-burning wire
soft-down wire
solid wire
staple forming wire
static wire
stay wire
steel-aluminum wire
strain-sensitive wire
stranded wire
strand wire
stranded welding wire
stretching wire
superconducting wire
suspension wire
switch wire
tension wire
thermocouple wire
three-draft wire
tie wire
tinned wire
track-circuit wire
trapezoidal wire
trolley wire
tube wire
twin wire
twisted wire
uncoated wire
uninsulated wire
varnished wire
varnished-cambric wire
vent wire
welding wire
well measuring wire
wet-drawn wire
winding wire
woven wire
zinc-coated wire -
6 set
1) набор; комплект- semiconductor assembly set - set of Belleville springs - set of conventional set - set of drawing instruments - set of gate patterns - set of gauge blocks - set of logical elements - set of statistical data - set of technical aids- snap set2) партия3) совокупность; множество4) установка; агрегат- desk telephone set - dial telephone set- gear set- local-battery telephone set - man-pack radio set - multi-operator welding set - sound-powered telephone set - wall telephone set5) регулировка; настройка || регулировать; настраивать6) группа; ансамбль7) класс; семейство9) схватывание || схватываться10) затвердевание || затвердевать11) крепление || закреплять12) геол. свита пород13) осадка (грунта) || оседать ( о грунте)14) радиоточка15) спорт сет16) включать, приводить в действие17) мат. множествоset closed under operation — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- absolutely compact set - absolutely continuous set - absolutely convex set - absolutely irreducible set - absolutely measurable set - affinely independent set - affinely invariant set - algebraically independent set - almost finite set - almost full set - angular cluster set - asymptotically indecomposable set - at most denumerable set - centro-symmetric set - completely bounded set - completely continuous set - completely generating set - completely improper set - completely irreducible set - completely nonatomic set - completely normal set - completely ordered set - completely productive set - completely reducible set - completely separable set - constructively nonrecursive set - convexly independent set - countably infinite setto set aside — не учитывать, не принимать во внимание; откладывать
- cut set- cyclically ordered set - deductively inconsistent set - derived set - doubly well-ordered set - dual set of equations - dynamically disconnected set - effectively enumerable set - effectively generating set - effectively nonrecursive set - effectively simple set - enumeration reducible set - finely perfect set - finitely definite set - finitely measurable set- flat set- full set- fully reducible set - functionally closed set - functionally complete set - functionally open set - fundamental probability set - generalized almost periodic set- goal set- internally stable set- knot set- left directed set - left normal set - left-hand cluster set - linearly ordered set - local peak set - locally arcwise set - locally closed set - locally compact set - locally connected set - locally contractible set - locally convex set - locally finite set - locally invariant set - locally negligible set - locally null set - locally polar set - locally polyhedral set - metrically bounded set - metrically dense set - multiply ordered set - nearly analytic set - nearly closed set - nonvoid set - normally ordered set- null set- open in rays set - partitioned data set- peak set- pole set- positively homothetic set- pure set- radially open set - rationally independent set - recursively creative set - recursively indecomposable set - recursively isomorphic set - recursively productive set - regularly convex set - regularly situated sets - relatively closed set - relatively compact set - relatively dense set - relatively interpretable set - relatively open set - right normal set - right-hand cluster set- scar set- sequentially complete set - serially ordered set - set of elementary events - set of first category - set of first kind - set of first species - set of possible outcomes - set of probability null - set of second category - set of second species - shift invariant set - simply connected set - simply ordered set - simply transitive set- skew set- star set- strongly bounded set - strongly closed set - strongly compact set - strongly connected set - strongly convex set - strongly dependent set - strongly disjoint sets - strongly enumerable set - strongly independent set - strongly minimal set - strongly polar set - strongly reducible set - strongly separated set - strongly simple set - strongly stratified set- tame set- tautologically complete set - tautologically consistent set - tautologically inconsistent set- test set- thin set- tie set- time set- totally disconnected set - totally imperfect set - totally ordered set - totally primitive set - totally unimodular set - totally unordered set - truth-table reducible set - uniformly bounded set - uniformly continuous set - uniformly convergent set - uniformly integrable set - uniformly universal set - unilaterally connected set- unit set- vacuous set- void set- weakly compact set - weakly convex set - weakly n-dimensional set - weakly stratified set - weakly wandering set - well chained set - well founded set - well measurable set - well ordering set - well quasiordered set -
7 space
1) интервал, промежуток2) пробел || оставлять пробелы3) область; площадь4) пространство || пространственный5) космос, космическое пространство6) полость7) расстояние•- absolutely compact space - absolutely embedded space - absolutely thick space - algebraically parallel space - almost complex space - almost expandable space - almost isomorphic space - almost metric space - almost nonsingular space - almost paracompact space - almost pretopological space - analytically ramified covering space - arcwise connected space - centrally harmonic space - compactly ordered space - completely continuous space - completely degenerate space - completely disconnected space - completely harmonic space - completely metric space - completely normal space - completely reducible space - completely regular space - completely reticulated space - completely separable space - completely separated space - completely symmetric space - completely uniformizable space - constant curvature space - continuous sample space - continuously ordered space - contractible in itself space - countably compactifiable space - countably dimensional space - countably generated space - countably infinite space - countably metacompact space - countably multinormed space - countably normed space - countably paracompact space - countably refinable space - countably subcompact space - finitely productive space - finitely sheeted space - finitely triangulated space - fully normal space - general metrizable space - general topological space - global analytic space - globally symmetric space - hereditarily normal space - hereditarily paracompact space - hereditarily separable space - hereditarily symmetric space - holomorphic tangent space - holomorphically complete space - holomorphically convex space - homotopy associative space - iterated loop space - linearly connected space - linearly ordered space - linearly topologized space - load space - locally bounded space - locally closed space - locally compact space - locally complete space - locally connected space - locally contractible space - locally convex space - locally directed space - locally fine space - locally holomorphic space - locally homogeneous space - locally hyperbolic space - locally linear space - locally metrizable space - locally ringed space - locally separable space - locally simply connected space - locally solid space - locally spherical space - locally star-shaped space - locally symmetric space - locally timelike space - locally triangulable space - monotonically normal space - naturally isomorphic space - naturally ordered space - naturally reductive space - nearly paracompact space - negative metric space - normally separated space - not simply connected space - nowhere connected space - null space of linear transformation - n-way projective space - perfectly normal space - perfectly regular space - perfectly screenable space - perfectly separable space - peripherically bicompact space - peripherically compact space - pointwise paracompact space - projectively metric space - quaternion hyperbolic space - quaternion projective space - quaternion vector space - regularly ordered space - relatively discrete space - relatively strong space - sequentially closed space - sequentially compact space - sequentially complete space - sequentially quasicomplete space - sequentially separable space - simply ordered space - simply partitionable space - space of affine connectedness - space of complex homomorphisms - space of continuous functions - space of finite measure - space of linear interpolation - space of right cosets - space of scalar curvature - strongly bounded space - strongly closed space - strongly compact space - strongly complete space - strongly irreducible space - strongly normal space - strongly normed space - strongly paracompact space - strongly pseudocompact space - strongly pseudometrizable space - strongly rigid space - strongly screenable space - structural space - structure space - topologically complete space - totally disconnected space - totally geodesic space - totally imperfect space - totally normal space - totally orderable space - totally ordered space - water jacket space - weakly closed space - weakly compact space - weakly complete space - weakly covering space - weakly dense space - weakly favorable space - weakly n-dimensional space - weakly paracompact space - weakly regular space - weakly separable space - weakly symmetric spaceto space out — полигр. набирать вразрядку
8 done
1. готовый; усталый; обманутый2. делатьeasier said than done — легче сказать, чем сделать
to reason what is to be done — обсуждать, что сделать
what is to be done? — что же делать?, что можно сделать?
Синонимический ряд:1. complete (adj.) complete; concluded; down; ended; finished; terminated; through; washed-up2. completed (adj.) accomplished; brought about; completed; executed; over; performed; rendered3. decorous (adj.) au fait; becoming; befitting; Christian; civilized; comely; conforming; correct; de rigueur; decent; decorous; nice; proper; respectable; right; seemly4. effete (adj.) all in; bleary; depleted; done in; drained; effete; exhausted; far-gone; spent; used up; washed-out; worn-out5. fully cooked (adj.) baked; boiled; brewed; cooked; crisped; done to a turn; fried; fully cooked; stewed6. settled (adj.) agreed; approved; compacted; determined; settled; signed7. acted (verb) acted; discoursed; enacted; impersonated; personated; played; portrayed; represented8. answered (verb) answered; served; sufficed; suited9. behaved (verb) acquitted; behaved; borne; carried; comported; conducted; demeaned; deported; disported; done; gone on; moved; quit10. cheated (verb) beaten; bilked; cheated; chiseled or chiselled; cozened; defrauded; flimflammed; gypped; overreached; reamed; swindled; taken11. closed (verb) closed; completed; concluded; consummated; determined; ended; finished; halted; terminated; wound up; wrapped up12. cooked (verb) cooked13. given (verb) dramatised; given; presented; put on; staged14. happened (verb) befallen; betided; broken; chanced; come; come off; developed; fallen out; gone; happened; occurred; passed; risen; transpired15. performed (verb) achieved; executed; performed; prosecuted16. shifted (verb) fared; fended; get along; get by; got along or gotten along; got by or gotten by; got on or gotten on; managed; muddled through; shifted; staggered along; staggered on17. traveled or travelled (verb) covered; passed over; tracked; traveled or travelled; traversed -
9 rudder
руль; руль направления; разг. педали управления ( рулём направления) ; жарг. рулевой винт ( вертолёта)rudder with the turn — руль направления, отклонённый в сторону разворота
10 yarn
1) пряжа2) нить•-
air-textured-filament yarn
- bicomponent filament yarn -
carded yarn
combed yarn
composite yarn
core-spun yarn
cotton yarn
covered yarns
crimp bulked yarn
elastic yarn
electrical yarn
entangled yarn
face yarn
false twist bulked yarn
fibrous-glass yarn
fleece yarn
folded yarn
fully drawn yarn
greige yarn
grege yarn
ground yarn
industrial yarn
interlacing multifilament yarn
knitting yarn
loop bulked yarn
low orientation spun yarn
multisurface yarns
OE-spun yarn
plating yarn
ply yarn
pot-spun yarn
preoriented yarn
raw yarn
ring spun yarn
rotor spun yarn
self-twist yarn
self-twist-twist yarn
spool spun yarn
spun yarn
spundyed yarn
staple fiber yarn
stretch yarn
synthetic yarn
tape yarn
textile yarn
textured yarn
thick and thin yarn
tie yarn
twist yarn
undrawn yarn
viscose filament yarn
warp yarn
weft yarn -
11 invention
- invention in contemplation
- invention made in common
- invention reduced to practice
- hide the invention
- invention of application
- invention of no avail
- abandoned invention
- accidental invention
- actual invention
- additional invention
- AEC contract invention
- aggregative invention
- alleged invention
- atomic energy invention
- basic invention
- biotechnological invention
- broad invention
- chemical invention
- claimed invention
- cognate inventions
- combination invention
- communicated inventions
- company's invention
- competing invention
- complete invention
- contemplated invention
- dead wood invention
- declassified invention
- defense invention
- defensive invention
- dependent invention
- derived invention
- design invention
- developing invention
- disclosed invention
- distinct invention
- domestic invention
- economic invention
- efficiency promoting invention
- employee's invention
- epoch-making invention
- finished invention
- foreign invention
- fraudulent invention
- free invention
- frivolous invention
- fully disclosed invention
- fundamental invention
- gene-based invention
- generic invention
- home invention
- immature invention
- imperfect invention
- incidental invention
- incomplete invention
- independent invention
- individual invention
- ineffective invention
- injurious invention
- interfering invention
- joint invention
- labor saving invention
- later invention
- main invention under the PCT
- method invention
- military invention
- narrow invention
- new invention
- novel invention
- obvious invention
- ordinary invention
- original invention
- outsider's invention
- paper invention
- patentable invention
- patented invention
- pioneer invention
- pioneering invention
- practical invention
- practically operative invention
- prior invention
- process invention
- proposed invention
- protected invention
- purported invention
- recognized invention
- recommended invention
- registered invention
- revolutionizing invention
- scandalous invention
- secret invention
- service invention
- simple invention
- specific invention
- subordinate invention
- supplementary invention
- supposed invention
- trivial invention
- unfinished invention
- unobvious invention
- unpatentable invention
- unpatented invention
- unrealizable invention
- useful invention
- utility invention
- vicious invention
- works invention
- worthless invention* * *изобретение (решение технической задачи, обладающее новизной и дающее положительный эффект) -
12 cylinder
1) цилиндр2) барабан3) валикАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > cylinder
13 algebra
algebra with minimality condition — алгебра с условием минимальности, алгебра с условием обрыва убывающих цепей
algebra with maximality condition — алгебра с условием максимальности, алгебра с условием обрыва возрастающих цепей
14 subset
1) телефон. абонентский аппарат2) подгруппа3) подкласс4) подмножество5) полукомплект•- almost open subset - almost unitary subset - bounded below subset - countably paracompact subset - everywhere dense subset - linearly independent subset - locally closed subset - locally polyhedral subset - locally tame subset - nonvoid subset - polynomially convex subset - potentially invertible subset - relatively compact subset - relatively pseudocompact subset - right perfect subset - right unitary subset - strongly dependent subset - strongly positive subset - totally ordered subset - uniformly integrable subset - universally measurable subset - weakly bounded subset - weakly closed subset - weakly invariant subset - weak-star closed subset - well ordered subset - well separated subset -
15 aileron
against the spin ailerons — элероны, отклонённые против штопора
См. также в других словарях:
Covered Straddle — An option strategy that involves writing the same number of puts and calls with the same expiration and strike price on a stock owned by the investor. A covered straddle is a bullish strategy. The covered straddle strategy is not a fully covered… … Investment dictionary
Covered in Guns — Studio album by L.A. Guns Released February 23 2010 Genre Hard rock Length 48:22 … Wikipedia
Fully fashioned stockings — are becoming increasingly rare – only a handful of manufacturers worldwide now make them on a regular basis. They are knitted flat and then the two sides are sewn together forming what is the seam – therefore the seam is an integral part of the… … Wikipedia
covered — index blind (concealed), covert, fully secured, hidden, impalpable, ironclad, latent, safe … Law dictionary
fully secured — adjective backed up, bonded, certified, covered, guaranteed, hypothecated, insured, pledged, mortgaged, warranted Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Covered goods wagon — This article is about the European railway wagon. For US practice, see Boxcar. For the Wild West wagon, see Covered wagon. A covered goods wagon or van (US: boxcar) is a railway goods wagon which is designed for the transportation of moisture… … Wikipedia
covered — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become ▪ remain ▪ leave sb/sth ▪ The car sped past, leaving us covered in mud. ADVERB … Collocations dictionary
Covered — Cover Cov er (k?v ?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Covered} ( ?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Covering}.] [OF. covrir, F. couvrir, fr. L. cooperire; co + operire to cover; probably fr. ob towards, over + the root appearing in aperire to open. Cf. {Aperient},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fully — adv. Fully is used with these adjectives: ↑able, ↑absorbed, ↑acceptable, ↑accessible, ↑accountable, ↑acquainted, ↑adjustable, ↑alert, ↑alive, ↑apparent, ↑armed, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Horton Mill Covered Bridge — Infobox nrhp | name = Horton Mill CB nrhp type = caption= The Horton Mill Covered Bridge near Oneonta, Alabama. nearest city = Oneonta, AL lat degrees = 34 | lat minutes = 00 | lat seconds = 27.52 | lat direction = N long degrees = 86 | long… … Wikipedia
Alamuchee-Bellamy Covered Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name=Alamuchee Bellamy CB caption=The Alamuchee Bellamy Covered Bridge on the campus of the University of West Alabama in Livingston, Alabama. official name= carries=pedestrian traffic crosses=Duck Pond (UWA)… … Wikipedia