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с русского на английский

to be committed to a theory

См. также в других словарях:

  • Theory of multiple intelligences — Human intelligence Abilities and Traits Abstract thought Communication · Creativity Emotional Intelligence Kn …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of everything (philosophy) — In philosophy, a theory of everything or TOE is an ultimate, all encompassing explanation of nature or reality.Rescher, Nicholas (2006a). Holistic Explanation and the Idea of a Grand Unified Theory . Collected Papers IX: Studies in Metaphilosophy …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of criminal justice — The theory of criminal justice is the branch of philosophy of law that deals with criminal justice and in particular punishment. The theory of criminal justice has deep connections to other areas of philosophy, such as political philosophy and… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of the two demons — The theory of the two demons (Spanish: Teoría de los dos demonios) is a rhetorical device used in Argentine political discourse to disqualify arguments that appear to morally equate violent political subversion with illegal repressive activities… …   Wikipedia

  • Face Negotiation Theory — is a theory first postulated by Stella Ting Toomey in 1985 to explain how different cultures manage conflict and communicate. The theory has gone through multiple iterations since that time, and has been updated most recently in 2005.1 In essence …   Wikipedia

  • Democratic peace theory — (or liberal democratic theory[1] or simply the democratic peace ) is the theory that democracies, for some appropriate definition of democracy, rarely, or even never, go to war with one another. Some have preferred the term inter democracy… …   Wikipedia

  • Symbolic Convergence Theory — About Symbolic Convergence Theory (SCT) is a general communication theory. SCT explains that meanings, emotions, values, and the motives for action are in the rhetoric that is co created by people trying to make sense out of a common experience,… …   Wikipedia

  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX) — Leadership is one of the primary areas of study, research, and practice in organizational behavior. Leaders often develop relationships with each member of the group that they lead, and Leader Member Exchange Theory explains how those… …   Wikipedia

  • Adaptive resonance theory — (ART) is a neural network architecture developed by Stephen Grossberg and Gail Carpenter. Learning model The basic ART system is an unsupervised learning model. It typically consists of a comparison field and a recognition field composed of… …   Wikipedia

  • Austrian Business Cycle Theory — The Austrian business cycle theory is the Austrian School s explanation of the phenomenon of business cycles (or credit cycles ). Austrian economists assert that inherently damaging and ineffective central bank policies are the predominant cause… …   Wikipedia

  • Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship — Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, is the most popular alternative candidate for the author behind the alleged pseudonym, Shakespeare. Unknown artist after lost original, 1575; National Portrait Gallery, London. The Oxfordian theory of… …   Wikipedia

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