1 to attract foreign investments
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to attract foreign investments
2 investment
[ɪn'vestmənt]n(часто pl) инвестиция, инвестирование, вложение денег, помещение капитала, помещение денежных средств, капиталовложениеThe industry has large investments of capital. — В промышленность вложен большой капитал.
- considerable investmentsAre you sure that you are making a sure (safe) investment? — Вы уверены, что вкладываете деньги в надежное предприятие
- investments in real estate
- attract foreign investments
- make an investment
- protect smb's investments -
3 привлекать
несовер. - привлекать;
совер. - привлечь( кого-л./что-л.)
1) draw, attract привлекать внимание
2) draw/engage in привлекать на свою сторону ≈ to win over( to one's side) привлекать кого-л. к участию в чем-л. ≈ to get smb. to take part in smth.;
(заинтересовывать) to interest smb. in smth. привлекать к работе ≈ to recruit;
to enlist the services (of)
3) юр. have up привлекать к уголовной ответственности ≈ to institute criminal proceedings (against) привлекать к суду ≈ to bring to trial, to put on trial;
to sue (in court), to take to court привлекать к ответственности ≈ to call to account( for), to make answer/answerable (for), привлечь
1. (вн.) attract (smb., smth.), draw* (smb., smth.) ;
~ чьё-л. внимание attract/draw* smb.`s attention;
~ иностранные инвестиции attract foreign investments;
2. (вн.;
к участию в чём-л.) enlist (smb.), draw* (smb.) ;
~ кого-л. на свою сторону win* smb. over to one`s side;
3. ~ кого-л. к суду bring* to/put* on trial( smb.), take* (smb.) to court, take* (legal) action against smb. ;
~ кого-л. к ответственности call smb. to account.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > привлекать
4 investment
n1) капиталовложение, помещение капитала, инвестирование2) часто pl капиталовложения, инвестиции5) финансовые инструменты (акции, облигации, депозиты), купленные на инвестированные средства
- active investment
- additional investment
- add-on value investment
- agricultural investment
- amenity investment
- anticipated investment
- authorized investment
- autonomous investment
- bank investments
- blue chip investment
- budgetary investment
- business investment
- capital investment
- capital-deepening investments
- capital-productive investment
- cash investment
- closed-out investment
- coerced investment
- collective investment
- community investment
- construction investments
- consumer capital investments
- direct investment
- direct investment in new technology
- direct cash investment
- direct foreign investment
- diversified investment
- domestic investment
- downstream investment
- ecological investment
- economic investment
- environmental investment
- equipment investment
- excessive investments
- equity investments
- financial investment
- fixed investment
- fixed capital investment
- fixed income investment
- fixed interest investment
- fixed yield investment
- forced investment
- foreign investment
- foreign direct investment
- government investments
- greenfield investment
- gross investments
- heavy investment
- high investments
- high-grade investments
- immature investments
- impaired investment
- indirect investment
- induced investment
- industrial investment
- infrastructure investment
- initial investment
- intangible investment
- interest-inelastic investments
- inventory investment
- inward investment
- joint investment
- joint capital investment
- large-scale investment
- legal investment
- liquid investments
- long-dated investment
- long-lived investment
- long-range investment
- long-term investment
- low-risk investments
- mature investments
- media investment
- mortgage investment
- negative investment
- net investments
- new investment
- nonequity direct investment
- off-budget investment
- original investment
- over investment
- overall investment
- overseas investment
- owner's investment
- permanent investment
- personal investment
- planned investments
- portfolio investment
- prime investment
- private investments
- productive investment
- profitable investment
- property investments
- public investments
- real investments
- real estate investment
- remunerative investment
- replacement investment
- residential investment
- risk investments
- safe investment
- safety-stock investment
- secure investment
- short investment
- short-lived investment
- short-range investment
- short-term investment
- short-term income-producing investment
- sound investment
- speculative investment
- state investments
- syndicated investment
- tangible investments
- tax-free investments
- total investments
- trade investments
- trust investment
- trustee investment
- unprofitable investment
- unquoted investments
- unseasoned investments
- investments abroad
- investments in companies
- investments in material assets
- investment in modernizing airport facilities
- investment in the partnership
- investments in production
- investments in a project
- investment in real estate
- investment in research and development
- investment in securities
- investment in upgrading
- investment of capital
- investment of finance
- investment of funds
- investments in hedge funds
- investment of money
- investment without a financial return
- attract investments
- attract foreign investment
- back the investment
- carry out investments
- check investments
- curtail investments
- effect investments
- increase investments
- make investments
- promote investments
- protect investment
- recoup investment
- restrict investments
- self-manage investments
- shrink investmentsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > investment
5 investment
сущ.1) эк., часто мн. инвестиция, капиталовложение, капитальное вложениеа) (ресурсы, вкладываемые в создание производственных или потребительских благ; как правило, имеется в виду вложение денег, но могут подразумеваться также материальные или трудовые ресурсы; в русском языке часто употребляется во множественном числе)to attract investment into [to\] a region — привлекать инвестиции в регион
to attract investment from individual, bank and corporate investors — привлекать инвестиции со стороны индивидуальных, банковских и корпоративных инвесторов
Our aim is not only to attract investment to the UK but to keep it here too. — Наша цель не только привлечь инвестиции в Великобританию, но и удержать и их в стране.
France attracts 9% of all foreign investment in OECD countries. — Франция привлекает 9% всех иностранных инвестиций в странах ОЭСР.
investment market — инвестиционный рынок, рынок инвестиций
See:alternative investment, brownfield investment, capital investment, cash investment, cash-equivalent investment, collective investments, current asset investment, debt investment 3), direct investment, domestic investment, environmental investment, equity investment 2) б), financial investment, fixed asset investment, follow-up investment, foreign investment, greenfield investment, industrial investments, intangible investment, international investment, inventory investment, leveraged investment, money market investment, mutual investments, passive investments, portfolio investment, real estate investment, real investment, shared investment, strategic investment, tangible investment, unquoted investment, viatical investment, assumed investment return, guaranteed investment contract, investment adviser, investment analyst, investment bond, investment insurance, investment manager, investment position, return on investment, investment-linked annuity, investor, investee, reinvestment, disinvestmentб) (инструмент, с помощью которого осуществляется вложение средств, напр., облигация, акция и т. п.)You can choose funds that invest in money market investments such as treasury bills, income investments such as bonds, or equity investments such as stocks of large corporations. — Вы можете выбрать фонды, которые вкладывают средства в инвестиционные инструменты денежного рынка (напр., казначейские векселя), в доходные инвестиционные инструменты (напр., облигации) или в долевые инвестиционные инструменты (напр., акции крупных корпораций).
Syn:See:debt investment 2), equity investment 2), а hybrid investment, investment advertisement, investment advertising, investment market, life of investment2) эк. инвестирование, вложение (помещение капитала в физические или финансовые активы с целью получения прибыли)to carry out investment — осуществлять инвестиции [капиталовложения\]
to promote investment — стимулировать инвестиции [капиталовложения\]
See:continuing investment, ethical investment, investment banker, investment broker, investment company, investment dealer, investment group, investment policy, investment trust, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, before-tax rate of return, hoarding, consumption3) общ. затраты, вложения (затраты какого-л. ресурса)The work also requires a huge investment of time. — Работа также требует огромных затрат времени.
* * *
капиталовложение (инвестиция): 1) помещение средств в финансовые активы для получения процентов и дивидендов, а также в надежде на рост стоимости активов; подразумевается, что сохранность основной суммы инвестиций имеет принципиальное значение (в отличие от спекуляции); инвестиции могут быть финансовыми (вложение денег) или состоять в усилиях, затраченном времени; 2) покупка машин, оборудования, недвижимости.* * ** * *Инвестиция, инвестирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *1. совокупность затрат, реализуемых в форме долгосрочных вложений капитала в промышленность, сельское хозяйство, транспорт и др. с отсроченной отдачей2. вложение капитала внутри страны или заграницей в предприятия промышленности, транспорта и т. п. с целью получения прибыли -
6 investment
1) капиталовложения, инвестиции (помещение средств в активы для получения дохода)3) финансовые инструменты (акции, облигации, депозиты), купленные на инвестированные средства•Foreign direct investment surged. — Возрос приток прямых иностранных капиталовложений.
Investment slumped. — Снизился уровень инвестиций.
7 investment
n1) инвестирование, помещение капитала2) pl инвестиции, капиталовложения•to attract / to drum up investment — привлекать инвестиции / капиталовложения
- decline in foreign investmentto get a good return on one's investments — получать хорошую прибыль от своих капиталовложений
- direct investments
- investments abroad
- obstacle to greater foreign investment
- private investments
- public investments
См. также в других словарях:
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