Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

to advertize many small businesses for sale

  • 1 to advertize many small businesses for sale

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to advertize many small businesses for sale

  • 2 business

    1) дело, занятие

    I am sick and tired of the whole business! — Мне все это осточертело! /Мне все это надоело!

    I wash my hands of the whole business. — Я умываю руки и не хочу иметь ничего общего с этой историей!

    That's her business. — Это ее личное дело.

    That's not my business! — Это меня не касается. /, то не мое дело.

    Let me worry about my business. — Я сам разберусь со своими делами.

    I am pressed with/by business. — Я завален работой.

    - important business
    - serious business
    - strange business
    - troublesome business
    - risky business
    - urgent business
    - nasty business
    - dirty business
    - complicated business
    - some unfinished business
    - delicate business
    - other business
    - executive business
    - everyday business
    - stop-gap business
    - touch-and-go business
    - fascinating business
    - other people's business
    - smb's business
    - business conversation
    - business letter
    - business meeting
    - business life
    - first main business of life
    - business of a doctor
    - journey on business
    - no admittance except on business
    - matter of business
    - man of business
    - man of no particular business
    - on government business
    - with no particalar business
    - on business of importance
    - on business about the election
    - on the company's business
    - come on business
    - come on a particular business
    - have an important business on hand
    - proceed with the business of the day
    - know one's business
    - stick to attend to take to one's businesses
    - make it one's own business
    - state one's business
    - mind one's own business
    - send smb about his business
    - have no business to ask such questions
    - clear up the remaining business
    - undertake the business
    - complete the business
    - know the business inside out
    - make business a pleasure
    - neglect business
    - talk business
    - mean business
    - make a business of travel
    - prefer business to law
    - travel for business
    - mix business with pleasure
    - get down to business
    2) предпринимательство, торговая деятельность, коммерческая деятельность, торговля

    No business on account of holiday. — В праздники магазины не работают/не торгуют.

    All business is stopped by strickes. — Все коммерческие операции приостановлены из-за забастовок.

    We have gone through a lot of business. — Мы заключили ряд торговых сделок. /Мы решили ряд дел.

    It will bring in more business. — Это расширит торговлю.

    We shut up business at five. — Мы закрываемся в пять.

    - local business
    - profitable business
    - wholesale business
    - big business
    - private business
    - small business
    - cash business
    - commission business
    - overseas business
    - business relations
    - business agreement
    - business transaction
    - business carrer
    - businessman
    - business part of the town
    - smb's line of business
    - various aspects of business
    - present state of business
    - lull in business
    - partner in business
    - connections in business
    - on commercial business
    - do business in cotton
    - do business in smb's name
    - handle routine business
    - hamper business
    - be in business
    - go into business
    - have a good head for business
    - conduct business on cash bassis
    - affect business
    - promote business
    - reduce the scope of business
    - do on conduct big business
    - do fair business
    - have skill in business
    - do business with this firm
    - build up business with this country
    - prefer business to medicine
    - start a small business with silk goods
    - resume business
    - negotiate business
    - make the business a success
    - accept business on these terms
    - be connected in business
    - be out of business
    - close business for the Christmas holiday
    - do much business with smb
    - business as usual
    - business is good
    - business is slow
    - business expands
    - business is steadily shrinking
    - business dropped off in the retail stores
    - business goes on as usual
    3) предприятие, дело, фирма

    The business of the company has been transfered. — Фирма/контора этой компании переведена.

    He is a manager of two different businesses. — Он директор двух разных фирм.

    It is too expensive for my class of business. — Это слишком дорого для фирмы моего типа.

    Business before pleasure. — Делу время, потехе час.

    Business is business. — Дело есть дело.

    Everybody's business is nobody's business. — У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

    Hit-or-miss business. — Либо пан, либо пропал

    - advertizing business
    - trading business
    - legitimate business
    - paying business
    - one-man business
    - show business
    - export business
    - travel business
    - banking business
    - electric lighting business
    - ruined business
    - business interests
    - business address
    - business hours
    - business suit
    - business connected with banks
    - business of one's own
    - business of a quarter of million dollars
    - order of business
    - for business reasons
    - set up a business as a grocer
    - lose money by the business
    - enter smb's business
    - buy out a business
    - establish a small business
    - start a small business
    - build up a small business
    - carry on business
    - run a business
    - head a business
    - wreck smb's business
    - curtail one's business
    - set up a private detective business
    - be in the hotel business
    - succeed to the family business
    - put money into a business
    - be in business with one's father
    - enter one's father's business
    - absorb the business of the old company
    - advertize many small businesses for sale
    - do business through another house
    - take the business in hand
    - have a business
    - own a business
    - run one's business
    - sell out one's business
    - give up one's business
    - handle one's business
    - lose business
    - put one's business into smb's hands
    - move the business to the centre
    - business prospers

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > business

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