1 to accuse smb behind his back
обвинять кого-либо за глаза/за спинойEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to accuse smb behind his back
2 back
I [bæk] n1) спинаHe has pain in the back. — У него боли в спине.
It will make your back ache. — От этого у тебя будет болеть спина.
Why din't you get off my back ans let me do my work! — Отстано от меня, дай мне работать.
A true friend will not say unpleasant things about behind your back. — Настоящий друг не станет говорить про тебя гадости за глаза.
Stand back-to-back and we'll see which of you is taller. — Встаньте спиной к спине, и мы посмотрим, кто из нас выше.
He must learn to look after himself, he will not always have his father at his back. — Он должен научиться самостоятельности, не всегда же отец будет стоять у него за спиной.
He had the enemies at his back. — Враги гнались за ним по пятам.
- hunched back- straight back
- bend back
- hump on the back
- blow in the back
- pain in the back
- with one's back to the door
- on the back of an elephant
- back-to-back
- behind smb's back
- accuse smb behind his back
- be at the back of smb
- bend one's back
- bind smb's hands behind his back
- break one's back
- carry smth on one's back
- climb on smb's back
- cling to smb's back
- drive a knife into smb's back
- fall on one's back
- get off smb's back
- give a back for smb
- gossip behind his back
- have smb at one's back
- have smb on one's back
- hide behind smb's back
- hit smb on the back
- hurt one's back
- injureone's back
- keep off smb's back
- keep one's back straight
- lean one's back against the wall
- lie on the back
- pat smb on his back
- put smth on smb's back
- put smb on one's back
- put one's hands behind one's back
- rub one's back
- put into a job
- ride a child on one's back
- roll over on one's back
- rub smb's back with alcohol
- scratch one's back
- sit with one's back to smb, smth
- sit with one's back to the engine
- stab smb in the back
- stand back-to-back
- straighten one's back
- take smth off one's back
- turn one's back to smb, smth
- turn over on one's back
- turn one's back to one's guests
- turn one's back on smb
- wear one's hair down on one's back
- wipe one's back
- take a trunk on one's back
- put one's back up
- put smb's back up
- strain one's small of his back
- smb has a broken back a facture in the back
- one's back ackes2) поясница, крестецHe has pain in the small of his back. — У него боли в пояснице.
- small of the back- sharp pain in the small of his back3) оборотная сторона, тыльная сторона, задняя сторона, спинкаYou are at the back of all our difficulties. — Ты истинная причина всех наших трудностей. /Все трудности из-за тебя.
The back of the house looks out onto the river. — Задняя часть дома выходит на реку.
There is another good song on the back of this record. — На этой стороне пластинки еще одна хорошая песня. /На обороте пластинки еще одна хорошая песня.
What's at the back of it all? — Что за всем этим кроется/стоит?
The dress buttons at the back. — Платье застёгивается сзади;
. The coat is torn at the back. — Пальто разорвалось сзади.
- back door- back seat
- back driver
- back of the chair
- back of one's hand
- back of the spoon
- back of a knife
- back of the house
- back of an arch
- back of a carpet
- back of the leaf
- back of the record
- back of the book
- back of the village
- back of the coat
- back of the car
- back of the ship
- back of the head
- back of the tongue
- back of the foot
- back of the throat
- back of the door
- chair with a carved back
- row of back-to-back houses
- at the back of the bed
- with a high back
- at the back of the door
- with its back to the wall
- go round to the back of the house
- stand at the back
- sign at the back
- tie at the back
- be at the back of smth
- get to the back of the matter
- garage is at the back of the house
- back of the house looks out into the river4) дальний конец (чего-либо), отдалённая частьHe has lived here all his life and knows the city like the back of his hand. — Он прожил здесь всю жизнь и знает город вдоль и поперек.
His name is at the back of my tongue. — Его имя вертится у меня на языке.
If we start early, we can break the back of the journey before it gets hot. — Если мы выйдем очень рано, то мы сумеем пройти большую часть пути до жары.
Three people can sit in the back of the car. — На заднем сидении могут сидеть три человека. /Сзади могут сидеть три человека.
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. — ◊ Последняя капля переполняет чашу терпения.
Stretch my back and I'll scratch yours. — ◊ Рука руку моет. /Свой своего не выдает.
Excuse my back, please. — ◊ Простите, что я стою (сижу) к вам спиной.
To talk through the back of one's neck. — ◊ Молоть чепуху
- back of a wood- back of the wave
- room in the back of the house
- at the back of the classroom
- at the back of the house
- at the back of the book
- at the back of a drawer
- at the back of the theatre
- at the back of the aircraft
- have smth at the back of one's mind II [bæk] adjHe got in through the back door. — Он проник в дом через черный ход
- back elevation- back wages
- back number of a magazine
- in the back rows
- in the back seat
- in the back street
- take a back seat III [bæk] advна задворках, обратно, назадI'll go there and back. — Я пойду туда и сразу обратно.
One cannot put back the clock. — ◊ Колесо истории нельзя повернуть вспять. /Время не воротишь. /Что было, то сплыло.
- bring smth back- have smth back
- be back
- be just back from town -
3 accuse
1. IIIaccuse smb. I don't understand why he accuses his brother не понимаю, почему он обвиняет /винит/ своего брата2. IVaccuse smb. in some manner accuse smb. justly (unjustly, wrongly, falsely, openly, publicly, etc.) справедливо и т. д. обвинить /винить/ кого-л.3. XIbe accused of smth. be accused of theft (of forgery, of a serious offence, etc.) обвиниться в воровстве и т. д.; he was accused of murder его обвинили в убийстве; be accused of doing smth. be accused of being negligent (of lying, of stealing, etc.) обвиниться в халатности и т. д., he was accused of speeding его обвинили в превышении скорости (об автомобилисте); be accused as smb. he was accused as an accomplice его привлекли по обвинению в соучастии /как соучастника/4. XXI1accuse smb. of smth. accuse smb. of theft (of a crime, of a fraud, of cowardice, etc.) обвинять кого-л. в воровстве и т. д., предъявлять кому-л. обвинение в воровстве и т. д; accuse smb. of carelessness (of untruth /of a falsehood/, of thoughtlessness, of favouritism, etc.) обвинить /упрекать, укорять/ кого-л. в халатности и т. д. || accuse smb. to his face бросить обвинение кому-л. в лицо; accuse smb. behind his back обвинять кого-л. за глаза5. XXIIaccuse smb. of doing smth. accuse smb. of breaking the law (of stealing, of taking bribes, of being a spy, etc.) обвинить кого-л. /предъявлять кому-л. обвинение/ в нарушении закона /в том, что он нарушил закон/ и т.д.; accuse smb. of telling lies (of being rude, of having neglected one's duties, etc.) обвинить /упрекать, укорять/ кого-л. во лжи /в том, что он солгал/ и т. д.6. XXIV1accuse smb. as smb. accuse smb. as a thief (as a murderer, etc.) обвинять кого-л. в воровстве и т. д. -
4 accuse
əˈkju:z гл.
1) винить, обвинять( кого-л.) (of - в чем-л.) to accuse smb. of smth. ≈ обвинять кого-л. в чем-л to accuse smb. of unfaithfulness ≈ обвинять кого-л. в неверности to accuse smb. of telling lies ≈ обвинить/упрекать кого-л. во лжи to accuse smb. to his face ≈ бросить обвинение кому-л. в лицо to accuse smb. behind his back ≈ обвинять кого-л. за глаза to accuse smb. justly ≈ справедливо обвинить/винить кого-л. Syn: indict, charge
2) юр. обвинять кого-л.;
выдвинуть обвинение против кого-л. (of) to accuse smb. as a thief ≈ обвинять кого-л. в воровстве to accuse capitally ≈ обвинить в совершении преступления, карающегося смертной казнью He was accused of murder. ≈ Его обвинили в убийстве. Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police. ≈ Полиция обвинила ее помощника в воровстве и мошенничестве. As a Father of the Church, he is accused for too much conniving at the factious disturbers. ≈ Как отца церкви, его обвиняют в слишком большом потворстве раскольникам. Syn: arraign, impeach, incriminate, indict, charge Ant: exonerate, pardon
3) придираться;
осуждатьобвинять, винить;
- to * smb. of negligence обвинять кого-л. в халатности;
- to * the technicians of carelessness which caused the breakdown возлагать на техников вину за аварию (юридическое) обвинять;
выдвинуть обвинение;
- to * smb. of a crime обвинить кого-л. в преступлении придираться;
- accusing the times is but excusing ourselves обвинять во всем время - это значит просто оправдывать себя -
5 accuse
[ə'kjuːz]гл.1) винить, обвинять, упрекатьto accuse smb. of unfaithfulness — обвинять кого-л. в неверности
to accuse smb. of telling lies — упрекать кого-л. за ложь
to accuse smb. to his face — бросить обвинение кому-л. в лицо
to accuse smb. behind his back — обвинять кого-л. за глаза
to accuse smb. unjustly — несправедливо обвинить кого-л.
Syn:2) юр. выдвинуть обвинение, обвинятьto accuse smb. as a thief — обвинять кого-л. в воровстве
to accuse capitally — обвинить в совершении преступления, карающегося смертной казнью
He was accused of murder. — Его обвинили в убийстве.
Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police. — Полиция обвинила её помощника в воровстве и мошенничестве.
Syn:Ant:3) придираться; порицать; осуждать -
6 activity
n1) часто pl активность, деятельность; действия, операции ( в определенной области)2) хозяйственная деятельность, производственная деятельность3) pl показатели ( в экономических исследованиях)•to be engaged in an activities — заниматься какой-л. деятельностью
to be involved in an activities — участвовать в какой-л. деятельности
to break off an activities — прекращать какую-л. деятельность
to carry out activities — осуществлять какую-л. деятельность
to coordinate smb's activities — координировать чью-л. деятельность / чьи-л. действия
to combine smb's activities — объединять чьи-л. действия
to conceal one's activities — скрывать свою деятельность
to conduct an activities — заниматься какой-л. деятельностью
to cover up smb's war time activities — прикрывать чью-л. деятельность во время войны
to cut down on one's spying activities — сокращать свою разведывательную деятельность
to engage in an activities — заниматься какой-л. деятельностью
to examine activities — изучать / исследовать деятельность
to expel smb for activities incompatible with his diplomatic status — выдворять кого-л. за деятельность, несовместимую с его дипломатическим статусом
to facilitate operational activities — способствовать / помогать оперативной деятельности
to focus activities on / upon smth — сосредоточить деятельность на чем-л.
to intensify activities — усиливать / повышать активность
to make a contribution to smb's activities — вносить вклад в чью-л. деятельность
to monitor smb's activities — следить за чьей-л. деятельностью
to paralyze smb's activities — парализовать чью-л. деятельность
to participate in an activities — участвовать в какой-л. деятельности
to put a stop to smb's criminal activities — пресекать чью-л. преступную деятельность, положить конец чьим-л. преступным действиям
to restrain / to restrict smb's activities — ограничивать чью-л. деятельность
to set off a flurry of intense negotiation activity — давать толчок лихорадочной переговорной деятельности
to step up one's activities — повышать свою активность; активизировать / усиливать свою деятельность
to take part in an activity — принимать участие в какой-л. деятельности
to terminate an activities — прекращать какую-л. деятельность
to undertake activities — осуществлять деятельность, предпринимать действия
- activity in the marketto widen the range of activities — расширять масштаб / поле деятельности
- activity incompatible with one's diplomatic status
- activity inconsistent with one's diplomatic status
- activity on the international scene
- activities against smb / smth
- advisory activity
- aggregate activities
- aggressive activity
- ancillary activities
- anti-democratic activities
- anti-government activities
- anti-militarist activities
- anti-national activities
- anti-popular activities
- anti-state activities
- area of activity
- backstage activities
- back-stairs activities
- banned activities
- basic activities
- behind-the-scenes activities
- black market activities
- business activity
- civil activity
- clandestine activities
- commercial activities
- competitive activity
- conspiratorial activity
- constant activity
- continuing activity
- continuous activity
- coordination of activities
- counterespionage activities
- covert activities
- criminal activities
- cultural activities
- current activities
- curtailing of military activities
- day-to-day activity
- decline in business activity
- defense activity
- defense industry activity
- defense-generated economic activity
- detraction and pollution of nature through the activities of man
- development activities
- diplomatic activity
- domestic activity
- dominant activity
- duplication of activities
- economic activity
- environmental activity
- escalation of terrorist activities
- espionage activities
- exposure of unlawful activities
- extension of IRA activity to Europe
- factional activities
- family planning activities
- field activities - flurry of diplomatic activities
- follow-up activity
- forecasting activity
- foreign economic activities
- foreign policy activities
- fruitful activity
- full activity
- generalization of the activities
- global activities
- government activities
- government research activities
- growing activity
- guerilla activity
- heightened activity
- high priority activities
- hostile activities
- human rights activity
- humanitarian activities
- ideological activities
- illegal activities
- illicit activity
- industrial activity
- ineffective activities
- information activities
- intellectual activities
- intelligence activities
- intensification of activity
- intensive activity
- interconnected activities
- international activities
- investment activities
- involvement in espionage activities for a country
- know-how activity
- labor activities
- legislative activity
- leisure activity
- leisure-time activity
- level of activities
- long-term activity
- manifestation of activities
- mass communication activities
- military activities
- multifaceted activity
- nationalist activities
- nonmarket activities
- nonprofit activities
- nuclear related activities
- operational activities
- opposition activity
- organizational activities
- parliamentary activities
- peaceful activities
- permitted activities
- political activity
- practical activity
- primary activity
- priority activities
- pro-American activities
- production activity
- productive activity
- professional activity
- profit-making activity
- profit-seeking activity
- program activities
- prohibited activities
- project activities
- promotional activities
- propaganda activities
- provocative activities
- public activities
- public relations activities
- R & D activities
- range of activity
- rebel activities
- recurring activities
- regular government activities
- relaxation of political activities
- renewed activity
- research activities
- research and development activities
- Resistance activities
- revival of activities
- revolutionary activities
- sabotage activities
- scientific activities
- scope of activities
- seat of activities
- secessionist activities
- secondary activities
- service activities
- set of activities
- social and political activity
- space activities
- spate of terrorist activity
- special activities
- speculative activities - statistical data processing activities
- subsequent activity
- subversive activities
- subversive and terrorist activities
- supporting activity
- tactical activities
- take-over activity
- technical assistance activities
- terrorist activities
- time-limited activity
- trading activities
- treatment of economic activity
- undercover activities
- underground activities
- underhand activities
- uninterrupted activity
- union activities
- verification activities
- vigorous activity
- volume of activity
- wartime activities
- work activities
- world business activities
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