1 tire contact area
Автомобильный термин: площадь контакта шины с дорогой -
2 tire contact area
3 tire contact area
4 tire contact area
площадь контакта ( следа) пневматикаEnglish-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > tire contact area
5 tire-to-pavement contact area
Англо-русский словарь дорожника > tire-to-pavement contact area
6 contact area of tire
Автомобильный термин: площадь контакта шины с дорогой -
7 contact area of tire
English-russian automobile dictionary > contact area of tire
8 area
площадь; поверхность; пространство; участок; зона- area of passage
- area of section
- bearing area
- bearing surface area
- blind area
- bore area
- braking area
- built-up area
- cargo area
- combustion chamber surface area
- contact area of tire
- contact area
- control area
- cooling area
- cross-sectional area
- dead area
- drag area
- dump area
- effective area
- engine area
- facing area
- flow area
- frictional area
- frontal area
- glass area
- lining area
- loading area
- orifice area
- parking area
- passable area
- piston-face area
- pole area
- port area
- seal area
- sectional area
- service area
- shear area
- slipping area
- squish area
- surface area
- swept area
- test area
- tire contact area
- unswept area
- useful area
- utility area
- work area -
9 tyre
англ.(амер. = tire) шина (рис. 47); колёсный бандаж (металлический обод, надеваемый на колёса для повышения прочности и долговечности); покрышка; II надевать шину; проф. обувать колесо - tyre accessories - tyre adjuster - tyre alarm - tyre assembly - tyre blow-out - tyre camber wear - tyre carrier shoe - tyre case - tyre casing repair - tyre centre on road - tyre changing - tyre collapse - tyre contact - tyre contact area - tyre contact centre - tyre core - tyre cornering wear - tyre cure - tyre cushion - tyre deflection - tyre design - tyre dismounting - tyre fabric - tyre failure - tyre fork - tyre gauge - tyre goes flat - tyre grip on the road - tyre gross contact area - tyre holder - tyre ingot - tyre impact machine - tyre inflation unit - tyre inflator - tyre inner tube - tyre iron - tyre irregular wear - tyre kerfs - tyre lateral runout - tyre lever - tyre life - tyre lock - tyre mileage - tyre mounting - tyre mounting tool - tyre noise - tyre opener - tyre outside diameter - tyre over-inflation wear - tyre overhang - tyre overload - tyre patch - tyre percent deflection - tyre perforations - tyre-pneumatic - tyre press - tyre print on road - tyre protector - tyre pump plunger - tyre radial flexibility - tyre rate - tyre recapping machine - tyre remover - tyre removing and replacing tool - tyre repair cement - tyre repair equipment - tyre repair shop - tyre retreader - tyre revolutions per mile - tyre rim - tyre-rim locking ring - tyre-rim nut - tyre rotation - tyre rubber - tyre run -
10 vehicle
средство передвижения; транспортное средство; подвижное средство; боевая машина, БМ; летательный аппарат, ЛА; см. тж. car, truckair cushion landing vehicle, assault — десантно-высадочное средство на воздушной подушке; десантный АВП
armored cavalry (assault) vehicle — бронированная разведывательная машина, БРМ
armoured vehicle, RE — Бр. саперный танк
assault vehicle, RE — Бр. десантно-высадочное средство инженерных войск
AT (guided) missile launch vehicle — БМ для пуска ПТУР; самоходный ПТРК
C2 vehicle — машина управления (войсками); (командно-) штабная машина
double air cushion vehicle, assault — десантный корабль на двойной воздушной подушке
landing vehicle, assault — десантно-высадочное средство; плавающий БТР на воздушной подушке
landing vehicle, hydrofoil — десантный КПК
landing vehicle, tank, engineer — десантный саперный танк
landing vehicle, track, armored — десантный (плавающий) гусеничный БТР
landing vehicle, track, covered — крытый десантный плавающий гусеничный транспортер
landing vehicle, tracked, engineer — десант ная гусеничная инженерная машина
landing vehicle, tracked, heavy — тяжелый десантный плавающий гусеничный транспортер
landing vehicle, tracked, howitzer — десантная гусеничная гаубичная СУ
landing vehicle, tracked, personnel — десантная гусеничная машина для ЛС
landing vehicle, tracked, recovery — десантная гусеничная ремонтно-эвакуационная машина
mine-clearing vehicle, flail-type — танк [танковый тягач] с бойковым тралом
mine-clearing vehicle, plow-pushing — танк [танковый тягач] с передним плужным минным тралом
mine-clearing vehicle, roller — танк [танковый тягач] с Катковым минным тралом
terminally guided (maneuvering) reentry vehicle — ркт. маневрирующая ГЧ с наведением на конечном участке траектории
— administrative use vehicle— bacteriological bomb vehicle— boost-glide reentry vehicle— flamethrower vehicle— ground-supported vehicle— launcher vehicle— logistical air vehicle— logistical vehicle— maintenance assistance vehicle— MarineCorps landing vehicle— oversize load vehicle— ship-to-shore assault vehicle— support armored vehicle— topographic surveying vehicle— troop-carryingair vehicle— wader-swimmer combat vehicle -
11 shoe
звено гусеницы; трак; колодка; тормозной башмак; токосъёмный башмак; троллейный башмак; лыжа пантографа; лапа станины; опорная подушка (напр. станка); закладной клин; кулисный камень; с.х. сошник; железный полоз; лоток (напр. для сыпучего материала); эл. полюсный наконечник; полюсный башмак; отвод водосточной трубы; фундаментная плита; опорная плита; маш. штамподержатель- shoe centerless internal grinder - shoe elbow - shoe funnel - shoe guide - shoe-nose shell - shoe of tank - shoe pad transition area - shoe plate - shoe shell - shoe squeeze tool - shoe-type nipple - shoe-type washover bit - adjusting shoe - anchor shoe - anchorage shoe - arch shoe - automatic fill-up casing-guide shoe - automatic fillup float shoe - base shoe - beadless tire shoe - bearing shoe - blade circle shoe - brake shoe pressure - brake shoe with inclined abutment - brake shoe with parallel abutment - brake-shoe carrier - brake-shoe lining - cam shoe - casing shoe - cement shoe - center punch track shoe - collecting shoe - derailing shoe - diamond brake shoe - die shoe - die lower shoe - die upper shoe - drive shoe - electric signal pick-up shoe - electromagnetic brake shoe - extrathick plate shoe - extrawide track shoe - extreme service shoe - flat shoe - floating shoe - forward brake shoe - friction shoe - front shoe - gage shoe - gauge shoe - grooved shoe - guide shoe - intermediate shoe - internal brake shoe - internal shoe brake - leading shoe - leading brake shoe - leg shoe - leveling shoe - locking shoe - low ground pressure shoe - lower shoe - lower profile shoe - mast base shoe - master track shoe - mill shoe - mold shoe - molding shoe - pantograph slide shoe - pile shoe - pipe roller shoe
См. также в других словарях:
tire contact area — See contact patch … Dictionary of automotive terms
contact area — The part of the tire that actually touches the ground at any particular moment. Also see ground contact area tire contact area … Dictionary of automotive terms
center of tire contact — the intersection of the wheel plane and the vertical projection of the spin axis of the wheel onto the road plane. Note: the center of tire contact may not be the geometric center of the tire contact area due to distortion of the tire produced by … Mechanics glossary
gross contact area — the total area enclosing the pattern of the tire tread in contact with a flat surface, including the area of grooves or voids … Mechanics glossary
net contact area — the area enclosing the pattern of the tire tread in contact with a flat surface, excluding the area of grooves or other depressions … Mechanics glossary
ground contact area — the contact patch of a tire … Dictionary of automotive terms
Tire uniformity — refers to the dynamic mechanical properties of pneumatic tires as strictly defined by a set of measurement standards and test conditions accepted by global tire and car makers. These measurement standards include the parameters of radial force… … Wikipedia
Tire — This article is about tires used on road vehicles, including pneumatic tires and solid tires. For railroad tires, see railway tires. For other uses, see tire (disambiguation) or tyre.Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively) … Wikipedia
Contact patch — Colorized tire footprint pressure distribution Contact patch is the portion of a vehicle s tire that is in actual contact with the road surface. It is most commonly used in the discussion of pneumatic tires, (i.e. pressurized tires), where the… … Wikipedia
contact patch — the area of contact between a tire on an automotive vehicle and the road surface. * * * … Universalium
contact patch — the area of contact between a tire on an automotive vehicle and the road surface … Useful english dictionary