1 timely payment
1) Экономика: своевременный платеж2) Банковское дело: своевременный платёж -
2 timely payment
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > timely payment
3 timely payment
4 make timely payment of principal and interest
Финансы: производить своевременные платежи в счёт погашения основной суммы долга и процентов (англ. оборот взят на сайте Fitch Ratings)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make timely payment of principal and interest
5 payment
n1) погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот
- additional payment
- advance payment
- alimony payment
- allowance payment
- amortization payment
- annual payment
- annuity payment
- anticipated payment
- average payment
- back payment
- balloon payment
- benefit payment
- bi-annual payment
- bilateral payments
- bonus payment
- budgetary payments
- cash payment
- cash down payment
- cash payments in advance
- cashless payment
- cheque payment
- clearing payment
- collection payment
- commercial payments
- commission payment
- compensation payment
- compensatory payment
- compulsory payment
- consignment payments
- contractual payments
- contractual termination payments
- coupon payments
- credit payments
- cross-border payments
- currency payments
- current payments
- cyclic interest payment
- debt service payment
- deductible alimony payment
- deferred payment
- delayed payment
- demurrage payment
- direct payment
- direct bonus payment
- direct financial payment
- dividend payment
- dividend payments on equity issues
- down payment
- due payment
- early bird payment
- easy payments
- electronic payments for goods and services
- encouragement payment
- end-of-year payment
- entitlement payment
- excess payment
- exchange payments
- excise payment
- ex gratia payment
- extended payment
- external payments
- extra payment
- facilitation payments
- final payment
- financial payment
- first payment
- fixed payments
- fixed-rate payment
- foreign payment
- franked payments
- freight payment
- full payment
- golden parachute payment
- guarantee payment
- guaranteed payment
- hire payments from leasing of movable property
- housing and communal utilities payments
- immediate payment
- incentive payment
- inclusive payment
- incoming payments
- initial payment
- installment payment
- insufficient payment
- insurance payment
- interest payment
- interim payment
- intermediate payment
- internal payments
- international payments
- irregular payments
- job work payment
- late payment
- lease payment
- licence fee payment
- lump-sum payment
- minimum payment
- monetary payment
- monthly payment
- multilateral payments
- mutual payments
- net payment
- noncash payment
- noncommercial payment
- nontax payment
- obligatory payment
- one-off payment
- one-time payment
- onward payment
- other payments
- outstanding payment
- overdue payment
- overtime payment
- paperless payment
- partial payment
- past due payment
- patent licence payments
- payroll payment
- pension payment
- periodical payments
- preferential payment
- premium payment
- pressing payment
- previous payment
- principal payment
- progress payments
- prolonged payment
- prompt payment
- proportionate payments
- public welfare payments
- punctual payment
- quarter payment
- quarterly payment
- recovering payment
- redundancy payment
- rental payment
- requited payment
- royalty payment
- semi-annual payment
- seniority benefits payment
- separation payment
- settlement payments
- severance payment
- short payment
- sight payment
- single payment
- sinking fund payment
- social payments
- social security payments
- stop payment
- stopped payment
- subsequent payment
- subsidy payment
- successive payments
- sundry payments
- superannuation payments
- supplementary payment
- tax payment
- taxable payments
- terminal payment
- threshold payment
- time payment
- timely payment
- token payment
- transfer payments
- unpaid payment
- unreimbursed payment
- up-front payment
- wage payment
- warranty payment
- weekly payment
- welfare payment
- wrongful payments
- yearly payment
- payment after delivery
- payment against a bank guarantee
- payment against delivery of documents
- payment against dock receipt
- payment against documents
- payment against drafts
- payment against an invoice
- payment against a L/C
- payment against indebtedness
- payment against payment documents
- payment against presentation of documents
- payment against shipping documents
- payment against statement
- payment ahead of schedule
- payment ahead of time
- payment as per tariff
- payment at destination
- payment at sight
- payment before delivery
- payment by acceptance
- payment by cable transfers
- payment by cash
- payment in cash
- payment by cheque
- payment by deliveries of products
- payment by drafts
- payment by the hour
- payment in installments
- payment by installments
- payment by the job
- payment by a L/C
- payment by money transfers
- payment by the piece
- payment by postal transfers
- payment by remittance
- payment by results
- payment by the time
- payment by transfers
- payment for auditing services
- payment for breakage
- payment for carriage of goods
- payment for collection
- payments for credits
- payment for deliveries
- payment for documents
- payment for goods
- payment for honour
- payment for services
- payment for shipments
- payment for technical documentation
- payment forward
- payment for work
- payment from abroad
- payment in advance
- payment in and out of the current account
- payment in anticipation
- payment in arrears
- payment in cash
- payment in clearing currency
- payment in dollars
- payment in due course
- payment in favour of smb
- payment in foreign currency
- payment in full
- payment in gold
- payment in kind
- payment in lieu of vacation
- payment in local currency
- payment in national currency
- payment in part
- payments in settlement
- payment in specie
- payment into an account
- payment into the bank
- payment in total
- payment of an account
- payment of an advance
- payment of an amount
- payment of arrears
- payment of arrears of interest
- payment of an award
- payment of the balance
- payment of a bill
- payment of a bonus
- payment of charges
- payment of charter hire
- payment of a cheque
- payment of claims
- payment of a collection
- payment of a commission
- payment of compensation
- payment of costs
- payment of coupon yield
- payment of customs duties
- payment of damages
- payment of a debt
- payment of demurrage
- payment of a deposit
- payment of dismissal wage
- payment of dispatch
- payment of dividends
- payment of a draft
- payment of dues
- payment of a duty
- payment of expenses
- payment of fees
- payment of a fine
- payment of freight
- payment of gains obtained
- payment of a guarantee sum
- payment of hospital expenses
- payment of an indemnity
- payment of the initial fee
- payment of insurance indemnity
- payment of insurance premium
- payment of interest
- payment of interest on coupons
- payment of interest on deposits
- payment of an invoice
- payment of a margin
- payment of medical expenses
- payment of money
- payment of a note
- payment of past-due interest
- payment of the penalty
- payment of a premium
- payment of principal
- payment of principal and interest
- payment of profits
- payment of property taxes
- payment of remuneration
- payment of restitution
- payment of retention money
- payment of royalty
- payment of salary
- payment of a sum
- payment of taxes
- payment of transportation charges
- payment of unemployment benefits
- payment of wages
- payment on account
- payment on cheque
- payment on a clearing basis
- payment on a collection basis
- payment on a deferred basis
- payment on delivery
- payment on demand
- payment on dividends
- payment on due date
- payment on an invoice
- payment on mortgages
- payment on an open account
- payment on open account billing
- payments on orders
- payment on presentation
- payment on request
- payment on the spot
- payment supra protest
- payment through a bank
- payment through clearing
- payment to the state budget
- payments under a contract
- payments under loans
- failing payment
- in payment
- payment received
- accelerate payment
- accept as payment
- adjust payments
- anticipate payment
- apply for payment
- approve payment
- arrange payment
- authorize payment
- be behind with one's payments
- cease payments
- claim payment
- collect payment
- complete payments
- default on mortgage payments
- defer payment
- delay payment
- demand payment
- do payment
- effect payment
- enforce payment
- exempt from payment
- expedite payment
- fix payment
- forgo payment of a dividend
- forward payment
- fulfil payment
- guarantee payment
- hold up payment
- impose payment
- make payment
- make a cash payment
- miss interest and dividend payments
- negotiate payment of fees
- outlaw payment of bribes
- pass for payment
- postpone payment
- present for payment
- press for payment
- process payment
- prolong payment
- put off payment
- receive payment
- refuse payment
- release from payment
- remit payment
- request payment
- require payment
- reschedule pledged payments
- restructure payments
- resume payments
- secure payment
- settle payments
- speed up payment
- spread payments
- stop payments
- stretch out payments
- suspend payments
- transact payment
- transfer payment
- waive dividend payments
- withhold paymentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > payment
6 payment
1) платеж, плата, уплата, оплата; погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот•- make payments "by the first run"There are various internet projects to provide B2B payments without bank intermediation. — Существуют различные проекты использования интернета для осуществления межфирменных платежей без посредничества банков.
7 default
1. сущ.1)а) эк., юр. невыполнение обязательств (напр., по контракту)See:б) фин. дефолт, отказ от уплаты долга ( отказ от выполнения финансовых обязательств в связи с отсутствием средств)Companies use debt restructuring in order to avoid default on the existing debt or to take advantage of an interest-rate decrease. — Компании используют реструктуризацию долгов, чтобы избежать дефолта или получить преимущество от уменьшения процентных ставок.
See:bankruptcy 1), cross-default provision, credit default swap, default interest, default risk, debt bomb, delinquency 3)в) юр. неявка в судSee:2) пол. отказ от участия в предвыборной борьбе [отсутствие\] альтернативных кандидатовHe was elected by default. — Его выбрали ввиду отсутствия [отказа от участия в выборах\] других кандидатов.
See:2. гл.1)а) эк., юр. не выполнять обязательств (по контракту и т. д.)See:б) фин. отказываться от уплаты долга, не выплачивать долгThe company defaulted on the loan and the investors lost $4 million. — Компания не выполнила обязательств по займу и инвесторы потеряли 4 млн долл.
See:в) юр. не являться по вызову [уклоняться от явки\] в суд2)а) спорт. выходить из состязания, прекращать борьбуб) спорт. исключить из состязания (игрока, команду)в) пол. выходить из предвыборной гонкиSee:3) комп. принимать значения по умолчанию
* * *
1) невыполнение денежных обязательств, неплатеж; отказ от уплаты долга; невыполнение условий кредитного соглашения или рыночной сделки, т. е. неспособность выплатить в срок проценты или погасить кредит, непоставка ценных бумаг или товара; 2) неявка в суд.* * *Дефолт, неисправность (должника); неисполнение обязанностей; неисполнение обязательств; неплатеж; неуплата; нарушение обязательств по договору; установленный/заданный по умолчанию. Неспособность производить своевременные процентные и основные выплаты по долговым обязательствам, т.е., иными словами, неспособность выполнять условия договора о выпуске облигационного займа . The failure of a debtor to comply with a provision of a bond indenture or loan agreement (commonly known as a technical default) or to make timely payment of interest or principal when due. Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валютаневыполнение условий кредитного соглашения или рыночной сделки; неспособность выплатить проценты или погасить кредит-----невыполнение договора (обязанностей, обязательств) -
8 платёж
paymentм. бухг., торг. paying, payment, defrayal;
авансовый ~ advanced payment;
акцептный ~ payment by acceptance;
безналичный ~ payment on a clearing basis;
дополнительный ~ extra/additional payment;
единовременный ~ lumpsum payment;
лицензионный ~ royalty;
наличный ~ cash payment;
наложенный ~ payment forward;
немедленный ~ prompt/immediate payment;
неналоговый ~ non-tax payment;
неторговый ~ non-commercial payment;
отсроченный ~ delayed/deffered payment;
очередной ~ next payment;
первоначальный ~ initial payment;
просроченный ~ back/late/overdue payment;
разовый ~ single payment;
рентный ~ rental payment;
своевременный ~ timely/prompt payment;
страховой ~ insurance payment;
частичный ~ partial payment;
в счёт платежа on account of payment;
гарантия платежа security of payment;
порядок платежа procedure of payment;
приостановка платежа stoppage/stopping/suspension of payment;
свидетельство платежа voucher for payment;
средство платежа instrument of payment, medium of payment;
срок платежа term of payment;
взыскивать ~ enforce payment;
отсрочить ~ postpone payment;
приостановить ~ stop payment;
ускорить ~ accelerate/speed up payment;
~ в счёт кредита payment from credit;
~ в рассрочку payment by instalments;
~ в форме инкассо payment on a collection basis;
~ наличными payment by/in cash, cash payment, down payment;
~ по аккредитиву payment by letter of credit;
~ по открытому счёту payment on an open account;
~ траттами payment by drafts;
~ чеком payment by cheque;
долг платежом красен посл. е one good turn deserves another. -
9 prompt
1. n подсказка; напоминание2. n ком. день платежа; срок платежа; день сдачи товара и производства платежаprompt payment — немедленный платеж; своевременная уплата
3. a быстрый, проворный, исполнительный4. a немедленный; безотлагательный5. a ком. срочный, промптовый, немедленный6. adv разг. быстро7. adv разг. точно, ровно8. v побуждать; толкать9. v подсказывать; напоминать10. v внушать; возбуждатьa feeling prompted by hatred — чувство, внушённое ненавистью
11. v театр. суфлироватьСинонимический ряд:1. quick (adj.) apt; quick; ready2. timely (adj.) direct; early; immediate; instant; precise; punctual; rapid; timely3. cue (noun) cue; hint; spur4. hint (verb) advise; aid; assist; help; hint; propose; remind; suggest5. incite (verb) arouse; cause; excite; goad; incite; inspire; provoke; stimulate; stir6. induce (verb) argue into; bring around; convince; draw; draw in; draw on; get; induce; oversway; persuade; prevail on; prevail upon; procure; talk into; win over7. push (verb) admonish; compel; drive; force along; impel; push; shove8. spur (verb) bring on; precipitate; spur9. urge (verb) egg on; exhort; press; prick; prod; propel; sic; urgeАнтонимический ряд:delayed; discourage; late -
10 punctual
1. a пунктуальный, точный2. a мат. точечный3. a регулярный, методичныйСинонимический ряд:1. careful (adj.) careful; conscientious; conscionable; exact; fussy; heedful; meticulous; painstaking; punctilious; scrupulous2. constant (adj.) constant; dependable; regular3. timely (adj.) direct; expeditious; immediate; instant; precise; prompt; quick; rapid; seasonable; timely; well-timedАнтонимический ряд:inconstant; irregular; tardy; unreliable; variable -
11 delivery
n1) доставка2) поставка; сдача; выдача; передача
- above-plan delivery
- accomplished delivery
- actual delivery
- additional delivery
- airfreight delivery
- anticipated delivery
- bad delivery
- bulk delivery
- cargo delivery
- cash delivery
- compensation deliveries
- complete delivery
- continued delivery
- contractual deliveries
- cooperated deliveries
- cooperation deliveries
- cooperative deliveries
- counter deliveries
- credit deliveries
- deficient delivery
- delayed delivery
- direct delivery
- distant delivery
- door-to-door cargo delivery
- doorstep delivery
- early delivery
- estimated delivery
- excess delivery
- expected delivery
- expedited delivery
- expedicious delivery
- export delivery
- express delivery
- fast delivery
- final delivery
- first delivery
- forward delivery
- free delivery
- free home delivery
- free-of-charge delivery
- fresh deliveries
- full delivery
- future delivery
- good delivery
- goods delivery
- home delivery
- immediate delivery
- incomplete delivery
- incorrect delivery
- instantaneous delivery
- lagged delivery
- late delivery
- legal delivery
- local delivery
- mail delivery
- monthly delivery
- mutual deliveries
- obligatory deliveries
- overdue delivery
- overside delivery
- packaged delivery
- part delivery
- partial delivery
- pool delivery
- postal delivery
- projected delivery
- prior delivery
- precise delivery
- prompt delivery
- punctual delivery
- quarterly deliveries
- quick delivery
- ready delivery
- reciprocal deliveries
- recorded delivery
- regular deliveries
- regular way delivery
- repeated deliveries
- return deliveries
- safe delivery
- sales delivery
- scheduled deliveries
- short delivery
- slow delivery
- spaced deliveries
- special delivery
- spot delivery
- state deliveries
- subsequent deliveries
- timely delivery
- trial delivery
- truck delivery
- delivery against acceptance
- delivery against a letter of commitment
- delivery against payment
- delivery against trust receipt
- delivery ahead of schedule
- delivery by consignments
- delivery by installments
- delivery by lots
- delivery by road
- delivery by waggon
- delivery in advance
- delivery in the agreed assortment
- delivery in equal lots
- delivery of additional goods
- delivery of the balance of goods
- delivery of cargo
- delivery of documents
- delivery of equipment
- delivery of goods
- delivery of information
- delivery of materials
- delivery of a patent
- delivery of wrong goods
- delivery on call
- delivery on commission
- delivery on consignment
- delivery on credit
- delivery on demand
- delivery on request
- delivery to destination
- deliveries under a contract
- against delivery
- cash on delivery
- payable on delivery
- ready for delivery
- accelerate delivery
- accept delivery
- arrange for delivery
- begin delivery
- cancel delivery
- collect on delivery
- commence delivery
- complete delivery
- conclude delivery
- continue deliveries
- coordinate deliveries
- delay delivery
- discontinue deliveries
- effect delivery
- ensure delivery
- estimate delivery
- expedite delivery
- fulfil deliveries
- guarantee deliveries
- hold up deliveries
- insure delivery
- maintain deliveries
- make delivery
- meet delivery
- offer delivery
- pay for delivery
- postpone delivery
- proceed with delivery
- put off delivery
- receive delivery
- refuse to take delivery
- require delivery
- resume deliveries
- schedule deliveries
- sell for future delivery
- sell for spot delivery
- send collect on delivery
- speed up delivery
- start deliveries
- stop deliveries
- suspend delivery
- take deliveryEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > delivery
12 notice
nизвещение, уведомление; предупреждение; объявление; заявление (об увольнении с работы); мор. нотис
- adequate notice
- advance notice
- allocation notice
- allotment notice
- arrears notice
- arrival notice
- assignment notice
- bankruptcy notice
- cancellation notice
- captain's notice
- copyright notice
- default notice
- delivery notice
- due notice
- dunning notice
- enforcement notice
- exercise notice
- expiry notice
- exporters' notice
- fax notice
- formal notice
- forwarding agent's notice
- general procurement notice
- immediate notice
- lapse notice
- legal notice
- margin notice
- modification notice
- monthly notice
- official listing notice
- patent notice
- preliminary notice
- previous notice
- prior notice
- procurement notice
- prompt notice
- redemption notice
- renewal notice
- shipping notice
- short notice
- sinking-fund notice
- statement notice
- statutory notice
- strike notice
- tax assessment notice
- timely notice
- two weeks' notice
- urgent notice
- withdrawal notice
- written notice
- notice about an auction
- notice by fax
- notice by mail
- notice by post
- notice in writing
- notice of accident
- notice of appeal
- notice of appropriation
- notice of arbitration
- notice of arrival
- notice of assessment
- notice of cancellation of a contract
- notice of claim
- notice of consignment
- notice of credit
- notice of damage
- notice of defects
- notice of deficiency
- notice of delivery
- notice of dishonour
- notice of dismissal
- notice of expected arrival
- notice of exportation
- notice of filing an application
- notice of fixture
- notice of funds
- notice of intention
- notice of intention to withdraw
- notice of invalidation
- notice of invitation to tender
- notice of legal extinction
- notice of legal invalidation
- notice of legal nullification
- notice of losses
- notice of nullification
- notice of motion
- notice of prepayment
- notice of protest
- notice of readiness
- notice of the readiness of the equipment for tests
- notice of the readiness of the goods for shipment
- notice of the readiness to discharge
- notice of the readiness to load
- notice of the readiness to unload
- notice of redemption
- notice of rejection
- notice of removal
- notice of resignation
- notice of suspension of payment
- notice of termination
- notice of termination of an agreement
- notice of termination of employment
- notice of termination of service
- notice of a vessel's arrival
- notice of withdrawal
- notice of withdrawal of bonds
- notice of withdrawal of funds
- notice to quit
- at a month's notice
- at short notice
- in lieu of notice
- subject to notice
- until further notice
- without notice
- without further notice
- file a notice of opposition
- forward a notice
- give notice
- give in one's notice
- post a notice
- put up a notice
- receive a notice
- send a notice
- serve notice
- take noticeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > notice
13 return
1. n1) возвращение2) возврат; возмещение3) оборот (средств)4) доход; прибыль; выручка; поступление5) отчет; налоговая декларация; ведомость6) pl возвращенный товар; возвращенные чеки, векселя
- above average returns
- after-tax return
- amended return
- annual returns
- appreciable return
- average returns
- bank return
- Bank of England Return
- broker's return
- budgeted return
- consolidated tax return
- current return
- daily returns
- daily sales returns
- decreasing returns
- delinquent return
- differential returns
- diminished return
- diminishing returns
- dwindling return
- estimated return
- expected return
- fair return
- field warranty return
- financial returns
- fixed return
- floor return
- gross return
- high return on equities
- income tax return
- increasing returns
- interest return
- interim return
- investment return
- joint tax return
- marginal return
- mean return
- merchandise return
- monthly returns
- net return
- official return
- partial return
- poor returns
- portfolio return
- profit return
- purchase returns
- quarterly sales return
- quick return
- sales return
- subsequent return
- tax return
- timely filed return
- total return
- trade returns
- weekly return
- yearly returns
- return of an advance
- return of an amount overpaid
- return of an arbitration fee
- return of cargo
- return of charges
- return of commission
- return of commodity
- return of a consignment
- return of contribution
- return of a debt
- return of deposit
- return of documents
- return of a drawback
- return of duties
- return of empties
- return of empty pallets
- return of an excess amount
- return of expenses
- return of goods
- return of payment
- return of a premium
- return of production expenses
- return of products
- return of rejected goods
- return of security
- return of shipment
- return of a sum
- return on assets
- return on bonds
- return on capital
- return on capital employed
- return on common equity
- return on current assets
- return on equity
- return on equities
- return on fixed assets
- return on invested capital
- return on investments
- return on permanent capital
- return on sales
- return on shareholders' equity
- return on total assets
- return to convertibility
- return to cooperation
- returns to scale
- by return of mail
- by return of post
- in return for shares
- bring a return
- bring in a quick return
- file a return
- generate annualized returns
- leverage up return on equity
- make false returns
- repatriate returns
- show good returns
- yield a return2. v1) возвращать, возмещать2) приносить (доход)3) давать отчет3. adjEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > return
14 delivery
1. n доставка; разноскаdelivery aircraft — самолёт-носитель, авиационный носитель
2. n поставка; передача3. n сдача, выдача; капитуляцияstop delivery — приостановить сдачу; приостановить доставку
forward delivery future delivery — будущая сдача; поставка
delay in delivery — задержка в доставке; задержка в сдаче
4. n юр. формальная передача; ввод во владениеlegal delivery — действие, признаваемое передачей
5. n произнесение6. n манера говорить; дикция7. n театр. манера исполнения8. n нанесение удара9. n спорт. бросок, метание; подачаdelivery hose — подающий шланг, шланг для подачи
10. n роды11. n тех. подача, питаниеdelivery volume — объем подачи; производительность
line delivery — перемещение строки, подача строки
12. n тех. выдача13. n тех. книжн. освобождение, избавление14. n тех. нагнетание15. n тех. производительность16. n тех. редк. выработка; производительностьfor delivery — за наличные, за наличный расчёт
Синонимический ряд:1. articulation (noun) articulation; inflection; intonation; modulation2. baseball (noun) arm; ball; baseball; control; game; hurling; performance; tossing3. bringing forth a baby (noun) accouchement; bearing; birth; bringing forth a baby; caesarian section; childbearing; childbirth; confinement; labor; labour; obstetrics; parturition; travail4. bringing merchandise (noun) bringing merchandise; carting; conveyance; freighting; parcel post; shipment; special delivery; U.P.S.5. consignment (noun) consignment; dispatch; surrender; transfer; transmission6. setting free (noun) deliverance; emancipation; freeing; liberation; pardon; release; rescue; salvage; salvation; setting free7. speech (noun) diction; elocution; eloquence; emphasis; enunciation; pronunciation; rendition; speechАнтонимический ряд:abortion; incarceration; retention -
15 presentation
1. n преподнесение2. n изложение, преподнесение, описание; подача3. n предъявлениеpresentation draft — тратта, срочная по предъявлении
4. n представление, показ, постановкаpresentation of number — представление числа; код числа
5. n филос. представление; идея6. n церк. представление кандидата на духовную должность7. n мед. предлежаниеСинонимический ряд:1. bestowal (noun) accordance; advance; bestowal; conference; conferment; conferral; delivery; giving; granting; imparting; offering; overture2. exhibition (noun) demonstration; display; exhibition; exposition; opening; performance; show; spectacle; unveiling3. gift (noun) award; benefaction; contribution; donation; gift; grant; gratuity; present; remembrance
См. также в других словарях:
timely — I. adverb Date: before 12th century 1. archaic early, soon 2. in time ; opportunely < the question was not…timely raised in the state court W. O. Douglas > II. adjective (timelier; est … New Collegiate Dictionary
earnest payment — index pledge (security) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 earnest payment … Law dictionary
facilitating payment — A minor payment made to an individual or organization in order to encourage the correct and timely performance of duties. The term facilitating payment (or expediting payment) is associated with the *Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which… … Auditor's dictionary
Fitch — USA Fitch Ratings, a subsidiary of Fimalac SA (a French international business support services group), is a rating agency that ranks the credit worthiness of borrowers by rating their debt or other securities using a standardized ratings scale.… … Law dictionary
Fitch Ratings — USA Fitch Ratings, a subsidiary of Fimalac SA (a French international business support services group), is a rating agency that ranks the credit worthiness of borrowers by rating their debt or other securities using a standardized ratings scale.… … Law dictionary
Commercial mortgage — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
Regulation AB — was introduced in 2004 by the Securities and Exchanges Commission to regulate registration, offering and reporting of public deals of Asset Backed Securities Background Regulation AB is a comprehensive set of new rules and amendments that address … Wikipedia
Person-to-person lending — (also known as peer to peer lending, peer to peer investing, and social lending; abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is a certain breed of financial transaction (primarily lending and borrowing, though other more complicated transactions can… … Wikipedia
Government National Mortgage Association — ( GNMA) A government owned corporation that is part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. GNMA provides its guarantee, backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government, to certain mortgage related securities … Financial and business terms
Bond insurance — (also known as financial guaranty insurance ) is a type of insurance whereby an insurance company guarantees scheduled payments of interest and principal on a bond or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond or… … Wikipedia
Force majeure — (French for superior force ) is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as war, strike, riot, crime, act of … Wikipedia