1 timber floor of bridge
Строительство: настил моста из деревянных балок и досокУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > timber floor of bridge
2 timber floor of bridge
настил моста, из деревянных балок и досок -
3 floor
1) пол; перекрытие; настил2) этаж4) проезжая часть моста; мостовой настил; ездовое полотно ( автодорожного моста); мостовое полотно ( железнодорожного моста)5) грунт; почва6) основание, подстилающий слой, дно ( реки)7) днище ( камеры шлюзового дока)8) площадка; участок; отделение•floor with precast beams placed close together — перекрытие из уложенных рядом сборных ( железобетонных) балок
- floor of lock - apparatus floor - arched floor - armoured concrete floor - asphalt mastic floor - attic floor - basement floor - battle-deck floor - beam floor - beam and girder floor - beamless floor - blind floor - bridge floor - bridging floor - cellular floor - cement floor - cement-wood floor - clay floor - clinker floor - composite floor - composition floor - concrete floor - continuous floor - counter floor - dead floor - double floor - downstream floor - drying floor - earth floor - false floor - filler-joist floor - finished floor - fire-resistive floor - first floor - flat-plate floor - flatslab floor - floating floor - floating wood floor - framed floor - free floor of bridge - garret floor - girderless floor - grating floor - ground floor - gypsum floor - heated floor - heat-insulated floor - heavy-duty floor - jointless floor - matched floor - metal-deck floor - mushroom floor - noise floor - open floor - open bridge floor - overall floor - pan floor - parquet floor - pivoting floor - plank floor - precast concrete floor - raised floor - reinforced concrete floor - rib floor - seamless floor - self-levelling floor - sheet floor - single-floor - slab floor - slab and girder floor - slippery floor - sloping floor - slotted floor - solid floor - solid bridge floor - suspended floor - tile floor - timber floor - timber floor of bridge - tongue floor - troweled floor - upper floor - upstream floor - wearing floorfloor without joint — бесшовный пол, монолитный пол
* * *1. пол2. перекрытие3. этаж- floor of hollow construction
- acceptable floor
- Ackerman ribbed floor
- apparatus floor
- attic floor
- basement floor
- beam floor
- beam-and-block floor
- beam-and-girder floor
- beam-and-slab floor
- beamless floor
- bedroom floor
- bridging floor
- ceiling floor
- cellular-steel floor
- cement-wood floor
- clinker floor
- composite concrete-steel deck floor
- composite floor
- composition floor
- concrete floor on grade
- concrete-arch floor
- concrete pan floor
- counter floor
- double-joisted floor
- double floor
- false floor
- filler-joist floor
- finished floor
- finish floor
- fire-resisting floor
- first floor
- flatslab floor
- floating floor
- framed floor
- ground floor
- heavily loaded floor
- heavy duty floor
- hollow block floor
- industrial floor
- jointless floor
- joisted floor
- kitchen floor
- mushroom floor
- nonslip floor
- Omnia concrete floor
- Omnia floor
- one-way floor
- open floor
- open timber floor
- open-web joist floor
- pan floor
- parquet floor
- post-tensioned floor
- pot floor
- precast beam-and-filler floor
- precast concrete floor
- production floor
- raised floor
- ribbed floor
- rough floor
- second floor
- self-leveling floor
- shallow floor
- single floor
- site-precast floor
- skip joist system floor
- slab floor
- slab and beam floor
- slab-on-grade floor
- slippery floor
- slip-resistant floor
- slotted floor
- solid floor
- solid panel floor
- sparkproof floor
- squeak-free floor
- steel grating floor
- steel grid floor
- sub floor
- superflat floor
- suspended floor
- timber floor
- top floor
- troweled floor
- typical floor
- upper floors
- upstream floor
- vacuum-treated concrete floor
- waffle-slab floor -
4 floor
1) пол
2) днище кузова
3) настил
4) паркетострогальный
5) флор
6) циклевочный
7) дно
8) напольный
9) этаж
– abyssal floor
– ash floor
– bridge floor
– drop of floor
– first floor
– floor boarding
– floor dresser
– floor elevation
– floor floorpan
– floor grinder
– floor guide
– floor jib
– floor lamp
– floor malting
– floor molding
– floor of a crater
– floor of working
– floor plan
– floor plate
– floor polish
– floor prices
– floor projection
– floor push
– floor tile
– floor timber
– girder floor
– girderless floor
– ground floor
– operating floor
– second floor
– service floor
– sill floor
– sorting floor
– upper floor
– waster floor
5 arch
1) арка2) аркада3) свод ( в сыпучем материале)4) перекрывать сводом, аркой6) изгибаться•- arch in trellis work - arch without articulation - arch of vault - acute arch - askew arch - axed arch - back arch - barrel arch - basket-handled arch - blank arch - blind arch - bonded arch - boomerang arch - braced arch - brick arch - bridge arch - built-up segmental arch - camber arch - cambered arch - catenary arch - caterpillar logging arch - centre arch - chimney arch - circular arch - composite arch - coved arch - curved arch - cycloidal arch - deck arch - depressed arch - diminished arch - discharging arch - double-hinged arch - drop arch - dumb arch - Dutch arch - elliptic arch - elliptical arch - end arch - equilateral arch - equilateral pointed arch - face arch - false arch - fantail arch - five-centred arch - fixed arch - flxed end arch - flat arch - flattened arch - flexible arch - floor pressure arch - floor arch - flying buttress arch - four-centred arch - French arch - full-centred arch - gauged arch - glued laminated timber arch - Gothic arch - groined arch - high-crowned arch - hinged arch - hingeless arch - horseshoe arch - imperfect arch - interlacing arches - interrupted arch - inverted arch - jack arch - laminated timber arch - lancet arch - low angle arch - masonry arch - Melan arch - Moorish arch - mosque arch - multifoil arch - multiple arch - oblique arch - ogee arch - one-centred arch - oval arch - parabolic arch - plate arch - pointed arch - precast arch - raised arch - rampant arch - rear arch - recessed arch - relieving arch - reversed arch - ridge-type bearing arch - right arch - rigid arch - rising arch - roof arch - rough arch - round arch - rubble arch - safety arch - saracenic arch - scheme arch - segmental arch - semi arch - semi-circular arch - semi-Gothic arch - shell arch - side arch - single-hinged arch - skew arch - slender arch - soil arch - soldier arch - solid arch - spandrel arch - spandrel-braced arch - spandrel-filled arch - steel arch - steep arch - stilted arch - straight arch - straining arch - superimposed arches - suspended arch - three-centred arch - three-hinged arch - tied arch - transverse arch - trimmer arch - triple articulation arch - triumphal arch - trumpet arch - truss arch - trussed arch - Tudor arch - two-hinged arch - two-pinned arch - umbrella arch - Venetian arch - Venetian pointed arch - voussoir arch - wave arch* * *1. арка; арочная перемычка2. перекрывать аркой или сводом, возводить арки или своды; выгибать, изгибать (дугой); придавать форму арки- accommodation archarch hinged at the abutments — двухшарнирная арка, арка с шарнирными опорами
- acute arch
- annular arch
- Arabic arch
- back arch
- bell arch
- blind arch
- braced arch
- braced-rib arch
- bridge arch
- built-in arch
- cantilever arch
- circular arch
- continuous arch
- crescent rib arch
- crescent type arch
- depressed arch
- discharging arch
- drop arch
- Dutch arch
- edge arch
- elastic arch
- elliptical arch
- equilateral pointed arch
- equilateral arch
- fixed arch
- fixed-end arch
- flat arch
- formwork arch
- four-centered arch
- French arch
- gauged arch
- glued laminated timber arch
- glued laminated arch
- glulam arch
- hingeless arch
- horseshoe arch
- inflected arch
- inverted arch
- jack arch
- keel arch
- laminated arch
- lancet arch
- longitudinal arch
- lop-sided arch
- miter arch
- Moorish arch
- mosque arch
- multifoiled arch
- multifoil arch
- obtuse angle arch
- ogee arch
- ogive arch
- one-centered arch
- one-hinged arch
- one-pinned arch
- one-pin arch
- parabolic arch
- parallel curve rib arch
- plate arch
- pointed arch
- precast arch
- raised arch
- rampant arch
- rear arch
- relieving arch
- rib arch
- rigid arch
- rising arch
- Roman arch
- round arch
- round horseshoe arch
- safety arch
- Saracenic arch
- segmental arch
- semicircular arch
- sickle-shaped arch
- side arch
- single-hinged arch
- skew arch
- soldier arch
- spandrel filled bridge arch
- spandrel filled arch
- steel arch
- steep arch
- straight arch
- three-hinged arch
- three-pointed arch
- through arch
- trefoil arch
- transverse arch
- trussed arch
- Tudor arch
- two-centered arch
- two-hinged arch
- vault arch
- Welsh arch -
6 deck
1) настил; плита настила; платформа; палуба3) мостовое полотно ( железнодорожного моста); ездовое полотно ( автодорожного моста)5) крышка ( резервуара)6) (напорное) перекрытие ( плотины)8) складировать9) покрывать; настилать•- bridge deck - closed deck - concrete deck - dam deck - double decks - flatcar deck - intermediate deck - lifting deck - lower deck - open deck - panel deck - rigid deck - roof deck - saw deck - simple flat-slab deck - steel roof deck - trough-shaped deck - upper deck - upstream deck - water-bearing deck - working deck* * *2. настил; плита настила3. платформа; рабочая площадка4. опорная плита5. донная плита6. плоская крыша7. первый этаж- air deck
- bottom deck
- cast-in-place concrete deck
- cathodically protected bridge deck
- cold deck
- concrete deck
- concrete filled steel grid deck
- concrete spine beam bridge deck
- curved deck
- dam deck
- floor deck
- glulam timber deck
- hot deck
- jointless bridge deck
- lower deck
- precast bridge deck
- prestressed timber bridge deck
- rigid deck
- roof deck
- spillway deck
- spray deck
- steel plate deck
- steel roof deck
- stressed-skin roof deck
- timber-concrete-composite deck
- timber stringers and laminated deck
- upper deck
- water-bearing deck
- wetted deck
- working deck -
7 construction
1. строительство, постройка, возведение2. конструкция; конструктивная система; сооружение3. схема устройства4. построениеconstruction of formwork — опалубочные работы, возведение опалубки
acoustic construction — строительство с соблюдением установленных требований в отношении звукоизоляции
arched construction — арочная конструкция; здание с арочным или сводчатым перекрытием
balloon frame construction — деревянный каркас с балками, опирающимися на бобышки
beam-and-column construction — балочно-стоечная конструкция, балочно-стоечный каркас
beam-and-girder construction — балочная конструкция, балочная клетка, система перекрёстных балок
bolted construction — болтовая конструкция, конструкция с болтовыми соединениями
bridge construction fully supported on staging — бетонирование пролётного строения на сплошных подмостях
building construction — жилищное строительство, строительство жилых и общественных зданий
5. строительство из монолитного бетона6. конструкция из монолитного бетона, монолитная конструкция7. сборно-монолитная бетонная конструкция8. строительство из сборно-монолитного бетона9. конструкция из стальных холодногнутых профилей10. возведение сооружений из стальных холодногнутых профилей11. строительство в холодное время года12. строительство в районах Крайнего Севера13. комбинированная конструкцияtype of construction — тип конструкции; вид конструкции
14. сталежелезобетонная конструкцияconstruction type — тип конструкции; вид конструкции
15. сборно-монолитная железобетонная конструкция16. бетонная конструкция17. бетонные работы18. строительство из кирпича19. кирпичные конструкцииexternal construction exposed to the weather — наружная конструкция, подверженная воздействию погодных факторов
filler-joist construction — конструкция перекрытия или покрытия, состоящая из стальных балок с заполнением из керамических или бетонных блоков
20. устройство полов21. конструкция пола22. конструкция перекрытияframe construction — рамная конструкция; каркасная деревянная конструкция
23. высотная конструкция24. строительство высотных домов25. конструкция заводского изготовления26. сборное строительство с использованием элементов заводского изготовленияin-situ reinforced concrete construction — монолитная железобетонная конструкция; строительство монолитных железобетонных конструкций
large panel construction — крупнопанельное строительство; изготовление крупных железобетонных панелей
large precast concrete panel construction — строительство с применением крупных железобетонных панелей
27. строительство из лёгких конструкций28. лёгкая конструкция29. сборное строительство из объёмных блоковconstruction unit — блок; модуль; узел
30. сооружение, монтируемое из пространственных блоковmultistage construction — поэтапное строительство, строительство в несколько очередей
31. панельная конструкция32. поэтапное строительство по совмещённому графику33. строительство асфальтобетонных покрытий дорог и улиц методом последовательного наложения по графику конструктивных слоёв на участках большой протяжённостиpost-and-lintel construction — балочно-стоечная конструкция; балочно-стоечный каркас
34. сборное строительство35. сборная конструкцияsteel construction — стальная конструкция, металлоконструкция
36. сборная железобетонная панельная конструкции37. панельное строительствоpre-post-tensioned construction — сборная или сборно-монолитная железобетонная конструкция, преднапряжённые элементы которой дополнительно стягиваются напрягаемой арматурой после возведения
pretensioned construction — предварительно напряжённая железобетонная конструкция с натяжением арматуры на упоры
protected construction — конструкция, заданный предел огнестойкости всех несущих элементов которой обеспечен соответствующими мерами защиты
38. железобетонная конструкция39. строительство из железобетона40. дорожное строительство41. дорожная одежда42. рубленый дом; сруб43. строительство бревенчатых стенsegmental span-by-span construction — попролётное навесное бетонирование секциями в передвижном агрегате
44. стальная конструкцияmodular construction — модульная конструкция; модульная структура
45. возведение стальных конструкцийstressed-skin construction — пространственная стержневая конструкция с напряжённой ограждающей оболочкой
46. строительство башенных сооружений47. башенная конструкцияunbonded posttension construction — преднапряжённая конструкция без сцепления напрягаемой арматуры с бетоном
wet construction — строительство с применением «мокрых» процессов
48. деревянная конструкция49. строительство из дерева -
8 deck
- deck
- n
2. настил; плита настила
3. платформа; рабочая площадка
4. опорная плита
5. донная плита
6. плоская крыша
7. первый этаж
- air deck
- bottom deck
- cast-in-place concrete deck
- cathodically protected bridge deck
- cold deck
- concrete deck
- concrete filled steel grid deck
- concrete spine beam bridge deck
- curved deck
- dam deck
- floor deck
- glulam timber deck
- hot deck
- jointless bridge deck
- lower deck
- precast bridge deck
- prestressed timber bridge deck
- rigid deck
- roof deck
- spillway deck
- spray deck
- steel plate deck
- steel roof deck
- stressed-skin roof deck
- timber-concrete-composite deck
- timber stringers and laminated deck
- upper deck
- water-bearing deck
- wetted deck
- working deck
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 construction
- construction
- n1) строительство, постройка, возведение
2) конструкция; конструктивная система; сооружение
3) схема устройства
4) построение (напр. эпюры)
- construction performed by the owner's own forces
- construction to close tolerances
- construction of floor joints
- construction of formwork
- construction of infrastructures
- accelerated construction
- acoustic construction
- adobe construction
- airport construction
- all-steel construction
- alternate bay construction
- alternate lane construction
- arched construction
- arctic construction
- balanced cantilever construction
- balloon frame construction
- beam construction
- beam-and-column construction
- beam-and-girder construction
- bearing construction
- bolted construction
- brick-veneer construction
- bridge construction fully supported on staging
- building construction
- cantilever construction
- capital construction
- carry-over construction
- cast-in-place construction
- cast-in-place and precast construction
- cold-formed steel construction
- cold weather construction
- composite construction
- composite floor construction
- concrete construction
- concrete-masonry construction
- concrete masonry unit construction
- concrete monolithic construction
- continuous deck construction
- cost-effective construction
- cross-wall construction
- discontinuous construction
- engineered brick construction
- engineering constructions
- external construction exposed to the weather
- fast construction
- filler-joist construction
- fireproof construction
- flat slab construction
- floor construction
- folded-plate construction
- force polygon construction
- formed steel construction
- frame construction
- girderless floor construction
- graphical construction
- heavy construction
- high-rise construction
- hung floor construction
- industrialized construction
- in-situ reinforced concrete construction
- large panel construction
- large precast concrete panel construction
- lift-slab construction
- light-gauge steel construction
- light noncombustible constructions
- lightweight construction
- lightweight building construction
- marine construction
- masonry construction
- modular construction
- multiply construction
- multistage construction
- mushroom construction
- noncombustible construction
- one-way joist construction
- open cut construction
- ordinary construction
- panel construction
- particular construction
- planned-stage construction
- post-and-lintel construction
- post-tensioned construction
- precast construction
- precast panel construction
- prefabricated construction
- pre-post-tensioned construction
- pretensioned construction
- protected construction
- public construction
- public works construction
- rammed-earth construction
- rapid construction
- rapid in-situ concrete construction
- reinforced concrete construction
- reinforced concrete-frame construction
- residential construction
- rigid frame construction
- road construction
- round-log construction
- sandwich construction
- sausage construction
- school construction
- segmental span-by-span construction
- semifireproof construction
- simple frame construction
- skeleton construction
- slanting construction
- slipform construction
- slow-burning construction
- sound construction
- stage construction
- stationary form construction
- steel construction
- steel-concrete composite construction
- steel-frame construction
- stressed-skin construction
- structural steel construction
- sturdy construction
- thin-shell concrete construction
- timber construction
- timber framed construction
- top down construction
- tower construction
- tubular metal construction
- tunnel construction
- two-course floor construction
- typical construction
- unbonded posttension construction
- unit construction
- unprotected metal construction
- veneered construction
- water-retaining construction
- wet construction
- wet plaster construction
- wood construction
- wood and timber construction
- wood-frame construction
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 board
2) мн. ч. бордсы ( доски шириной более 200 мм и толщиной менее 50 мм); пиломатериал3) плита, панель; лист5) приборный щит, приборная панель6) мн. ч. сцена; подмостки7) коллегия; правление; совет8) обшивать досками; делать дощатый настил•board nailed to butt ends of timber beams — доска обгонная (доска, пришитая к торцам нескольких параллельных деревянных балок конструкции)
board nailed to rafter end (to support eave) — кобылка (отрезок доски, удлиняющий нижний конец стропильной ноги для расположения на нём свеса крыши или сплошной обрешётки, лежащей на карнизе)
- air-dry board - angle board - anticorrosive board - antitarnish board - asbestos board - backing board - bagasse board - bamboo board - baffle board - barge board - barrier board - Bartrev board - baryta board - beaver board - base board - batter boards - boning board - bridge board - bridging board - building board - cane fibre board - cant board - ceiling board - chimney board - compo board - composite board - control board - cork board - corner-locked board - cull board - D and M boards - dash board - deals boards - draining board - drawing board - dressed board - earth board - eaves board - edging board - elbow board - facing board - fascia board - feather edge board - fibre board - fibre acoustical board - flash board - floor board - frame board - free board - gauge board - glass-fibre board - glued board - guard board - gypsum wall board - half inch board - lear board - lith board - louver boards - louvered boards - match board - mill board - mould board - moulded board - notch board - notice board - partition board - paste board - pit boards - plaster board - poling boards - rough board - saddle back board - sarking boards - scale board - scum board - sign board - sketching board - skirt board - sluice board - smoothing board - snow board - sounding board - spacing board - splash board - spot board - square-edged board - stratum board - strike board - strike-off board - tarred board - thistle boards - valley boards - verge board - vibrating board - wall board - window board - wood-chip board - wood-fibre board - wood particle boardto board up — заколачивать досками (окно, дверь)
* * *1. доска2. плита, панель; лист3. строительный картон4. обшивать досками5. приборный щит, приборная панель; табло- acoustical boardboard and batten — чистовая деревянная обшивка стены с чередованием толстых и тонких досок; наружная дощатая обшивка с нащельниками
- angle board
- asbestos board
- asbestos-cement board
- asbestos-cement wall boards
- backer board
- baffle board
- barge board
- base board
- batter boards
- bevel board
- boning board
- breast board
- bridge board
- building boards
- cant board
- carved board
- composite board
- crawling board
- D and M boards
- distribution board
- draining board
- drain board
- drawing board
- dressed boards
- duck board
- eaves board
- facing board
- fascia board
- fat board
- feather-edged board
- fiber building board
- flake board
- flash board
- flashing board
- floor board
- foil faced sheathing board
- form panel board
- frame board
- gable board
- gang board
- gauging board
- glass fiber board
- glazier's board
- gravel board
- grooved board
- group distribution board
- guard board
- gypsum board
- haunch board
- insulating board
- insulating form board
- insulating plastic foam board
- knee board
- knot-free board
- layer board
- ledger board
- leveling board
- luffer board
- matched boards
- match boards
- mineral wool board
- mixing board
- mold board
- mortar board
- nonstructural board
- notched board
- notch board
- paper board
- particle board
- perforated ceiling board
- planed boards
- plaster board
- poling board
- ridge board
- screed board
- semi-rigid glass fiber board
- sheathing board
- side board
- skirting board
- snow board
- sound absorbing board
- straw board
- string board
- structural board
- structural insulating board
- thermal insulating board
- tongue-and-groove boards
- tread board
- valley board
- verge board
- wall board
- weather board
- window board
- wood chip board
- wood fiber board
- wood particle board -
11 girder
главная балка ( при наличии второстепенных балок); балочная ферма; прогон, ригель; крупная составная балка; ферма с параллельными балясинами- arch girder - arched girder - balcony girder - bow girder - bow and chain girder - bowstring girder - box girder - braced girder - braking force transferring girder - bridge girder - built-up girder - cantilever girder - cellular girder - compound girder - corrugated web girder - crane girder - crane-runway girder - cross girder - elastically supported girder - end girder - fascia girder - fixed girder - floor girder - foundation girder - H-girder - half-lattice girder - half-latticed girder - hinged cantilever girder - lattice girder - latticed girder - launching girder - longitudinal girder - lower wind girder - outrigger girder - overhead crane girder - panel girder - parallel-flange girder - plane girder - prefabricated girder - riveted girder - socle girder - steel girder - stiffening girder - suspension girder - T-iron girder - trapezoid girder - trapezoidal girder - triangular girder - trussed girder - tubular girder - upper wind girder - Vierendeel girder - Warren girder - web girder* * *горизонтальный конструктивный элемент; главная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами; прогон- annular girder
- arched girder
- arch girder
- arched girder with braced spandrels
- arch girder with braced spandrels
- arched girder without horizontal thrust
- arch girder without horizontal thrust
- arched girder with polygonal outlines
- arch girder with polygonal outlines
- balcony girder
- bowstring girder
- box girder
- bridge girder
- cable-stay launching girder
- cantilever girder
- compound girder
- crane girder
- crane bridge girder
- crane runway girder
- cross girder
- curved bridge girder
- diaphragm-stiffened box girder
- double-tee girder
- drop-in girder
- dropped girder
- eaves girder
- edge girder
- elastically supported girder
- gantry girder
- H girder
- half-lattice girder
- haunched girder
- hollow steel box girder
- hybrid girder
- latticed girder
- lattice girder
- launching girder
- open-frame girder
- plain girder
- plate girder
- post-tensioned box girder
- precast prestressed girder
- prefabricated girder
- preflex girder
- prestressed concrete box girder
- ring girder
- segmental box girder
- single-hinged arched girder
- single-hinged arch girder
- solid-web girder
- standard CPC I prestressed bridge girder
- steel arched girder
- steel plate box girder
- stiffening girder
- transfer girder
- tubular girder
- Vierendeel girder
- Warren girder
- welded light girder
- welded plate girder
- welded wire girder
- wind-bracing girder
- wood lattice girder -
12 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция; конструктивная система; строение; здание2) расположение частей; конструкция; устройство3) структура•- airtight structure - alignment structure - all-metal structure - all-veneer structure - all-welded steel structure - angle structure - armocement structure - aseismic structures - avalanche-protection structure - balloon structure - balloon frame structure - basic structure - beam and girder structure - beam and slab structure - beamless plate structure - bearing structure - bearing-wall structure - bedded structure - block structure - box structure - box-like space structure - braced structure - brick structure - brick-veneer structure - bridge structure - building structure - built-up structure - buried structure - cable structures - cable-stayed structures - cage structure - cancelled structure - cast-in-situ structures - cellular structure - classification of structures - coast-protecting structure - community structure - compact structure - compact grain structure - composite structure - concrete structure - concrete-bent structure - concrete gravity structure - concretionary structure - conjugation structure - crest structure - crib structure - cross-wall structure - crystal structure - cubic structure - curved structure - dangerous structure - dead-end structure - deformation of structure - disasterproof structure - double-skin structure - dust-tight structure - earthquakeproof structure - engineering structure - exterior structure - fabricated structure - filler structure - fine structure - fireproof structure - flood-regulating structure - folded plate structure - frame structure - geologic structure - girder structure - girderless structure - glued structure - glued-laminated structure - grade separation structure - grain structure - granular structure - guide structure - hipped-plate structure - historic structure - hollow-wood structure - hydraulic structure - incombustible structure - indeterminate structure - industrial structure - intake structure - jointless structure - ladder structure - lamellar structure - laminated structure - large-panel structures - large-sized block structures - latticed structure - layer-built structure - load-bearing structure - load-carrying structure - lumber core structure - mammoth building structure - masonry structure - mesh structure - metal structure - mixed structure - modular structure - moving-form structure - multi-span structure - non-bearing structure - non-fireproof structure - non-redundant structure - open structure - orbiting structure - pan structure - panelled structure - partially-prestressed composite structure - paste structure - pell-mell structure - permanent structure - plated structure - platform frame structure - porous structure - post and beam structure - post and panel structure - posttensioned structure - pre-assembled member structure - precast structure - precast and cast-in-situ structure - precast concrete structure - precast panel structure - prefabricated structure - prefabricated demountable structures - pre-posttensioned concrete structure - pressurized structure - prestressed structures - pretensioned concrete structures - probabilistic model of structure - protected metal structure - rammed loam structure - redundant structure - reinforced brick structure - reinforced concrete structure - reinforced masonry structure - reliability of structure - residential structures - rigid structure - rigid framed structure - road-mix structure - rumpled structure - sandwich structure - separation structure - shell structure - simple structure - simple in structure - single-grain structure - skeleton structure - slow-burning structure - slow-burning heavy timber structure - soil structure - solid-walled structure - space grid structures - statically determinate structure - statically indeterminate structure - steel structure - steel-frame structure - steel-plate structures - stone structures - stratified structure - supporting structure - suspended structures - temporary structure - thin-shell structure - thin-slab structure - thin-walled structure - tidal-regulating structure - tone structure - tower-base structure - track structure - trussed structure - two-hinged structure - urban spatial structure - veneered structure - vesicular structure - void structure - wall-bearing structure - water-diverting structure - waterfront structure - water purification structure - waterside structure - weight of structure - welded structure - welded steel structure - wood structureto load a structure — нагружать конструкцию, сооружение
* * *1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)2. сооружение, здание3. структура4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкцииstructure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
- above-grade structurestructure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure -
13 depth
1) глубина
2) высота борта
3) глубинный
4) глубокость
5) углубленность
6) энгранаж
– bed depth
– collapse depth
– cutting depth
– definition in depth
– depth clearance
– depth filter
– depth gauge
– depth indicator
– depth of an element
– depth of cut
– depth of drilling
– depth of fading
– depth of fill
– depth of focus
– depth of foundation
– depth of girder
– depth of letter
– depth of mining
– depth of occurrence
– depth of page
– depth of reed
– depth of seeding
– depth of submergence
– depth of thread
– depth of throat
– depth of tooth
– depth of truss
– depth of vault
– depth on sill
– depth recorder
– depth recording
– depth scale
– depth sensor
– depth water
– frost-proof depth
– harness depth
– hoisting depth
– in depth
– modulation depth
– molded depth
– occur at depth
– operating depth
– piston depth
– planting depth
– ploughing depth
– precipitation depth
– sense of depth
– skin depth
– slag depth
– structural depth
– tonnage depth
– web depth
– well depth
– wetted depth
echo depth sounder — <tech.> эхолот
insertable depth pump — <energ.> насос глубинный вставной
14 depth
1) глубина || глубинный2) высота3) толщина; мощность ( пласта)4) насыщенность ( цвета)•in depth — по тощине, вглубь
15 short
1. n краткое содержание; сутьin short — вкратце, короче говоря, одним словом
for short — для краткости, сокращённо
the long and the short of it is … — короче говоря, одним словом
2. n лингв. краткий гласный3. n лингв. краткий слог4. n лингв. знак краткостиshort and — знак союза «и»
for short. — для краткости
5. n разг. короткометражный фильм6. n разг. короткий отрывок, короткое произведениеshort ribs — короткие рёбра; ложные рёбра
short term — короткий срок; краткосрочный
7. n разг. малый рост8. n разг. эл. разг. короткое замыкание9. n разг. воен. недолёт10. n разг. бирж. спекулянты, играющие на понижение11. n разг. крепкий напиток, спиртноеshort snorter — глоток спиртного; выпивка на скорую руку
12. n разг. «стаканчик»13. a низкий, невысокий14. a короткий, краткий, недолгий15. a краткосрочный16. a краткий, сжатый17. a кино короткометражный18. a урезанный; неполныйshort measure — неполная мера, недомер
19. a неполный, примерный20. a некомплектный, неукомплектованный21. a скудный, бедныйshort purse — тощий кошелёк; безденежье
to be on short commons — скудно питаться, недоедать, «поститься»
22. a недостаточный; испытывающий нехваткуto be short of breath — задыхаться, тяжело дышать; запыхаться
23. a неудовлетворительный24. a ком. продающийся без покрытия25. a бирж. разг. играющий на понижение26. adv резко, круто; внезапно, неожиданно27. adv преждевременно, до срокаto cut the course of events short — оборвать ход событий, не дать событиям прийти к их естественному завершению
28. adv короткоin short — короче говоря,
29. adv близко, недалеко, на близком расстоянииa short distance away — недалеко, неподалёку
30. adv не доходя, не достигнув31. adv редк. кратко, сжато; отрывистоСинонимический ряд:1. abruptly (adj.) abruptly; suddenly; unawares2. bluff (adj.) abrupt; bluff; blunt; brusque; crusty; gruff; rough; short-spoken; snippety; snippy3. brief (adj.) breviloquent; brief; compendiary; compendious; concise; condensed; direct; fleeting; hasty; laconic; lean; quick; sententious; short and sweet; succinct; summary; terse4. brittle (adj.) brittle; crisp; crumbly; crunchy; friable5. curt (adj.) curt; impatient; inconsiderate; rude; sharp; short-tempered; testy; thoughtless; unceremonious; uncivil; ungracious6. deficient (adj.) deficient; failing; inadequate; incomplete; insufficient; lacking; meager; scant; scanty; scarce; scrimpy; shy; skimpy; slender; unsufficient; wanting7. dwarfish (adj.) dwarfish; squat; stubby; stunted8. inferior (adj.) below; inferior; substandard; unacceptable9. low-set (adj.) low-set; low-statured10. small (adj.) diminutive; little; low; slight; small; tiny; undersized11. substance (noun) amount; body; burden; core; crux; gist; kernel; matter; meat; nub; nubbin; pith; purport; sense; strength; substance; sum and substance; sum total; thrust; upshot12. spare (verb) scant; skimp; spare; stint13. unawares (other) aback; abruptly; asudden; forthwith; sudden; suddenly; unanticipatedly; unaware; unawaredly; unawares; unexpectedlyАнтонимический ряд:ample; bland; complete; comprehensive; congenial; copious; courteous; deferred; diffuse; distant; endless; exceeding; expanded; extended; large; long; rambling; tall
См. также в других словарях:
bridge — bridge1 bridgeable, adj. bridgeless, adj. bridgelike, adj. /brij/, n., v., bridged, bridging, adj. n. 1. a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like. 2. a connecting, transitional, or intermediate route or… … Universalium
Bridge — This article is about the structure. For other uses, see Bridge (disambiguation). The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan, the world s longest suspension span … Wikipedia
Glued laminated timber — Glulam frame for the roof of a building. Glued laminated timber, also called Glulam, is a type of structural timber product composed of several layers of dimensioned timber bonded together with durable, moisture resistant adhesives. This material … Wikipedia
Coraopolis Bridge — The modern bridge. Official name Neville Island Coraopolis Bridge Carries Grand Avenue (Neville Twp)/Pennsylvania Route 51 (Coraopolis) … Wikipedia
Hares Hill Road Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Silver Bridge Hares Hill Road Bridge over French Creek caption= Looking upstream official name= S.R. 1045 Hares Hill Bridge also know as= Silver Bridge carries= single lane of PA State Route S.R.1045 in Chester County… … Wikipedia
Museum Covered Bridge — Carries Pedestrian Crosses man made pond Locale Shelburne, Vermont … Wikipedia
Cogan House Covered Bridge — Coordinates: 41°23′54″N 77°12′03″W / 41.39833°N 77.20083°W / 41.39833; 77.20083 … Wikipedia
Columbia-Wrightsville Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Columbia Wrightsville Bridge caption= Looking west over the Susquehanna River official name= Veterans Memorial Bridge also know as= carries= 2 lanes of PA 462 crosses= Susquehanna River locale= Wrightsville,… … Wikipedia
Columbia–Wrightsville Bridge — Veterans Memorial Bridge Columbia–Wrightsville Bridge Looking west over the Susquehanna River Official name Veterans Memorial Bridge Carries 2 lanes of … Wikipedia
Washington Crossing Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Washington Crossing Bridge caption= official name= Washington Crossing Toll Supported Bridge carries=2 lanes of PA 532/CR 546 crosses= Delaware River locale= Titusville, New Jersey and Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania … Wikipedia
Floating bridge — Floating Float ing, a. 1. Buoyed upon or in a fluid; a, the floating timbers of a wreck; floating motes in the air. [1913 Webster] 2. Free or lose from the usual attachment; as, the floating ribs in man and some other animals. [1913 Webster] 3.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English