Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 tightly

    [t'aitli] adv 1 justamente. 2 firmemente. 3 rijamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tightly

  • 2 tight

    1. adjective
    1) (fitting very or too closely: I couldn't open the box because the lid was too tight; My trousers are too tight.) apertado
    2) (stretched to a great extent; not loose: He made sure that the ropes were tight.) esticado
    3) ((of control etc) strict and very careful: She keeps (a) tight control over her emotions.) rigoroso
    4) (not allowing much time: We hope to finish this next week but the schedule's a bit tight.) apertado
    2. adverb
    ((also tightly) closely; with no extra room or space: The bags were packed tight / tightly packed.) apertado
    - - tight
    - tighten
    - tightness
    - tights
    - tight-fisted
    - tightrope
    - a tight corner/spot
    - tighten one's belt
    * * *
    [tait] adj 1 firme, compacto, comprimido. 2 esticado, teso. 3 justo, apertado. 4 cerrado, fechado. 5 bêbado. 6 Amer sovina, avarento. • adv firmemente. air tight hermeticamente fechado. a tight corner uma situação difícil. hold tight! agarre firme! it was a tight fit foi por pouco, foi por um triz. tight as a drum/ tight as an owl completamente embriagado, bêbado. to be in a tight corner sl estar em apuros. to run a tight ship controlar uma organização ou grupo eficiente. water tight impermeável à água.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tight

  • 3 tight

    1. adjective
    1) (fitting very or too closely: I couldn't open the box because the lid was too tight; My trousers are too tight.) apertado
    2) (stretched to a great extent; not loose: He made sure that the ropes were tight.) esticado
    3) ((of control etc) strict and very careful: She keeps (a) tight control over her emotions.) rigoroso
    4) (not allowing much time: We hope to finish this next week but the schedule's a bit tight.) apertado
    2. adverb
    ((also tightly) closely; with no extra room or space: The bags were packed tight / tightly packed.) apertadamente
    - - tight
    - tighten - tightness - tights - tight-fisted - tightrope - a tight corner/spot - tighten one's belt

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tight

  • 4 brace

    [breis] 1. noun
    1) (something that draws together and holds tightly: a brace to straighten teeth.) suporte
    2) (a pair usually of game-birds: a brace of pheasants.) par
    2. verb
    (to make (often oneself) firm or steady: He braced himself for the struggle.) fortalecer-se
    - bracing
    * * *
    [breis] n 1 tira, cinto, atadura, braçadeira, junção, grampo. 2 reforço, suporte, esteio. 3 par, casal (de caça pequena). 4 Archit escora, pontalete, espeque. 5 Typogr, Mat chave, colchete. 6 Naut braço. 7 cordas do tambor (para esticar o couro). • vt+vi 1 dar força ou firmeza a, suportar, apoiar, reforçar. 2 fixar, segurar, manter no lugar. 3 colocar braçadeiras, cintas, tiras. 4 esticar, retesar. 5 Naut bracear.
    [breis] n arco de pua.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brace

  • 5 clasp

    1. noun
    (a fastening made of two parts which link together (eg on a necklace).) fecho
    2. verb
    (to grasp, hold tightly: She clasped the money in her hand.) apertar
    * * *
    [kla:sp; klæsp] n 1 gancho, grampo, fecho, colchete, fivela, broche. 2 abraço, amplexo. 3 aperto de mão. • vt 1 enganchar, acolchetar, afivelar. 2 apertar. 3 abraçar. to clasp hands apertar as mãos. to clasp one’s hands juntar as mãos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clasp

  • 6 clench

    [klen ]
    (to close tightly together: He clenched his teeth/fist.) cerrar
    * * *
    [klentʃ] n aperto, ato de agarrar firmemente. • vt 1 juntar firmemente, entreligar, fixar, prender. 2 apertar, agarrar. 3 cerrar (punho). clenched fist punho cerrado. with clenched energy com energia concentrada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clench

  • 7 cling

    past tense, past participle - clung; verb
    ((usually with to) to stick (to); to grip tightly: The mud clung to her shoes; She clung to her husband as he said goodbye; He clings to an impossible hope; The boat clung to (= stayed close to) the coastline.) agarrar-se
    * * *
    [kliŋ] n agarração, ato de pegar. • vi (ps and pp clung) 1 agarrar, pregar, segurar, grudar. 2 apegar-se, ser fiel, aferrar-se a. they cling together / eles são muito ligados, são amigos, são unidos. 3 abraçar. of a clinging disposition ligado, fiel, apegado. of the clinging sort fig sem iniciativa própria, dependente de outrem. she clings to her girl-friends ela gosta das suas amigas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cling

  • 8 close

    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) perto
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) justo
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) íntimo
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) igual
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) minucioso
    4) (tight: a close fit.) apertado
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) abafado
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) avarento
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) calado
    - closeness
    - close call/shave
    - close-set
    - close-up
    - close at hand
    - close on
    - close to
    II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) fechar
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) terminar
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) fechar
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) fim
    - close up
    * * *
    [klouz] n 1 fim, término, conclusão. 2 briga, peleja, luta corpo-a-corpo • vt+vi 1 fechar, encerrar, confinar. 2 tapar, encher. 3 barrar, bloquear, obstruir. 4 cerrar (fileiras). 5 juntar(-se). 6 envolver, cercar. 7 concordar, chegar a um acordo. 8 terminar, completar, concluir, encerrar. 9 cicatrizar, fechar (ferida). 10 trancar, aferrolhar. 11 engalfinhar-se. 12 Naut encostar(-se), perlongar. at the close of day no fim do dia, ao crepúsculo. at the close of the year no fim do ano. he closed his days ele morreu. he closed the door upon every attempt at reconciliation ele tornou impossível qualquer tentativa de reconciliação. he closed the door upon her 1 ele fechou o porta atrás dela. 2 fig expulsou-a. the ship closes the wind o navio vira para o vento. they closed upon him 1 chegaram a um acordo a seu respeito. 2 caíram em cima dele. to close a bargain fechar um negócio. to close an account encerrar uma conta. to close an affair encerrar um assunto. to close a seam rematar uma costura. to close down fechar, encerrar as atividades. the shops closed down / as lojas fecharam suas portas. to close in 1 fechar, cercar. 2 encerrar, irromper, aproximar-se, chegar. the night closed in / chegou a noite. to close off isolar, impedir a passagem. to close on aproximar-se. to close one’s eyes morrer. to close one’s eyes to ignorar, não querer enxergar. he closed his eyes to the problem / ele ignorou o problema, ele não quis enxergar o problema. to close out (vendas) liquidar, queimar. to close round cercar, rodear. to close the ranks cerrar fileiras. to close up 1 fechar, trancar, cerrar. they closed up / cerraram fileiras. 2 cicatrizar. to close with 1 aceder. 2 unir-se a. 3 entrar em luta corporal. to draw to a close chegar ao fim.
    [klous] n 1 espaço fechado, terreno cercado, cercado. 2 cerca, sebe, tapada. 3 beco estreito. 4 the Close recinto de mosteiro ou abadia. • adj 1 junto, próximo, perto, pegado, contíguo, estreito. 2 justo, apertado. 3 compacto, denso, condensado. 4 íntimo, caro, familiar. 5 cuidadoso, exato, conciso, preciso. 6 estrito, perfeito. 7 fechado, cerrado. 8 rigoroso, severo. 9 abafado, opressivo, pesado, sufocante. 10 fechado, reservado. 11 secreto, oculto. 12 restrito, limitado. 13 parcimonioso, econômico, frugal. 14 raro, difícil de obter. 15 quase igual, quase no mesmo nível. 16 confinado, estritamente guardado, segregado. 17 pronunciado com os lábios parcialmente fechados. 18 grosso, fechado (tecido). 19 viscoso, tenaz. 20 quase certeiro. 21 atento, observador. • adv 1 rente, cerce, cérceo. 2 de perto, junto ao pé. 3 severamente, rigorosamente, estritamente. 4 estreitamente, hermeticamente, firmemente, compactamente. 5 exatamente, cautelosamente. 6 economicamente. a close carriage uma carruagem fechada. a close customer coll um tipo taciturno. a close hand 1 uma mão fechada. 2 fig pessoa sovina. at close quarters nas imediações. close air ar viciado ou abafado. close argument argumento incontestável. close at hand iminente, próximo. close by bem junto, perto. close combat luta corpo-a-corpo. close coupled circuit n Eletr circuito conjugado. close election, close vote eleição disputadíssima. close on quase. close proximity proximidade imediata. close season, close time temporada de caça proibida. close shave ou thing escape por pouco, por um triz. close style estilo breve ou conciso. close to nas proximidades. close to the chest sem revelar a intenção. close to the ground rente ao chão. close to the wind com vento pela popa. close writing letra apertada. he keeps himself close ele se esconde. keep close! 1 fique perto de mim! 2 cale a boca! 3 esconda-se! the end is close o fim está próximo. to come close chegar perto. to cut close cortar rente. to draw the curtains close fechar bem as cortinas. to follow close upon seguir ao pé. to live close viver economicamente, poupar. to sit close assentar justo (vestido). to sit close around the fire estar sentado junto ou perto do fogo. to stick close to ficar perto ou próximo de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > close

  • 9 clothes

    [kləu‹, ]( American[) klouz]
    1) (things worn as coverings for various parts of the body: She wears beautiful clothes.) roupa
    2) (bedclothes: The child pulled the clothes up tightly.) roupa de cama
    * * *
    [klouðz] pl n 1 roupa (também de corpo), traje, vestuário, vestes. 2 roupa de cama. he changed his clothes ele trocou de roupa. he put on his clothes ele vestiu-se. he took off his clothes ele tirou a roupa, despiu-se. tailored clothes traje sob medida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clothes

  • 10 clutch

    1. verb
    1) ((with at) to try to take hold of: I clutched at a floating piece of wood to save myself from drowning.) agarrar
    2) (to hold tightly (in the hands): She was clutching a 50-cent piece.) segurar
    2. noun
    1) (control or power: He fell into the clutches of the enemy.) garras
    2) ((the pedal operating) a device by means of which two moving parts of an engine may be connected or disconnected: He released the clutch and the car started to move.) embraiagem
    * * *
    [kl∧tʃ] n 1 aperto, agarração, arrebatamento. 2 garra, presa, mão que pega ou aperta. 3 fig (geralmente clutches) poder, controle, influência. 4 embreagem, acoplamento. 5 alavanca ou pedal que aciona a embreagem. 6 sl situação ou circunstância difícil ou séria. 7 Amer sl abraço. 8 Amer sl grupo, bando. 9 Amer sl freguês de restaurante que não dá ou dá pouca gorjeta. • vt+vi 1 apertar, agarrar, apanhar. 2 arrebatar. 3 embrear, acionar a embreagem. he made a clutch at ele pegou, ele estendeu a mão para. she kept out of his clutches ela ficou longe de seu alcance. to throw the clutch in embrear. to throw the clutch out desembrear.
    [kl∧tʃ] n 1 ninho com ovos. 2 ninhada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clutch

  • 11 constrict

    (to press tightly; to cramp: The tight collar was constricting his neck.) apertar
    * * *
    [kənstr'ikt] vt+vi constringir, contrair, comprimir, apertar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > constrict

  • 12 fist

    (a tightly closed hand: He shook his fist at me in anger.) punho
    * * *
    [fist] n punho, mão fechada. • vt empunhar, dar punhadas. he clenched his fist ele cerrou o punho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fist

  • 13 grit

    [ɡrit] 1. noun
    1) (very small pieces of stone: She's got a piece of grit in her eye.) areia
    2) (courage: He's got a lot of grit.) coragem
    2. verb
    (to keep (the teeth) tightly closed together: He gritted his teeth to stop himself from crying out in pain.) rilhar
    * * *
    [grit] n 1 grão, pedregulho, partícula fina. 2 arenito de granulação grossa. 3 granulação (de pedra). 4 coll coragem, resolução. • vt+vi friccionar, ranger. to grit the teeth ranger os dentes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grit

  • 14 jam

    [‹æm] I noun
    (a thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar: raspberry jam; ( also adjective) a jam sandwich.) geleia
    II 1. past tense, past participle - jammed; verb
    1) (to crowd full: The gateway was jammed with angry people.) bloquear
    2) (to squeeze, press or wedge tightly or firmly: He jammed his foot in the doorway.) entalar
    3) (to stick and (cause to) be unable to move: The door / steering-wheel has jammed.) emperrar
    4) ((of a radio station) to cause interference with (another radio station's broadcast) by sending out signals on a similar wavelength.) interferir
    2. noun
    1) (a crowding together of vehicles, people etc so that movement is difficult or impossible: traffic-jams.) engarrafamento
    2) (a difficult situation: I'm in a bit of a jam - I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.) aperto
    * * *
    [dʒæm] n 1 esmagamento. 2 aperto, acotovelamento, aglomeração de gente. 3 congestionamento (de tráfego). 4 emperramento, desarranjo. 5 situação difícil ou perigosa. 6 estorvo, obstrução. 7 sl cocaína. 8 Comp aglomeração, congestionamento: acúmulo imprevisto de cartões ou de qualquer outro meio de entrada. • vt+vi 1 apertar(-se), comprimir(-se), apinhar(-se). they jam into the elevator / eles superlotam o elevador. 2 esmagar. 3 machucar. 4 empurrar, impelir. 5 fechar, tapar, entupir, bloquear, obstruir. 6 emperrar. this door jams / esta porta emperra. 7 Radio perturbar a transmissão. 8 Amer sl apresentar música popular avivada com improvisação. 9 Amer sl copular. jammed up interrompido, bloqueado, congestionado. to be in a jam estar em apuros. to jam on the brakes frear de repente. traffic jam impedimento, congestionamento, bloqueamento ou interrupção do tráfego.
    [dʒæm] n Cook geléia de frutas. • vt transformar em geléia, espalhar geléia. to want jam on it coll esperar ou querer demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jam

  • 15 jodhpurs

    (riding breeches that fit tightly from the knee to the ankle.) calção de montar
    * * *
    [dʒ'ɔdpəz] n pl calças de montaria que se ajustam às pernas, do joelho ao tornozelo, culote.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jodhpurs

  • 16 pincers

    1) (a tool for gripping things tightly: She used (a pair of) pincers to grasp the head of the nail.) pinça
    2) (the claws of lobsters, crabs etc.) pinça
    * * *
    [p'insez] n pl 1 torquês. 2 Zool quela, tenaz, pinça. a pair of pincers uma torquês.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pincers

  • 17 pinch

    [pin ] 1. verb
    1) (to squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger: He pinched her arm.) beliscar
    2) (to hurt by being too small or tight: My new shoes are pinching (me).) apertar
    3) (to steal: Who pinched my bicycle?) roubar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pinching; a squeeze or nip: He gave her a pinch on the cheek.) beliscão
    2) (a very small amount; what can be held between the thumb and forefinger: a pinch of salt.) pitada
    - feel the pinch
    * * *
    [pintʃ] n 1 beliscão. 2 embaraço, aperto, emergência, apuros. 3 adversidade, opressão. 4 pitada. a pinch of salt / uma pitada de sal. 5 sl roubo, furto. 6 sl prisão, detenção. 7 sl batida policial. • vt+vi 1 beliscar. 2 submeter a privações. 3 apertar, oprimir, comprimir. 4 afligir, atormentar. 5 contrair, encolher (de frio, dor, etc.). 6 apertar, instar com. 7 sl roubar, furtar. 8 sl prender, deter. 9 mover por meio de alavanca. 10 ser mesquinho. 11 espremer. • adj substituto. at a pinch em caso de emergência. he knows where his shoe pinches ele sabe onde lhe aperta o calo. the pinch of poverty o medo da pobreza. to be pinched for money estar em dificuldades financeiras. to feel the pinch sentir no bolso. to take with a pinch of salt aceitar com certas restrições.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pinch

  • 18 purse

    [pə:s] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag for carrying money: I looked in my purse for some change.) porta-moedas
    2) ((American) a handbag.) bolsa
    2. verb
    (to close (the lips) tightly: She pursed her lips in anger.) franzir
    * * *
    [pə:s] n 1 bolsa, carteira. 2 tesouro, erário. 3 pecúlio, dinheiro, caixa. we made up a purse for him / fizemos uma coleta em seu benefício. 4 prêmio monetário. • vt 1 enrugar, franzir. 2 enrugar-se, franzir-se. a well-tilled purse uma carteira recheada. common purse caixa única. public purse tesouro público, erário. to purse one’s lips fazer beicinhos. she pursed (up) her lips / ela fez beicinhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > purse

  • 19 scrimmage

    1) (in American football, a struggle for the ball by the rival forwards hunched tightly round it.)
    2) (a fight; a confused struggle.)
    * * *
    [skr'imidʒ] n tumulto, briga, escaramuça, Ftb luta pela bola. • vi participar de briga ou tumulto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scrimmage

  • 20 scrum

    (in rugby football, a struggle for the ball by the rival forwards hunched tightly round it.) formação
    * * *
    [skr∧m] n Sport luta pela bola numa jogada de rúgbi.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scrum

См. также в других словарях:

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  • tightly — tight, tightly Tight is used as an adverb in combination with a number of verbs, primarily in commands or instructions: hold tight, sit tight, sleep tight. It also occurs as the first element in a few compound adjectives, e.g. tight fisted, tight …   Modern English usage

  • tightly — adverb 1. in a tight or constricted manner (Freq. 3) a tightly packed pub • Derived from adjective: ↑tight 2. securely fixed or fastened (Freq. 1) the window was tightly sealed • Derived from adjective: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • tightly — adverb In a tight manner. tightly clenched fingers …   Wiktionary

  • tightly — tight ► ADJECTIVE 1) fixed, closed, or fastened firmly. 2) (of clothes) close fitting. 3) well sealed against something such as water or air. 4) (of a rope, fabric, or surface) stretched so as to leave no slack. 5) (of an area or space) allowing… …   English terms dictionary

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  • Tightly Coupled Systems — are systems in which CPUs are connected together in such a way that they share some or all of the system’s memory and I/O resources. They are also called multiprocessor systems. References Irv Englander (2003). The architecture of Computer… …   Wikipedia

  • tightly knit — index compact (dense) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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  • tightly-knit — tight knitˈ or tightly knitˈ adjective 1. Close knit 2. Closely integrated 3. Tightly organized • • • Main Entry: ↑tight * * * tightly knit UK [ˌtaɪtli ˈnɪt] US adjective tight knit …   Useful english dictionary

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