1 tie-down attachment
2 tie-down attachment
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > tie-down attachment
3 tie-down attachment
4 tie-down attachment
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > tie-down attachment
5 tie-down
tie-down adjшвартоватьaircraft tie-down pointточка швартовки воздушного суднаcargo tie-down deviceоборудование для крепления грузаcargo tie-down fittingузел крепления грузаcargo tie-down ringкрепежное кольцо грузаtie-down attachmentприспособление для крепления груза к полу кабиныtie-down cableкрепежный канатtie-down runопробование на привязи -
6 attachment
attachment flangeкрепежный фланецattachment frameстыковой шпангоутattachment lugузел крепленияattachment pinцапфа крепленияblade attachment pinштифт крепления лопаткиcable attachmentзаделка тросаdovetail blade attachmentзамок типа ласточкин хвост лопаткиengine attachment pilotшкворень крепления двигателяengine mounting attachmentузел крепления двигателяfir-tree blade attachmentзамок елочного типа лопаткиgroove-type blade attachmentзамок пазового типа лопатки двигателяguide vane attachmentзамок крепления направляющей лопаткиlifting attachmentподъемное приспособлениеpig-type blade attachmentзамок штифтового типа лопатки двигателяsplice attachmentстыковая гребенкаtie-down attachmentприспособление для крепления груза к полу кабиныwing attachment fittingузел крепления крылаwing-to-fuselage attachmentузел крепления крыла к фюзеляжу -
7 attachment
прикрепление; стыковка; прилипание ( пограничного слоя) ; присоединение ( скачка уплотнения) ; слияние ( частиц) ; приспособление; приставка; принадлежность; насадок -
8 attachment
1. отбортовка; (за)крепление; заделка2. стыковка -
9 tie
1. n бечёвка, лента, шнур; узел, петля; скрепа; скоба2. n обыкн. узы; связьthe ties of blood, blood ties — кровные узы, узы кровного родства
tie link — канал прямой связи; линия прямой связи
tie line — линия прямой связи; канал прямой связи
3. n долг, обязательство4. n обузаthe dog was rather a tie — пёс его связывал, уход за псом был обременителен
5. n равное число голосов6. n галстукbolo tie — галстук «боло»
7. n амер. шпала8. n разг. низкие ботинки со шнурками9. n спорт. игра вничью; состязание, в котором соперники приходят к финишу одновременно10. n спорт. матч между победителями предыдущих соревнований; решающая встреча11. n спорт. мор. бридель12. n спорт. спец. связьstraining tie — натяжная связь, натяжка
13. n спорт. стр. растянутый элемент; затяжка14. v связывать, привязыватьtie up — связывать, увязывать, перевязывать
15. v перевязывать16. v вплетать17. v связывать узамиto tie the knot — соединять узами брака, венчать
18. v преим... связывать, соединять19. v скреплять; завязывать; перевязывать; шнуровать20. v завязываться, соединяться21. v стеснять свободу действий; обязывать; обременять, стеснять22. v ограничивать условиями23. v сковывать; препятствоватьthe wood ties the saw — дерево зажимает пилу, пила застревает в полене
24. v амер. вязать25. v амер. разг. присоединяться; согласовываться26. v амер. разг. полагаться27. v амер. разг. заниматься; приниматься28. v сл. набрасываться, резко критиковать29. v получать равное число голосов30. v сравнять счёт; сыграть вничью; прийти голова в голову31. v сравнятьto tie the score — сыграть вничью; сравнять счёт
32. v муз. соединять знаком легато, лигой33. v амер. укладывать шпалыСинонимический ряд:1. beam (noun) beam; brace; stay; support2. bond (noun) bond; connection; knot; ligament; ligature; link; linkage; nexus; relation; vinculum; yoke3. love (noun) affection; attachment; devotion; fondness; love; loyalty4. necktie (noun) ascot; bow; bow tie; choker; cravat; neckerchief; necktie; scarf5. rope (noun) band; bandage; binding; cord; fastener; rope; strap; string6. standoff (noun) dead heat; deadlock; dogfall; draw; stalemate; standoff; stand-off7. bind (verb) bind; fasten; knot; lash; secure; tie up8. connect (verb) attach; connect; join; knit; link; lock; unite; yoke9. equal (verb) draw; equal; even off; match; measure up; meet; parallel; rival; touch10. hamper (verb) clog; curb; entrammel; fetter; hamper; hobble; hog-tie; shackle; trammel11. hinder (verb) hinder; limit; restrain; restrict12. hitch (verb) hitch; leash; tether13. marry (verb) marry; mate; splice; wedАнтонимический ряд:detach; detachment; disjunction; displace; disunite; division; free; help; loose; loosen; looseness; release; separate; separation; untie -
10 point
точка; пункт; место; ориентир; вершина, острие, конец; деление ( шкалы) ; румб ( компаса) ; показывать, указывать100 foot point — точка на высоте 100 футов (30,5 м)
35-ft height point — точка на высоте 35 футов (10,5 м) над уровнем впп
computed air release point — расчётный пункт сброса (десанта, грузов); расчётная точка сбрасывания бомб
ground pressurization test point — точка наземной проверки герметичности [герметизации]
mean point of impact — центр [средняя точка] попаданий; геометрический центр площади рассеивания (бомб)
near wake critical point — аэрд. критическая точка н ближней области следа
one point per flight — один режим на [за] полет (об испытании)
oxygen (system) charging point — точка зарядки [заправки] кислородной системы
point of thrust termination — точка прекращения работы двигателя, конец активного участка
side load reaction point — точка [узел], воспринимающая боковую нагрузку
11 fitting
1. фитинг; арматура2. монтаж; подвеска; сборка— attachment fitting— blade attachment fitting— engine attachment fitting -
12 fitting
соединение, монтаж; установка; крепление; дооборудование, доработка; фитинг; pl. арматура -
13 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
14 cylinder
1) цилиндр2) барабан3) баллон; резервуар7) валик ( пишущей машины)8) вчт. цилиндр•-
actuating cylinder
adjustable stroke cylinder
aileron-actuating cylinder
air cylinder
airdox cylinder
air-hydraulic cylinder
air-regulated cylinder
angling cylinder
articulation cylinder
assorting cylinder
attachment cylinder
back cylinder
backup cylinder
base cylinder
blade angling cylinder
blade lift cylinder
blade tilt cylinder
blanket cylinder
blind-end cylinder
bogie trim cylinder
boom cylinder
brake cylinder
brake master cylinder
brake power cylinder
buffer cylinder
cardox cylinder
cartridge brake master cylinder
casing cylinder
centershift cylinder
circular cylinder
clevis-mounted single-ended cylinder
cockle cylinder
collecting cylinder
compressor cylinder
copy cylinder
crushing cylinder
cushioned cylinder
cutting cylinder
dead cylinder
delivery cylinder
die-cutting cylinder
differential lock cylinder
dipper cylinder
disk brake cylinder
disk cylinder
door lock cylinder
door uplatch cylinder
double-end rod cylinder
double rod cylinder
double-acting cylinder
double-stroke cylinder
dough extrusion cylinder
downlock cylinder
drying cylinder
dual master cylinder
dual-piston hydraulic cylinder
dusting cylinder
elliptic cylinder
emery-lined rubbing cylinder
equilateral cylinder
extruder cylinder
fire extinguisher cylinder
folding cylinder
forward servo cylinder
full free lift cylinder
gauze cylinder
grader tip cylinder
gravure cylinder
heating cylinder
helium cylinder
high-pressure cylinder
hydraulic cylinder
hydraulic servo cylinder
hydrox cylinder
hyperbolic cylinder
ice cylinder
impact cylinder
impregnating cylinder
impression cylinder
indented cylinder
inner cylinder
integral-end cylinder
intermediate-pressure cylinder
Lester vertical injection cylinder
lift cylinder
load cylinder
low-pressure cylinder
master cylinder
needle cylinder
nontie rod cylinder
numbering cylinder
oat cylinder
oblique cylinder
oil-nitrogen cylinder
one-piece cylinder
opposed cylinders
outer cylinder
parabolic cylinder
parking brake cylinder
piston cylinder
pitch cylinder
plasticating cylinder
plate cylinder
plunger cylinder
pneumatic cylinder
porcupine cylinder
power cylinder
primary cylinder
puller cylinder
quill cylinder
ram cylinder
ranging cylinder
recording cylinder
refrigerant cylinder
reverse servo cylinder
ribbed cylinder
right cylinder
ripper lift cylinder
ripper tilt cylinder
rodless air cylinder
rotating cylinder
rotogravure cylinder
round-ended cylinder
rubber-cord pneumatic cylinder
rubber-cord cylinder
scanning cylinder
scourer cylinder
self-contained cylinder
service cylinder
servo cylinder
sheet feed-in cylinder
sheet transfer cylinder
shot cylinder
single-acting cylinder
single-piston cylinder
single-rod cylinder
slave cylinder
small-bore cylinder
spring return cylinder
spring-oil cylinder
stamping cylinder
stepped wheel cylinder
stick cylinder
storage cylinder
stuffing cylinder
tandem cylinder
telescoping cylinder
test cylinder
through-rod cylinder
tie down cylinder
traction control cylinder
truncated cylinder
uplock cylinder
vacuum brake cylinder
vacuum power cylinder
valve-on-head hydraulic cylinder
wheel cylinder
working cylinder -
15 point
1. точка; пункт < маршрута>2. место; пункт; ориентир; положение; координата4. режим; условия <напр. полета>6. узел < расчетной сетки>point of regardpoint of sweep initiationpoint of taper initiationaircraft reference pointangle-of-attack pointbegin cruise pointbifurcation pointbrake release pointbranching pointcontact pointcontinuously computed impact pointcritical decision pointdata pointdesign pointeffective flight pointequilibrium pointfin n% chord pointflash pointflight pointflutter pointfrequency pointfuel match pointglidepath intercept pointgrid pointhalf-span pointhigh-AOA trim pointhigh-stress pointholding pointimpingement pointinspection pointintercept pointlanding pointlanding decision pointliftoff pointmaneuver pointmaneuver point, pitch motivator fixedmaneuver point, pitch motivator freemaneuver point, stick freemaximum thickness pointmesh pointmid-mission pointminimum pressure pointmultiple refuelling pointsn% chord pointneutral pointneutral point, pitch motivator fixedneutral point, pitch motivator freeneutral point, stick fixedneutral point, stick freeNewtonian stagnation pointobserver pointoff-body pointpivot pointrating pointreattachment pointreference pointreference noise measurement pointrefuel/defuel pointroll-reversal pointrotation pointsaddle pointsensing pointseparation pointservicing pointstable trim pointstagnation pointstall pointsteer pointstick-fixed maneuver pointstick-fixed neutral pointstick-free maneuver pointstick-free neutral pointtakeoff critical decision pointtest pointtip pointTMA entering pointtouchdown pointtrim pointtriple pointturning pointwing fold tie-down pointwing support pointwing to fuselage attachment pointwireframe point -
16 ring
17 cable
cable nтросadjust the cableрегулировать тросarresting cableтормозной тросblade stop cableстопорный тросcable attachmentзаделка тросаcable cartкабельная тележкаcable controlтросовое управлениеcable control systemсистема тросового управленияcable rubber coreрезиновый сердечник для уплотнения тросаcables kinkingперекручивание тросовcable splicingсращивание тросовcable tensionнатяжение тросовcable tension adjusterрегулятор натяжения тросаcontrol cableтрос управленияcontrol cable fairleadнаправляющая тросовой проводкиcontrol cable pressure sealгермовывод троса управленияflaps interconnection cableтрос синхронизации закрылковfollow-up cableтрос обратной связиfollow-up cable systemследящая тросовая системаgrounding cableтрос заземленияmooring cableшвартовочный тросrip cableприводной тросslacken the cableослаблять натяжение тросаstatic discharge cableстатический разрядникsteering feedback cableтрос обратной связи разворотаtie-down cableкрепежный канатtow cableбуксировочный трос -
18 fitting
fitting nфитингattach fittingстыковочный фитингblade attach fittingгребенка крепления лопастиcargo tie-down fittingузел крепления грузаelevator hinge fittingнавеска руля высотыengine attach fittingузел подвески двигателяengine roll-in fittingузел закатки двигателяfit an aircraft withоборудовать воздушное судноhinge fittingшарнирная подвескаhoist fittingтакелажный узелlight fittingсветильникmooring fittingузел швартовкиplumbing fittingсоединительная арматураrod end fittingнаконечник тягиunit fittingарматура крепленияwing attachment fittingузел крепления крыла -
19 spring
пружина; рессора (цилиндрическая, листовая); упругость; эластичность; разводка зубьев пилы; источник; родник; ключ; II подвешивать на рессорах; подвешивать на пружинах; подрессоривать; пружинить; соединять пружинами; прыгать; подскакивать- spring and guide assembly - spring application - spring arch - spring arrangement - spring ball joint - spring bearer plate - spring block - spring centre bolt - spring centre clamp - spring centre hump - spring chair - spring collar - spring compressor - spring-controlled - spring coupling plate - spring cover - spring damper coil - spring deflection - spring end - spring fixed end - spring fixed eye - spring forge - spring frame of seat - spring free end - spring gaiter - spring hoop - spring horn - spring-leaf opener - spring-leaf retainer - spring liner - spring-loaded - spring-loaded check valve - spring-loaded oil seal - spring-loaded plunger - spring-loaded valve - spring oiler - spring opener - spring-opposed - spring pivot seat - spring reinforced eye - spring retainer - spring retainer lock - spring-return - spring seat angle - spring seat centre line - spring separator - spring shackle pin - spring solid eye - spring spacer - spring-spoke steering wheel - spring-spoked steering wheel - spring squeak - spring steel - spring stiffness - spring stirrup - spring stop - spring support - spring surge - spring suspension - spring tension pawl - spring-tensioned oil seal - spring thrust - spring tie bolt - spring tongue - spring-trip hitch - spring-tyre self-starter - spring U-bolt - spring upturned eye - spring washer - spring wheel - spring wire - spring with compression shackle - spring wrapper eye - air spring - antagonistic spring - antirattle spring - blade spring - block spring - car spring - carriage spring - case spring - centring spring - close-coiled spring - cluster spring - conical spring - constant spring - disconnecting spring - double-cone spring - double-elliptic spring - draft spring - end spring - feather spring - feed spring - fly spring - Garter spring - hair spring - jack spring - journal spring - nest spring - parabolic spring - pressing spring - progressively wound valve spring - recuperator spring - restoring spring - stabilizer spring - starting crankshaft spring - steering clutch spring - steering knuckle tie rod spring - step spring - stop spring - stiff spring - superposed plate spring - supplementary spring - supporting spring - suspended spring - suspension spring - symmetrical spring - tempered spring - tension spring - three-quarter elliptic spring - throw-over spring - thrust spring - tie-rod spring - torsion spring - torsion bar spring - torsional spring - transverse spring - trailing spring - tripping spring - twist spring - two-stage spring - two-way spring - underhung spring - underslung spring - universal-joint casing spring - unloaded spring - unsymmetrical spring - valve spring - valve rocker shaft spring - variable rate spring - vibrator spring - volute spring - water pump spring - weak spring - wound spring - yoke spring - zero spring -
20 bolt
1) болт; винт; палец || скреплять болтами, закреплять болтами, сболчивать2) стержень; шпилька; шкворень3) засов; задвижка; язычок4) сито || просеивать через сито5) монтировать, устанавливать ( узел)•- adjusting boltto bolt down — привинчивать; завинчивать; затягивать; притягивать
- adjustment bolt
- anchor bolt
- arbor draw-in bolt
- attaching bolt
- attachment bolt
- barb bolt
- bearing head wheel bolt
- belting bolt
- belt-tensioning bolt
- binder bolt
- bonnet bolt
- bracket-mounting bolt
- bridge bolt
- carriage bolt
- cheese head bolt
- clamp bolt
- clamping bolt
- clasp bolt
- clevis bolt
- clip bolt
- conical bolt
- connection bolt
- cotter bolt
- countersunk head bolt
- countersunk headed bolt
- coupling bolt
- cup nibbed head bolt
- cup oval neck bolt
- cup-head bolt
- deck bolt
- deep flat countersunk bolt
- dog bolt
- double-end bolt
- double-ended bolt
- draw bolt
- drawback bolt
- draw-in arbor bolt
- draw-in bolt
- driving bolt
- expansion bolt
- eye bolt
- fang bolt
- fillister bolt
- fillister head bolt
- fin neck bolt
- fitter bolt
- fixing bolt
- flange bolt
- flat countersunk bolt
- flat head bolt
- foundation bolt
- gib-headed bolt
- grounding bolt
- hanger bolt
- hexagon fit bolt
- hexagon-head bolt
- hinge bolt
- hinged bolt
- hold-down bolt
- holding-down bolt
- hook bolt
- hooked bolt
- hydraulically preloaded bolt
- internal stud bolt
- joint bolt
- key bolt
- key head bolt
- key headed bolt
- lag bolt
- large key head bolt
- lifting eye bolt
- link bolt
- lock bolt
- loom bolt
- machine bolt
- masonry bolt
- mushroom head anchor bolt
- mushroom head bolt
- nibbed bolt
- octagon bolt
- oval binding head bolt
- oval neck bolt
- oval T-head bolt
- oven head bolt
- pinch bolt
- pivot bolt
- pointed bolt
- positioning bolt
- pressure bolt
- puller bolt
- rapid release bolt
- reamed bolt
- retaining bolt
- reverse key head bolt
- ribbed neck bolt
- roof bolt
- round head bolt
- screwed bolt
- screwed stay bolt
- self-impeding bolt
- serrated shank wheel bolt
- set bolt
- shoulder bolt
- shouldered bolt
- sink bolt
- snap head bolt
- spherical head bolt
- spiked bolt
- split bolt
- square countersunk head bolt
- square head bolt
- square neck bolt
- square shank bolt
- standard bolt
- stay bolt
- step bolt
- stop bolt
- stove bolt
- stud bolt
- T bolt
- tee bolt
- T-head bolt
- T-head planer bolt
- through bolt
- tie bolt
- tightening bolt
- toe-head bolt
- toggle bolt
- top bolt
- track bolt
- transporting bolt
- triangle head bolt
- truss head bolt
- U-bolt
- wedge bolt
- wing bolt
- wing-headed boltEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > bolt
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
tie down point — An attachment point provided on or within a vehicle for securing cargo … Military dictionary
cargo tie-down point — A point on military materiel designed for attachment of various means for securing the item for transport … Military dictionary
tie — Synonyms and related words: Roman collar, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, accent, accent mark, accord, accouple, accumulate, addition, adherence, adhesion, adjunct, affairs, affiliate, affiliation, affinity, agent, agglomeration, agglutinate,… … Moby Thesaurus
tie — 1. verb 1) he tied the boat to the jetty Syn: bind, tie up, tether, hitch, strap, truss, fetter, rope, make fast, moor, lash 2) he bent to tie his shoelaces Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Attachment theory — … Wikipedia
tie — 1. verb 1) they tied Max to a chair Syn: bind, tie up, tether, hitch, strap, truss, fetter, rope, chain, make fast, moor, lash, attach, fasten, fix, secure, join, connect … Thesaurus of popular words
Equestrianism — For the Roman class, see Equestrian (Roman) Equestrianism refers to the skill of riding or driving horses. This broad description includes both use of horses for practical, working purposes as well as recreational activities and competitive… … Wikipedia
Corpse Princess — Shikabane Hime manga volume 1 cover. 屍姫 Genre Romance … Wikipedia
Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) — This article is about the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which collapsed in 1940. For the article on the current bridges, see Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Tacoma Narrows Bridge The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge roadway twisted and vibrated violently… … Wikipedia
Galloping Gertie — This article is about the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which collapsed in 1940. For the article on the current bridge, see Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Infobox Bridge bridge name = Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Galloping Gertie) caption = The first Tacoma… … Wikipedia
U.S. Marine Raider Stiletto — The U.S. Marine Raider Stiletto was a stiletto issued to the Marine Raiders and 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion during World War II.BackgroundKnives previously available to the United States Marine Corps (USMC) were the U.S. Mark I Trench Knife … Wikipedia