Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Chemorepulsion — is the directional movement of a cell away from a substance. Of the two directional varieties of chemotaxis, chemoattraction has been studied to a much greater extent. Only recently have the key components of the chemorepulsive pathway been… …   Wikipedia

  • Central tolerance — is the mechanism by which newly developing T cells and B cells are rendered non reactive to self[1]. The concept of central tolerance was proposed in 1959 by Joshua Lederberg[2], as part of his general theory of immunity and tolerance, and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Immunosenescence — refers to the gradual deterioration of the immune system brought on by natural age advancement. It involves both the host’s capacity to respond to infections and the development of long term immune memory, especially by vaccination [ cite… …   Wikipedia

  • Dock2 — Dedicator of cytokinesis 2 Rendering based on PDB 2RQR …   Wikipedia

  • Superoxide — Lewis electron configuration of superoxide. The six outer shell electrons of each oxygen atom are shown in black; one electron pair is shared (middle); the unpaired electron is shown in the upper left and the additional electron conferring a… …   Wikipedia

  • Regulatory T cell — Regulatory T cells (sometimes known as suppressor T cells) are a specialized subpopulation of T cells that act to suppress activation of the immune system and thereby maintain immune system homeostasis and tolerance to self antigens. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Thymulin — Chembox new ImageFile=Thymulin.png ImageSize=250px IUPACName= (2 S ) 4 Amino 2 [(2 S ) 2 [2 [2 [(2 S ) 5 amino 2 [(2 S ) 2 [(2 S ) 6 amino 2 [(2 S ) 2 [(2 S ) 5 oxopyrrolidine 2 carbonyl] amino] propanoyl] amino] hexanoyl] amino] 3… …   Wikipedia

  • Сусуму Тонэгава — (Susumu Tonegawa, 利根川 進) (6.09.1939 …) нобелевский лауреат родом из Японии Направление Медицина и физиология (1987 год) За что? «За открытие генетического принципа для генерации разновидности антител» Страна, которую представляет США Институт,… …   Википедия

  • CD28 — is one of the molecules expressed on T cells that provide co stimulatory signals, which are required for T cell activation. CD28 is the receptor for B7.1 (CD80) and B7.2 (CD86). When activated by Toll like receptor ligands, the B7.1 expression is …   Wikipedia

  • MAP2K1 — Main article: Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 PDB rendering based on 1s9j …   Wikipedia

  • syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… …   Medical dictionary

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