1 thunderstorm with hail
Авиация: гроза с градомУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > thunderstorm with hail
2 thunderstorm with hail
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > thunderstorm with hail
3 thunderstorm with hail
4 thunderstorm with hail
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > thunderstorm with hail
5 moderate thunderstorm with hail
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > moderate thunderstorm with hail
6 heavy thunderstorm without hail but with rain or snow
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > heavy thunderstorm without hail but with rain or snow
7 thunderstorm
thunderstorm nгрозаactive thunderstorm areaрайон активной грозовой деятельностиheavy thunderstormсильная грозаthunderstorm activityгрозовая активностьthunderstorm cellгрозовой очагthunderstorm cloudsгрозовые облакаthunderstorm with duststormгроза с пыльной бурейthunderstorm with hailгроза с градом -
8 hail
hail nградhail precipitationградsoft hailснежная крупаthunderstorm with hailгроза с градом -
9 thunderstorm
10 with
align the aircraft with the center lineустанавливать воздушное судно по осиalign the aircraft with the runwayустанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВППapproach with flaps downзаход на посадку с выпущенными закрылкамиbank with aileronsразворот с помощью элероновcharge with dutyвозлагать обязанностиcompliance with airworthiness standardsсоответствие нормам летной годностиcomply with airworthiness standardsсоответствовать нормам летной годностиcomply with published tariffсоблюдать опубликованный тарифconsort with streamобеспечивать устойчивость полета(в воздушном потоке) correspond with the operating minimaсоответствовать эксплуатационному минимумуcouple with a glandсоединять шарниромcover an aircraft withзачехлять воздушное судноequip an aircraft withоборудовать воздушное судноfill an aircraft withразмещать в воздушном суднеfit an aircraft withоборудовать воздушное судноflight range with no reservesдальность полета до полного израсходования топливаhandle with careобращаться осторожноin conformity with the specificationsв соответствии с техническими условиямиinterference with receptionпомехи при приемеjump with parachuteпрыгать с парашютомlanding distance with reverse thrustпосадочная дистанция при включенном реверсеmargin with stick fixedзапас устойчивости с застопоренным управлениемmeet with an accidentтерпеть авариюprove compliance withподтверждать соответствиеreplenish with lubricantпополнять смазкуshow compliance withудостоверять соответствиеtakeoff with crosswindвзлетать с боковым ветромthunderstorm with duststormгроза с пыльной бурейthunderstorm with hailгроза с градомwith an engine suddenly failedпри внезапном отказе двигателяwith decrease in the altitudeсо снижением высотыwith increase in the altitudeс набором высотыwith rated power flightполет на номинальном расчетном режиме -
[thunderstorm with hail]гроза с градом
См. также в других словарях:
Thunderstorm — Electrical storm redirects here. For other uses, see Electrical storm (disambiguation). A typical thunderstorm A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm, a lightning storm, thundershower or simply a storm is a form of weather… … Wikipedia
thunderstorm — /thun deuhr stawrm /, n. a transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Also called electrical storm. [1645 55; THUNDER + STORM] * * * Violent, short… … Universalium
Hail — is a form of precipitation which consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice (hailstones). Hailstones usually consist mostly of water ice and measure between 5 and 150 millimeters in diameter, with the larger stones coming from severe… … Wikipedia
hail — 1. noun /heɪl/ Balls or pieces of ice falling as precipitation, often in connection with a thunderstorm. 2. verb /heɪl/ a) Said of the weather when hail is falling. They say its going to hail tomorrow. b) … Wiktionary
thunderstorm — noun /ˈθʌn.ə(r)ˌstɔː(r)m/ A storm consisting of thunder and lightning produced by a cumulonimbus, usually accompanied with rain or hail. A more severe thunderstorm can cause mesocyclones … Wiktionary
thunderstorm — noun a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail … English new terms dictionary
thunderstorm — n. a storm with thunder and lightning and usu. heavy rain or hail … Useful english dictionary
Severe thunderstorm watch — A severe thunderstorm watch (SAME code: SVA; sometimes referred to as yellow box by meteorologists and storm chasers) is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms. If the thunderstorms are forecast… … Wikipedia
Severe thunderstorm warning — See Severe weather terminology for a comprehensive article on this term and related weather terms. A severe thunderstorm warning is issued when trained Skywarn spotters or a Doppler capable weather radar indicate a strong thunderstorm is… … Wikipedia
Air-mass thunderstorm — An Air mass thunderstorm, also called a garden variety thunderstorm, is a thunderstorm that is generally weak and usually not severe. These storms form in environments with low Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) values, low wind shear,… … Wikipedia
Multicellular thunderstorm — A multicellular thunderstorm cluster is a thunderstorm that is composed of multiple cells, each being at a different stage in the life cycle of a thunderstorm. It looks like several anvils clustered together. A cell is an updraft/downdraft… … Wikipedia