1 thrust shaft
2 thrust shaft
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > thrust shaft
3 thrust-shaft
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > thrust-shaft
4 thrust shaft
5 thrust shaft
1) Техника: нажимной вал, упорный вал2) Автомобильный термин: вал, воспринимающий осевую нагрузку, гребенчатый вал3) Общая лексика: ведущий вал коробки передач -
6 thrust-shaft
Специальный термин: упорный вал -
7 thrust shaft
8 thrust shaft
9 thrust shaft
упорный вал, гребенчатый валEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > thrust shaft
10 thrust shaft
(n) упорный вал -
11 thrust-shaft
12 thrust shaft
13 thrust shaft
14 thrust shaft
упорный вал; гребенчатый вал -
15 thrust shaft
16 thrust-shaft
спец. -
17 thrust-shaft
n спец. упорный вал -
18 thrust shaft
19 thrust shaft braking
Общая лексика: торможение ведущим валом коробки передач -
20 thrust
тяга; сила тяги; осевое давление; импульс; создавать тягу или импульсstart in reverse thrust — запускать (двигатель) в режиме реверса тяги [при включенном реверсе]
См. также в других словарях:
thrust shaft — noun : the length of a propeller shaft provided with collars for resisting the end thrust of the propeller and held by the thrust bearing … Useful english dictionary
Thrust block — A thrust block is a specialised form of thrust bearing used in ships, to resist the thrust of the propellor shaft and transmit it to the hull. Early thrust boxes Early screw propelled steamships used a thrust block or thrust box composed of… … Wikipedia
Thrust — Thrust, n. 1. A violent push or driving, as with a pointed weapon moved in the direction of its length, or with the hand or foot, or with any instrument; a stab; a word much used as a term of fencing. [1913 Webster] [Polites] Pyrrhus with his… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thrust bearing — Thrust Thrust, n. 1. A violent push or driving, as with a pointed weapon moved in the direction of its length, or with the hand or foot, or with any instrument; a stab; a word much used as a term of fencing. [1913 Webster] [Polites] Pyrrhus with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thrust plane — Thrust Thrust, n. 1. A violent push or driving, as with a pointed weapon moved in the direction of its length, or with the hand or foot, or with any instrument; a stab; a word much used as a term of fencing. [1913 Webster] [Polites] Pyrrhus with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thrust — [thrust] vt. thrust, thrusting [ME thrusten, thristen < ON thrysta < IE * treud , to squeeze, push > THREAT, L trudere] 1. to push with sudden force; shove; drive 2. to pierce; stab 3. to force or impose (oneself or another) upon someone … English World dictionary
thrust bearing — noun a bearing designed to take thrusts parallel to the axis of revolution • Hypernyms: ↑bearing * * * noun or thrust block : a bearing to resist end thrust; specifically : one provided with collars or horseshoe shaped pieces or rollers which… … Useful english dictionary
Thrust vectoring — Infobox Aviation name = Thrust vectoring caption = The F 18 HARV, X 31, and F 16 MATV in flightThrust vectoring is the ability of an aircraft or other vehicle to direct the thrust from its main engine(s) in a direction other than parallel to the… … Wikipedia
Thrust bearing — A thrust bearing is a particular type of rotary bearing. Like other rotary bearings they permit rotation between parts, but they are designed to support a high axial load while doing this.Thrust bearings come in several varieties. * Ball thrust… … Wikipedia
thrust — v. & n. v. (past and past part. thrust) 1 tr. push with a sudden impulse or with force (thrust the letter into my pocket). 2 tr. (foll. by on) impose (a thing) forcibly; enforce acceptance of (a thing) (had it thrust on me). 3 intr. (foll. by at … Useful english dictionary
thrust horsepower — The amount of horsepower the engine propeller combination transforms into thrust. The terms brake horsepower and shaft horsepower are more often used for reciprocating engines rather than thrust horsepower. In gas turbine engines, it is the force … Aviation dictionary